Who in RoH would you...

The Chosen One of WZ

Even TNA cant ruin ECW for me
Who in RoH would you like to see in WWE?

RoH is home to alot of talented wrestlers and is the biggest indy promo in America not including TNA :p

My choices would be Chris Hero and El Generico. Both amazing in the ring. Also entertaining on the mic. Im just glad TNA hasent snatched either of them up for good yet. But Generico just did a tryout match so who knows?
Well honestly since tna ruined their chances with roh guys, cept for aj and joe, id never want them there but in wwe my choice was tyler black which happened, id like for roderick strong to go there, or chris hero, kenny king is underrated, also i think chris daniels is well known enough to be a good ic champion there...but mostly id like roderick strong there the most just because the guy is incredible
"The American Wolf" Davey Richards.

Without a doubt in my mind, this is the guy I would love to see in the WWE. I love the guys style and he's my favorite wrestler in the ROH. If he were to debut in WWE it would be a huge mark out moment for me, and it would give me another big reason to turn into his respected show.

He's all business in that ring and always puts on great matches. I feel like he would be one of those guys to bring prestige back to a mid-card title. A run with the Intercontinental or US title would be great, especially if they build him up right. Feuds with Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, CM Punk, Evan Bourne, etc, would all make for some great matches. Even in the title picture with some of the bigger guys like John Cena, Randy Orton, and Sheamus, I could see excellent matches. If anything fails seeing him form a tag team to help build that division back up would be nice. He's a great singles and tag team wrestler both the same, which is another reason I love the guy.

I'm not sure if I could see him making it to the WWE, strictly off his style, but that would be a good thing to see in the future. Maybe someday, and hopefully he doesn't get snatched up by TNA like you said. I mean he would be good in TNA too, but that's always a bad feeling knowing TNA tends to drop the ball a lot. I don't think he would get picked up by TNA anyway, with the problems TNA and ROH had at one time with each other. Either way I want to see him in main stream wrestling.
I would also like to see Chris Daniels in WWE but sadly he is back in TNA playing Suicide :disappointed:. Also your right Rodrick Strong is a beast.

Back in TNA playing Suicide? When the hell did this happen? I must have missed something.

He's the ROH TV champion right now, so I'm very convinced that this is untrue. Honestly correct me if I'm wrong, I don't remember seeing Suicide being back in TNA and let alone him being the ROH TV champion.

EDIT: Never mind I see I missed his coming back party but I don't see how he's being played as Daniels. That would be very unlikely.
I would Love to see the Briscoe Brothers. I think they are this generation Edge and Christian. How ever with the PG era they would be unable to showcase their talents. So my answer for the present day WWE I would like to see Davey Richards. He is one of the best in ring performers and can also cut a great promo.
Back in TNA playing Suicide? When the hell did this happen? I must have missed something.

He's the ROH TV champion right now, so I'm very convinced that this is untrue. Honestly correct me if I'm wrong, I don't remember seeing Suicide being back in TNA and let alone him being the ROH TV champion.

EDIT: Never mind I see I missed his coming back party but I don't see how he's being played as Daniels. That would be very unlikely.

Yeah its been confirmed as Daniels. TNA lets their superstars work the independants when its not a day they are doing a house show or are taping.
Who in RoH would you like to see in WWE?

RoH is home to alot of talented wrestlers and is the biggest indy promo in America not including TNA :p

My choices would be Chris Hero and El Generico. Both amazing in the ring. Also entertaining on the mic. Im just glad TNA hasent snatched either of them up for good yet. But Generico just did a tryout match so who knows?

As much as I respect Hero in the KOR, he isn't ready for the WWE. He has a lot of work to do on his physique before this will ever happen. I've said it many times before, if he does get in shape then he and Claudio could save the WWE tag division. Claudio could be great in the WWE as a singles wrestler. He has the look and the skill, he just needs a chance.

I would like to see Austin Aries and Davey Richards end up in the WWE. Aries is great both in the ring and on the mic and Richards could be the closest thing we see to a Benoit type ever.
As much as I respect Hero in the KOR, he isn't ready for the WWE. He has a lot of work to do on his physique before this will ever happen. I've said it many times before, if he does get in shape then he and Claudio could save the WWE tag division. Claudio could be great in the WWE as a singles wrestler. He has the look and the skill, he just needs a chance.

I would like to see Austin Aries and Davey Richards end up in the WWE. Aries is great both in the ring and on the mic and Richards could be the closest thing we see to a Benoit type ever.

Aries was actully cut from this season of Tough Enough so it might be that WWE doesn't want him for some reason. Sad cause hes a solid talent.

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