When should the streak have ended and who should have ended it?

Nash cleared a lot of the Goldberg mess up in his latest shoot interview(which is definitely worth watching). He says he made the decision to end Goldberg's streak because he(Nash) was just as over at the time and it just made sense. The idea following was to have Goldberg get revenge and eventually turn Heel having his own group to fight against a face nWo. He didn't really go into details as to how that would have went down, but it was all for not because Goldberg decided to take time off to make Universal Soldier 2.

What you're referring to is later on down the road when Hart gave him a rematch and then Goldberg was screwed over and Hart reformed the nWo. Goldberg was supposed to feud with them throughout the year ending with him regaining the belt and having a dominant reign... But he screwed himself yet again by getting injured for real. According to Nash it was Goldberg that decided to try and punch through the limo window. Nash had suggested he use a piece of metal to bust the window, and Goldberg insisted that he could do it with his hands, which led to an injury and threw another wrench into the Goldberg vs. nWo storyline.
I am starting to wonder how reliable Nash is. Of course, how reliable of a source is any pro-wrestler as he has has said many differing things over the years.

Goldberg did get hurt in 99. He was gone from Stampede up until his return during the Megadeth song in July. Now, I probably should look it up but I am too damn lazy, but I thought it was for a knee or shoulder etc. I can find very little where Goldberg was supposed to win the title back in 99. There were always plans I am sure, but nothing ever came to fruition.

You had the Sting heel turn, and then Bischoff had hoped that Hogan and Bret could feud before he got sent home. To the best of my knowledge there were no definitive plans for Goldberg. But Nash mentioning Goldberg turning heel? Seems like Nash is making shit up. I don't think the powers that be in 99 would have allowed that. Goldberg was a money making monster still. Now maybe plans were drawn up....and why would Goldberg turn heel to face the heel nWo? Oh, I see, you said a face nWo. But then how would the nWo turn face? And why? Nash is confusing....

As far as the window bashing incident. Nash had nothing to do with the angle, it was Russo. He had a pipe up his sleeve but it fell out, and he kept hitting the shit out of the window like a dumb-ass.
As far as the window bashing incident. Nash had nothing to do with the angle, it was Russo. He had a pipe up his sleeve but it fell out, and he kept hitting the shit out of the window like a dumb-ass.

Nash acted like he had the book whenever the Goldberg incident happened. He said something along the lines of Goldberg had the pipe inside his sleeve as you said, but Nash told him to use the pipe itself to smash the windows. As it went down Goldberg ended up using his elbow toward the end which led to some horrible lacerations and a massive amount of blood loss to the point they had to rush him to the emergency room directly after the footage was shot.

As far as the Goldberg heel faction vs. the nWo face faction, that was supposed to happen sometime directly after Nash ended his streak. He didn't really go into detail because as you said he could have been spewing bullshit, but it was interesting nonetheless. I do know that shortly after Goldberg got his revenge on Hall in that dreadful taser ladder match, he was kayfabe injured by the Steiners(IIRC) and he took a hiatus to shoot the Universal Soldier sequel for a couple of months. So who knows what kind of wrench that threw into the plans they had. I do know Nash had the book and creative control over his character in 1998, and at least early 1999. After that I'm not sure, I really didn't follow WCW much after the whole fingerpoke shit went down.
nash has told several different stories that dont really match up, on the nWo roundtable he said the plan was for goldberg to run through the new nWo eventually getting the title off of hogan but he injured his hand putting it thru the limo window, but that injury didnt happen til a year later, add in this new story of a goldberg heel faction vs an nWo face faction and i think nash is full of shit
Nash acted like he had the book whenever the Goldberg incident happened. He said something along the lines of Goldberg had the pipe inside his sleeve as you said, but Nash told him to use the pipe itself to smash the windows. As it went down Goldberg ended up using his elbow toward the end which led to some horrible lacerations and a massive amount of blood loss to the point they had to rush him to the emergency room directly after the footage was shot.

As far as the Goldberg heel faction vs. the nWo face faction, that was supposed to happen sometime directly after Nash ended his streak. He didn't really go into detail because as you said he could have been spewing bullshit, but it was interesting nonetheless. I do know that shortly after Goldberg got his revenge on Hall in that dreadful taser ladder match, he was kayfabe injured by the Steiners(IIRC) and he took a hiatus to shoot the Universal Soldier sequel for a couple of months. So who knows what kind of wrench that threw into the plans they had. I do know Nash had the book and creative control over his character in 1998, and at least early 1999. After that I'm not sure, I really didn't follow WCW much after the whole fingerpoke shit went down.
How do you only quote one line at a time? Jesus I am old.....

I want to make clear that I am not questioning you, but Nash. Nash has said a lot of things and this coming from a guy who likes him! Nash was not on the booking committee in early 00. It was Russo and a group of other guys: I think Sullivan and some others as this right when they pulled the rug out from under Russo when he either wanted to put the belt on Tank Abbott or just suggested it (Not sure why the FUCK that would have ever been an option, and seeing as he was a big Benoit guy and he was getting a push, that would have been the sensible choice and Sullivan to his credit did it....But we know how that went).

It is interesting as you say. But probably Nash is just either full of feces or it was an idea that never really went anywhere. We all know that there are always a shit ton of ideas being floated about in wrestling at any given moment. The funny thing is: Nash denied being on the booking committee for years when he won the title!

Man, I liked that ladder match against Hall. Then again, I have gone from a Goldberg hater to a big fan of his. I just think that had WCW done things right, 99 could have been a huge year, especially had the NBC deal not fallen through. And that was one reason they got Hogan back in the title picture too and gave him it. NBC supposedly wanted it on Hogan for their special to air in February. I think Bischoff claimed that in his book and I have heard it elsewhere too. Not sure why NBC though Hogan was a bigger draw than Goldberg as ratings were stable when Hogan was not on TV....Then again he was still big in 99 and it was until the following year that the luster had worn off.
Goldberg stopped being an up-and-comer when he crushed Hollywood Hogan in the sold-out Georgia Dome on very few days notice of the match being signed. He became a bonafide superstar that night.

Maybe I'm wrong but I thought the entire point of building a star would be the ability to piggyback and make other stars off of him. There's more money in building more stars than there is stroking an already established star's ego when he couldn't possibly get any bigger.

There was no rush or need to take down Goldberg at that point to an up and comer and especially not to Hall's cattleprod. It would have done too much damage to a guy that was still relatively new and very much over. Regardless of whether or not Hogan and Goldberg was given away on free TV, there was still a lot of entertainment and money to be made in a Hogan/Goldberg feud.

In a year or two he could have put over plenty of the Stasiaks of the world. There was no one on that roster (other than Hogan) that was over enough to take down Goldberg at that point that would not have worked out well for WCW in the long run.
Direct quote from Nash's latest shoot:

"I say this... I actually was as hot as Goldberg going into that match and I said 'You know what? I'm gonna beat Goldberg. For one week I'm gonna be the champion, then do the fingerpoke of doom and basically kill my run. After that I'm never going to make mention of me ending his streak. Not once did I, you can't find any video of me making mention of me ending Goldberg's streak. It was set up that Goldberg was going to have his own heel faction, and he was still going to be chasing the nWo, but they would be faces."

In regards to why he did the fingerpoke of doom he said:

"Nobody seen it coming. Everybody really thought I was going to do the right thing and fight Hogan, and then bam, it went down, and nobody saw it coming."

He also stated this about the Goldberg windshield incident:

"I was on set for the Goldberg segment where he broke the windshield chasing Bret. I told him to use a bat, but he insisted on using the metal up his sleeve because it would look better."

Those are word for word from his latest shoot interview, take it for what you will. Nash was pretty intoxicated during the shoot and he seemed pretty straightforward and honest throughout. He didn't mind burying himself when it came down to it. I think he's finally reached a point in his life where he doesn't give a shit.
Direct quote from Nash's latest shoot:

"I say this... I actually was as hot as Goldberg going into that match and I said 'You know what? I'm gonna beat Goldberg. For one week I'm gonna be the champion, then do the fingerpoke of doom and basically kill my run. After that I'm never going to make mention of me ending his streak. Not once did I, you can't find any video of me making mention of me ending Goldberg's streak. It was set up that Goldberg was going to have his own heel faction, and he was still going to be chasing the nWo, but they would be faces."

In regards to why he did the fingerpoke of doom he said:

"Nobody seen it coming. Everybody really thought I was going to do the right thing and fight Hogan, and then bam, it went down, and nobody saw it coming."

He also stated this about the Goldberg windshield incident:

"I was on set for the Goldberg segment where he broke the windshield chasing Bret. I told him to use a bat, but he insisted on using the metal up his sleeve because it would look better."

Those are word for word from his latest shoot interview, take it for what you will. Nash was pretty intoxicated during the shoot and he seemed pretty straightforward and honest throughout. He didn't mind burying himself when it came down to it. I think he's finally reached a point in his life where he doesn't give a shit.
It does seem pretty straightforward if a bit sketchy. I will say that everything I have read including Mooneyham and Bischoff have all stated that the Elite was Bischoff's idea. A way of consolidating all the factions, the NBC stuff etc. I am not doubting Nash, well a little....I am sure there were a lot of ideas floating about. I guess I don't understand how the nWo would become faces but oh well. Must be some time down the road. One thing for sure: We will probably never know!

Edit: Nash has always gotten that confused, the nWo 2000 and the Elite. He has mentioned that numerous times. They are a year apart. He was not booking when Russo came along. In fact I think he stopped booking sometime in late spring/summer 99 and he was part of a committee and not the sole booker.
I've been lurking for a while, thought I'd throw my two-cents in on this topic.

I'm not so sure the streak should have ended.

I don't often delve in to the world of fantasy booking, but this one scenario is where I have played with some random thoughts.

What if Goldberg beat Nash? What if he just kept going? Shove him down the public's throat until we become annoyed and starved for something different. The boos will grow. It starts with a smattering, then two weeks later it's 10% of the crowd. A month later, it's 35%. ... and on down the line.

Fast forward, Goldberg is still winning. The crowd is growing restless. When you go back to a 'big' WCW town (Atlanta, Charlotte something like that). Book a 'big' match. Goldberg - Flair, Goldberg - Sting, Goldberg - Luger, Goldberg - Face Nash, Goldberg - Face Hogan.

The match goes as a typical Goldberg match. Big shine, small comeback, spear - Jackhammer ... 1, 2, ... KICKOUT! Goldberg looks shocked, confused, he can't believe it. His opponent is still rolling around on the ground in pain. Goldberg steps back to the corner, looks around the crowd, delivers another spear - Jackhammer ... 1, 2, 3. The fans can't believe someone kicked out of the Jackhammer.

Goldberg is half in shock and half celebrating his win. Sting (or whomever you chose, as long as the crowd loves them) stumbles to his feet. Sting is holding his ribs and can barely walk. Knowing he gave it 100% and still came up short, Sting accepts defeat and sticks out his hand. Goldberg accepts. Raises Sting's hand. Shows him to all four sides of the ring/arena. We milk it. Let the crowd come to their feet to applaud Sting's valiant effort ... then Goldberg levels him with a punch. Goldberg mounts him MMA style and just starts pouring punches on him. Sting is bloodied and lifeless as the top faces come out of the locker room to rescue Sting.

Goldberg fights off the first couple, but after 3 or 4 get in the ring, he slides out the side and heads back up the entrance ramp.

The streak is still intact, and the script is completely flipped. Now Goldberg has entirely fresh feuds, but with the same people he's wrestled before.

With Flair, Sting, Booker, Nash, Hogan, DDP, Hart and Luger chasing the monster Goldberg, the money would print itself.

And, if you wanted to keep the streak going, because of Goldberg's look and explosive style, he'd be easy to switch back to face, whenever you wanted. All he'd have to do is run in when (hypothetically) Scott Steiner and Sid are beating up on Sting (or your choice of face) -- clear the heels from the ring, pick up Sting and vow revenge on the heels ... and you are off and cooking with a new crop of heels to feed to a freshly-turned Goldberg.

Eventually, in my mind, Goldberg might lose. But, if I had the pen and paper, the streak would have been much longer, for sure.
im also thinking the giant maightve been a good candidate to beat bills streak had he not gotten run over by goldberg twice or three times during his title reign, bret was also a good choice or benoit putting him in he crossface till he passed out a la austin wouldve been good

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