Where is Nash v. Jarrett going?


Championship Contender
Seemingly lost in the mix of the ECW attack, tag team ladder match, and Abyss' tribute to Gallagher last night was an intriguing segment involving Kevin Nash and Jeff Jarrett. After Nash attacked Kendrick and stated he was seeking Hogan and Bischoff's attention, out came Jarrett to try and calm Big Kev down. Nash openly asked why Jarrett was taking up for Hulk and Eric, then elaborated further in a backstage scene with the logical question of why Jarrett was supporting the men who'd taken his company away from him?

I found this to be a very interesting development which, as it coincides with Hogan and Bischoff not appearing on television at all last night, makes me wonder what lies ahead. Could we be seeing that Jarrett was part of "The Deception" all along? Are Hogan and Bischoff there to help Jarret take back TNA from Dixie under the banner of the NWO (remember that Jarrett was a NWO member at one point, though not with Hogan)? Is this entire Nash/Jarrett angle and the "heat" between Hogan/Bisch and Nash a swerve, with Nash also being in on the scheme? Will Sting be completely redeemed?

I know there's one big argument that WCW fans will bring up; Jarrett and Hogan's incident from Bash at the Beach 2000. However, the information that's come out since then makes it look like the real problem was between Hogan and Russo and that Jeff was just caught in the middle. The fact that Hogan and Bischoff are even in TNA right now tells me they must have a perfectly agreeable relationship with Jarrett and that there's no "backstage" reason this on-screen alliance couldn't happen.
Interesting. With Eric invloved in anything you know there's the possibility for a swerve, especially when you add in the names Hulk Hogan & Kevin Nash. I did find it ironic that it was Jeff Jarrett who came out to "calm down" Nash when indeed it has been Hogan & Bischoff who "stole" TNA away from its founder, much like they "stole" WCW almost 15 years ago. The thing that sticks out is Sting. Sting has been trying to get Dixie to see something she just doesn't want to see and he gets suspended for his troubles. Then last night Jeff brings up Sting, almost in a matter-of-fact way.

I don't see Nash & Jarrett feuding. It's like when Savage and Hogan were feuding over the NWO and Nash was somewhat on Randy's side only to turn on him eventually for Hogan.

This angle needs to be perfectly constructed (although I doubt TNA will follow through with it), but we also need to see as a refference what happened in WCW and see where we're being led to. Eric is just rehashing everything he did in WCW (ECW=NWO, to a certain degree/The "Deception"=The Early pre-NWO events when people were wondering who the 3rd man was/Sting trying to tell people about themselves=Sting trying to tell people about themselves before the WarGames match in which his best friend Lex Luger didn't believe he wasn't an NWO member, only to lead him into being the Sting we all know today). It's all a big cycle, so to answer the question of what's going to happen with Jarrett & Nash...Nothing. They'll "pretend" to have heat against each other, Sting will probably somehow come out in a month or two or be reinstated only to be attacked by all four men (unless Bischoff turns against Hogan in an effort to get just Nash & Jarrett and whomever else he chooses at said time). Sting will be the odd man out as he was in '96 and we'll have a wattered down, already ran version of the NWO in TNA.
Good points, Midnite. The big x-factor in all this is Hogan. While I certainly believe that anything is possible, there's part of me that questions if he wants to have another heel turn. I think image repair is one of his agendas in TNA and I could definitely see him being a pawn in this angle; Bischoff piggybacked on Hogan to get into TNA and turns on him once he's got some new allies. They certainly have teased at conflicts and different visions between the two already. It could even lead to something like what we saw with Hogan/Rock at WM 18, where Hogan gets betrayed by his allies and ends up teaming with Sting to fight "The Deception." A Hogan/Sting alliance, even now, would be a pretty special thing to see.
If this is in fact the case, I think it's brilliant. NWO detractors and Indy wrestler knee blowers will absolutely hate this idea for lack of an open mind. But that doesn't make their beliefs any more right (or wrong) than anybody elses.

TNA needs some sort of a splash. Regardless of whether or not "it's been done before"...that hasn't stopped numerous entertainment developers to borrow, steal, or tweak things from the past. WWE recycles their storylines and stole (DX, etc.) from WCW (and the NWO). Family Guy, South Park, and any other cartoon rips off the Simpsons constantly. The Simpsons rip off old Twilight Zone episodes from time to time (and other shows for that matter). The movie industry in general these days are only capable of making sequels to things from the past or remakes of old classics. In fact, even WWE's "NXT" invasion gimmick is a complete rip off of the NWO only in the exact opposite fashion (brand new inexperienced guys wanting coverage as opposed to older veteran guys not wanting to be ignored).

Everybody likes a nice "bad guy" vs. "good guy" setting and this is the best way to do it. Having just random arbitrary wrestlers all over the place with separate boring storylines that barely make any sense isn't going to cut it. At least with this approach they can create a base that has been proven to work time and time again...that will (at the very least) free up some time for them to sit back and carefully think of which direction to go next in the future. Because it seems right now that they're stumbling for a direction...and it's harder to come up with one when you don't have one already in place. It's kind of like the old saying "the best and easiest time to find a job is when you already have one". This is along the same lines. The best time to come up with a better angle...is when you at least have a decent one in place...and they don't have that right now. It takes the pressure off of this "right away" feeling it seems they have in the back...which is directly affecting their product and the reason why a lot of these storylines now seem half-assed and at times contradict one another.
I really think the whole refrence of the hogan jarrett feud was just hogan vs russo because they wanted to give the title to hogan because he wanted to have a revenge factor after the whole hogan and sting incident in 1999 where he laid down for sting to become the world champ
First of all we knew this would probably happen shit was inevitable. Listen to Hogans music and the fact that the band came back. Had Hall acted right and Pac stayed around im pretty sure you would have saw the rise to the once again old glory days. I personally think it would be decent to have Factions vs. Factions hasnt been done in a while and the perfect way to attack the WWE IMO
I would love to see a todays version of the NWO come around, but we must remember that the nwo name pretty much belongs to Vince now, sure they can change the music around a little, but as far as the name of the group, its gotta be something better than "THE BAND", NWO stood for NEW WORLD ORDER, and I dont know what THE BAND stands for, maybe something a little closer to NWO for the name.., but again with the ECW invasion, I dont see how good having a 3rd main group in the pic would help, but maybe put Hogan and them behind the ECW invasion, and turn it into a NWO angle...
And IDK about jarrett i think sting and Nash may start something again they never really were on bad terms. Nash always says it was just business. I think it maybe sting nash hogan bischoff probably Young you know expose some new guys to it. Might pick up MCMG because as you know Nash helped make them a team. So that would be my guess I will however agree with it being weird that Jarrett came out to help but idk this could really go a number of ways. But Jarrett seems big into backing the younger guys which is to why him being involved on nashs side wouldnt make that much sense. Just because they have history dont mean everybody has to relive it you know?
As for a name...if they wanted to...they could use "The Wolfpac/Wolfpack". Vince doesn't own the rights to that name. And "The Band" already used the music they used to have...and Hogan's other music is very similar to the original NWO music (in fact, it was used as the NWO music in Japan at one time). Although, if I know Bischoff and company...and I think I have a good grasp on them. They would want to create an entirely new name in an attempt to "continue moving forward". Using any name from the past (even if allowable) would have a feel of "moving backwards". Most business people will avoid doing this because of the association it brings in this regard. They'll probably have a similar gimmick but with an entirely different name.
Yea.. As far as the name and music and such, I would rather see a new fresh name and music, just the same angle and such. Maybe even bring some of the younger Former NWO names join for a while to help sell it over, but not the older members as i would say that would be moving backwards.. I just cant wait to see what plays out though..
i Agree i found that weird when nash said Hulk and Eric are stealing TNA. Because why would Hulk want him to say something like that.

Maybe Hulk and Eric plan to turn heel. That would be good if they turned heel and Ric Flair was the good guy. hes a legend. Plus its not really going anywhere everyone is too worried bout the old tna stars coming back.

it will not be an nWo revival. Chances are Jarrett has been a mole, working with Foley to overthrow Hogan and Bischoff from the inside. Kevin Nash pointing out the stupidity of Jeff siding with those two after being screwed around is probably the first sign that things aren't what they seem. Not to mention Jarrett was the one who helped Russo oust Hogan from WCW, that plus Sting and Foley's dislike for Hogan and Bischoff implies that those 3 along with Abyss are planning to take back TNA.
it will not be an nWo revival. Chances are Jarrett has been a mole, working with Foley to overthrow Hogan and Bischoff from the inside. Kevin Nash pointing out the stupidity of Jeff siding with those two after being screwed around is probably the first sign that things aren't what they seem. Not to mention Jarrett was the one who helped Russo oust Hogan from WCW, that plus Sting and Foley's dislike for Hogan and Bischoff implies that those 3 along with Abyss are planning to take back TNA.

I hope this isn't the case. They shouldn't dig too deep with this because it gets too much. It should be something simple. If they are trying to oust Hogan and Bischoff - ok. But make it for one simple reason that has to do with fairly modern things.

Having Jarrett pull a swerve on Hogan and Bischoff because he listened to Russo 10 years ago in another company (all while Russo is still working perfectly fine with the two of them) doesn't make much sense and it's digging way too deep.

An NWO type angle would make sense and fill a void for a decent amount of time giving them more time to come up with something better. And that's exactly what they need. More time. A lot of the current storylines seem rushed and poorly thought out in order to just toss something out there.
Maybe Sting attacking RVD on his first appearence has something to do with the whole Dixie and ecw thing and yeah Jarrett as the insider mole got caught in Stings way also but he couldnt blow his cover.

This ECW thing has probably been planned a lot longer then you all thing .. unlike what the dirtsheet writers try to make the sheep on the internet believe Russo is known for actually planning out longterm storylines that have reason and logic to them..

Meltzer will try to tell you different but the only reason any of his storylines ever had gaps in them were because of being off the creative.
Probably apart of the whole Deception thing. Nash with his "Hogan and Bischoff treated you like crap and now your buddy buddies with them?" Stuff. Cant wait to see what happens though.
The more I think about it the more im pretty sure its not an nWo stable. They have already done something similar to that with the Main Event Mafia. Besides Joe/Angle the whole group used to be in the nWo kurt angle took hogans place and joe took scott halls place. Then they tried to recreate the outsiders with the band. So I dont think its a nWo stable. If anything i think jarrett, foley, abyss, and sting are starting something with the possibility of James Storm. I mean what a swerve at Hard Justice than Foley turning on his ECW bretheren. Plus its looking like they are going to finally turn Jarrett Heel again. And Nash face idk anything can happen in TNA
I think the only way it could possibly go is Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff(or maybe just Bischoff) is trying to steal TNA from Dixie...I Mean, when they first got here, Bischoff was acting like his true heel self...Firing Mick Foley, messing with Abyss, tormenting Jeff Jarrett...Remember when Dixie suspended Sting? Sting said "Let me explain it for you Dixie so even YOU will understand" and right before he explained it, Bischoff conviently cut in and said that's enough and had security remove Sting from the building...Everybody is making this out to be about Sting/Hogan when I think It has more to do with Eric Bischoff..It goes back to what Kevin Nash said.. Bischoff made Jarrett's life hell and now Jarrett is defending him?

There was something that struck me about the Jarrett/Dixie confrontation last night.. Dixie asked Jarrett to explain to the TNA Lockerroom that the ECW guys coming in was a good thing..Jarrett said "Ok I got your back, Dixie..You can trust me."...Did Dixie say anything that would make Jarrett think she didn't trust him? Trust him for what? She wasn't in danger so why would Jarrett need to say that? Remember...It was Dixie Carter who took Kurt Angle's side and suspended Jarrett amid the whole Karen Angle situation..They even showed Jarrett on Impact leading up to Hulk and Eric's debut and Dixie looked like she had no sympathy for him at all.

Plus remember WAAAAAAAY back when Hogan and Bischoff came in it was rumored that Kurt and Hogan would be batteling Jarrett and Foley for control of TNA.. Could Kurt be replaced with Sting and Foley with Bischoff?I think the original plan when Hogan and Bischoff came in is finally starting to take shape.. The key ingredient in all this is what role Kevin Nash will play in all this... Nash is basically calling Jarrett out for being a con artist but is Nash setting up for his own swerve? Remember, Kevin Nash never stays face for too long so I couldn't imagine Kevin Nash siding with Sting unless it was to ultimately turn on him and side with Jarrett saying that was the plan all along...

I think ultimately Jarrett will be revealed as the culprit and try to take TNA over so Dixie reinstates Sting to help save TNA...Sting might refuse at first, stating that It could've all been avoided had she listened to him to begin with but I think that ultimately Sting will return to extract revenge on Jarrett and whoever turns heel with him(Nash, Hogan, Bischoff).

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