Who will be the next person to join/leave Immortal?


Fucking Hostile
So since the inception of Immortal around three months ago we have already seen two people leave the group (Doug Williams and Matt Morgan) and three people join the group (Rob Terry, Gunner and Murphy). Going off these stats and the fact that TNA likes their swerves (not a criticism, merely an observation) the odds are fairly good that before this storyline is over there will be more people leave or join. What I want to know is who do you think will be the next person to do so?

For me the safest bet would probably be Matt Hardy, we have already seen him associated with Immortal given that he was their hand picked mystery opponent for RVD tonight. There is also the fact that he is a heel and just about every male heel in TNA is in Immortal. Oh and there is also that minor thing that his brother is the crown jewel of the group, seems to be basically a certainty that he will too. Although nothing is ever a certainty in TNA the way they operate with a swerve a minute.

Looking past Hardy who is basically a lock to join the group I can see AJ leaving. The storyline for it is already in process, AJ going on a bit of a losing streak and Bischoff becoming more and more frustrated with him, already threatening to kick him out. Now with the injury Bischoff could see him as being of no use to him and kicking him out thus turning him face which is where he belongs.

What are your thoughts on this, who will the the next person to join/leave Immortal and how will it happen?
I think it will be AJ Styles. I think he is finding it a bit difficult to get over as a heel and its not really his fault considering how much the iMPACT zone loves him. I think the tension between Bischoff and Styles is building every second. Styles was unable to compete at Genesis and Bischoff was very upset about it.

The addition of Matt Hardy just strengthens my belief that AJ would leave. Matt will replace AJ as the midcard wrestler who goes after the Global title in Immortal. I know Abyss is holding the belt currently but I would not be surprised if I see him laying down for Matt on the next iMPACT. Abyss is more like a henchman in this group rather than someone whose sole aim is to win titles. He is the Immortals' problem solver.
I think Styles will be the guy to leave Immortal and could end up switching roles with Anderson, who could end up joining Immortal, especially if Jeff Hardy is required to take a leave of absense (going to jail!).

Styles works 100% better as a face, I have always found him too likeable to be a succesful heel, and his in-ring style with its flashy moves is certainly face-like. The story right now does seem to be focusing on removing Styles from Immortal, so I think he is the logical pick here.

Also, I am pretty sure Matt Hardy will be a member of Immortal at some point, as he was their pick to face RVD and Jeff is obviously a major member of the faction. I think he will fight Jeff eventually, but I think they will be on the same page for a while first.
I thought the look on AJ's face was really interesting when Fortune came down at the end of the Hardy/Anderson match. The other guys were actively yelling at the ref or Anderson or looking upset, but AJ just had this cold look and was cocking his eyebrow more at Bischoff and Hardy. I wonder if he's going to lead Fortune to the ring on Thursday and demand that Bischoff kick Hardy out of the group since Jeff dropped the ball?
Yeah, the writing is on the wall that AJ will be the next to exit. They are really hyping up this thing that he has got going with Bishoff. I was confused with AJ helping Abyss get the win for the TV title though. If he was going to leave, wouldn't he do something to screw it up for Bishoff, further fueling Bishoff to reprimand him. Maybe AJ does this for approval and Bishoff still chews him out? We shall see.

If the tag team division was doing better, I would want to see what Robert Roode could do on his own, as an upper mid carder. But even if Roode were to go solo anytime soon, I think he would remain in Fourtune/Immortal.
I totally agree with mr brownstone i think AJ Styles will leave immortal as soon as he returns from his injury as for who will join immortal I can see them bringing in RVD i think he would be a good swerve. The way i would book this angle is have attacks on all the faces and have everyone think its joe or sting or nash. Then after weeks of twists/turns have RVD come out and say he was the one that attacked everyone cuz "he was sick of not getting what he wanted from the fans and now he can get what he wants with immortal". That is how I would book it.
With the events of last night, I see Mr. Anderson becoming Immortal. He could be revealed to have been in Bischoff's back pocket this entire time. It could be revealed that the match happened and the result was going to be a win/win for the group. This will allow Jeff Hardy's role to diminish during legal troubles and allow Immortal to have still accomplished the feat of "winning" all the titles in TNA.

As for leaving Immortal, the choice of A.J. Styles has been stated repeatedly and is clearly the most obvious tease of the moment. I do think when this happens, Fortune joins him and we get the beginning of a faction war between Immortal and Fortune for control.
I think the most obvious choice is Matt Hardy, he has just come in, obvious heel, and he has also been brought in as "Immortal's mystery associate". This will be good for TNA because it will be a good booking to get him on the right track.
I really hope AJ leaves Immortal and actually fueds with them when he gets off the injured list in a couple of weeks. maybe cost Abyss the TV title idk.

Anderson...Anderson, is most likely going to stay out of Immortal until he loses the WHC to a legit competior like RVD.
I don't think anyone will be leaving Immortal for a bit, to be honest. I think Matt Hardy will be inducted officially on iMPACT!, but AJ won't be gone for a bit — they'll almost certainly ride out this tension with Bischoff for a few weeks now while AJ heals up (hopefully).

I think a lot of what will happen is hinging on his health. If he can come back in 6-8 weeks good to go, they'll work on it then, but if not, they'll have to retain him as a heel for now. Having him have some kind of blow off with Bischoff now only to sit on the sidelines for months (potentially) would kind of kill the momentum of him coming back as a face.

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