Where Does TNA Go After Lockdown?


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
TNA's been getting a lot of stick lately, more than usual, including from loyal fans of the product. The Immortal storyline gave their booking a purpose, but at the minute, it does feel like they're booking on the fly and not quite sure of their direction.

So here's your chance to set their ship straight. What moves do you make after Lockdown to benefit the company? What feuds would you set up, what events would take place, and what alignment would the roster have? In short, what changes would you make to make a solid foundation of the road to Slammiversary?

For one, I think they need to put AJ Styles back in the World title hunt, he deserves to be there, face or heel, he is TNA.. I also think they should wind down on the Immortal storyline and start focusing more on the X and KO divisions again..

Impossible to answer until we actually know what happens at Lockdown.

It's easy to sit back and say that guys like AJ Styles and Daniels deserve pushes or that Gunner needs to lose the TV Title to a guy who can actually defend it and make it worth something or that TNA needs to stop splitting tag-teams in a division that already doesn't have enough teams, etc. but as to how and when these things are done is impossible to answer until we know the results of Lockdown, IMO.
i have heard that TNA is gonna do a jeff hardy in rehab senorio and maybe it would be g8 2 see a face jeff vs a heel matt in a last man standing match for the tv belt
Try going forward. Geez, I get the idea of discussing around here, but there's a difference between arguing about where storylines are heading and just asking blind questions. This is a blind question. Are we gonna be asking the same thing when Slammiversary starts looming? My only sure-fire thing is, Daniels branching out into a one-on-one feud. Wild guess, I know.
I saw a news item saying they'd already planned out all their stories until late summer, so the job's done. Not saying it'll be a particularly good one mind you.

Like most net smarks, I feel I could book TNA in a far more coherent and entertaining fashion, but as long as Hogan, Bischoff and Russo have a stranglehold on the company and think they can be successful with the same tricks that sank WCW, it's hopeless.
The easiest thing to do would be to have an Anderson heel turn & have him take Jeff Hardy's spot in Immortal as World Champion. He already has heat with Sting & RVD, he basically screwed them over in the cage match on Impact. Have him turn to the "dark side", saying he needed to be champion again & this was the quickest way to do it. Then you have him continue his feud with Sting for another month or two. Meanwhile, AJ can come back & get revenge on Bully Ray. Maybe you have it where he is forced to go through all of Immortal-Ray, Matt Hardy, Abyss-in order to earn his title shot against Anderson.

As for the TV title, I know this won't happen, but I'd like to see a tournament featuring guys like Samoa Joe, Pope, Hernandez, Morgan, Matt Hardy, etc. There's enough talent to have a pretty good tournament.
First and foremost TNA needs to tighten the belts. They should disband immortal after the ppv. Have them get beat up in the matches and break up. I really dont even want to see hogan and bischoff running the show the way they do but thats not going to change so I much rather see them be by themselves and try to sway a world or future champ with them. Now for the tv belt I would like for them use it to build characters...build momentum...fan base. Why Gunner has the belt BLOWS MY MIND?! I think a feud between the likes of Wolfe and Matt Hardy would be great for this belt. Hopefully leading them to bigger things down the road. As for the tag team situation obviously they are doing the best they can with this. However, they really need to bring in some talent for Beer Money. Gen Me and ink inc just doesnt cut it for me. Ink inc are not a bad combo tho. All in all, the tag team division with a few more teams is great. The x-division I always thought could be a EXCELLENT advantage for tna over wwe. I know hardcore era is kinda over but I think they could have someone like Mick Foley come back and rock Kazarian at which point they announce X division is now the xtreme division but it will be called x division still. I think ladder matches with great talent such as jay lethal, eric young, and even mcmg because they bring excitement to every match they are in. At that same side you can have big men who prefer hardcore go for it to such as devon, bubba ray, and dreamer. This way the talent this out there in space can actually be working towards something and not a pointless belt. The womens division is the womens division. Now finally for the World Championship we could have Sting vs Aj. Old vs young. face vs face. After Aj wins sting can be utilized in many other ways. He is someone who can hold a fued and keep the fans interested so there is nothing to worry about him. But Tna needs to use Anderson, Pope, Abyss, Angle, even Morgan.I really think Anderson was great when first arriving but this asshole shit got to go and Pope was awesome but now he gets carried away. He needs to keep his gimmick simple and funny so the funs catch on. If Morgan actually showed a bit of charisma he could get the crowd behind him making it easier for tna to decide a push for him. And you always got other talent to work with. They need a overhaul for sure and I hope it happens. They definitely need to get out of that studio they tape in.
The results of lockdown is going to give us a big clue and a more clearer picture of where TNA will be going after lockdown. The results of Lockdown will tell us A LOT. Untill then, that is pretty impossible to awnser.This I think is for sure, TNA will start the build to BFG after Lockdown.
Tna is going to amsterdamn. I hope they do well. I cant wait to see how they turn around the Hardy situation. And i just hope the Angle Jarrett fued is done after this ppv.
If I had to book each division going forward, I'd have AJ Styles as the World Heavyweight Champion, Christopher Daniels as the Television Champion, Samoa Joe as the X-Division Champion, the Motor City Machine Guns as Tag Team Champions, Mickie James as Knockouts Champion and Sarita & Rosita as Knockout Tag Team Champions.

Start from that solid foundation and I'd watch each and every week with a smile on my face.
Well they need to first, find a top heel. Which in all likelyhood will come out at Lockdown.

I can see Anderson coming out as the new top heel, Id like to see it booked in a way that Bischoff or Hogan will "rig" the match so that Anderson wins, if he brings the belt to Immortal, would be nice to see him be reluctant to it, but start to like screwing people, being an asshole. We can already tell a Fortune v Immortal situation is being formed for BFG, AJ Styles needs to be moved to the main stage, booked as the savior. Have Bully Ray act as the road block for Styles on the way to BFG so they can finish off that storyline.

I want to know what they plan to do with Daniels, whether they will make Fortune a 5 man team or he is just there till AJ is back and will then go on his merry way.
If I had to book each division going forward, I'd have AJ Styles as the World Heavyweight Champion, Christopher Daniels as the Television Champion, Samoa Joe as the X-Division Champion, the Motor City Machine Guns as Tag Team Champions, Mickie James as Knockouts Champion and Sarita & Rosita as Knockout Tag Team Champions.

Start from that solid foundation and I'd watch each and every week with a smile on my face.

See that’s the problem with booking a wrestling show. That may work for you but it’s not necessarily what other people want to see. I would much rather see Mr Anderson as the World Champion. AJ is my favourite wrestler but I’ve seen him with the World Title on previous occasions. Anderson only held it for a month, so I would love to see him have a decent run.

There are numerous guys I’d rather see hold the TV Title, other than Daniels. AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Matt Morgan, Pope, Bully Ray, Desmond Wolfe, Matt Hardy, Hernandez or Abyss would all be better IMO. Everyone has their own opinions on what wrestlers they like, that’s why it’s virtually impossible for a wrestling company to please all their fans all the time.

To the original question: Like other posters have mentioned, it’s pretty hard to tell what direction TNA will go in after Lockdown, having not seen Lockdown yet. There seems to be more life left in the Immortal/Fortune story after Lockdown, so that is something I would expect to continue. I also expect Sting to retain the World Title and enter into a one on one feud with Mr Anderson. Culminating in Anderson defeating The Icon and becoming World Champion. Which could result in Mr Anderson vs AJ Styles in the future. AJ will obviously have Bully Ray to deal with over the next couple of months.

I’m interested in seeing where guys like Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle go after Lockdown. There’s no obvious path for those two to follow at the moment. I would like to see Angle go after the TV Title and bring that to the forefront of TNA. As for Van Dam, I’d really like to see a feud with Bully Ray (if AJ takes a while to return).

There’s plenty of different directions TNA can go in with numerous guys. And it will certainly be interesting finding out what does happen.
Many things need to happen after Lockdown. First as said above me TNA needs a top heel and I have to agree that it needs to be Anderson. Whether the full turn will happen at Lockdown or come shortly afterwards this needs to happen. He's the big name Immortal needs to make them look like a threat once again and he is the only guy who can play the part right.

There are three feuds that after Lockdown need to be a done deal, those being Jarrett/Angle, Morgan/Hernandez, and Pope/Joe. Its time for all these guys to get booked into other programs. The storylines they have been involved in are overly played out at this point. even if you just take these 6 guys and rotate them so you have Pope/Angle, Morgan/Jarrett, and Joe/Hernandez it would at least make the booking seem fresh.

When A.J. returns the first feud will obvious be with Bully Ray which will then hopefully lead to a match at Slammiversary between A.J. and Flair. I see A.J. returning after Lockdown and getting the match with Bully Ray at Sacrifice and the stipulation being if he beats Ray he gets Flair one on one.

If Daniels is sticking around i have to expect a heel turn out of him as well. Daniels has always played a better heel than face IMO. If he joins Immortal this also gives them someone to be in the X-Division picture.

The Immortal/Fortune storyline is obviously going to lead up untill BFG when it will be the final showdown. I currently expect the BFG card to look something along these lines:

TNA Heavyweight Championship
A.J. Styles vs Mr. Anderson

TNA Tag Team Championship
Bully Ray/Matt Hardy vs Beer Money Inc

X-Division Championship
Christopher Daniels vs Kazarian

T.V Championship
Samoa Joe vs ?????(I have no clue who will be holding the belt at this point)
Matt Morgan vs Abyss
Sting vs Jeff Jarrett
Kurt Angle vs Steiner(at asome point Steiner will turn and join Immortal)

Currently that is what i'm going with as things play out it could make for different scenarios and only time will tell
I agree with your comment on Daniels. He has always been a better heel and so far Immortal really doesnt have anyone to take the title from Kazarian. Daniels and Kazarian will put on one hell of a fued.
The Immortal storyline gave their booking a purpose, but at the minute, it does feel like they're booking on the fly and not quite sure of their direction.

TNA is really starting to smell like WCW before it went under.. spearheaded by Bischoff and crew once again..

They have alot of great talent.. enough with the head up thy ass bookings.. it would be a shame if TNA had to shut its doors because of piss poor management..
TNA is really starting to smell like WCW before it went under.. spearheaded by Bischoff and crew once again..

They have alot of great talent.. enough with the head up thy ass bookings.. it would be a shame if TNA had to shut its doors because of piss poor management..

I don't think theres any danger of this happening. WCWs ratings were probably on the decline at that time, where as TNAs are on the rise.
We are going to have to wait ands see what happens at lock down, my guess that nothing really big is going to happen afterwards, I'm hoping that this ppv will improve on the one before, I really can't stand the line they're going down because of poor booking, managing and creative team.
I disagree somewhat with what some people are saying. I think things have actually been unusually solid, lately (with some exceptions, of course).

What do I think should happen? Ditch the immortal storyline, and keep Bischoff as the defacto "president" of the company in a Mr. McMahon-type role. In order to do this, however, you have to turn Hogan and take "control" away from him, and there has been no build to this, whatsoever, so I'd say that Immortal isn't going anywhere in April. Maybe Slammiversary or BFG, I would guess, if at all.

What I think will happen? One of three things are my guesses: Mr. Anderson makes a full heal turn and wins with the help of immortal; RVD makes the heal turn; or Mr. Anderson gets the win with the help of immortal, but then turns on them, as well.

I think the latter is the better option. It's obvious that Mr. Anderson is the star of the show, right now. In and out of the impact zone, he gets the biggest pops, and his character is very likeable. Dare I say that he is the most over guy in the company, right now.

Many people have said that his character is a form of the Stone Cold tweener character, and I have to agree, except that he hasn't quite gone over the edge, yet. He's definitely badass, and you never really know where he's coming from, but I have yet to see him completely giving an FU to the boss.

The problem I have with this, and the whole involvement with immortal in this storyline to begin with, is that Mr Anderson and Sting have quite a good feud building, with RVD just kind of a whiny background character. This is making RVD's character look lame, and having Mr. Anderson screw Sting, RVD, and Immortal all in one fell swoop sets up too many feuds on one guy.

I'll definitely be checking out this PPV, however, as it has a solid card, and I expect some surprises. I think what happens at Lockdown is going to shape the rest of the year in a major way, no matter what happens.
See that’s the problem with booking a wrestling show. That may work for you but it’s not necessarily what other people want to see. I would much rather see Mr Anderson as the World Champion. AJ is my favourite wrestler but I’ve seen him with the World Title on previous occasions. Anderson only held it for a month, so I would love to see him have a decent run.

There are numerous guys I’d rather see hold the TV Title, other than Daniels. AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Matt Morgan, Pope, Bully Ray, Desmond Wolfe, Matt Hardy, Hernandez or Abyss would all be better IMO. Everyone has their own opinions on what wrestlers they like, that’s why it’s virtually impossible for a wrestling company to please all their fans all the time.

I didn't mean that I'd stick with those wrestlers as champions ALL the time. I just took whichever division and picked a guy/girl that could be the foundation to rebuild upon. Start as you mean to go on, and I appreciate talent, as opposed to current TNA booking which is a mix of nepotism and stupidity.

I liked all the options you listed for the Television Title (except maybe Abyss, as he had it recently and was a bad fit). Hell, Eric Young would be a step up from Gunner...

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