Who Would You Push In 2012


Dark Match Winner
What I want to know is who would you push in 2012

# who would push?
# how would you push them ?
# why would you push them ?
For me, it has to be Dolph. After the US title reign, he's more fit to hold the WWE Championship so they should push him into a more a permanent main event slot.

Punk, doesn't really need the WWE title to face Y2J at Wrestlemania!
Natalya - Simple enough shes underated and could have a good feud with Beth. Turn natalya face and let the two fight for the diva's championship. No point keeping her in divas of doom shes just being a jobber to diva's she could easily beat.

Wade Barret - He NEEDS to become world champion, let him feud with daniel bryan, hope he wins the rumble.
Drew McIntyre- Good to see him back on SD! Now have him continue where he left off, and make him into a threat and not joke.

Ted DiBiase- May be difficult to push him as a face, but he's doing a decent job. In '12 I'd like to see him as a upper midcard heel again.
Sin Cara - Of course he is injured right now. But he needs to be the IC Champ. I think that Cody Rhodes vs. Sin Cara would be pretty cool.
Brodus Clay and Ezekiel Jackson - Have these two form a monster tag team and revamp the tag division

Jack Swagger - This guy is one of the best in ring peformers in the WWE, i would move him to smackdon and turn him face and have him upper midcard

Joe Hennig - I would change his name to Joe Hennig and move him to smackdown and give him an IC title run
1. ALEX RILEY- He spent a short time in the mid card title picture only to fall back into the shadows. He started getting a good crowd reaction after dropping out of the role of Miz's sidekick. The fans like him and he has the 3 big factors of being a great superstar. He has atheletic ability, a good entrance theme (not nearly as generic as some others currently) and is charismatic. Given more time on the mic he could shine through and connect more with fans. Im still not completely sold on his recent 'good guy' image, but that was to be expected after the Miz storyline and the amount of mid card heels atm. Package him as a heel again (drop the Varsity Villain thing) and give him a new finisher that dosent suck like the DDT. It just dosent fit him and he pulled off the TKO better. Hell, that spinebuster he has is great. Use that as a setup for maybe a cloverleaf? He could replace Dolph in the mid card hunt because he is ultimately going to end up in the ME picture this year.

2. MASON RYAN- This guy needs a bit more work on the mic because his promo ability is quite shit. Other than that, he is perfect for the monster type powerhouse that WWE is known for. Great build and pretty quick for his size. Have him be the one to eventually take out Brodus Clay. They are building Clay up as an indestructable force that will ultimately tear through a dozen people before being stopped. Why not use Mason Ryan along side him. 2 powerful guys on seperate paths of destruction that eventually meet in a huge clash. Ryan wins and goes on to have some matches with a returning Mark Henry (doubt they will return to the Show feud). Ryan eventually destroys Henry and he is now solidified as a threat to the ME instead of force feeding us Big Show by default everytime a big man is needed.

Just a few thoughts. WWE will go either way, but those choices make sense to me besides the obvious awnsers most will give (ie; Rhodes, Ziggler, Ryder etc.) Barrett is on his way now that Orton is injured and they need to figure out where Sheamus fits in all this. Those 2 are on the way to the title this year, question that remains is when?
raw-zack ryder: have him be a major player this yr it was great having him win the title at tlc now give him a real feud to work with and have him be a great champion

raw-r-truth: i like how he has the whole little jimmy thing going on he needs to keep that going maybe give him a feud with ryder

raw-dolph ziggler: PLEASE break him away from vickie she has pushed him enough to were he is now its time for him to shine on his own and let vince see that he can carry matches on his own hes fantastic on the mic feud him with cm punk for the next couple of months and when he is ready put the wwe championship on him give him a healthy run

smackdown: cody rhodes- i like his promos when he talks very good that ic title fits nicely around his waist give him a great feud with someone so they can have a legit shot at that title

smackdown:wade barrett- PLEASE vince ( sorry josh isenberg had to do it lol) put this guy in the world title hunt have him feud with d-bryan barrett more than deserves it he can use this line (i am the one who put orton out now i am going to move on to the world heavyweight title picture and no one is going to stop me)

smackdown: sheamus- this is a guy who i would like to see win the wwe royal rumble and move on to face the champion at wm 28 whom ever he might be he is great as a face i also like his gimmick the GREAT WHITE sheamus it fits make him win the royal rumble..

thats it for me let me know if u agree or disagree right now is a perfect time for new guys to rise up and claim there spots on there respective brands all the attitude era guys are leaving with the exception of a few still left the young talent have to step up and take notice and carry there brand to new heights without these guys looking over them let vince see ur passion and give the wwe a new breed of superstar to look out for and cheer or boo for. well thats it
Drew McIntyre- id say give him another go since they blew their last opportunity with him because the guy is very very talented, i don't think a whole gimmick change is even necessary, see if this thing with teddy long could go anywhere..again lol
Sheamus - the guy is brilliant and has proven that he can be a great heel and a babyface. He's decent on the mic and has a unique look and he's also pretty good in the ring. I think they've biult him up great the last couple of months and I think he should win the royal rumble and headline wrestlemania.

Cody rhodes_ just shows you can make a gimmick work if you put hard work into it. The guy is great and could be a world champion this year

R truth- this guy went from being a decent high midcarder to being a believable contender for the wwe title. I think his character is entertaining and i actually would buy into him being a world champion.
Who: Drew McIntyre, Alex Riley, Mason Ryan, Seth Rollins and Camacho

How: I'd shove them off a cliff or suitably high building.

Why: They aren't worth a pay cheque.

And seriously:

Who: Leo Kruger and Justin Gabriel.

How: Book Gabriel to win the IC title off Cody Rhodes, which has the added benefit of freeing Cody up to move up the card. In the weeks leading up to this Kruger has been at Smackdown shows positioned front and centre. This is brought to the attention of the audience as Gabriel acts like he knows him, and the commentators ask who the hell he is, and how they know each other. When Gabriel wins, he invites Kruger into the ring. He's let in, and gives Justin a cradle piledriver. The following SD their relationship is explained by Kruger, as is the fact that he's got a WWE contract. He has two motivations: envy (they started at the same time, but whatever he does, all people talk about is Justin Gabriel) and to prove to the world that he's better than Justin Gabriel. For his part, Gabriel is forced to take it to another level to beat Kruger, both in the ring (i.e. he needs to do something new to beat someone who can read him like a book) and as a character (i.e. character development, Kruger's presence possibly making him pull out some aspects of his original persona PJ Black). The end result of the feud doesn't really matter as both men should end it better off than how they entered.

Why: Several reasons. The first is that Leo Kruger is simply too damn good to keep in FCW much longer. The second is that Gabriel and Kruger have legitimately known each other for their entire professional careers, and were trained by Gabriel's dad and as such they've got fucktons of chemistry in the ring and even more material to use on the mic, it would be stupid not to use that to my advantage. The third is that the programme can elevate both men. Kruger gets a foothold on TV; Gabriel gets direction and a good opponent who can carry the programme on the mic.
Mark my words tonight is the one and only title shot Ziggler will get before Wrestlemania. Whoever is the "surprise" tonight is, they're meant for Punk, and that person will end up at Wrestlemania facing him for the belt.

As for a pushes:
Wade Barrett- I'd LOVE to see with a title run.
Richardo Rodriguez- break him away from ADR and feud with him.
A-Riley- I don't know what happened and why he was banished to Superstars. The guy has the skills to be an upper mid-carded.
Who would I push?

Alberto Del Rio

How would I push him?

to sum it up...

... his character is a heel, who only cares about winning the gold, and has millions of dollars. The guy should buy a stable(giving low carders TV time) that can handle most of his dirty work. He can win the title and always have help defending it. He should have interference when the ref is distracted by Ricardo. He should be using brass knucks slipped to him from Ricard. He should be doing anything to get the job done. People are really going to hate him. He could have the interim GM in his back pocket and even bribe referees. We would see referees either giving him a fast count or intentionally turning the other direction or tie their shoes when Del Rio brings in a chair or something. He'd be like the kingpin of wrestling lol. After a lengthy title reign and fans hating his guts, the board of directors appoints the new GM who will not take the bribes. Then to alleviate the refs being in his back pocket, the new GM schedules a special guest referee title match. Someone like Foley or Austin I guess. His demise after a long title run would really get a huge pop. After he loses the title he can start "firing" his stable members like Farooq started doing in the NOD.

Why would I push him?

Because his character has so much potential to be one of the greatest stars of the decade. Also with the push described it would give him a stable which would get several other guys over. I'd include Vickie to bring enough heat in the beginning and because she wants a stable and Del Rio has the money. But I'd fire her after heat has been established. I'd also include Epico, Primo, Hunico and Brodus.

Who would I push?

Wade Barrett.

How would I push him?

He'd be the top heel of Smackdown for a while. I would have him spend some more time in the gym. He has a good size and frame but, for the character I'd like to book him as, he could use some more muscle. I'd have him start by coming out to the ring with no music, holding a mic. He's announce that he originally felt bad for injuring Orton, but deep down inside it felt good. He'll announce that 2012 is going to be a new era for him. Since his current character talks about making money by fighting, I'd have him use the logic that champions are paid more and he'd announce that he was going to challenge Bryan for the title. Teddy long comes out..blah blah blah..Barret has to get through Sheamus to earn a title shot at the Rumble, and that match will be tonight. Barret Walks out still no music. Halfway through the show Sheamus is taken out backstage by Barrett with a pipe. Teddy Long announces Big Show will take his place. For the main event, Big Show enters.. then an unfamiliar music hits. Wade Barrett has a bad ass new song with some cool lighting effect. He looks completely serious. Barrett completely decimates Big Show through counters and taking advantage of his slowness and weakening his legs. He beats the Big Show pretty badly and then pins him with one foot on his chest. Bryan comes out and stares at Barrett who just smirks. Preceding the Royal Rumble Barrett decimates random opponents. He makes it a point to be booked every week to earn more money. His character evolves from learning the strengths and weaknesses of every opponent in the WWE. He beats Bryan at RR. From there on out he continues to destroy all challengers and defends his title several times per month(title matches= more money for him). While he hits the gym he gets bigger, while he wrestler different opponents he gets better. Sheamus can return and feud with him, but I'd keep the belt on him for at least 6 months. He can lose it eventually to a qualified up and comer by Orton returning and interfering.

Why would I push him?

He has already successfully feuded with both top faces and deserves the belt more than Ziggler, Rhodes, Bryan or any other top mid carders. Also since people are referring to everyone as "the new.. (so and so)" he could be like a new, more sinister cerebral assassin. Lol his coat reminds me of M. Bison from SF. Plus, with him facing so many different opponents, it would give more TV time to underused people. Hell I'd even like to see the person who takes him out be a face Drew Mac.
If i had to push a superstar, I'd re-push The Miz again but I would move him over to Smackdown.....He was the best heel champion that we have had in a while. I would have him pick up on his feud with D-Bry again could possibly be overdone but hey maybe thats why Im not a booker. Obviously now with the biggest prize on Smackdown. They had good matches together and liked the chemistry. #MIZMARKIE
The WWE needs to re-push The Miz, he was a great Champion in late 2010/ early 2011, he reminds me of The Rock so much, a heel Rock that is, and in my view has the potential to be a great WWE Superstar for a long time to come, also would give R-Truth a big push, there a heels in the WWE such as, Kane, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett and Jericho when he was there who got cheered because they were so good at being a heel and so good at what they do, they were over, R-Truth when he returned I expected a 'golf clap' if I remember correctly it was quite a good ovation for him, I love his character at the moment and think he should at least have a WWE Championship reign in 2012.
Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett to be World Champions in 2011 along with Dolph Ziggler and give Jack Swagger a decent push, and please for god sakes can nobody even think about replying that Zack Ryder should have a push, yes this guy is over but he will never be a World Champion, I don't think he will ever get any bigger than he is right now, he will probably move to Smackdown in the Draft to get more experience, he has the ability to one day be a World Champion just not with this character. KOFI KINGSTON, have Primo and Epico win the Tag Titles and disband Airboom!, they aren't over in my opinion and Kofi Kingston should at least be a Upper mid Carder by now he has the ability, he's one of the most exciting superstars in the WWE, also if he returns, give Sin Cara a few runs with the Intercontinental Championship as well as Ezekiel Jackson.
Dolph Ziggler, Jack swagger, and Wade Barrett

Dolph- He already coming into the year in a big way with that WWE title match with Punk. Of course hes not going to win but I'd give him another chance mid summer after a feud with Jack Swagger takes place.

Jack Swagger- Has the potential to be a top face on RAW, which we need so bad.

Wade- He has way to much talent to be floating around in the midcard as he has been the past year. I'd say he has build the perfect steam after that Rivalry with Orton for him to face Big Show (as champion) for the title.
I would push Dolph Ziggler on Raw to be a WWE champion before 2012 is out. He's a big part of the WWE future.IMO. I would have him beating Punk sometime after Mania 28, when Punk is worn down from his feud with Jericho, if he comes back.

I would push Sheamus on SD. to be the new top face over Orton, who I would turn heel. SD. needs to be freshened up and Sheamus is just the guy to do it. The crowd loves him as a face and he could have a great feud with a heel orton perhaps for the WHC. Wade Barrett and Rhodes should continue their climb as well feuding with Bryan until one of them takes the title from him and eventually faces Sheamus after his feud with Orton.
Sheamus - the guy is brilliant and has proven that he can be a great heel and a babyface. He's decent on the mic and has a unique look and he's also pretty good in the ring. I think they've biult him up great the last couple of months and I think he should win the royal rumble and headline wrestlemania.
I'm not a big fan of Sheamus, but I'll admit he made a pretty good heel. He's absolutely HORRID as a face though, he needs to go heel again.
Who? Cody Rhodes
Why? bCuz he's Cody Rhodes.
When? 2012
Where? SummerSlam
How? 1st he needs to solidify his GREATness with a win over someone like a Sheamus who he said he wouldn't mind working with. A CLEAN win @ a pay-per-view after being beaten by Sheamus on several occasions but NEVER for the title. Show him having a fear of actually losing the title to Sheamus while @ the same time developing pride in and for the title by ultimately accepting ANY challenge Sheamus throws out. The PayPerView that he should beat Sheamus @ is Wrestlemania.

After Mania, have him challenge whoever the current WHC is and have THAT WHC ONLY accept if Cody can successfully defend his IC Title against someone he's had difficulty defeating... Possibly a returning Randy Orton. Have Cody be so focused, so determined to win that he goes over clean but with NO surprised look on his face, just a look after the victory like he knows that it's his time.

Have him get on the mic and announce that he is relinquishing the title because he wants the WHC and unless its THAT one he doesnt feel worthy of being a champion. A focused, determined Cody would be amazing and he could pull that off.

IC TITLE Situation: On the following weeks Smackdown begin a contest that leads into a PPV where there is a FINAL Match to determine the NEW IC Champ.
Who? Dolph Ziggler
Why? Have you seen this man perform?!
When? 2012
Where? Summerslam
How? Let's assume DZ wins MITB @ Mania.

He cashes in after the match that Cody Rhodes wins for the WHC @ Summerslam. Hits Cody with a ZigZag right after sneaking in from the crowd. Calls a ref. Cashes in.

Rhodes hits him with a Cross Rhodes... Ziggler kicks out because he's fresh. This builds suspense.

Sleeper by Ziggler. Cody Rolls out, somehow hits a "Beautiful Disaster" but Ziggler rolls out of the ring. Cody is exhausted so can find the strength the quickly follow up, pulls himself ring side. Leans out to grab Ziggler who punches him and then super kicks him in the head while he's hanging out of the ring.

Rhodes falls out. Ziggler has to struggle to get him back in b4 the 10 count. Finally rolls him in.

He picks Rhodes up for a another ZigZag. Rhodes reverses him into position for Cross Rhodes. They spin, Ziggler reverses it into the "Zleeper" and Cody is too exhausted and passes out.

Great feud going into 2013 and Cody finally wins the title BACK @ Survivor Series in an IronMan match! Could possibly go into WM 28!
Who? Cody Rhodes
Why? bCuz he's Cody Rhodes.
When? 2012
Where? SummerSlam
How? 1st he needs to solidify his GREATness with a win over someone like a Sheamus who he said he wouldn't mind working with. A CLEAN win @ a pay-per-view after being beaten by Sheamus on several occasions but NEVER for the title. Show him having a fear of actually losing the title to Sheamus while @ the same time developing pride in and for the title by ultimately accepting ANY challenge Sheamus throws out. The PayPerView that he should beat Sheamus @ is Wrestlemania.

After Mania, have him challenge whoever the current WHC is and have THAT WHC ONLY accept if Cody can successfully defend his IC Title against someone he's had difficulty defeating... Possibly a returning Randy Orton. Have Cody be so focused, so determined to win that he goes over clean but with NO surprised look on his face, just a look after the victory like he knows that it's his time.

Have him get on the mic and announce that he is relinquishing the title because he wants the WHC and unless its THAT one he doesnt feel worthy of being a champion. A focused, determined Cody would be amazing and he could pull that off.

IC TITLE Situation: On the following weeks Smackdown begin a contest that leads into a PPV where there is a FINAL Match to determine the NEW IC Champ.

Who? Dolph Ziggler
Why? Have you seen this man perform?!
When? 2012
Where? Summerslam
How? Let's assume DZ wins MITB @ Mania.

He cashes in after the match that Cody Rhodes wins for the WHC @ Summerslam. Hits Cody with a ZigZag right after sneaking in from the crowd. Calls a ref. Cashes in.

Rhodes hits him with a Cross Rhodes... Ziggler kicks out because he's fresh. This builds suspense.

Sleeper by Ziggler. Cody Rolls out, somehow hits a "Beautiful Disaster" but Ziggler rolls out of the ring. Cody is exhausted so can find the strength the quickly follow up, pulls himself ring side. Leans out to grab Ziggler who punches him and then super kicks him in the head while he's hanging out of the ring.

Rhodes falls out. Ziggler has to struggle to get him back in b4 the 10 count. Finally rolls him in.

He picks Rhodes up for a another ZigZag. Rhodes reverses him into position for Cross Rhodes. They spin, Ziggler reverses it into the "Zleeper" and Cody is too exhausted and passes out.

Great feud going into 2013 and Cody finally wins the title BACK @ Survivor Series in an IronMan match! Could possibly go into WM 28!
Dolph Ziggler. This man is superb! I can see him with the world title around his waist. He has all the abilitys to be in the main event picture. He should already be champion.
I think they need to push natalya at the moment she is just jobbing to everybody when was the last time she won a singles match.
They also need to push the chosen one drew mcintyre but after watching smackdown this week it looks like we could see this.
Other Mentions: Alex Riley, Midcard Mafia, Usos, Justin Gabrel
While Dolph Ziggler is an obvious choice for a big push in 2012, my opinion is that Alex Riley has the potential to be the next Rock, Austin, Cena type face of the WWE. From his entrance music to his charisma to his in-ring ability, this guy has it all. Not sure why they haven't been using him (other than on Superstars)???? Seemed like he got pulled out of nowhere. My thought was that Vince pulled him for a while to wait for the right opportunity to re-insert him onto TV. Whatever the case may be, if Riley isn't used to his fullest potential I would be pretty disapointed. This guy is fun to watch!!!

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