Where do Big Show and Mark Henry fit into WM29 now?


Championship Contender
Before the ppv last night, I was almost sure that this is how things would play out:

Del Rio would retain, but in a controversial way. Ziggler would come out with Langston, who would hit Big Show with the briefcase to prevent him from breaking up the pin when Ziggler cashed in.

Jericho wins the #1 contender match and we end up with a Fatal 4-Way at Mania between new champ Ziggler, Jericho, Del Rio and Big Show.

Well for once, WWE creative threw a real wrench into things. I did not find Swagger winning the chamber match predictable at all, even though maybe I should have. Kudos to the writing team for throwing a curve ball last night after a 100% predictable Royal Rumble.

But now my question is this: Where do Big Show and Mark Henry fit in at the biggest event of the year?

I thought both would make suitable opponents for Ryback, but I'm guessing last night sets up a match between him and Roman Reigns. Do they turn Mark Henry face and have the 2 biggest men in WWE face eachother? Do they pair up and go for the Tag Team Championships or become part of the obligatory 8 to 12 man tag match that helps include everyone since MITB stopped taking place at Mania? Those seem like the 3 likeliest scenarios, but I'd like everyone else's opinion on it.
Personally I'd just leave him off the card. Just because he's had a world title reign people suddenly think Henry deserves a decent spot on the roster. He's an opening match act, always has been. A few good months nearly two years ago doesn't make up for nearly 17 years of...well whatever it was Henry did before he was a former world champion.

Mania doesn't need Henry. If he's involved he'll just be making up the numbers in a generic multi-man match. If he doesn't make it onto the card, he won't be missed.
I've said for a while that Hell No will probably not be tag champs going into Mania as they'll more than likely face eachother. I can easily see Henry and Big Show winning the titles and then defending them at Mania against Brodus and Tensai.

Not saying I want to see this, just that it's very easy to picture.
I'm not really sure where this puts The Big Show. There've been rumors about him taking on Ryback at WM, so that's a possibility. It'd be a good test for Ryback.

Personally, I'd rather see Ryback go against Mark Henry. I think Henry is more interesting than Show because I simply believe he's more convincing as a monster heel. Big Show is someone that always seems to come up short against the top guys, with the exception of Sheamus. Henry was stuck in mid-card hell until late summer in 2011. He's come back from injury and has picked up right where he left off. He's scored big wins over Big Show & Randy Orton and I think Henry would be a great test for Ryback.
I thought Henry looked like the most likely opponent for Ryback with the way they've had him destroying everyone in his path since his return. But now I'm doubting that after The Shield got the pin over Ryback last night. That really swerved me as I thought for sure Sheamus would be the one taking the fall.

I'm still all for a Ryback/Henry match, but I think last night means Ryback will either face Reigns 1-on-1 or be involved in another tag match against them at Mania.
If it were up to me, The Big Show wouldn't be near WM. The roster is far too good for me to sit through 10 minuets of him at the biggest show of the year. It would have to be a multi-man match or a gimmick match if he were to get on the card. Similar for Henry but I would rather see him than Show.

There are few options. I guess the obvious is a tag-team but I don't see it. Ryback going through either of these guys would put him over but wouldn't be a mania classic. Moreover, The Shield doesn't have a match and I fully expect Ryback to be involved with them.
I prefer Mark Henry over the Big Show any day of the week but as he's shown in his feud with Alberto Del Rio, Big Show's been on fire as of late. Both of these men have pretty much guaranteed spots on the Wrestlemania card whether their position is high or low. Their direction should be headed towards Ryback; either one as I really do not care who. Ryback is someone who the fans have gotten behind pretty damn quickly. So much so, that he's arguably become one of the top faces in the company. Ryback needs to cement himself as a top star and what a better way to do that than by a feud with either one of these two giants.

A match over an extremely powerful, dominating opponent is what Ryback needs for Wrestlemania season. In a way, compare it to John Cena and Wrestlemania XX. John Cena will forever be remembered that night for FUing the Big Show in front of a huge crowd. That launched him as a serious contender for years to come. Imagine that with Ryback - finally picking up Big Show or Mark Henry and Shell Shocking them to what I'm hoping will be a huge pop. Either one of these men can be a true test to Ryback's power. Ryback needs to show us he can handle anyone the WWE throws at him. Mark Henry or Big Show are both certainly huge steps towards that babyface role the WWE wants to put Ryback in.

I need to see Ryback show the audience what kind of monster he is; Mark Henry or Big Show fit that role to perfection.

As for whoever doesn’t face Ryback, they can find some meaningless match to participate in.
Mark Henry and Orton seem to be picking back up with their 2011 rivalry on SD so I could see them facing each other at Mania in a similarly placed match to Orton's match with Kane last year.

Big Show is harder to predict, maybe some goofy celebrity crap will start up On Raw in the next couple of weeks and Show will get lumped into that. The other match I think fits is vs Sheamus, as Sheamus still hasn't beaten show straight up since their title feud last year.
For Big Show, Ryback. If Ryback is to get his revenge on The Shield, they should save it for after Wrestlemania, maybe at Extreme Rules. Let Ryback regain his momentum against an extremely powerful, dominating opponent like Big Show first, who would really test him, let him get his Wrestlemania moment picking up Show for the Shell Shock, then he can go into Extreme Rules against The Shield, looking more stronger than ever off of his win from Show, and finally get a win over the three men.

For Mark Henry, I'd like to see Sheamus. Ever since Mark has come back, he's been dominating Smackdown left and right, enter Sheamus to test the World's Strongest Man at the big one and give him a run for his money.

That would leave Orton, who was originally planned to face Sheamus. How about Orton vs. Cesaro for the United States Title? Apart from a face Swagger, I really can't think of anybody else for Cesaro to face at Wrestlemania. A match between Orton and Cesaro would be fantastic though, it would be hard hitting and intense, I can just imagine all the uppercuts they would hit each other with in that match, and Cesaro could use a big name like Orton to go over and elevate himself.
I'd honestly like to see them as a monster heel tag team. They would be completely dominant and no one could stop them. But I think Ryback should face Henry instead of Big Show, Henry is more of a scarier heel than big show.
If I had my way, which the WWE seems to comply to at least one of my ideas every six months, I would have one of two scenarios.

Scenario 1
Big Show and Mark Henry team up and take on Tensai and Brodus Clay at WrestleMania. That would be the Dream Match for those that wanted to see the Twin Towers face the Natural Disasters.

Scenario 2
Big Show and Mark Henry both turn Face, stating they are too old to be grumpy, and should live life to the fullest and be happy with everything they accomplished in the past. In order to do that, they should join Tensai and Brodus and turn their Tag Team to an unstoppable, yet lovable Stable in the WWE Universe. The World’s Largest / Strongest Lords Of Funk!! Imagine the T-Shirts!!
One of the 2 is facing ryback so that ryback can have a big wm moment by slamming one of the 2 men. The other option is some crappy tag match that's thrown together last second unles they do a money in the bank match that's thrown together last second. Either way believe that they will both be on the card in some form, they are easy fillers for the card with some drawing power.
I personally want to see a "King of Monsters" match. For those wondering, it's basically a e-fed booker's excuse to put your most dominant and biggest wrestlers in a ring together for pure bragging rights as whose the toughest. Throw in some tension or past bad blood (Show/Henry or currently Sheamus/Ryback) and you've got a nice stiff, brawling kind of match. Winner gets to use the "King of Monsters" title as a nickname.

So yeah. Mark Henry versus Big Show versus Sheamus versus Ryback in a King of Monsters match. I'd suggest Lesnar in there as well, but he's probably working Triple H or Undertaker so he's out. :(
I think Big Show should face Ryback. As others have said, Ryback needs that big win over an opponent that can match his power. Big Show is the World's Largest Athlete, and is a veteran in the WWE. It should be a huge moment when Ryback picks him up and Shell Shocks him for the win. As far as Henry goes I would like to see him face Sheamus. After Mania I would like to see Henry challenge for the WHC, and going through Sheamus at Mania would position him nicely.
Option 1:
My guess is a 10-Man Tag Team Match. It's still up in the air if the MITB match will be at WM. So I could see a match with The Big Show, Mark Henry, and The Shield vs. Ryback, Team Hell No, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara.

Option 2:
The Main Event looks like they want to keep Big Show dominant. So how about a Randy Orton vs. Big Show match straight up.

Option 3:
Triple Threat Match: Tag Titles
Mysterio/Cara vs. Team Hell No vs. Big Show and Kane. A nice contracts with Speed vs. Size vs. half Size and half Speed. Also Kayfabe had Henry injure Mysterio before EC.
Based on the events of the last two episodes of Smackdown, I'd book Henry against Orton. Ever since losing the WHC to Henry Orton has yet to score a victory over Henry in 1 on 1 action. This of course can lead to a rematch at Extreme Rules with Henry getting the win in some sort of gimmick match. Thus sending Orton home to sell his injuries and retuning as a heel on Raw right around MITB.

With the Big Show I'd have him face Booker T. The back story would be that Teddy Long gets fed up with the way Booker treats him. He no longer wants to be the butt of Booker's jokes, and is tired of his ideas "not being heard", and decides he wants his show back. The very show that he lost at last years WM. And what better way to get his show back, than joining forces with The Big Show. Of course based on his WM track record Show loses, and we see the return of Teddy Long as a heel manager. Then going into Extreme Rules I'd book Booker & Goldust vs Show & Cody.
Big Show vs Booker T. Think about it, show has been going on and on about how booker is jealous of show cuz he was champion, and that booker is pushing pencils, this also been going on since TLC i believe.

Mark Henry, Randy orton seems best solution.

I am sure on Raw tonight we will have our answers and the card will be set up and be clearer.
I didn't see Main Event but from the spoilers I read it certainly seems they are going with Show vs Booker, it's another novelty match with no long term benefit.

I'm not sure what they are going to do with Mark Henry, I suppose he could face Roidback if he's not in a six man against The Shield.
I'm going to keep it short and sweet. One of these two men are facing Ryback one on one at mania. Options: Ryback vs Big Show, Ryback vs Mark Henry, Big Show vs Booker T, or Mark Henry thrown in a random 8-10 tag match

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