What was your favorite HBK vs Y2J feud?

CM Steel

A REAL American
As soon as wrestling veteran Chris Jericho starred to really make a name for himself in the WWE by winning the undisputed championship in late 2001. Doing that time you wondered if Chris Jericho would have been as successful had Shawn Michaels still been active on the main roster in the WWE. But a year later we saw Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho in a one-on-one match. Something that we thought that we'd never see in life with Shawn Michaels being retired for four years. Chris Jericho just said in a recent interview that his best opponent was indeed HBK Shawn Michaels himself!

From their encounter at Wrestlemania 19 in Seattle, WA. To when Chris Jericho punched Shawn Michaels wife Rebecca in the face. So many matches, so many different feuds between the two. But in your own opinion. What was your favorite HBK vs Y2J feud? Mines personally would have to be the feud where HBK avenged his wife after Jericho clocked in the face. After that it got too personal. But if you had one, which feud would it have to be between HBK & Y2J?
Definitely the 2nd time around. It was perfectly built up from the Ric Flair-HBK angle. I never understood why Jericho was individually sent to the ring during Flair's farewell on RAW. Looking back now, it was intentionally done so that Jericho was the first to see the tension between HBK and Batista in that ring. At Backlash Batista/HBK get at it with Jericho as the ref, and the rest is history.

The first time around felt a little thrown together and it was a midcard feud thanks to the loaded star power at the time.
The best feud between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho was the 2008 one. That feud was absolutely perfect. From the beginning until the end everything was done just right. They stretched out a lengthy angle that constantly stole the show in terms of matches and kept me wanting to see more promos. I find it hard to come up with any other feuds in recent years that I never once wanted to see it end, let alone one that lasted for half a year! I thoroughly enjoyed every single moment of it. Every match, every promo, you name it.

It provided us with an excellent heel turn in Chris Jericho throwing Michaels into the Jeritron, starting his great heel run that would last for the next few years. Every single match and promo that gave us during the feud is worth watching if you can find any of them. It had a great ending too in Jericho facing Michaels for the World Heavyweight Championship in an epic Ladder Match. Even though the heel ultimately won the feud, it was nothing short of fantastic. I loved the first one too, but the second one was done perfectly. It's a feud that today's wrestlers need to be taking notes from. They could learn a lot from the two legends as they were consistently the highlight of each show during this feud.
Definitely the 2008 feud for me as well. It had that real feel to it, and was even shocked when Shawn's wife took a punch. It was just a perfectly done feud from start to finish, and was really enjoying Jericho's serious persona.
The 2008 feud, because Jericho was really at his best as a heel. The character was fresh (at the time, got stale pretty quick after the feud ended), and Jericho desperately needed a change character wise. The turn on Michaels by slamming his face into the TV screen is still one of the more shocking moments of any heel turn over the years, and the punch to the face was shocking. And a remorseless Jericho after the punch really solidified the hatred between both men.

So yeah, the 2008 feud by far. The success of it all really came out of nowhere. Jericho's heel turn, the promos, the matches. EVERYTHING was executed to near perfection. My only gripe about the whole thing is Punk's first WHC reign as a face had to be cut short because of the success coming from Jericho/Michaels. Punk talked about how his reign was cut short, because WWE said the Jericho Michaels feud "needed" the belt on his DVD set. I mean, yeah that makes sense, but WWE never gave Punk a fair shot as WHC his first time around. Booking him into oblivion, and then cutting his reign short out of nowhere with the punt from Orton backstage.

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