Who Was The Best and Worst Host of Monday Night Raw?

I think im going to go pretty recent and go with Hugh Jackman as my favorite. Simply because I cn remember it. Other guest hosts were AWFUL. They looked like they didnt want to be there and acted terrible. Hugh Jackman was exciting and when he hit Dolph Ziggler and knocked him out so Ryder could pick up the win. Hugh Jackman was one of the Very few that could get the crowd going for a guest host.

My worst is..I cant pick one. There were so many terrible ones. The concept was terrible. I honestly hate when a guest host comes. When it was announced that James Roday was coming i was disspaointed (although he did ok) the guest host idea was TERRIBLE.

On a side note... didnt this start by Donald Trumph? I think I remember a storyline where he bought RAW and made guest hosts every week. Can anyone confirm this?
You are correct, #Babyface, I had forgotten about that until you mentioned it.

That's another thing that was stupid about the whole gimmick. If I remember correctly, McMahon (kayfabe of course) said he hated the idea after he "bought" Raw back from Trump. If he didn't like it, why didn't he just do away with it? He was the owner again. He had to stick with what Trump said because he "owned" Raw for about an hour and a half? Just stupid.
I hated the celebrity host gimmick, and almost always changed the channel or went and made something to eat whenever a guest host segment happened. Even though I liked some of the celebrities, I didn't want to see them on RAW, and didn't enjoy any of them.
I hated the whole guest host concept. Most of them were just there to shill some crappy movie or TV show and seemed just plain lost or they were obnoxious jackasses. For me the worst was Jeremy Piven and that obnoxious sack of shit Dr. Ken Jeong. Such a sin those two didn't die in a fire.
My favorite would have to be Hugh Jackman. He had some good funny segments with Zack Ryder (before Ryder got REALLY cheesy, dumb and annoying) and whether it was just acting or how he really felt he gave off a lot of energy more then some of the actual superstars. My second favorite may be Jesse Ventura I think it's because of some of the aggression and anger he could put in on the mic and the impact he had with Cena and making Sheamus the breakout star of the year.
Bob Barker was my favorite, this may just be because I'm a huge Price is Right fan, but I thought the way he interacted with the talent really made for some humorous moments.

As far as worst... Jeremy Piven, He went on to insult wrestling and there was a huge argument about the asian dude botching and trying to sue WWE for it. Basically, left a very bad taste in my mouth that's made me boycott him.
Best: It's a tie for me between Hugh Jackman and David Hasselhoff. Both really looked like they enjoyed being there, and they were incredibly entertaining.

I kinda do my best to forget the bad ones, so, I don't remember.

1) Muppets (Beaker and Sheamus = just pure win)
2) Hugh Jackman
3) Jesse the Body
4) Bob Barker


1) Jeremy effing Piven (only reason i know the name prior to this is a Simpsons reference to Titanic meeting Frasier starring Jeremy Piven)
2) Jeremy Piven's stupid asian friend with the baby dummy. just fuck off....
3) Pretty much every guest host not listed above....
Best: Hugh Jackman and the Muppets.
Worst: Al Sharpton by far.

That idiot Sharpton told WWE officals he had to leave....at 9:30.........what a moron.
wow, this is a good idea for a thread. there are lots of both good and BAD guest hosts on RAW.
MY favorite Guest host--Batista was a good one for me, but i will go with Ted Dibiase as my favorite with Barker and Batista as close behind. BUT my favorie moment by a guest host was Shaq vs. Big Show only because it looked good from both guys, but i thought Dibiase's mic work and family drama was entertaining and he made the guest host job look important.
MY LEAST favorite Guest Host--oh dear, we do have our favorites, what with Piven banning Miz from SummerFEST, or Kyle Busch calling Kofi Kingston, Kofi Johnson or some terriable backstage segments like Cheech and Chong's Lucky Charms or Henderson's Bunch or McGruber!!! but i go with Springer. it was sad to watch some 10 minutes wasted, it's funny to look back at it now, but i dont see how a Springer show on Raw would help promote the next PPV or how it made sense with a storyline, so i go Springer, but there were some good 2nd places, 2nd place is McGruber in my book.
First, it was cool to see James Roday finally get a chance to be on Raw. He was supposed to co-host with Dule Hill a couple years ago but needed an emergency appendectomy the day before...kind of weird that they never mentioned that on the air. (Although Roday did allude to it.)

Favorite guest hosts: Seth Green, Freddie Prinze Jr, and Hugh Jackman stand out for me. Not only were they entertaining, but they were obviously extremely excited to be there. Bob Barker deserves a mention too, he did a great job interacting with the wrestlers.

Least favorite: So many to choose from, but Timbaland is the worst one I remember. Honestly I can't even recall some of the other bad ones mentioned like Al Sharpton, which probably shows how bad he was. But I distinctly remember how uninterested and bored Timbaland was.

The guest host concept was a great idea. They just needed to be more selective. It was awesome when they had guys who were real wrestling fans, they were happy to be there and it was fun to watch. But the ones just there to do the job (no pun intended) and get out were horrible.
Hugh Jackman was the best, you can tell a mile off when people care about wrestling and genuinely want to be there, Hugh looked like I would have meeting bulldog at in 92. The Worst, throw a dart at the rest of them.
I think the guest host wasnt a bad idea, just some of thier picks. I think it would be better if they just had people who knew the product and open to ideas. It is also not just the host fault because they are told what to do aswell. Maybe they go to far or they dont care how they come off. I think Piven is a d-bag before he was the host.
But I thought Pee-Wee, Barker, Jackman, mupets were pretty good. Piven was that bad yea he is a d-bag but he had a storyline and it was unpredicable.
But there are bad one, Ale sharpton, jackass, timberland.
I wouldnt mind if they did old school wrestlers as a guest host like jesse the body, piper. Bobby the Brain(if he wasnt ill), Jake. People that could work the crowd just by talkin so they dont even have to get physically involved.
The best host was Freddie Prinze, Jr. The guy cares about wrestling and it showed. It didn't seem he was just there to promote himself or a project of his, as so many others were.

I suppose the worst was Florence Henderson......because I couldn't understand what Mrs. Brady could possibly do hosting a wrestling program.......and it panned out just that way; she added nothing. In a way, it was nice to see her again, but she could have accomplished that by taking a bow from a seat in the audience.
For me, the best ones were Jesse Ventura (for reasons already mentioned), Hugh Jackman (again already mentioned), Bob Barker (his interactions with Jericho were great), and William Shatner. I liked Shatner, first off because I'm a huge trekkie, and second, because I thought his spoken word versions of wrestler theme songs were absolutely hilarious.

For the worst, well Piven was a dumbass for sure, but he at least looked like he was enjoying himself. But summerfest was totally inexcusable.

However, the one I liked the least, was Dennis Miller doing the hosting for the slammys. While watching that episode, he seemed totally disinterested, and completely phoned it in. The only excitement he showed was when he was plugging his charity.
And it was way obvious he didn't write his own jokes (not that I'm really blaming him, but it was clear he knew nothing of the business so he couldn't write his own).
The Raw Guest Host concept was one of the worst things to ever happen to wrestling. I hated it so much that I had a weekly rant on it, posting in detail in its thread each week after Raw to share my thoughts (usually negative) on how the guest host did that week. I thought it would have been fine if they brought in legends or people affiliated with wrestling, but anytime a celebrity was announced to host I would cringe.

The best was probably Shaq. His interaction with Big Show was excellent. His night as guest host was memorable due to how he legitimately fit in. He was a true fan who got to have a great time being a part of a show he enjoys. It also foreshadowed a possible interaction this year at Wrestlemania, Shaq could get involved in the Show/Rhodes match. Unlike 99% of the guest hosts Shaq belonged there despite not being a wrestler. The muppets were the second best. Beaker and Sheamus together were comedy gold.

The worst is a toss up. There were so many who I hated. Piven was pretty bad, although his attempting to ban Miz from the Summerfest (whatever that is lol) still makes me laugh. Barker, Cedric, and MacGruber were all awful. The absolute worst of all had to have been Al Sharpton. What the HELL were they thinking when they brought this guy in!? He had no business being there whatsoever, as he had NOTHING to contribute to the show and is the complete opposite of the types of people the target market demographics in the fanbase would be interested in. The fans in attendance were so upset with him being there at all that anytime his name was mentioned the person giving the promo was immediately met with a tidal wave of boo's. They even tried bringing out Jericho to cut a heel promo and try getting Sharpton some sympathy, but the boos were fully justified. Al Sharpton. Really!? They should have given the fans that week a refund for having to endure that.

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