What Should Artist's New Name Be?

Artist's New Name Is...

  • Mrs. Dagger Dias' Forgotten Afterbirth

  • Adolph Ziggler

  • King Kofi Kingston

  • Mason Aryan

  • Anti-Semite Joe

  • Mike Litoris

  • Ben Dover

  • Moe Lester

  • Willie Stroker

  • Fonda Dicks

  • Gaz Chambers

  • Klunder's Secret Bunker

  • D's Man

  • Coco

  • Pete O. File

Results are only viewable after voting.

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I would actually put a bet on with someone that The Rock doesn't retain in the Elimination Chamber.

Why hello there.

Alright, hows it goin?

No but really, you pick your terms. If you want it, all you gotta do is change your name to CM Punk's gooch waxer and hash tag a word from every post at the end.

If The Rock loses the WWE Championship at Elimination Chamber, you get control over my avatar, user title, location, signature and user name for the next month. If The Rock leaves Elimination Chamber with the title, vice versa. Good?

Erm, yeah. You is on. Actually can we just change it to prior to and including the Elimination Chamber?

It's a long shot I know. I'm banking on the fact that the real story with The Rock's was his journey to being champion again and that it doesn't matter much how longer he holds it, he's achieved that now. That WWE may be able to envision an alternative where Rock losing or being screwed out of the title at EC makes for a more interesting feud or route for him to go into mania with, as a guy that certainly doesn't need a world title.

Another scalp claimed. You have forty-eight hours. Poll coming presently.
Remember kids, dont shoot your mouth off & make a bet with a man who already owns the rights of 2 other user profiles. You will lose & he will make you look silly.

Even without a poll, I vote for "Uncle Sam's Leg Beards" & matching sig.
Remember kids, dont shoot your mouth off & make a bet with a man who already owns the rights of 2 other user profiles. You will lose & he will make you look silly.
I made a bet with Sam once.

Ask him who won. I want to see him tell you.
If you're taking Chael, I'll take that bet.

If Chael beats Jon at UFC 159 then I get control over your user name, signature, avatar, user title and location for the next month. To be fair the month begins when the name change occurs. If Jon retains the championship, vice versa. You cool with that?
If Chael beats Jon at UFC 159 then I get control over your user name, signature, avatar, user title and location for the next month. To be fair the month begins when the name change occurs. If Jon retains the championship, vice versa. You cool with that?

I can deal with that man. It's a deal.
Good, you're here, that'll make things simpler.

Name: Mrs. Dagger Dias' Forgotten Afterbirth

Avatar (in 2011 collection):

User Title: Better Off This Way

Location: An Old Bed Pan



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