Who Needs A Heel/Babyface Turn?


Dark Match Winner
who do you think would benefit from a heel or babyface turn or who is long over due ?

I think Triple h needs to turn heel as its long overdue and would be cool to see again

John cena the most obvious choice I know this has been said for years but I dont see why they dont just turn him already

Randy orton. kinda getting sick of randy orton been a face was better as a heel that got cheered.

Dolph ziggler. He has been a heel since he debuted and its getting a little stale especially when its vickie getting the heat and not really him

Evan bourne. he has gone nowhere as a face so why not see what he would be like as a heel

Jack swagger. He is so stale at this point maybe a face turn could put his career back on track

Jerry lawler. He is so annoying right know he isnt bothered and kisse cenas ass none stop and he was brilliant when he was a heel and actually funny

John morrison. Still hasnt really done anything and thought he was better when he was heel anyway

Kofi kingtons. Bored as hell with him

Kelly kelly . how bout doing something different with her maybe if they turn her heel she might be a bit interesting

Rey mysterio. If there ever was someone who needed a heel turn more than anyone its this guy. HE needs to turn heel more than cena does. the guy never gets mad or angry like he won the wwe title loses it 2 hours later and then he is happy and its boring. it would be interesting to see him snap and show some emotion.
John Cena is not going to be a heel anytime soon so stop

Dolph is good as a heel but your right about vickie he needs to drop her not cause she not good but cause he is the champ but the ppl boo vickie

I think Eve should be a heel she is a good worker and it can bring the charisma out of her

Theo Long should be a heel GM makes smackdown more watchable

Kofi yea your right i dont think i ever heard him talk for more than two words as a face

Ezikiel needs to be a heel that face shit aint working either
yea i agree with pretty much all of these guys, i would like to see a new group come together led by del rio. i know its a long shot but if they are going to keep sin cara then bring back the cruiserweight title have j cena some accidentally screw rey from winning the title. some how get chavo to resign and also bring in averno. have them come in beat down sin cara, mysterio comes in for the save but no physical action. then at a ppv tag team sin cara and mysterio vs chavo and averno with mysterio turning on sin cara and joining chavo and averno. these three then help del rio cash in money in the bank at the same ppv and form the Sangre De Oro group led by del rio....(sry if i went everywhere before tying everything in)

then we will have a real heal del rio, a booed face cena, and a cheered heal cm punk as the three main guys for the wwe belt surrounded by tripple h screwing punk out of the championship every chance he gets.

chavo n averno can help in the tag team division. mysterio to get the cruiser weight belt. bring in t-reks to the group to fight for the us belt against ziggler. oh and make these guys dominate longer than nexus.

as consequence from all this cena finally turns heel wrestles as champion in wrestlemania 29 vs a still cheered heel cm punk (do not make him a babyface) and cm punk beats cena clean for the title.

well something around those thoughts would be great...well at least in my eyes.
I agree with you on Kofi and Swagger. They both are stale and a turn would help both. Swagger I could see being the guy who feuds with foreign people and saying how much he loves USA. I think this would work because he's the All American-American. As for Kofi, a bad ass heel. He showed us that he can pull of a sort of bad ass character in his feud with Orton so have him as a bad ass heel.
I agree with with Electro, making Swagger a face, maybe even getting Sgt Slaughter or Hacksaw to help start the movement would be good. Face like Yoshi, than Santino, Vladimir, ect ... proving he is a good ALL AMERICAN AMERICAN.
I agree with you both about Swagger, Cena and Kofi but what about Ted DiBiase jr? I think that this would really turn him around and he can start to make his name b/c in my opinion the way he looks and the way he talks it seems he was made a face.
Well we are seeing the begining of a possible Sheamus face turn and fued with Mark Henry which i think will be good for him as his heel run is starting to get boring.

I also agree that Swaggers face turn has been long awaited and we even saw glimpses of it during his stint with Cole. Would definatly work an American patriot type character. Hell he's half way there.

I much prefer a heel John Morisson also. He is much better on the mic and more entertaining as a Heel in my opinion.

Although i wouldnt turn Rey heel i dont think he needs a big character over haul, maybe be have him stop letting everyone treating him like a underdog and prehaps start using a signiture weapon and just generally being more tough wilst remaining face.
I don't think swagger will work as anything. The only thing I see when I look at jack swagger is a bad kurt angle impression. That's all he is, that's all he ever will be. Maybe...MAYBE if he's managed by jim duggan, or slaughter a face turn will work. But then how long would it be until we all get bored of him, and sick of looking at his face, and hearing his lisp.

Put a suit and some sunglasses on kofi kingston...maybe a haircut, and you have a good heel.
Well obvoiusly Rey and Cena aren't going to happen, so I won't bother with them.

Ezekiel Jackson definately needs to be a heel. The Torture Rack just lends itself to killing babyfaces as they beg for mercy.

Justin Gabriel seems to be starting to turn with the video package from South Africa from the other night, that seems nice. Not great, but nice.

Natalya Neidhart should be a heel. A physical move set and a little contempt for the beanpole bimbos can really go a long way, see Phoenix,Beth

Jerry Lawlor WAS a great heel commentator, but with the current asshole-ish-ness of Michael Cole, that won't happen.
When Yoshi Tatsu first came to the E, I thought to myself that this guy has something. I had many monikers for him which were all better than The Poison Fist of the Pacific Rim. I was stoked when he won the WM 26 battle royal and when he was drafted to Raw.

With that being said, I want this man to turn heel. He's a foreigner. Doesn't that automatically mean he should be heel? I'm hard pressed to remember a foreigner who didn't start out heel when they came to the WWE. A mad and angry Yoshi will be a great Yoshi for me. After he wins matches, he should throw eggs on his fallen opponent. I'm sure the WWE Universe still plays some form of Nintendo. They will appreciate the reference.
I think Swagger should have been the guy to turn face and go against Henry, not Sheamus. Sheamus I'd like to see tag up with Drew McIntyre instead, but obviously they're not going that route.

Kofi will probably need to turn heel before he's taken serious, but this isn't the right climate for that. He needs to be in a position where they have the room and focus to push him and right now, he isn't on their primary radar.

If Beth wouldn't have just turned heel, I would have suggested that maybe Gail or Kaitlyn should turn, but now that shouldn't happen unless someone else turns face who isn't as worthless as Rosa or Tamina lol.
Its gotta be The Miz.....hes on everything right now for the WWE.
Commercials,talk shows,hosting his old friends on MTV.

Hes also kinda stuck in limbo it seems as he really has no feud currently with anyone....and he gets somewhat of a pop from the crowd

Bring him out to do promos so we can all chant Really? along with him!
It's obvious that Cena needs to go heel but aside from that I can think of these two (feuding right now).

DOLPH ZIGGLER: He needs to go face. I think he can tweak his character a little bit and actually get over as a face.

ALEX RILEY: They had to make him face, so he could feud with Miz but I actually think he should go back to being a heel and should be a full-blown heel. He has the look now they just need to develop a heel gimmick for him.
Good topic. I was thinking about this a lot lately myself. Here are the wrestlers I would like to change Heel/Face.


The Miz- Fans seem really eager to cheer for him and pop every time he is shown on the titantron I think a face Miz could have some entertaining feuds with Del Rio. The Miz could give a push to Dolph Ziggler as well since we all know Dolph will never go over on John Cena at least not anytime in the next year or two (and I'm not even a huge Dolph supporter).

Rey Mysterio- I know the WWE from a business aspect needs Rey to be a face since Sin Cara is suspended for Mask sales however this would have been a perfect time to see Rey turn heel.. Much like Christian did on Orton over on Smackdown! Rey has been a face for so long now in both WCW and WWE that he has been stale with the exception of the CM Punk feud and how it got personal with the family involvement. In any event Rey could have some feuds with John Morrison, Cena, CM Punk, Kofi, Evan Bourne and all of them would be fresh feuds and entertaining from various aspects depending on the opponent.

Jim Ross- I am very glad to hear him on Monday Nights once again. He did say something that sparked interest last night though when he was in favor of Vicky Guerrero. Jim Ross, while not a fan of the fake Diesel and fake Razor storyline, actually cut some good heel promo's. It'd be different to hear Ross be heel and maybe be a tandem heel commentators with Cole. Have them gang up on Lawler and other faces during the broadcast... This is not like something I hope for every night or anything but different seems to be the direction or theme that this Triple H/CM Punk era is bringing on... Have JR be the talent relations mind that bring in Colt, The Kings of Wrestling, Tyler Black if they do in fact make a ROH type stable.
The one person that I was thinking of a while back and they already did it was Ron '' R- Truth '' Killings before he turned heel he was so stale that he would not go anywhere in the WWE he was the US Champion for a while but I like his heel turn its fresh and it's not boring his '' The Truth Shall Set You Free'' and no entrance music is great, him talking to him self is perfect for his heel persona. Another person that should turn heel is Eve don't get me wrong she is a good face but I think she would be better as a heel, now for heels turning face For me I would have to say The Miz he needs a face turn everyone cheers him now and he would make a great face, and my last pick would have to be Cody Rhodes he's been a heel for 2 - 3 years now and he is boring as hell as a heel and a nice face turn could help him a little bit.
The Miz could be a top face on either brand. Also has the added bonus of possibly reuniting with Alex Riley as a tag team.

Dolph Ziggler might make a decent face as well.

Ezekiel Jackson should turn heel and reunite with Vladimir Kozlov. Jackson's face run isn't going too well, and they have him jobbing despite being the IC Champion. Jackson and Kozlov can be a dominant tag team of monster heels.
I agree with Cena completely and think it would be beneficial for his character as well as the RAW show itself if he went heel for even just a short while, but it's never gonna happen so let's stop that train of thought right now.

Randy Orton is supremely boring as a face. He was much better as a cool tweener that you loved cause everyone else hated. Turn him back ASAP.

Kofi hasn't really done anything notable at all as a face. Same with Ziggler as a heel. Both are boring and stale. Roll the dice and turn them heel/face respectively and see what happens. Ziggler can easily turn face just by turning on Vickie.

Swagger can be made an intensely competitive face but truth be told I really don't see his character going anywhere face or heel. He has the charisma of a pencil.

Morrison is terrible on the mic. God knows I love him in the ring but he needs to work on those mic skills real bad. If they want to get him over as a top face maybe he should turn heel for a while, get some more promos in and work on his skills, then turn back when he's more notable.

Also, I honestly don't really see Miz working as a face. Keep him now as the cool, kind of goofy heel.
Lets be realistic here although i would love to see it John Cena and Rey Mysterio will Never turn heel. There is just too much money to be made and WWE doesn't want to change that. John does all the Make a Wish Foundation stuff and works with kids and WWE would never want to change that either. The same can be said for Rey. Those are the 2 big money makers for the WWE and I'm sure VKM wants to keep it that way.

Kofi Kingston- This guy needs to turn heel and fast. He is just so boring now and i dont find him entertaining anymore. I liked the aggression he showed when he did that little program with Orton. I say turn him heel and give him that aggression back.

Daniel Bryan- This guy has all the raw essentials to become one of the best in WWE history. He is a good face but I have seen what he can do as a heel and it's ten times better then what he does as a face. Use that aggression to take out some top guys.

John Morrison- I used to be a real big JoMo mark. Not so much anymore. After watching him through out the weeks i came to the realization that he's not as good as made him out to be. Then I realized it might just be because he was a face. He sucks on the mic as a face. Pure garbage. As a heel he was great. He was fresh, mean, and funny. I say turn him heel and give him a nice push.

Justin Gabriel- He is currently on a face turn which I agree with. I also believe he should be paired with Evan Bourne to make one hell of a tag team.

The Miz- Although i would hate to see it i think WWE should turn Miz face. Yes he's great as a heel but he's been doing nothing since losing the title. I think his star is fizzing out and I think his character need to change a bit. Like I said I wouldn't want to see it but I think Miz is good enough to pull it off.
I have a few, but my number one is John Morrison. He is talented, don't get me wrong, but his mic skills suck, we all know him and Melina are divas and have had heat backstage. I say milk it. Turn them back into what they were when they first came in and have Morrison be a top level heel. Cena is popular with women, so I think having him in a fued with Morrison who has Melina at ringside with him would only help him garner that much more heat. My other choices is a Miz face turn after Mania, Daniel Bryan as a full blow heel, he has played a tweener before but never a full on heel I think it would be very interesting, and my final choice is Dolph Ziggler as a face, another I think it would be easy to turn him and I would like to see what kind of run he could have as a face.
heel santino? okay maybe not....but seriously i can really see miz as a face playing that rocky type of role....anyone else imagine everybody chanting along to his 'Really?' and of course 'Awwweeeesssooooommeeeee.'. He has the charisma to pull it off.

would also like to see trent baretta given more of a chance, turn him heel and maybe team him with evan bourne as a cocky tag team.
Good thread!!

Heel turns I'd like to see -

Kofi Kingston - like everyone has posted before me,he is stale as they come at the moment - change his music from the happy-go-lucky jamaican!
John Morrison - I don't think he should turn heel.....yet! let him just enhance his attitude more and give him more promo time to bring back the cocky JoMo. An enventual heel turn would to wonders.
Alex Riley - I realize WWE are pushing him as a major face but he was a great heel just look at his nxt days!

I cant see Rey or Bourne ever going heel. I just personally couldn't take them seriously - Bourne looks like he's only 18! And Rey is just too over with the kids.

Cena.....maybe too good to be true but I can see it work..what's the worst that could happen!!

I could definitely see a miz face turn in the future
Swagger should defiantly be a face right now and chasing Ziggler for the U.S title
I think Ziggler is fine in heel mode at the mo - he's great heel!

As for Smackdown

Kane - I know this they goes through the most heel/face turns EVER! but IMO he works much better as a heel. His promo work with Taker was great!

Yoshi Tatsu - his current wee feud with Tyson Kidd has brought out an aggressive side to Yoshi and he played it well so Id like to see this happen - plus I hate his music :)

Jackson - just do something! Heel turn would be great!
Good thread!!

Heel turns I'd like to see -

Kofi Kingston - like everyone has posted before me,he is stale as they come at the moment - change his music from the happy-go-lucky jamaican!
John Morrison - I don't think he should turn heel.....yet! let him just enhance his attitude more and give him more promo time to bring back the cocky JoMo. An enventual heel turn would to wonders.
Alex Riley - I realize WWE are pushing him as a major face but he was a great heel just look at his nxt days!

I cant see Rey or Bourne ever going heel. I just personally couldn't take them seriously - Bourne looks like he's only 18! And Rey is just too over with the kids.

Cena.....maybe too good to be true but I can see it work..what's the worst that could happen!!

I could definitely see a miz face turn in the future
Swagger should defiantly be a face right now and chasing Ziggler for the U.S title
I think Ziggler is fine in heel mode at the mo - he's great heel!

As for Smackdown

Kane - I know this they goes through the most heel/face turns EVER! but IMO he works much better as a heel. His promo work with Taker was great!

Yoshi Tatsu - his current wee feud with Tyson Kidd has brought out an aggressive side to Yoshi and he played it well so Id like to see this happen - plus I hate his music :)

Jackson - just do something! Heel turn would be great!
Damn dude, the WWE already has too many heels and you just suggested turning 6 guys heel and 2 face.

I think Sheamus was a great face turn. I think Swagger would be a good face. They teased it with Cole, should have went with it considering the heat magnate Cole is.

The worst that could happen with Cena as a heel is the WWE loses money, so yea, worst case scenario for them.

JoMo doesn't have the mic skills or in ring ability to be a heel. However, he has the good guy good looks and flipz to be a face. I see him as a face.

Kofi is basically the same thing as JoMo.

Riley I'd like as a heel, but he's a face now. My thinking is they're doing the Raven stair-step thing he talks about where "if you're a heel and you're this over, then you turn face, they like you that much more, then you get more and more over, then you turn heel, and you're that much more over as a heel". You can't flip flop it too fast but I think by the Rumble Riley's face run should have reached it's peak. Having young guys like Riley have face/heel runs is also a great learning experience. If you learn to be a heel then you learn the psychology behind it, then you learn to be a face and learn the psychology behind that. It makes you smarter in the ring.

Yoshi Tatsu kinda has Kofi/JoMo syndrome.

Jackson is big so being a heel is easy to him. There are already too many heels though. Plus he wouldn't be a better "big strong scary black guy" than Mark Henry. So there's that. Sometimes it's about filling roles.
Face turn - McIntyre, he is lost in the WWE and he needs a shake-up on his gimmick, just like Zack Ryder.

Heel turn - HHH, the people sure want to see the boss with another spectacular heel run, with his mic skills at top, and pushing some big heat.
Jerry Lawler. His face commentary is pretty bad. It consists entirely of bad jokes and high pitched squeals. Paired with Cole, it was pretty bad. Cole had his shining moments of greatness, but too often he was just way too distracting from everything else. With JR back, maybe we can hope for something better. Get Cole out of the box and just let King be the Attitude era heel he was in the past. Not trying to get himself over, just supporting the heels, verbally sparring with JR. He's hardly the greatest heel commentator ever, but it at least makes him better than he is now.
Even though WWE is unlikely to do this but John Cena should defo turn heel as it would boost his character appeal and show more of his talents in the ring that we are not seeing from him at the moment and with the cena vs rock match at WM28, having cena as a heel will make the match much more interesting

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