Which 5 TNA wrestlers do you want to abandon ship?


Is a thin rope
Well after the debacle last night it's pretty clear that TNA is being run by morons who'd rather let someone in no state to perform, to perform in the main event and make himself, his opponent and the company look like utter shit. Since I'm sure none of you want guys you mark for to be stuck in a company like that. So I'm going to ask which 5 guys do you wish would make like rats and get off the ship before they go down with the shitstorm that is TNA. Mine are:

Alex Shelley (love the man)
AJ Styles (the potential matches he could have in the midcard are endless)
Kurt Angle (hands down the best wrestler in the world)
Robert Roode (oh so much potential in him. Whether he'd be in singles or single handedly rescuing the tag team division)
James Storm (see Robert Roode)
Robert Roode (Would love to see him in WWE. He has what it takes to be a great singles wrestler, but if he wants to be in a great tag team, let him be. But at some point I can see Robert in the WWE. I don't know why, it's just an image in my head.)

Samoa Joe (Due to how he's treated. Which is like a piece of shit at the bottom of your shoe. He was an animal of a man, and now he's just that guy who can't even make the PPVs. God Joe, just leave for ROH or WWE.)

Doug Williams (How this guy doesn't make every show is beyond me. I mean, you'd have to be blind to not see the amount of talent and potential Douglas has, and TNA don't seem to be able to cop onto it. Just take him, and place him back in ROH or send him to WWE. They could use him as they should have used William Regal. Like a star!)

Kazarian (He was in the WWE before, and was quickly gotten rid of, but now that he's a much more seasoned wrestler, I have a feeling that some day he'll appear in a WWE ring. He has the look, the in-ring talent, hes shown glimpses on the microphone. Kaz has it!)

Nigel McGuinness (Desmond Wolfe. What a mistake not going to WWE, or passing the physical was for this guy. I mean, imagine how he would have been built? He's the same breed as Danielson, which is an excellent in-ring worker, but all he needed was that edge and he would have gone over as a heel in the WWE. To be honest, unless TNA use him shortly I think he could be gone. And hopefully to the WWE or ROH.)
Kurt Angle
AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Samoa Joe
Desmond Wolfe

That was harder than I thought. TNA has a fuckload of talent.

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