Who would be a good choice as Assistant for Ted Dibiase Jr?

I have to admit I really don't know who would make the better choice for any kind of Virgil, servant, whatever you want to call the guy, or girl (could easily be a girl if you ask me, but more for a valet kind of thing)

It could be a way of bringing someone up from FCW, to join into the faction that it's rumored that Ted will be getting.

But on another note (still relevant to this thread) I think it's kinda ridiculous that they want to / feel the need to capitalize on the nature of Ted DiBiase Sr. giving him a servant to boss around with, seeing as I think while it will further Ted DiBiase's heel gimmick, it will ultimately remind us too much of Sr. and I think we'll eventually realize that Jr. failed to walk in father's shoes when it comes to being an amazing heel, which will eventually hurt Jr.

And no I'm not saying I'm completely against it, I'm just saying do they really have to be so blatantly open about the whole "I need a Virgil" and actually having Ted be so damn obsessed with getting a Virgil that he'll agree to restart a match for the sake of it.
why has no one mentioned zach ryder. He is hopeless, a fool, and embarrassed, in a second he will run to money, and hes the only heel who just randomly poped up on raw after being deligated to superstars
How about Santino this would give them a chance to slowly alter his character from a fool to a competent henchman. Then there is Koslov.Plus yes, Michael Tarver sounds good also. How about money, money, yeah, yeah.
personally I think they're more likely to end up having some kind of gimmick match where Dibiase's opponent (probably R-truth) would become his assistant if Dibiase won, or the million dollar belt would change hands if not. If they were to go ahead and give him an assistant I think someone like Big Zeke would work best, although isn't he going to be out for a long while?
Shad. He is Raw exclusive, a big bruiser, and would definitely create tension as a former member of Cryme Tyme. Everytime you see Ted Dibiase Jr. and Shad out, and I assure you if they do that, it will always be unpredictable. Like Batista's membership in Evolution at the very end- You just can get a feeling Shad will turn on Ted.

Who says they need an obediant lackey for Ted? Honestly someone who is reluctantly forced into the role would be more different then the Original Virgil's character. And in this day and age an African American bowing down to a white man is just bad politics. Look at this from a realistic point of view.

As to fill in a gap on why Shad would be Ted's bitch per se, have him lose a match or something with servitude on the line if he loses. Simple and effective.
I don't think Shad, Zeke, or Mark Henry would be that be believeable, they are all big enough to kick the shit out of Ted. I don't think an NXT rookie would work unless Ted made a big deal of being the reason they still had a WWE career.
I am suprised that no-one has mentioned MVP.... Think about it, the most expensive playa being bought out, and turning heel at the same time..... Priceless!!!
If it was me, I wouldn't choose anybody. Having the Million Dollar Championship is one thing, but if Ted Jr. really does get a Virgil, people would be critcizing him and saying he's trying to be exactly like his father. Really, I like the nostalgic value and seeing the MDC again is really cool, but if Ted Jr. is gonna be successful, he's gotta step out of his father's shadow and not become a little Richie Rich.
i don't think it has to be a black guy by any means. it certainly does make the situation more edgy and thus can create some good heat, but WWE isn't as edgy as it once was. it's PG now. and we're also living in the world of "political correctness", so to have a black guy serving a white guy would be incredible fuel for the fire of hatred that WWE already has among the media today. plus, it's too much like his dad's gimmick and the gimmick can be remade, but it doesn't need to be a clone.

that said, i'm thinking that with the "fortunate sons" stable possibly forming soon, maybe he doesn't need a virgil character. i still think that there should be a huge stable of "next generation" talent. there are plenty to choose from:

sim snuka, manu, ted & brett dibiase, cody & dustin rhodes, joe hennig, chavo, carlito & primo, hart dynasty, and others just to name a few. of course orton. maybe make one huge stable to fight the guys that broke in without having a dad in the business to help pave the way with their mentoring and "name" to get their foot in the door?

now, seriously, back to the virgil character for dibiase, if this is in fact the plan for his gimmick right now, i think a good choice could be santino. hear me out. one, he only plays comedic relief right now and hardly wrestles. but virgil would get in the ring and fight for dibiase sometimes, even if he got beat terribly. but at least it would give santino some tv time that wasn't just for comedic effect, and if a feud ever broke out between santino and dibiase, perhaps santino could get a couple of wins in some "upset" victories and be taken seriously as a wrestler again. just a thought.

Hey... I actually kind of like that. However, I'd want them to gradually reduce the comic bits so he could eventually be established as a more serious competitor in his heel persona. The dude was going to do martial arts in the freakin' Olympics for crying out loud... let him actually be a solid wrestler for a while...
Well first of all, you guys realise Virgil was Ted Sr.'s slave right? He owned Virgil. And I know someone here will argue that he wasn't his slave and stuff, but the fact of the matter is it cannot be done like that in today's era. If Ted Jr. got himself a black assistant like Virgil was, you can bet your ass the WWE would get flooded with bad publicity declaring them all racists and what not.

But anyways as far as Zeke and Carver go, they'd be bad choices because they both already have exposure to the audience. Virgil was an unknown before Dibiase bought him. And that's what Ted Jr. should get. A nobody who is big.

The main problem with this is Ted Jr. isn't half of what his dad is. His vignettes that he will pull will be lame. I mean if you youtube his father's vignettes, those are so hilarious and great, anything he does will be lame in comparison.

Besides, Ted Jr should be doing something different to what his father did. No sense in being in his shadow.

It seems like this is just a phase for the time being. It's the whole dichotomy of him trying to convince us - but more importantly himself - that he's not like his father who he resents so much while doing everything his father did.

I agree, though, that he'll fail if he tries to be anywhere near as charismatic as his father in those promos. The Million Dollar Man is one of my top five superstars of all time for a reason.

And why is WWE focused so much on Virgil? They should avoid the whole slave connotation and go the Nikolai Volkoff route instead. They kind of did that with Michaels and JBL for a few months, but DiBiase and Volkoff did it so much better.

Still one of my favorite angles of all time with Volkoff having to wear a "The Property of The Million Dollar Man" t-shirt to the ring and tights that had cents instead of dollars. Hilarious stuff.
To everyone saying they missed the boat with Ted - two words: Randy Orton.

I got two words for you-Get Real. Randy Orton had charisma when he started out and had potential and you knew he might be good one day. Ted is just extremely boring and has no charisma or likability at all. He should be future endeavored and go work in a cubicle all day, instead of riding his daddy's coattails and trying to make it in professional wrestling. He is so bland and boring and can't get over at all so they have to resort to using his dad's gimmick since he's so worthless. It's sad that the WWE developmental system is just a collection of wrestler sons. Look at Wes Brisco-he's this ugly as hell, boring dude who shouldn't be in wrestling at all. But lo and behold, his daddy is Gerry so he has a job. Same with Natalya-she may can wrestle, but if she wasn't a Hart then she wouldn't be in wrestling because of her chubby build and unattractiveness. Kinda funny when you see she is a lot bigger than Tyson Kidd and she looks like she could kick his ass.
Okay, if the assistant has to be big and black... what about Awesome Kong? She has already expressed interest in joining WWE. At first, she wouldn't be a threat to DiBiase at all since she'd only vye for the women's title if she even wrestled at all on her own at first (being a manager for her would probably help boost Ted's heel status, too). Later on, during the inevitable split, he could say something to the effect of her not being able to even compete with him or challenge for his belt because she's just a woman or some equally chauvinistic, arrogant statement, and she could then face him and actually beat him for the belt...
no one has mentioned this yet, but why not bring the original Virgil back? He still makes random appearances from time to time for local gigs - and apparently does so under the Virgil name. Would be kinda cool and another slap in the Ted Sr.'s face to have him align with Ted Jr.
Just came here to read everyone's thoughts; I really didn't have an opinion on the subject and I didn't expect to post anything...but here we go:

I love the idea of Santino becoming Dibiase's assistant, or "Virgil" (Santino didn't even cross my mind until I read Judah's Lion's post). This is the perfect role for Santino (and Dibiase, when you think about it). Dibiase (in my opinion) could play the PERFECT straight-man for Santino's comedy, and it can hopefully transition Santino away from being a jobber.

I've always liked Santino, but lately creative does nothing with him except for silly little backstage vignettes. Yes, I know he's in a match now & then, but come on. I absolutely loved the last time he was IC-champ and would "bring up the honk-o-meter", claiming he would go down as the best IC-champ "of all the times".

I'm 30 years old, and I found that crap hilarious. I was honestly rooting for Santino's IC reign to eclipse the Honkytonk Man's back then.

Dibiase + Santino = awesome.
I think either JoMo or R-Truth should do it. It would make sense to have one of them be forced to abandon their Rockstar/Rapper lifestyles for a career of servitude under the suit wearing, money grabbing Dibiase J.R. You've then got the potential to have a long drawn out fued where they try and gain their independence from him several months down the line.

What they couldhave done with SES and Mysterio, they've got anther chance to do with the 'Fortunate Sons' and Virgil, if they do intend to go that route.

Personally i'd go with R-Truth because he's not actually had a proper angle to work with anyone yet, other than annoying Shelton when he debuted, but that's it. A fued where he's fighting to get his life back could do wonders to propel him up the roster imo.
i belive that the new virgil will be mike tarver. for the past few weeks he has quit every challenge for the most part and doesnt care. he gets the boot in the elimantion next week and anounces that he will be working for ted. he would make a great virgil, and cheat and knock people out for ted to win.
I am thinking it will be John Morrison. Virgil really wasn't that big of a guy. He didn't do the work Dibiase couldn't do, he did the work Dibiase didn't WANT to do. Plus the E is not going to do a black guy serving a white guy in this day and age. With R-Truth refusing to join and JoMo teasing the join this past Monday I could see him joining and being forced to attack R-Truth and breaking up their partnership.
I do think that it would be Tarver as we all know he isn't going to win NxT and most likely be the first elimated next week.They could have Tarver be kicked out of NXT and then show up on Raw carrying the bagsof Ted.Ted could come to the ring and say that he has hired Tarver and that he will be his Virgil.

Tarver does seem like a good chioce to me and he could get training from guys backstage.To improve his wrestling.
I agree with the idea of using the original Virgil as jnr's "Virgil" and going one better and having Nikolai Volkoff running around doing his laundry and the stuff, all the while claiming he's nothing like his old man yet doing things like stopping the kid bouncing the ball, etc.

Hell, they could even pick up Bundy Tatanka and Kama Mustafa on the cheap and have his own little Million Dollar Corporation. That double standard idea would rock!
By far, the first person that came to mind was Shad Gaspard (formerly of Cryme Tyme). He fits perfectly. NO, not because he is big and black, but because of what DiBiase was offering: Money, money, yeah yeah. If fits perfectly with his character.

He would sell out, be a henchman, doesn't have to cut promos, just be a hired goon. He could wrestle every now and then, do run-ins, and rub his newfound success in JTG's face whenever there is a PPV. And he would be "paid well" for doing it.

It would have split up the two so JTG would be on Smackdown and Shad would be on Raw. I expected them to do that in the draft, but they didn't. Shad would work really really well, and would have a lot of time to build up a storyline to annhilate DiBiase in the future.

But then again...Santino as the new Virgil I never considered...that would be absolutely hilarious.
Ezekiel Jackson , hands down.

He was in middle of some push , but got injured.Considering the fact that he can't talk , we can predict him to become DiBiase's protector , but not Virgil.I also think he doesn't have a personality and this may help him.The only problem is that it may take a lot of time for Big Zeke to return,
I think WWE should stay away from the contreversial having a black guy, even though i think Mark Henry or Ezekiel Jackson would be the perfect canidate due to their size, (and it was also give them something to do) However, it would probably be a little more beneficial to go down the road of Vladmir Kozlov or maybe even Zack Ryder? As I would really like to see him developed a little more. Another option would be Golddust, this would be somewhat comedic and could somehow lead to Ted and Codey to cross again, which would be fun a a couple months or year down the line.
I dont care for his father's gimmick to be re done but if i did care i'd say it'd have to be someone new. bring someone up from developmental because any current superstar playing this role, it would totally ruin any credibility that person ever had, especially being under Ted. who the hell is Ted DiBiase Jr anyway? garbage.... unless they put more of a twist on it and did something like the JBL HBK thing where shawn needed money. but that doesnt need to be re did either.
shad, really?!? what happened to "his time"his money, money, yeah, yeah, gimmick is finished, its old. it cant be John Morrison, what happens when DiBiase wants him to beat someone down, he will have to rush the other person into the straship pain setup I think it should be Mark henry, he is big, he has the moves and he is good enough. BTW he needs more exposure, on raw, he hasnt done anything really memorable
Depends on how the WWE wants to play this but here are my choices

Ezekiel Jackson - I am unsure how long he is out of action and I havn't even seen him wrestle yet cause I just started watching WWE after a 8 year break. But he seems big and he seems like he is a beast. Could work out but you guys would know better then me. Seems as if someone also mentioned him too. (Sorry I just read what you guys wrote haha, should of read them before I started typing)

Santino Marella - Someone mentioned him too. He seems very funny, very talented in the ring. Nice combo of comedy and talent.

Now for my personal favorite

HORNSWOGGLE - Ok so I know it won't happen because he was drafted to Smackdown but it would be HILARIOUS. It would also fit nicely with the currently storyline of him trying to find a assistant. The story can be nobody wants to be Ted Dibiase Jr. assistant because they know how bad his father treated Virgil and the only person Ted Dibiase could find was Hornswoggle.
Why does it "HAVE" to be a black man, do you realize that the people who are running against Linda McMahon will give her more heat? Yeah, Vince would NEVER do that!
There will be many racist comments against WWE.
A black man serving a white man.

I mean Zeke was Kendricks body guard because he was huge, but he wasnt his slave.
But people would look at Zeke, or any black wwe superstar being a slave to Ted. They will start bashing WWE for being racist, we all know that Michael Hayes is racist, No?
Well now to answer who I think should be Ted's assistant..
I think it should be Chavo Guerrero, do we see anything from Chavo? Other than jobbing, and being chokeslammed by Kane week by week.

He would be the perfect assistant, why? because he was Vickies assistant back in 08 on SmackDown! he played a good role. Hes a second generation superstar as well as Ted. Chavo would be great for that role since well see more air time will him other than being buried, and jobbed to.

Chavo for Assistant! :)

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