What wrestler do you think WWE dropped the ball with?

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Theres a few for me....


...is a definate, heel or face he was top notch but a heel and working with chris "ssshh" benoit and matt hardy really helped his development.

Chuck Palumbo (Biker gimmick)

...he could have easily continued where undertaker left off on this gimmick, big miss in my opinion to create and establish a high mid card level face.

Shelton Benjamin

...not only his athletasism, but the fact he was willing to put himself on line for the company (watch any money in the bank or ladder match for proof) deserves more in respect of a push then what he got.

Chris Harris

...maybe not the wildcat, but if he had come in AS CHRIS HARRIS, i think the fans would have got behind him in the masses like cm punk and daniel bryan, instead FCW for a very long time, and braden walker wasnt enough motivatuon so he got fat!...for this i hope Robert roode who i think has the potential to main event mania 1 day should never go to WWE!


...with that look attitude how he could have done so much more then what he did, damn shame ( RIP )

Jamie Noble and Nidia

..these two in my view could have been remembered in the same light as Savage and Elizabeth, with differences of course, they were that good and there chemistry was hilarious!!!

I had a couple more but im not going to drag this one out....

Ken Anderson. Also cm punk. If they gave these two the push they deserved they would have to main eventers. But they released Kennedy and lost punk.

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Bobby Lasley- First guy to win the master lock challenge. ECW Champion (Ehhh but still it kinda means something. The reason Vince Cut his hair. He had a lot of hype.
I think Bobby Lashley could have been something. He was a big guy with in-ring ability. He didnt have any mic skills tho. I think they could have given him a mouthpiece like Paul Heyman since he was around at the time and turned him heel. Especially when he was going for the WWE title against Cena at The Bash.
WADE BARRETT. they pushed him like mad, he was in so many main events, couldnt quite get the title which was fine, but then they needed to keep it goin, and they didnt, he was made to look like a chump over and over. now thats hes lost the IC title he needs to get in the title picture, and win his first big one.
Man, this is a good thread. There are so many guys the WWE has dropped the ball with through the years.
1) MVP- He was everything that the WWE claimed they wanted in a superstar. He was great on the mic and an excellent ring performer. He suppose to have been the future on the WWE, but with this Pg Era they were afraid to promote him because of his past.

2) Elijah Burke- The same as MVP, except no past problems. The only reason why I think they held him back is because of his size.

3) Muhammad Hassan-This was the most idiotic thing the WWE could've done. They should've had his back. The incident wasn't anyone's fault cause SD is a tape show. He was a villian equivalent to the Rock. He was an instant heat magnet.

4) Bad News Brown-Sure he got a push. He should've been a top heel clean inot the 90's; he was a great talent also a heat magnet. He definitely should've had a world title run.
5) Trinity- I dont know about her mic skill, but she was great in the ring.
Most of the good ones are already taken sadly :'(
the ones that jump out to me the most

Ken Kennedy
Granted the WWE did actually try to push him on multiple occasions but his luck would have it otherwise as he'd become injured on multiple occasions and the final straw was him injuring Randy

Bobby Lashley
He was building up a lot of momentum to be the next big thing IMO but his loss at GAB for the championship completely halted all of it

Bryan Danielson
This one speaks for itself I think, great in the ring, meh on the mic but the fans r always behind him but being pushed from the WM card then dropping the title and now the current Cody Rhodes/Dibiase storyline shows a very bleak future for him in the WWE IMO
the nWo, and i know that alot of what happened with them couldnt be helped but if they were brought in WTIH BISCHOFF and given the same type of push they had in wcw it wouldve been soo much of a better storyline. what a waste.
Tbh guys, i don't think its fair listing a guy thats still in the WWE. Because you don't know what the future holds. You're all saying Dibiase, Mcguilicutty, Punk, Danielson, but you dont know what the future holds for these guys. If one of them become huge, then
obviously they didn't drop the ball with them.

That could also count for released stars that may come back one day, but most wont, so i think it can be a bit more acceptable.

But IMO, Dibiase and Joe Hennig have bright future with the WWE. They're still very young. While some are fast tracked to stardom, these 2 are paying their dues as such, like i believe every wrestler should, everywhere in the world. So befoew saying WWE's dropping the ball with so and so, try to rethink, because you don't know whats in store in the future with the current set of guys.
1. Shelton Benjamin- Great on mic as a heel, great amateur background, and great high flying ablility.

2. MVP- i thought he was believable at one point after his record US title reign.

3. Rob Van Dam- Took forever for him to win the WWE title, and when he did he got busted with pot. If they made him a major star before this they probably would have had no choice but to keep him.
for me, it falls into 2 areas. for new guys, it was mvp and kennedy. both of them should have been used far better than they were. kennedy was about to get his push but mvp's kept getting pushed back and pushed back and that was a shame. for established talent, ddp and booker t. the ddp/taker feud was a joke and after that, there was no way he was ever going to be taken seriously. with booker, it was a simple fact that he got over in wcw and they needed to make him a wwe guy before they would make him champ. he was with wwe for what, 5 years before he won the world title? horrible.
Matt Morgan

I'll give TNA something, they made Matt Morgan believable and they actually invested time in him. WWE saddled him with the old Bubba Ray Dudley stuttering gimmick. I can only imagine if the WWE took Matt Morgan more seriously than TNA did, and then marketed him the way only the WWE can, then the E' would have had one more main eventer, and a believable one to boot.

I agree that the WWE dropped the ball with Matt Morgan. Personally, I think the guy is great. Big, a good wrestler, has the look, and excellent on the mic. However, I think TNA has dropped the ball with him too. Hopefully with TNA's current tournament, they will push Matt Morgan to World Championship status.
for me its mark henry!! In 2006 he was just running over everyone in his way!! Who cares if you really cant wrestle he is the world strongest man!! And he can cut a good promo!! But nope good ol creative messed that one up!! i mean wouldnt it be great if somehow he cost cena the wwe title at summerslam!!!
its got to be kane one of my fave wrestlers and has a unique gimmick that should be easy as hell to work decent storylines around but wwe always seem to fuck this up such as the unmasking which essentialy turned kane from a monster into another generic looking big guy it could have been done so much better

then theres the imposter kane storyline which was half assed and didnt even have a real conclusion in my opinion

then theres the thing were he was carrying rey mysterios mask round in a sack which sucked not to mention the katie vick thing if wwe would have used him properly since his debut by now he could have a similar legacy to taker in my opinion
Yeah good thread man. I wanna say Kennedy but damn if they didn't try. Just injuries and ppl saying back stage politics got involved but who knows. But damn he would have been HUGE in WWE. I thought he had excellent charisma on the mic and the whole old mic falling from the ceiling was awesome.

Next I'd go with ADR. Pushed to the stars and loses to edge. I believe mysterio should have been champ and dropped the belt to ADR @ WM. That would have been a good colmination of their feud from before and helped ADR be seen as the new Latino star of the WWE. he'll be there 1 day but I feel after the push he got it should have happened already.
In no particular order

1. Matt Morgan - Should be TNA world champion. Give TNA credit for pushing him, but now it seems like they have backed off on him a bit. Hopefully the current tournament will push him.

2. Jamie Noble - Loved the trailer trash, redneck gimmick. Funny, a good lightweight wrestler.

3. Rob Van Dam - Extremely (excuse the pun) underrated wrestler. WWE dropped the ball totally. Hardly gave him mic time. Probably should be on the top of this list.

4. Kevin Thorn - Good gimmick, decent wrestler. What happened to this guy?

5. Charlie Hass & Shelton Benjamin - Excellent tag team, good in singles matches as well. Very technically sound. Can't understand why TNA didn't snatch these guys up the tag team ladder.

6. Raven - Could have been a top heel in the WWE with the right push. A missed opportunity.
I'm going to Say John Morrison....He such a great talent..i think he needs more time to develop his mic skills..but his work in the ring is amazing...

I hope he becomes World Champ one day
I can think of quite a few, a lot of which have already been mentioned so i won't bother with those, but one name I haven't seen mentioned yet and I believe belongs here is the man we just saw on RAW.... D D P. Man, what a waste of such a great talent. They had him come over as that stupid stalker gimmick with Taker yet he still owned it and then they put him and Kanyon (another miss) in a squash match against the brothers of destruction. What a waste!!! DDP was huge in WCW and one of my favs, he was good on the mic and fun to watch in the ring but they didn't give him anything to work with. They finally ended him off with that dumb self help guru gimmick they gave him. I think DDP could have had a great run in the E if used properly.
Shelton Benjamin.....nuff said. I can't believe you guys aren't talking about him. He had a good match with everybody and anybody.
one I haven't seen mentioned yet: Paul Burchill, he was given awful gimmick after awful gimmick, remember the pirate gimmick? He somehow managed to make it work and had that awesome looking C4 finisher, then he was in what was going to be an incest angle with Katie Lea Burchill, then he was "The Ripper" and that sucked. but the man could wrestle really well and could have easily been an IC or US champ and a stable upper mid-carder. (I'll admit I couldn't see him being world champ).
I'm gonna say Ron Simmons..

The first African American World Champion in history, fonder of the Nation of Domination and yet ended up first as a slave to the Undertaker to a beer drinking protection agency to a man who comes on tv every now and then to say DAMN!

Don't get me wrong, Ron Simmons WILL be in the WWE HOF. But the fact he was never given a WWE World Championship is terrible
sorry if he's already been mentioned...

Sean O'Haire. Those devil advocate promos are still drooled over by the IWC. Man that gimmick was the most awesome thing the WWE had done in years and not to mention the guy was built like a tank and could fly. He was as big as Lesnar and just had the IT factor is spades.

If we are talking missed opportunities this was one was the big one for me.
I think they messed up with Ted DiBiase Jr. and Joe Henning.


Yes, they aren't their fathers (who surprisngly never worked together in the WWF, that would have been a HUGE tag team) but they have the background and the look.

It would be great if this were the old days. THese two guys would have been given some kind of gimmick as a tag team. Have them develop, split up, have a feud against each other, and then become big stars.

I was a fan of Dibiase Jr. when he came out. But they didn't really do anything with him. They TRIED to give him a rich boy gimmick, but never really followed up. I didn't understand that. They should have let that one ride, all the way up to him trying to buy the WWF belt. It would have been the exact same shit as his dad, but it's not like he had anything else to do.

Same with Hennig. Why in the hell did they give him that stupid name? Everyone knows he is Hennig's son, why hide it. Let it roll.

Cody Rhodes on the other hand, IDK, I just don't buy anything he does. I guess it's because he looks like a jobber from the 80's.
I'm gonna say Ron Simmons.

You are right, they could have made him bigger. I was a fan of Ron Simmons from his Doom days. But he did have a lot of exposure, gimmicks, and some pretty good pushes. I don't think WWF dropped the ball with him, but he could have been a lot better.

When he first came in as Faarooq Asaad and the Sub-Zero gimmick, that was the dumbest thing ever. But as the leader of the NAtion, I thought that was the shit. Didn't care for his Acolyte deal, and sure as hell don't care for his DAMN gimmick. But all those APA clips of them playing cards were hilarious.

I would have loved to seen him come with a gimmick that combined his Nation gimmick and his DOOM gimmick. Just have some angry black guy come in, say whatever he wanted, kick the shit out of everyone, and always have a chip on his sholder............wait a minute. That was Bad News Brown!
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