What the fuck is with some mods?

Scrotie McBoogerballs

Occasional Pre-Show
In the WWE page there was a thread asking what was the best match of the year, so I answer Cena v Cesaro and get a warning off a mod for spam? What the fucking fuck?

Is this place really this shittly moderated than anti Cena mods warn and ban people for liking Cena?

Seems this is a place where the rules are no pornography or anything illegal, this complaint should be valid and remain up, if not it just shows the fucking twat of mod up as being a childish prick with a personal axe to grind. If anyone looks at all my posts (there are not many) they will see I am not here trolling or causing controversy so this mod either has an issue with the fact someone likes Cena or is so drunk on being an internet milk monitor that they throw around their authoritah looking for any excuse to throw their perceived power around.

Was my second warning, but I can understand the first, I put up a video of Mason Ryan at a local house show to let people who may be interested what he is up to now and maybe I should have written a bit more about it, but answering a question is spam? Fuck you mod, eat a fucking dick.

(Not all mods, just this particular jumped up little hitler)
You would like that wouldn't you cunt.

Thanks for the second warning on the matter. Now please proceed in freezing a black crackhead tramps turd and use it as an anal ***** on your mother/sister/daughter (probably all the same person for Texans.)
How about you go play double dutch with some little black girls in the inner city, then get tragically mowed down in a drive-by shooting, huh? How 'bout that!?
Should've given a reason man.. Something like "Cena vs Cesaro, because Cesaro was on a roll and couldn't tell who would win" Just keep the reasoning part in mind for the first couple of months and you'll be alright. Cheers
I'm liking these new batch of ******s.

Though you had clearly read enough of the rules to know that flaming is allowed in here... I question your common sense.
I should be asleep, but I've gotta be honest- I think my father compared my Alzheimer's afflicted grandfather to a dog earlier, and it's too late to call him to clear it up.
Don't worry, I used to get warnings all the time for spamming because I am too much of a stone headed, pig ignorant bastard to add a pointless line of "reason" to a self explanatory post. Just carry on the way you are and don't make threads about it, its pointless.
What a productive thread.

Anyways, one sentence answers with no reason behind them are considered spam. This is spelled out in the rules.

A warning doesn't effect you in any way
It's meant more as a teaching tool to help you better understand the rules here.
Another one of these? Fucking Hell.....

I understand why you would read the rules & break them anyway. It's because clearly you are a rebel. I just dont get why you would bitch about it afterwards or why you thought anyone cared about Mason Ryan...
So was this just a warning you were bitching about?

And I think we're all missing something here. stonecoldhell continues to post Austin porn yet nothing seems to be done about it. Someone should get on that.

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