Why are Creed so hated?

Hollywood Naitch

The current reigning and defending
I am a fan of Creed. There, I said it.

I have been since the first time I heard one of their songs, and I was gutted when they broke up without me ever having seen them play live. Songs like "My Sacrifice", "Signs", "Torn" and "Unforgiven" are some of all-time favourite songs, and "Weathered" has long been a favourite album of mine.

What I want to know is, why do they get such negative press? Being in the UK, Creed have always been pretty much ignored and have never been successful over here, so I have seen very little positive or negative press regarding the band, apart from in Kerrang! magazine, who just slag them off.

I know that they have been hugely successful in the US, Wikipedia says they have sold over 35m records and won loads of awards, so they must have a hell of a lot of fans, but whenever I have seen them mentioned on forums, it is just negative comments about the band. I don't understand why this is as there is obviously a big fan base. Who buys their records if everyone hates them?

I personally think Scott Stapp has a great voice, but I know he has been accused of sounding like Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam. Maybe he does, but there are alot of bands out their who have similar sounding singers, so I dont understand all the Creed hate.

So tell me....why are they criticised so much? I am not going to argue with anyone, I just want to know why, as IMO there are hundreds of bands who are worse.

I too am also a huge fan of creed. I pretty much grew up with them in the 90's. My dad got me into them and they are a common interest we share. They have made some amazing songs. Expect to get a lot of hate in this thread though im just waiting for the dipshit to come in and say "BEcause Thehy SUcks". Its all a matter of opinion if someone thinks a band is shit. Just because some people say they suck doesn't mean they do its all about taste and what you are into. Ive heard tons of people give led zeppelin, Metallica, beatles, etc shit (yes i know they are from a different era then creed and different music before some more dumbasses come on here and say omg how can you compare creed to them?!). I think Creed is mainly hated because of how big they are. People classify them as "Generic radio ballad rock" and call them "sellouts". Ya because every artist that gets massive radio play and a world wide fan base are sellouts right? One band I read an interview on once said that "The bigger you are, The more haters you have" and that cant be more correct. Mainly its just a bandwagon people jump on to hate on them. But in my opinion and yours, Creed is a great band that we love to listen to along with millions of others and no one on a forum or someone who thinks they know music is going to turn me against them otherwise.
Probably for the self absorbed heavy handedness of their particularly grating form of holier-than-thou butt rock. Generic as the day is long, their music almost always elicited shrugs or groans or derision. Stapp positioned himself to be the second coming then like many others was swallowed up by his addictions and promiscuous behaviours. To paraphrase: The lead singer was a smug hypocritical douche and the music was generic and tired.
Cause they are way to radio-friendly. I mean, that's not a bad thing but there's a point when it gets stale and...well, borring. IMO Creed haven't done anything impressive. I mean I didn't know that Mark Tremonti was an awesome guitar player until I listen to Alter Bridge. In Creed, I think that the band was limited creatively. They had this one direction and, it wasn't something that was different of many other bands that are hot that moment. IMO they are almost a one hit wonder band. I don't remember anything besides "my sacrifice". Wait! "with arms wide open"...and that's it.

As far Stapp voice's concern, yeah he kinda use the same technique of Eddie Vader, but I mean have you heard Eddie sing the yeah in "the fixer"? Or cover "reign 'o' me"? Stapp well, everyone can sing like him. Just listen to Dave Grohl's cover of "with arms wide open", same bs.
Also, 'cause Scott Stapp was a friggin' alcoholic and ruined plenty of their shows. I went and saw them when I was probably I dunno.........maybe 14, they were just peaking then with "My Sacrifice" and "One Last Breath". Scott sounded horrible and stumbled through the set making me extremely happy that Default showed up, otherwise it would have just been a waste of $50. The music is awesome, that's not my reason and I assume others for hating Creed. Hell it's not even Creed, it's Scott Stapp. He also made a porno with Kid Rock, way to sacrifice. Such a horrible attempt at a joke but I stand by it.
The thing is, Creed does indeed get alot of hate, and its not ever truly about the band as a whole. Its about Scott Stapp.

I for one, am a creed fan, Not insanely, but I am. But its Scott that is the main and mostly only reason people bash Creed.

When the remainder of Creed went and created Alterbridge, and gained the superior singer in the great Myles kennedy, The band was met with ''Arms wide open'' (Bad pun)

Scott was a known hypocrite in the media for his drunken exploits and the disrespect his fans felt for his real bad performaces under the influence. It was he, who caused the initial demise of Creed. It took his whole band to leave, find success, and for him to get sober for him to wise up. And Creed was reborn, though ALterbridge is the better all around band.
Thanks guys for answering this question. It seems to me that the general consensus is that while the music of Creed is radio-friendly, most people who arent fans do not see that as a major problem, just that Scott Stapp himself is a bit of an asshole who loves himself and believes he is greater than he really is.

Just a few points:

1.) I didnt realise Pearl Jam did a cover of "Love Reign O'er Me", is this on any album???

2.) Scott Stapp did a porno with Kid Rock??? WTF?!?! Surely for a strict Christian like Stapp this would have been against his morals? Or is that why everyone hates him lol
Thanks guys for answering this question. It seems to me that the general consensus is that while the music of Creed is radio-friendly, most people who arent fans do not see that as a major problem, just that Scott Stapp himself is a bit of an asshole who loves himself and believes he is greater than he really is.

Just a few points:

1.) I didnt realise Pearl Jam did a cover of "Love Reign O'er Me", is this on any album???

2.) Scott Stapp did a porno with Kid Rock??? WTF?!?! Surely for a strict Christian like Stapp this would have been against his morals? Or is that why everyone hates him lol

Yeah, Pearl Jam's version of "love reign o'er me" (didn't get it well early the title...) is pretty sweet. I don't think it's on any album, I saw it on VH1's Rock Honors: The Who. Pearl Jam made that cover Foo Fighters covered "young man blues". Anyway man, here's the link:

OH and as I said before it's not a problem if they are radio-friendly, but they sounded good for that year. I mean there isn't an obvious difference (intrumentally) between Creed and many other alternative rock bands.
Yeah, Pearl Jam's version of "love reign o'er me" (didn't get it well early the title...) is pretty sweet. I don't think it's on any album, I saw it on VH1's Rock Honors: The Who. Pearl Jam made that cover Foo Fighters covered "young man blues". Anyway man, here's the link:

OH and as I said before it's not a problem if they are radio-friendly, but they sounded good for that year. I mean there isn't an obvious difference (intrumentally) between Creed and many other alternative rock bands.

Props again for the vid Rev.

Creed and their bashing is just old really. I like One, My Sacrifice and other 'radio-friendly' songs they made. I think one thing that eats away most Rock/Metal fans is a lack of guitar-soloing done by Tremonti in his Creed days. Also the fact that they got labeled a 'Christian band' did wonders in hearts of metalheads towards them.

Not a bad band. Have some good songs, and seemed decent in their live performance.

But music is music, I like it. You don't have to.
I am a fan of Creed. There, I said it.

I have been since the first time I heard one of their songs, and I was gutted when they broke up without me ever having seen them play live. Songs like "My Sacrifice", "Signs", "Torn" and "Unforgiven" are some of all-time favourite songs, and "Weathered" has long been a favourite album of mine.

What I want to know is, why do they get such negative press? Being in the UK, Creed have always been pretty much ignored and have never been successful over here, so I have seen very little positive or negative press regarding the band, apart from in Kerrang! magazine, who just slag them off.

I know that they have been hugely successful in the US, Wikipedia says they have sold over 35m records and won loads of awards, so they must have a hell of a lot of fans, but whenever I have seen them mentioned on forums, it is just negative comments about the band. I don't understand why this is as there is obviously a big fan base. Who buys their records if everyone hates them?

I personally think Scott Stapp has a great voice, but I know he has been accused of sounding like Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam. Maybe he does, but there are alot of bands out their who have similar sounding singers, so I dont understand all the Creed hate.

So tell me....why are they criticised so much? I am not going to argue with anyone, I just want to know why, as IMO there are hundreds of bands who are worse.


I think the main answer in particular regards to the UK is because Alter Bridge have become more accepted as the better band. While I admit, Creed has done some great songs in their time, I cannot compare them to Alter Bridge who have been more musically open and creative. Naturally, I heard of things such as the politics and that Stapp shut everything down unless it was his idea which got his band members to flee. Alter Bridge took their place and just never looked back. They went from performing at the Astoria (now gone) and moved up to the Brixton Academy and now the Hammersmith Apollo, this is a band who 5 years ago were starting out and much of their love goes to the UK fans because they accepted their music better, which is why I'd say the UK loves Alter Bridge in comparison to Creed.

I think that today, when people compare Creed to Alter Bridge, the latter has taken a firm strong hold against the shadows that plagued the former's existance. While Creed has been decent on the return, people won't forget the events that lead to Creed's demise and unfortunately in a World we live in today, history is never forgotten in regards to politics and what goes on outside of the music. Do we ever hear this about Alter Bridge? Never heard one story except the fears they would go when Creed returned but they kept away from internal affairs and just made music, that's what has affected Creed so badly.
I think it's a combination two different things. The first being that they resembled Pearl Jam too much and received a negative reaction from Pearl Jam fans for ripping them off. The second thing is that Creed started out as a christian group. That obviously did not last. They don't act very christian and a lot of people hate Scott Stapp. Who buys their records if everyone hates them? Creed fans do. They are many people who don't like them, but they also have a lot of people who DO like them. So that's why they are criticized so much, it's because they resembled Pearl Jam too much and started out christian but sold out. Both things upset a large number of potential fans who dislike them now.

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