WHERE DOES HHHe go from here???


Getting Noticed By Management
i mean at summerslam apparently we can see a handicapped match between HHH and Priceless or a tag match between DX and Priceless.... but after that he will definetively face orton with or without the title on the line in a Hell in a Cell....BUT

after this latest installment of the HHH Orton Saga is over where does he go from here???

i mean do you want the HIAC to be a title match and him winning but who does he defends against??

is the HIAC its not for the title or he loses the match where does he go from here??

wht do you think the future has in store for HHH after his feud with Orton ends???
Firstly, how do you know he's going to get back involved with a feud with Orton after Summerslam, and compete in a HIAC with him? Why are you assuming that? Is that the latest spoiler or something (no, it's not)? Well, you're correct that it's likely Triple H will feud with Legacy, perhaps with HBK as DX, heading into Summerslam. However, who's not to say that the feud will end at Summerslam, and not continue on intill several other p.p.vs? Again, you don't know, nobody does. I think Triple H, when done with his feud with Legacy, and assuming he done the DX thing, he'll move back into the main event and face the champion. However, I think the champion at that time will be Cena, and they'll have a feud, possibly (and hopefully) at this years mania. Personally, I belive he's done with his Orton feud, as it has spanned a hefty bit of time, and along the way they had many gimmick matches that signaled the end, namely the 3 stages of hell match at the Bash.
What I think will happen is HHH will cost Orton the Title and SummerSlam, and that will make Triple H vs. Randy Orton, Hell In A Cell without the WWE Title.

Then at the same PPV, I see Cena vs. someone new to the Main Event scene, being that it is one of the "Small 10". As far as who will be the number 1 contender, your guess is as good as mine.

I think the HHH / Orton War ends at H. I. A. C. as it should, like some past feuds.
how many title matches has HHH been in. seriously do we need a 14+ time world champ. Can anyone tell me is HHH is trying to surpass rick flairs 16 time title run ? And I do know flair held the nwo title like 20+ time's or was that lawler anyways

Are you people even surprised anymore if HHH wind another world title, batween Ortan HHH & cena there's almost 30 world titles. if anything HHH needs to go away for a few months. Make a awsome come back.

and for the last six months is been HHH ortan & cena, HHH just needs to be out of the fans eyes in my opnion. To become fresh again
Where does he go from here? Back to the top of the WWE title picture, that's where. Is there really any doubt that Triple H is going to be wearing the belt again sooner rather than later? Whether he beats Orton or Cena, it doesn't really matter. It's only a matter of time before Triple H gets what Triple H wants.....again.

That being said, I really don't want the Triple H/Orton saga to continue. Enough is enough. It's time for both men to move on to something different. Maybe a move to SD! for Orton, opening up some new feuds.

But, whatever Triple H does, or wherever he goes, it's almost gaurenteed that he'll be champion.
how many title matches has HHH been in. seriously do we need a 14+ time world champ. Can anyone tell me is HHH is trying to surpass rick flairs 16 time title run ? And I do know flair held the nwo title like 20+ time's or was that lawler anyways

Are you people even surprised anymore if HHH wind another world title, batween Ortan HHH & cena there's almost 30 world titles. if anything HHH needs to go away for a few months. Make a awsome come back.

and for the last six months is been HHH ortan & cena, HHH just needs to be out of the fans eyes in my opnion. To become fresh again

i actually think that's exactly what wwe is trying to do, have triple h pass flair's amount of title wins.. the way he's going, he'll be a 30 time champ or more by the time he retires :)
While we can't assume things as Blue Chipper said. It's pretty obvious to me what's going to happen here.

Trips said that he was going to be eliminating the numbers game, so that he can get Orton on his own. He has a match this week with Legacy. Now This match will most likely be trips getting his butt handed to him after he dominates the first minute or so. Then Hbk will come out make the save, and DX is back. Setting up for a match with Legacy at summerslam... To which DX will win Eliminating Legacy from Orton. Now I also think that Orton will lose to Cena at summerslam. Getting the title out of the mix since trips said he doesn't care about the title.

Then the next ppv is breaking point. Which I bet leading up we won't see Legacy at all. Then right as Orton is about to tap in there match(since it's all submissions.) Legacy returns costing Triple h with win. Or you could have Legacy put one over on DX and win at summerslam, and then have another match at breaking point in which DX wins. Then the next night Triple h comes out and challenges Orton to a hell in a cell match at the PPV. So that Legacy can't get involved. So it will be just Triple h and Orton. Either way it works.

Why are they going to keep this feud going for another two months is beyond me. I say end it at summerslam, but they think this is the best thing going so...

After that I see trips returning to the title seen to have a feud with Cena over the title.
is it just me or do anyone want to to hhh win the us title just to add it to his resume and add some prestige to it. its the only currently active title he hasnt won besides the unified tag titles which id like to see dx win.
Well we can all say Finally wwe is giving us a break from HHH being in the WWE title picture. For real I dont really like HHH because I he's had reigns that are underserving and its due to the fact that he's married to the bosses daughter but i only wonder where he would be and hpw many title reigns he would have actually had if he wasnt married to daddy's little princess. Anyway about HHH and the title picture i dont see him being in a PPV title match but maybe on Raw like a mini rival with orton for the titlewhere orton would win and retain but the next time i can see him in a ppv main event title match is like at survivor series or armageddon probably winning the strap again but hhh will fued with legacy(rhodes and dibiase) up untill hell in a cell or maybe even braggin rights and he'll probably fued with them with HBK and him as dx half waythrough braggin right because i know for sure orton we'll beat Cena at summerslam i dont know about breaking poiint i know for sure there will be a rematch with cena and orton but cena could win the title with stf since its an all submissions ppv or orton will disqualify himself leading to hbk getting a title shot and a fresh new rivalry for the next couple of months but i also dont see hbk winning the gold because he doesnt really want it as he's said many times before so orton cold be champion leading into survivor series but then theres batista returning for some revenge and thme two having a fresh new rivalry for the next couple of months so i dont see orton losing the title maybe to cena and breaking point as for hhh hes gonna probably be in different rivalries with swagger miz maybe even big show and jericho but hunter wont be in the title picture just like cena wasnt in it from april - july after he lost the world title so i dnt know these are just my opinions and what i believe will happen
After Summerslam, DX will do what they did in 2006. Make jokes, pull pranks, and sell merchandise like fuck. This time, I don't think it will be a one or two-match deal like we've been seeing for the past two years. They're in it for the long haul.

My prediction is this: I think that DX will take the Tag Titles from Y2Show and rule Raw. They will dominate everything, while Cena feuds with Orton for the title. They will do this into 2010. Sooner or later, they will piss off Vince McMahon. Well one night on Raw, Vince and Shane come out and ask Triple H as a family favor to disband DX. Triple H of course says no. What follows is what Mr. McMahon calls "tough love" and he starts to exhibit it on his son-in-law, The Game. He sends Shane to eliminate HHH from the Rumble, Vince hires The Big Show to hurt Michaels, eventually doing the worst thing of them all: Making a "Loser Leaves The WWE" match between Hunter and Shawn at Wrestlemania 26. Promos between HHH and HBK leading up to it could be like, "It's not personal, It's just business". Of course, Triple H retires Michaels (If HBK is indeed leaving next year) and it's Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels Part 2. By this I mean that all the hugging and crying commences all over again.
After Summerslam, DX will do what they did in 2006. Make jokes, pull pranks, and sell merchandise like fuck. This time, I don't think it will be a one or two-match deal like we've been seeing for the past two years. They're in it for the long haul.

My prediction is this: I think that DX will take the Tag Titles from Y2Show and rule Raw. They will dominate everything, while Cena feuds with Orton for the title. They will do this into 2010. Sooner or later, they will piss off Vince McMahon. Well one night on Raw, Vince and Shane come out and ask Triple H as a family favor to disband DX. Triple H of course says no. What follows is what Mr. McMahon calls "tough love" and he starts to exhibit it on his son-in-law, The Game. He sends Shane to eliminate HHH from the Rumble, Vince hires The Big Show to hurt Michaels, eventually doing the worst thing of them all: Making a "Loser Leaves The WWE" match between Hunter and Shawn at Wrestlemania 26. Promos between HHH and HBK leading up to it could be like, "It's not personal, It's just business". Of course, Triple H retires Michaels (If HBK is indeed leaving next year) and it's Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels Part 2. By this I mean that all the hugging and crying commences all over again.

That just dosn't make any sense, I mean HHH & the Mcman Family were practicly united because of orton & all his head punting all the family members. NOW you think out of no where Shane & HHH are (will) be fueding with eachother ?

IF that's the case what was the point of uniting HHH and the Mcman family ? And DX is only used if Vince wants to sell some DX merchandise mostly around a big PPV. And HHH VS HBK has been done already like twice nothing new there.....
Well we know that he'll still be in the title picture so I doubt this would happen but...
John Cena wins at SS, Triple H comes out and attacks him and beats the shit outta him thus turning him heal. Then we'll get to see a Cena vs HHH feud wooooooo! :rolleyes:
This is interesting. Personally IF they are to face in a HIAC why not make it a loser must leave raw storyline? Orton would lose thus moving onto Smackdown. Smackdown then get a proper heel to replace Edge with....

This brings me to my next point it leads to another storyline, at wrestlemania when Edge returns, Y2J and Show v RKO? in maybe a ladder match or somethign similar.
what would make it intresting is somehow hbk causes hhh not to win the title and they fued into mania 26 where if hbk loses he retires, it would be cool, that would be if they stretch out the dx legacy fued to give it time for that to biuld up, then hbk does sweet chin music on hhh when he goes up against orton in one of the ppv's,
This happens far too often!

"Triple H should go away. it's boring. We need someone new in the Main Event"

But who? Triple H, Orton and Cena are the best we have on Raw. Shawn Michaels is due a return and that normally leads to a title shot but that never lasts long. There is noone else worth putting in the Main Events.

Think about it. Were any of you happy when John Cena challenged Brock for the belt at Backlash 2003? Howabout Hardcore Holly at the Royal Rumble 2004? None of you... that's because neither of them deserved that spot. Cena didn't at that point. He was a US title competitor. Not Main Event. Holly got that as a revenge match for breaking his neck. It should have been left on Smackdown, not a PPV. It was awful.

So do you really want to see The Miz Vs Cena for the belt? Or MVP Vs Orton? How about Kofi or Evan Bourne? None are anywhere near that class yet. Triple H, Orton and Cena are. Vince is already worried about the product without making gambles which are destined to fail.

If you don't like it. Watch Smackdown!
what would make it intresting is somehow hbk causes hhh not to win the title and they fued into mania 26 where if hbk loses he retires, it would be cool, that would be if they stretch out the dx legacy fued to give it time for that to biuld up, then hbk does sweet chin music on hhh when he goes up against orton in one of the ppv's,

Although I too want to see that, it won't be happening. The WWE's Raw tour of the UK in November (I think) is the DX Revenge tour. That wouldn't really make any sense if they were feuding.

To be honest, WWE missed the boat with HH/Shawn feud. They should have had a 4 way feud with the full Cliq when they signed Hall and Nash.
2 words...Jack Swagger. Yes I said Jack Swagger people. This would be a huge push for Swagger and someone fresh for HHH to face and give a little rub to a younger guy without completely letting him go over since we all know HHH won't do it. Swagger can win the surprise matches leading up to the PPVs and actaully win one of the PPV matches. Why not spread this down 3 or 4 months? This could go really well for Swagger and give the people a nice breath of fresh air from seeing HHH in the main even scene.
I am going to completely go onto a different route with HHH. Let's say that HHH and Orton have their HIAC to end their feud. Make it a loser must leave Raw match, but make HHH lose. He goes to SD and becomes a heel(I much rather prefer a heel HHH to a face HHH), then it happens, we get a legitimate feud with HHH and 'Taker. Not like their WM 17 feud, but an actual feud. We have a few good matches between the two, and then we get it at like SS 09, or maybe R R 10, a HIAC match between the masters of the HIAC. This would be amazing and I think it would cause SD's ratings to go up alot. I think it would be awesome to see and yes, I am saying this purely for selfish reasons.

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