Which image is more memorable


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In wrestling just like any other sport, there are images that define the sport itself. We all know famous images and moments from our favorite sports ranging from maybe the Immaculate Reception to perhaps Ali standing over Sunny Liston. However, in wrestling I feel that there are two images that define the sport more than any others, and they would be these two:



So it's a simple question: which of these two images means more to wrestling? Both are incredibly historic moments, but which is more important in the grand scheme of things?
Hulk-Andre means more to wrestling. Without Hogan wrestling would not have gotten to be as big as it was leading to Austin. That moment in history is a monumental moment. It helped to start wrestling along the way to the boom that was the Attitude Era.

Austin helped to get wrestling really booming but without Hogan I don't think wrestling would be nearly as popular or as mainstream as it became. In the grand scheme, without Hogan or Andre at Wrestlemania, who knows where wrestling would have ended up. Hell who knows if the WWE would even still be around if Hogan had not help put them on the map.
To be honest, Hogan/Andre is one of the most iconic moments not only in professional wrestling be in pop culture in the '80s. I can guarantee you that if you showed the photos of Hogan/Andre and Austin to people who were not associated with the wrestling community, they could also identify Hogan/Andre. Even as a wrestling fan, I'm not 100-percent certain what that particular photo of Austin signifies.
I agree, Hogan/Andre and Wrestlemania III, hit a mark in pro wrestling that changed the industry forever! That photo is indeed etched in the realm of popular culture not just the history of pro wrestling!

In my opinion, as famous as the image of Austin has become, it didn't quite have the same impact! I really don't think any real photo signified the Attitude Era, but I suppose to you had to choose one, that'd be it I guess.
Hulk and Andre this defined Pro Wrestling this was the biggest stand off in history everyone was wondering who would this match Hulk or Andre. They normally say that a picture describes a 1000 words that described millions of words that was the most historic event in Pro Wrestling and it made Professional Wrestling bigger and better.
I agree with all previous posters.

The image of Austin is huge for me because it turned me from a casual fan into a die hard fan, but without Hogan/Andre it means nothing because of what that moment meant to the business.
Those were two very important moments, but I have to go with Hogan and Andre at Wrestlemania 3. I bet you can show that photo to anyone around the world and they will know who those 2 are. At least Hogan anyways. If you show the Austin pic, most people might confuse him for someone else or another wrestler.

Hogan and Andre are more recognizable, but I think Austin was over before his feud with Bret Hart so that picture shows one of the greatest matches of all time, but isn't as memorable as Hogan and Andre.
Hogan Andre was much more memorable for many reasons but I like the image of SCSA better.

it just looks cooler to be honest and shows the ferocious nature of wrestling.
I've got to go with Hogan and Andre that photo is just more well known to the public than the SCSA one. My bet is you could show a group of people and they would know what the photo is about or at least who's in it.

If we we're asking for my favourite though is the one with Austin bleeding, it just shows how tough of athlete Austin was but more iconic is Hogan and Andre.
I have to agree with the majority here and say the Hogan-Andre image means more to wrestling in general. There's no need to describe the impact Hogan has had on the business, and his feud with Andre rocketed the both of them and the sport into mainstream consciousness.

Not to take anything away from the Austin image, though. It effectively displays the passion and intensity that wrestlers have when they perform in the ring. I think the image of Austin means more to the more devoted of fans, whereas the Hogan one can easily be recognized to the more casual wrestling fans and the general public.

You show the Austin picture to any hardcore wrestling fan, and they can tell you his opponent, the stipulation of the match, the event it took place at, and even the special referee.
the photo of Austin may have brought the attitude era in the 90's but Hogan/Andre were the ones that got it on the level where Austin took it from so i say that they are about the same because without either of them wrestling wouldn't be what it is today
I’m going to agree with everyone so far and say Hogan/Andre. WrestleMania III made WrestleMania what it is today. In 1985 WrestleMania was thought of as a one time event, not a wrestling tradition. WrestleMania 2 was not a very successful sequel. WrestleMania III set the standard for what mania would become. I must have seen that clip of Hogan slamming Andre literally five thousand times over the years. Because of it’s lasting impact for over twenty years I choose Hogan/Andre.
To be honest, Hogan/Andre is one of the most iconic moments not only in professional wrestling be in pop culture in the '80s. I can guarantee you that if you showed the photos of Hogan/Andre and Austin to people who were not associated with the wrestling community, they could also identify Hogan/Andre. Even as a wrestling fan, I'm not 100-percent certain what that particular photo of Austin signifies.
I think Hogan and Andre is the more iconic image. Say what you will about him, but Hogan made wrestling a household item if you will.

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