What was the best B-Show in the WWF/E?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Back in the day before monday night RAW debut. The original WWF Superstars show was the flagship show of the WWF on Saturdays, with WWF Wrestling Challege following on Sundays as their B-Show.

Now since the birth of RAW on monday nights, what was the best B-Show in the WWF/E? Let's take a look back at the list of B-Show's shall we...

-Shotgun Saturday Night
-Sunday Night Heat
-WWF/E Jakked
-The "new" WWE Superstars

There are others in there. But what was the best B-Show in the WWF/E?
Sunday Night Heat by far. Wrestlers actually defended their belts on Sunday night heat. Even though it had low to midcard wrestlers, there was usually a big match at the end that made it worth watching. Plus it was treated as a pre-show to pay per views, so you always got to see the arena setup and usually a few video packages of the feuds going in.

Everything else always felt like WWF superstars, mid card guys squashing jobbers.
I thought Raw was the B show... Too much of John Cena and too many kids in the front row screeching.

I only ever watched heat though outta that list.. I remember seeing a Kane and RVD match for the Tag Titles before a PPV one time.. Good match.
I used to love watching wwf metal when it was on, not known for many great things except the Mike Bell incident (where Perry Saturn went psycho and apparently blacked out).

It was all about Sunday Night Heat, as they often had some good matches, as well as setting up matches for the PPV straight afterwards!

I'd also like to give an honourable mention to shotgun saturday night, which is where the WWF developed this edginess we say throughout the attitude era, definitely check out some clips, it was very different to RAW at the time!
You forgot the best one, Velocity. Velocity had some really amazing matches, and for a period of about 6 months in 2005, was better than RAW and SmackDown combined. It was all wrestling, no storylines. William Regal and he who shall not be named had a 35 minute wrestling clinic on Velocity.
theres a general term in use to describe WWE's lesser or promotional support shows but the term b show would realistically apply to smackdown.. I guess though my favorite was WWF Jakked/Metal. I think they were the same, seemed like it on the WB. Good Raw highlights but not good enough for the attitude era, saw some matches.. Got aquainted with Gillberg,,
The B show has always been Smackdown, ever since they debuted the show. Heat and all those others were just jobber shows mostly, even though Heat did have some big names on it and would do the thing before ppv's back before they screwed it up in the later years. But one of my favorites was always Shotgun Saturday Night, loved taking a break from the big wrestlers and watching the jobbers / midcarders get it on. Shotgun is where I first liked the Hardys, they were my favorite jobbers at the time. Then they eventually became big time wrestlers and I had to find another favorite jobber. :(

I remember having friends over on Saturday nights to do a little drinking and we'd sit there and watch Shotgun Saturday Night and WCW World Wide. Ahh, good times. :)
My personal favourite was Shotgun Saturday Night... I have many fond memories from this show, like Undertaker giving the Tombstone to Triple H on an elevator. I just really liked the concept and feel of Shotgun. I would say Sunday Night Heat was probably the best overall though.
You forgot the best one, Velocity. Velocity had some really amazing matches, and for a period of about 6 months in 2005, was better than RAW and SmackDown combined. It was all wrestling, no storylines. William Regal and he who shall not be named had a 35 minute wrestling clinic on Velocity.
Velocity was strickly a Smackdown brand B-show. It debut coming off the brand extension thus sunday night heat being the RAW brand B-show in 2002. Velocity was a good show. Having Bill Demott doing commentary was a smart move by the WWE.

But Velocity just came and went so fast, I forgot when it left TV.
The B show has always been Smackdown, ever since they debuted the show. Heat and all those others were just jobber shows mostly, even though Heat did have some big names on it and would do the thing before ppv's back before they screwed it up in the later years. But one of my favorites was always Shotgun Saturday Night, loved taking a break from the big wrestlers and watching the jobbers / midcarders get it on. Shotgun is where I first liked the Hardys, they were my favorite jobbers at the time. Then they eventually became big time wrestlers and I had to find another favorite jobber. :(

I remember having friends over on Saturday nights to do a little drinking and we'd sit there and watch Shotgun Saturday Night and WCW World Wide. Ahh, good times. :)

Ok I can't wait to hear this,why is Smackdown the B Show?

I would say Sunday Night Heat when it started as it featured some of the Top guys and would be a good lead in to the PPVs that night as well.
Could Prime Time Wrestling (the precursor to Monday Night Raw) be considered a B-show, as it was highlights from Superstars of Wrestling (the 1980's syndicated show), Wrestling Challenge, and various house shows?
I remember having friends over on Saturday nights to do a little drinking and we'd sit there and watch Shotgun Saturday Night and WCW World Wide. Ahh, good times. :)
im probably one of the most ardent defenders of World Championship Wrestling and a bonafide ****e for WCW but i could not derive any joy off of Worldwide, that was the worst off day show ive ever seen of any of the big promotions. It was worser then Sat. Night which was barely tolerable by 2000.
You know bringing back Sunday Night Heat would be a fun precursor to a pay per view. It could be like a pregame show. Something the WWE should think about. And they would only need to do it once or twice a month.
Smackdown is the B-Show

But for best C-Show, it was always Sunday Night Heat.

Nothing beat Sunday Night Heat before a ppv, I impulse bought a ton of Pay-per-views because Heat introduced them so well, even if I wasn't too excited about them before Sunday.

Randomly, My best memory of Heat was seeing Rikishi walking out for his (What I believe was) his WWE debut, and making a Created Wrestler of him on Wrestlemania 2000, and having my friend confused about why my random Created wrestler ended up being a moderately successful real wrestler. (He was young enough to still be naive)
Velocity and Heat were pretty much equal with Heat getting it because it usually had matches that couldnt fit on the PPV cards as their headliners. But I remember seeing some actually good matches from the guys who didnt get time on the A shows. Superstars was similar but i feel like ive seen Tyson Kidd vs. Trent Barreta 100 times. And theres a lot of squash matches. It was great when it first started with the actual "superstars" wrestling on it. I guess WWECW could be considered a B show as well. I think that would be up there as it had some great matches at first. I loved the Big Show reign. Had some great brutal matches that were very entertaining. So Id say WWECW was the best B show.
Your missing alot. Smackdown isn't a B-Show. The B-Show's came on during the weekend. Smackdown had way more to offer than any of those show's on the list above.

no you are the one missing alot

Raw has always been the A'Show, Smackdown is the B'Show.

everything else was either C'Show or just filler shows.

imo Sunday Night Heat during the attitude era, specially the one's shown the night of the PPV's. like a pre-PPV show where people actually extended fueds going into said ppv.

Sure if you are only refering to pre-smackdown days then yes the other shows were the B'Shows
Smackdown aint the B show why is everyone saying that? Smackdown was a big deal when they first introduced it and it took off and its still going. The real champion (wwe champion) was even on smackdown for a while and if you think the worlds heavyweight champion is the real one you're wrong. Look at it this way: when you're the world heavyweight champion it means your the champion of the worlds heavyweights. When your the wwe champion you're the champion of everyone in wwe which includes the world heavyweight champion. If I was a wrestler I'd want to be the WWE champion whether it was on raw or smackdown or whether I was in the main event of wrestlemania or the second last match it wouldn't matter to me as long as I was WWE champion.

Ok now thats been said I'll answer the question: Sunday night heat was the best b show. It usually had some main stars competing and had feuds continue. Over all it was an entertaining show with a good main event on the card. They should bring it back. I'd be happy if they brought back Saturday nights main event too and had the top guys from raw and smackdown on it and make it an upper echelon show.
Your missing alot. Smackdown isn't a B-Show. The B-Show's came on during the weekend. Smackdown had way more to offer than any of those show's on the list above.

Smackdown has always been the WWE's B show since Raw has been the "flagship" show since its inception. But besides SD I'd have to say Sunday Night Heat, yet those were basically the dark matches from the previous week's Raw. I'm not sure about Velocity but before Smackdown I say it would have to be Shotgun Saturday Night/Jakked being that it was the only WWE program that was on broadcast television for a couple of years.

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