Who can step into Cena's shoes?


Try Lacing My Boots!
With all the talk of John Cena's heel turn it got me thinking about who could replace him as a major face on Raw. Randy Orton is the obvious top face to replace him at the moment but with his tweener rather than all out face reputation,the WWE may well need a full fledged face in the mould of Cena to represent the company. Today Cena is clean cut and the perfect poster boy for the current PG era when it comes to PR outside the ring and in the general media. So,who of the current crop of Raw stars couls fill that role? I personnaly would have maybe said Edge could have filled that top spot before his draft to Smackdown so really cant decide who it could be.

Who do you think it could be?
Here's the thing. When John Cena came along, there wasn't anybody else on the roster that was able to become what he has become. Everyone else on the roster has already become their own entity, and taking someone and just putting them in that role, probably wouldn't work. John Cena is a perfect WWE creation in just about every way. For someone to really be the next "face of the company", he'd have to be cultivated from developmental and upwards.

They'll probably try and turn Miz babyface, for whatever reason, and make him "Babyface #1", though I don't see why anyone would cheer him.

Off the top of my head, my first thought is John Morrison, but I know people will explode over that, because he's apparently the worst microphone talker ever, and his "Palace of wisdom" talk went over everyone's heads.

I'd say Justin Gabriel, but I can imagine people reacting to his accent not-so-favorably.

I don't think there is someone on the roster currently that could do it. MAYBE Morrison. That's all I can say.
Well before it happens, let me just say, not the friken Miz. He won't even be the number one heel. he will have a short raise to stardom and screw it up. he is just awful. he doesnt have good skills, he's just annoying. but on topic, i think it will have to be a new guy who they really push. i think if orton stays around a bit longer than Cena he could be as big. he's pretty big as it is. Jericho too if he comes back and there is always Triple H
John Cena did work as a TOP face because thats how Vince probably planned him from early in his career... The Miz and Morrison both have qualities to be great *me preferring Morrison over the The Miz* but they weren't a blob of clay that could get moulded into anything Vince wants. But Cena was different he could literally do anything Vince said, he's (Vince is) probably finding another all out newcomer who has qualities that he sees and they will probably be the next big face (I'm liking the Gabriel face idea btw).
Who knows who it could be? When John Cena stepped up, he just did it. I wasn't expecting this kid who slapped Kurt Angle one day to become the guy he has. I'm pretty sure we haven't even seen the guy who could replace Cena at the top of the card. Obvious choices are The Miz, and Orton, but like has already been said, they are their own entities. I'm positive in the fact that we havent seen the guy who will take the WWE by storm like Cena did 8 years ago.
Yea i dont think we have seen the next cena yet either. It will be someone who Vinny Mac can mold into stardom.

The Miz wont be face for a long time...he is (as iv said before) one of the best heels to hit the scene in a LONNNG time...dating back to Andre? ah i really dont know how far back but a LONG time...

I do like the Gabriel face idea alot...Hes quickly rose into my top 5 fav wrestlers...
I don't think anyone will step up right away and replace him as the face of the company. I think triple H will come back and be the top face until the find a replacement. It's hard to say who could be the next top face. Choices could be orton for one. But I don't think they want him as the face of company. Right now with the pg era he just doesnt fit as a face of the company type of character. There are lots of options on who they could try and push but the big question is on how the crowd reacts to that person. So I think they are going to test different people out and until the figure out who that person is triple h is going to fill the void.
im pretty sure people will jump down my throat when i say this, but what about big zeke. we havent really heard him talk all that much for us to say he cant talk. plus he has tht big muscular body top vince likes his guys to have. i remeber when batista started to go on his own and people thought it wasnt going to work, but it did. ezekial jackson can be a huge face. if done right that is. i think we might be seeing the big zeke era coming up here in the next few years
They'll probably try and turn Miz babyface, for whatever reason, and make him "Babyface #1", though I don't see why anyone would cheer him.
Miz is a WWE creation of the highest caliber. He'll do anything they tell him to, makes good public appearances, and has a story that fans will naturally get in line behind and cheer. You aare far too bias to be seriously posting in this thread. I haven't even mentioned his work around the ring, but I will because I KNOW that is the first line of defense for those who discredit miz. He can bump, he can throw good shots, and his slams look decent while not being dangerous professionally.

His matches still don't tell a story, I will admit. And his promos are beginning to get repetitive. That's the only legs you have to stand on.
Miz is a WWE creation of the highest caliber. He'll do anything they tell him to, makes good public appearances, and has a story that fans will naturally get in line behind and cheer. You aare far too bias to be seriously posting in this thread. I haven't even mentioned his work around the ring, but I will because I KNOW that is the first line of defense for those who discredit miz. He can bump, he can throw good shots, and his slams look decent while not being dangerous professionally.

His matches still don't tell a story, I will admit. And his promos are beginning to get repetitive. That's the only legs you have to stand on.

What likable qualities does the Miz have? That's the question that I've been trying to get an answer for?

Aside from "WWE will turn him babyface, and their fans will follow along, just because they're told to." I don't see what there is to like about him.
Good question. The truth is, you just never know. Like Monkey said earlier, who would've thought that kid in tights who slapped Kurt Angle on his debut would become the Rock of the PG era and the company's top player? Personally, I don't think the one who will replace Cena is even in WWE at the moment. While I do think Miz will indeed be a face at some point down the road, I don't think he'll take Cena's place anytime soon nor do I see him ever being in Cena's position. Orton has come into his own so I don't see him taking Cena's place either. You ask a difficult question and I don't think it really has a real answer yet.
There is no one on the roster than can fill Cena's shoes right now. Orton his tremendous as a heel, but not so great as a face. Miz, Punk, Sheamus all heels and I can't see any of them making the face turn and actually pulling it off.

Unless Vince has someone hiding under the ring I don't see his shoes being filled for a long time to come.
What likable qualities does the Miz have? That's the question that I've been trying to get an answer for?

Aside from "WWE will turn him babyface, and their fans will follow along, just because they're told to." I don't see what there is to like about him.

To the 'universe' easy.
1. He's a known wrestling nerd. crowd loves a 'loser'
2. Came from being shat on. Underdog pity.
3. Cuts decent promos. By hook or by crook.
4. Cuz the WWE said so. Good song, nice spots to get attention, etc.

I could overanalyze it and try for more, but seriously. This still seems bias.
Right now, the WWE do not have a lot of guys who could easily step into John Cena's role and pull it off with the same amount of aplomb that he seems to. Sure, he may have his haters, just like everyone does. However, he takes his knocks on the chin and is continually looking to go forward and use what the fans give him. Right now, there is no one else who comes close to having the ability to work a crowd like John Cena. The mixed emotions that the live crowds give him are always a subject for debate and always differ from venue to venue. I would say that when it comes to garnering a reaction from live crowds. John Cena takes the cake... easily!

That being said, if we are looking on a more general basis, I would say that Randy Orton is probably the closest to reaching the level of John Cena right now. He constantly gets pops from the fans that outdo anything else the WWE can muster and his performances in the ring really do draw some acclaim. Unlike Cena, he doesn't have to rely on the Superhero comeback and his matches are a little more evenly balanced because of that. He takes his beatings and then comes back to seal the win. Orton does lack the mic talent to be able to compete with Cena but that might come in time. As a face, he seems to struggle with words and just lets his wrestling work do the talking.

The only other person who I could imagine it being is The Miz. The Miz, whilst being one of the most over-rated talents on the roster, is a bright star for the company. If you would believe in what the WWE tell you to, he is going to be a superstar one day and it could be sooner than we think. If Cena departs for pastures greener, then The Miz might be thrust into that role, whether we like it or not.
Easily Orton. It doesnt matter if he's a tweener, he's mostly a face. WWE are actually treating him as the top dog anyway while Cena is just Barrett's bitch, so I'd say Cena's shoes may already have been filled.

But if you want a full fledged babyface I can think of no other person than Daniel Bryan. The wrestling universe explodes for him, it would get the adult male population back into WWE and along with the kids & women, it equal a much bigger audience for WWE. Daniel has the wrestling skills and despite what some may say, his mic skills arent bad, he can get better in time & attend Vince's promo classes to help him out. Like Shawn Michaels told him, it's his time.
I think it'll be John Morrison, personally. The jury is still out as to whether he could pull it off, but he's relatively young, very popular and would be able to fill Cena's boots in many respects, although he'd have to cut it on his own and prove that he can put on the big matches and carry lengthy feuds.
I think David Hart Smith could step up into Cena's shoes. He has the size, he's okay in the ring and if they let him have some time on the mic I'm sure he'll get better. He has the whole package and with the Hart Dynasty looking like it's coming to it's end in the coming weeks it would allow him to be pushed. I think he's also pretty over, so there's my pick.
No one can predict who will be the next big star, it usually happens when the fans get behind somebody they feel like is "their" guy and they almost force a mega push. But you can never tell who its gonna be nobody knew the rock would be that good on the mic at first, he used to smile and look goofy. Who would have thought JBL had those promo skills when he was in APA.

So what i'm getting at its all up to the superstar to take advantage of the moment and get the fans behind them but also management to know what they can do. I think Kofi can do it he can talk when given a chance and he way over so its not that far fetched. It could be Swagger as an all american kiss ass face, think about it with all the trophies and awards he has he should be booked to win all the time.
The Miz:

-His look is awful. He seems short and stubby compared to other main-eventers. His haircut is terrible.
-His name is the stupidest name in the business today.
-He is BORING in the ring. NOT "improving". Cut the shit. He is FLAT. OUT. BORING.
-He is yet to have a single memorable match (the one with Morrison/Bryan was good... mostly because of the other 2).
-He's overrated on the mic, greatly. People treat this guy like Jericho or the Rock. I really hope they are kidding.

With that said, he'll still get his push. It's unfortunately out of my power to deny him of it. If he worked hard, good for him. I tried really hard to like this guy, but I just can't. Not because he's a great heel, but because he's just annoying and not believable.

Now on topic, it has to be Orton. Although, Orton would just be the new "face of the company". He would NOT be the new Cena. Those are two different things. Cena just happens to be both. Wild card? Sure, Morrison. The look, the great in-ring ability, the experience, the fearless attitude, and the crowd digs him (he's over). Just give this guy some more experience with the mic and he'd be loved.

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