Which WrestleMania Is Underrated?

I would go with the pre attitude era Mania's being XII and XIII.

Granted each is really only a two match card, but they are a great two matches.

Taker v Diesel: The only time we got these two in their primes and the result was good. Even though Diesel was on his way out he still put on a good match. I have always wondered if Diesel would have stayed in the WWE would Diesel have won the match and thus end the streak in its infancy? Or would this match have even happened at all? Becuase Diesel turned heel shortly before Mania and that could have been because Vince knew he was on his way out.

Bret v Shawn iron man match: Needs no explanation. The best title match ever at Mania. Absolutley love that no one got a fall in 60 minutes.

Bret v Austin subbmission match: After iron man Bret's second best WM match. This match forshadowed the type of matches the WWE had in store during the attitude era and turned both Bret and Austin on the same night.

Taker v Sid: Another quality taker match much like the one he had a year ago. The build wasn't as good as last year with Diesel and Taker costing each other title matches but the match itself showcased top big guys in their prime.
I think 14 may be a tad bit underrated since it really kicked off the Austin Era as well as the AE. Him and a crippled HBK were able to pull off a solid match as well. Bringing Tyson in really gave the feud more significance and enhanced the build up as well. Kane/Taker had a terrific build up and a decent enough match. Rock/Shamrock had been feuding for awhile and it involved a twist with Faarooq refusing to help the Rock which set the stone for Rock to become the leader of the nation the next night. I can't remember much of the undercard though which probably means it was bad, lol.
Wrestlemania 5 doesn't seem to get alot of love on here.

It was a solid card from top to bottom....and much like this year's Wrestlemania, the main event was given plenty of time to build a quality storyline. Besides the main event between Hogan/Savage...the rest of the card had some memorable matches. Sure, many of which were fillers...but the Rude/Warrior IC title match was legendary. Perfect continued his undefeated streak by beating Owen Hart (Blue Blazer).

Brain Busters and Strike Force had an excellent tag match as well. Strike Force had finally re-united only to have a falling out on the same night with Martel turning heel and walking out on his partner.

People seem to forget how insanely over Jake Roberts was back in the day. He had a great feud with Andre, and that night Big John Stud was the special referee whom had history with Andre. Ted DiBiase comes out to steal Jake's snake while Andre attacks Big John. Roberts chases him off only to come back with the python. You're not getting a technical wrestling match, but you are getting entertainment...not a single fan sitting in the arena.

Rockers did a great job of putting over the Twin Towers. Michaels sold like an SOB and made Akeem and Bossman look like monsters. Great clash of styles in a good, but short match.

This Wrestlemania was special to me because it was the first Wrestlemania that I saw live as I became a wrestling fan in early 89.

Great card with a great ending.
I would say WrestleMania IV because of the 14 Man Tournament to crown a New WWF Heavyweight Champion, pitting the top Wrestlers of The WWF at that time was a great concept

But we have to go back before WrestleMania IV to Saturday Night's Main Event Hulk Hogan V. Andre The Giant for the WWF Heavyweight Title, Hogan drops the title to Andre with Earl Hebner as the Ref the '' Evil '' Twin, Dave Hebner was locked in a room.

Andre beats Hogan Wins The WWF title and this is where I got confused when he ''Sold'' the belt to The ''Million Dollar Man'' Ted Dibiase ( I was 5 at the time ) and Jack Tunney The WWF President made this 14 man tournament for the vacated WWF Title.

It was cool concept because you did not know who was going to win the belt at all and at the end of the night '' Macho Man '' Randy Savage won his first WWF Heavyweight Belt.

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