Who didn't deserve to be a Heavyweight Champion?

Who's the biggest mistake as champion?

  • Jack Swagger

  • The Miz

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • The Great Khali

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Vince McMahon

  • other

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Alberto Del Rio : Del Rio debuted in 2010, won the Royal Rumble in less than 6 months after debuting, then wins the Money in the Bank then becomes a WWE Champion with a lackluster reign of few weeks then loses the title then wins the title again.

In 1 year Alberto Del Rio won the Royal Rumble, Money in the Bank WWE Championship (2 Times) and yet people don't care about him.
And Main evented Mania. (v. Edge)
I'm saying Del Rio too. I'm a Del Rio fan but seriously, he is a mid card wrestler... It's just my opinion.
Ultimate Warrior. Yes, he was over with fans thanks to a mega push few stars ever have been given, but he was a notoriously horrible ring worker, off script and careless. People say Hogan was limited in the ring but Hogan looked like Brett Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair combined compared to UW. He wasnt a team player, refusing to lose or many times even let other people look good. WWE could have let a heel like Rick Rude or Ted DiBiase cheat Hogan out of the title, eventually setting the stage for Hogan's dramatic return. Instead they tried to replicate Hogan's 80s era formula for success and he wasnt nearly good enough. It was a lot like WCW trying to turn Lex Luger into the new Ric Flair as champ in 91. He simply couldnt pull it off. On the other hand Id take Luger over Warrior anyday of the week. At least Luger could pull out a good match ten times more often than Warrior.

Re: Bob Backlund, he was champ for 5 years straight, an incredible feat even in the pre monthly PPV era. If he wasnt popular he never would have lasted so long, and he was a very good ring performer.

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