Who next for Paul Heyman?


Championship Contender
Paul Heyman is a great heel and should be on TV for a long time but WWE currently has him with 2 regularly competing guys and both are dragging Heyman down. Axel could be injured and even without the injury was going nowhere. Ryback is just terrible and the heat on him means he is going nowhere.

Therefore what do you think is next for Heyman?

I think Heyman should drop Axel and Ryback and then I think Heyman should be given a guy who gets his main event push and this is why I would like to see him take a few weeks off, give the Shield chance to fall apart and have Reigns as his new client and takes him to the World Heavyweight Title.
I don't really think Ryback is all that bad. And everyone should take what news reports say with a grain of salt.

I see Brock Lesnar coming back in a big way shortly. My personal prediction. Paul Heyman will go back to managing him and go back and forth with his other clients, who still have plenty they can do even after suffering their losses.
I don't really think Ryback is all that bad. And everyone should take what news reports say with a grain of salt.

Ryback doesn't flip around the ring like an acrobat, so he's terrible. Didn't you get that memo?

You would think these people who believe everything they read on the internet would read a little more. Like the "report" that said that the "report" about Ryback having heat was 100% false.

You can't make everyone a Paul Heyman guy. If you do, then what's so damn special about being a Paul Heyman guy? Ryback is fine with Heyman for now. The real question is will it last through Lesnar's return, or are they going to part ways in preparation for it. But please not another person. Talk about watering shit down. Axel is already bombing as it is.
I'm not convinced he is done with Punk. I think there is the possibility of the two being involved in a tag-team match at Survivor Series.

If that is not the case then I am really not sure. He has Axel and Ryback but there isn't anything spectacular for either. Ryback could possibly feud with Cena but other than that there is nothing. One option I could see is Heyman being involved with Triple H. With Orton and The Shield, Triple H only has four men. Add Ryback, Axel and Heyman's mic skills then this angle goes up another level.
My vote would be a tag team. Heyman needs gold to claim best in the world. Push a team to the tag ranks. I'd say my dream team for this right now would be Kofi Kingston and Big E Langston. I know I'll get a few "you're putting black guys together". But, I see a version of the hart foundation or the British bulldogs. One power guy and on tech/flyer. Plus neither are high on the talk ability. It won't happen.

I wouldn't mind seeing him turn Tensai on Brodus and having him team with Ryback. Put a power team out their like LOD or Powers of Pain.
I believe Ryback was better served as a face cause he won more but now thathe is with Heyman he seems to be lossing but I think he should stay with Heyman cause he will find success eventually.
Well brock will be back around the rumble to start the build to WM. Ryback works for now but for needing a new full timmer for him to be with from WM on thats a good question.

If punk turns heel again it wouldn't take much to put them back together. But for a young guy who needs him i would say maybe Dean Ambrose once the shield breaks up. I know each member of the forum has their own pick for who will be the best once the shield breaks up. Mine is Dean Ambrose i just think he can make a damn good heel and if need be a good anti hero.

Putting him with Heyman after the split could really help him not only when it comes to promos but behind the scenes i think he could pick up a lot from Paul when it comes to mic work. I could see him working for Heyman and winning MIB and getting either the WHC or WWE title before this time next year.
Redrum the main reason to give a heel superstar Paul Heyman is so he can do there talking. Ambrose needs no help and before you say Punk was with Heyman due to there friendship and after this feud if they get put back together it would be a huge mistake. We waited weeks for him to get the pay off of an attack on Heyman now there friends again it would be stupid to do
Redrum the main reason to give a heel superstar Paul Heyman is so he can do there talking. Ambrose needs no help and before you say Punk was with Heyman due to there friendship and after this feud if they get put back together it would be a huge mistake. We waited weeks for him to get the pay off of an attack on Heyman now there friends again it would be stupid to do
Yes because in wrestling they have never had a falling out and then place a manager and superstar back together right???? I didn't say it would happen or that i wanted it. I said it wouldn't take much work to do it and it really wouldn't.

Also they have put mangers together with people who can work great on the mic in the past so i dont see why that has a damn thing to do with it. If they think it helps develop his persona post shield then they will.
We may have seen the last of Paul Heyman for a while. He's been a mainstay for about a year and who knows how long of a contract the guy signed in the first place. I'm not sure if he still has his website(s) anymore but the guy is not short of having other interests and options. Keeping him off TV for a little while also helps him separate himself from Punk and let's Punk do other things.

If I had to predict I'd say we will see him come back after New Year's to start hyping Brock's return. He will also probably resume his roles with Ryback and that other guy.
He's likely gone until they want to start hyping the return of Lesnar.

I'll actually miss him when he's gone. Of all the people in wrestling who talk too much, Heyman is my favorite.

If he's off TV this is a good way of quietly dropping his association with both Ryback & Axel. Axel hasn't got over how WWE must've hoped and he's looking increasingly like a total dud. And why would Heyman remain associated with Ryback when, after initially saving him from Punk, he's failed at every hurdle since?
He more than likely is off TV for a little while but will be back.

As for his contract that someone brought up in an earlier post, Paul himself said in an interview I believe with Sam Not Sam. That as long as Brock Lesnar has a WWE contract then Paul Heyman has a WWE contract.

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