Who was the best member of DX


Occasional Pre-Show
I don't mean who's the best wrestler out of DX because I believe HBK or Triple H would win that hands down. What I mean by the greatest member is who was the 1st name to seem to always pop up in your head when you think of DX who was the member of DX that made you start to like the group and who represented DX the most. Now for the newer fans of WWE and DX just to let them now their are way more members in DX than just HBK and HHH. We X-Pac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Chyna, Rick Rude, Stephanie McMahon, and Tori.

Now for my pick I would have to say Triple H, he wasn't my favorite in the group but I would have to say he was the best member. The reason I say he's the best member is because he's been apart of every last version of DX from the time it started with HBK, Chyna, and Rude to the reincarnation version with X-Pac, Chyna, and the Outlaws where he became the leader, to the McMahon-Helmsley regime DX with the same members of the reincarnated version only without Chyna and with Stephanie McMahon an Tori, to the DX we see today with just HBK and HHH. He help build DX into a powerful faction from 1998-2000 opposed to the silly rebellious jokesters they were in 1997. So this is why Triple H gets my vote. My second pick and my favorite would have to be X-Pac. Everytime he came out he would hype the crowd up and get them pumped he is the true hype man for DX and even when DX wasn't a faction anymore he still had the theme and still wore his DX attire. Even in AAA he still represented DX even though he doesn't wrestle for the WWE anymore.
When I think of "D-Generation X," I, invariably, think of the original. I think of Shawn Michaels and Hunter Hurst Helmsley. And, since I think of those two, I'm lead to then think of the hangers-on, Chyna and Rick Rude.

It's a lot like "who do you think of when you think of the Horsemen?" Well, you can't single out an individual in this regard, since it would be almost insulting to the other to not mention them both.
I have to agree with HHH for the reasons you stated more moment etc and even when Shawn didnt wanna do the things DX use to do in the more modern version HHH still kinda played with that old style of DX still so he always stayed true to the original nature of what DX was about

I just always have a tought time choosing between HHH but in the beginning I'd say Shawn but overall definately Hunter

In order- top three:
X-Pac (again same reasons, he was a major representation of DX perfectly)

Now hottest Diva in DX goes to Steph for me on a side note, that one's easy
IMO it's X-Pac. Everything about him represents DX. Even though not very many people liked him. I was one of them. Without X-Pac i think DX would of existed after hbk left.
The voice of DX, The Road Dog Jesse James made DX. This dude was gold on the mic (queues titan tron)

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages.
D-Generation X proudly brings to you, it's WWF Tag Team Champions of the world. The Road Dogg Jesse James, The Bad Ass Billy Gunn,
The New Age Outlaws."

Gold on the mic. Sold like a champ. Vintage approves.
I really wonder why the heck they didn't bring in the New Age Outlaws for the DX revival. As far as I know both of them are available and if the Nasty Boys can still entertain, I know the outlaws can still bring it.
DX wasn't entertaining until after Shawn Michaels left and Triple H took over. When it started, Triple H was still playing the snobby character went with hbk like oil and water. Seeing the guy that was bowing and walking around with his nose in the air did not go well with the guy that wanted to be a male stripper. (how he got over with male fans I'll never know) Triple H was a tag along and a lackey that was riding Michaels' coat tails. Shawn Michaels getting injured was the best thing to ever happen to Triple H. His character evolved and he was in charge. Its funny how thing come full circle when it was HBK who couldn't let go and was riding Triple H's coat tails. The road dog was very entertaining, possibly the most entertaining one of the bunch. I would put Triple H first in the order of DX. When I think of DX I think of the group was entertaining all the way around. The entire group did as Stonecold and got over by being bad ass. And the modern day version was a shell of what it used to be. I apologize for getting off topic. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that DX was never as entertaining with Shawn Michaels and a member.
I totally agree with you on this Vintage!!

Jesse was amazing on the mic!


Although the most memorable moments in DX lore to me....
When they lampooned the Nation when HHH was "The Crock" w.Jason Sensation as Owen...I was in tears!!

And more recently when DX was on the mcMahons & Spirit Squad...
HBK doing Shane's silly dance all the way down to the ring...I was laughing so hard,I couldn't breathe!!
Shawn Michaels was the best member no question.

But... HHH will always be the guy that first pops in my head when I think of DX.

I can't believe people are saying anybody besides those two.. the other guys might have been alright but they are nowhere in the same league as HHH or HBK.
I prefer the original DX, HHH and HBK.. but my pick goes to HHH for the best member.. especially during the heel days of DX with HBK, that was great stuff.. my second pick would have to be with X-Pac, because i about jizzed myself when i saw Syxx-Pac make the jump to WWF and join DX :)
Honestly, when I think of DX, I think of Triple H and HBK both. When I think of my favorite DX stuff, I think of HBK. Triple H, as much as I'm a fan, was never nearly as funny as he thought he was. Jim Ross once called the original DX the best faction ever in his book. A lot of people say DX got better when HHH took over. I disagree. It got more popular and more famous, since WWE was hitting a boom period... but it's most notorious and hilarious segments (aside from the invasion of WCW) are most of the HBK early stuff. It created a legit star in Triple H. The later incarnations created stars for the moment, but none of them lasted.

When I think of DX, I think of HBK's asshole, in-your-face, honest Generation X attitude... because that basically created the entire thing.
I gotta agree with "UseYourBrain" .. When I think of what the spirit of DX really was..which was at the time rebellion...anti-establishment..cutting edge.. pushing the envelope that will always be represented by the original 3 HBK, HHH and Chyna.. and my mind goes to HBK pushing the bounderies the most. I've always felt that once he left was when DX softened up got scripted and "Sold out" to a certain degree.. They no longer had that backstage top guy in the group that allowed them to simply go out there and do anything they wanted..Hell HBK and HHH used to get back to the ring and USA was threatening to kick WWF off the air for real.. DX V2 did skits and sketches and dressed up as the Nation.. and all had their catch phrases and tee shirts which was fun and very entertaining but it lost some of the balls from the original.

Now don't get me wrong DX became much more popular after that BUT there is a difference between popular and great.. Shawn said it perfectly one nigt on Raw while he was the evil commish " I was DX... before DX was "cool" "
I think of... the new age outlaws. I assume you meant to pick one but I can't, honestly. I never liked anyone in DX, to be honest, other than NAO. So.. yeah. :)
ooooooooooo you didn't know?????!!!! your ass better call somebody..Road Dogg Jesse James hands down favorite member of dx(excluding hbk) he was funny had solid and entertaining matches.. his moves were hilarious.. shake rattle and roll n "PUMP" handle slam.. his intro for the outlaws, he was gold on the mic.. singles n tag competitor.. when i think dx road dogg comes to mind before pac or mr. ass n even HHH( second pick)

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