What was the better match at Armageddon?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Edge vs. Batista vs. Undertaker - 2007
Edge vs. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy - 2008
Triple H vs. Goldberg vs. Kane - 2003
JBL vs. Undertaker vs. Booker T vs. Guerrero - 2004

I am comprising a list of the top 10 Armageddon matches of all time and it surprised me how many championship main events consisted of 3 or more competitors. What was the best in your opinion? (the 2000 main event is not in here because it would obviously take the lead imo)
Edge vs. Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy - 2008

By leaps and bounds, though 2007 was pretty entertaining and Edge winning only added to the match, 2008 was the match that everyone wanted to see at Survivor Series instead of Koslov/HHH/Hardy-Edge. Plus the whole match just seemed to build to something greater then Jeff winning was just the cherry on the cake the year long build up from Armageddon 2007 vs HHH to his trials and tibulations from Rumble 2008 to the failed drug tests and his matches throughout 2008 building up to the pinnical at Armageddon 2008 winning the belt.
The triple threat at Armageddon 2008 and there is really no contest here. THis match was all over the place crazy, every hit their finshers and Jeff was flying all over the place. The ending was the best moment of Jeff's wrestling career period, he would fo downhill from here on but at least he got his moment. everything else on this list with the exception of the Armageddon 2004 Main evet was a medicore to decent match. Armageddon was a forgetable PPV series and TLC is a much better fit for the December slot. It is also much more entertaning.
The six man Hell in a Cell at Armageddon 2000 is up there with my favourite Championship matches which have taken place at the PPV. Out of the choices you gave I would also pick the 2008 match. The match was great and I am a huge Jeff Hardy fan so the outcome was a great moment for me.
Edge vs Batista vs Undertaker was pretty good. It introduced Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins, no longer the Major Brothers, and set up La Familia. I found La Familia fun to watch, making all of them, Edge, Chavo, Ryder, and Hawkins pretty good heels.

Also, Edge vs Triple H vs Jeff Hardy was one of my favorites. When Hardy finally got his World Title, he was extremely dominant, and losing it to Edge at the rumble with interference from Matt Hardy setting up a great match at WM
Armageddon 2008 defo!!

The moment Jeff Hardy hit the Swanton on Edge will forever be in many wrestling fans memorys forever.

It was rated overall the second best pay per view in WWE in 2008, only behind Wrestlemania 24.

Many thought his title reign, including myself, should have lasted way longer.

I can remember jumping about my living room when it happened, because I always was a big fan of Jeff Hardy.
Hands down 2008 when Hardy finally won the big one without a doubt the match was very exciting lots of close calls and the match was insane and the Hardy swanton bomb at the end was just a spectacular finish :)
Well I liked them all so I'm gonna put them in order of greatest and why
1.Edge Vs Jeff Hardy Vs Triple H 08 I think this should be nmber 1 cause I was really into the whole Jeff hardy push and knew he was gonna win the big one but I was waiting for him to win it at like the rumble but he overcame the odds and won.
2.4 Way Match 04 I personally didn't like the outcome but loved the match because of the involvement of weapons and other superstars it was just exciting.
3.Triple H Vs Kane Vs Goldberg 03 I liked how all superstars had alot of experience and they all worked very well together which made it a great match the only thing I didn't like was how HHH won the title from Goldberg cause they really pushed him in the wwe after wcw and gave him a short reign like hardy in 08 09.
4.Edge Vs Undertaker Vs Batista 07 a great match but had to choose the 03 match over this but I enjoyed the whole Edge Taker feud it's my fav of all time it was exciting to see all the underhanded tricks edge would do like using chavo and his buddies to run away and do sneak attacks but thought batista had no point in this match. So theres my list TFR (Thanks for reading)
Edge vs Hardy vs Hunter was easily number one. The build up was great, the match was amazing, and I was there live....so maybe I'm a little bias.

IMO that was a great feud though and I'm a big fan of all three guys, and Jeff Hardy finally winning the gold, and in my home town, it was just a great moment.

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