What is your philosophy on life?

Yeah. So that's a broad question.

Obviously not all of us have figured life out yet. Some of us might be coming to grips with loss, or displacement, or a whole other range of emotions. Some of us might be coming to terms with a new love interest, or new hair that seems to be sprouting absolutely everywhere.

Whatever your situation in life, I like to think that we each have a little mantra or idea that we tell ourselves. This motto we craft has something to do with all the things we've experienced through life. Some of it comes from that speech your Dad gave you when you broke your arm, some of it comes from your best friend when you're first girl friend dumps you, some of it comes from an old book you read that changed your views, some of it comes from Oprah.

What I ask of you is to share your view on life, and your philosophy, so that we can all live life to I don't know, the fullest. I'm sure we've all wondered how Uncle Sam gets through a day, or what X thinks about on his day to day travels (being nihilistic, prolly nothing).

So give me a paragraph. What are your tips, your mottos and your ideas on life?

I guess mine are that people are complicated. You would be surprised how many people take themselves far too seriously. Just go into the TNA section of this forum to bear witness. You should always try to be happy, and make people happy. Because people that frown and that make other people frown are generally douchebags. Also, they get laid less. FACT.
I'm a douchebag because I'm not happy...by your definition.

No, I'm kind towards people even if I am somewhat of a misanthrope. I don't feel like I need to insult or hurt people because of it though. I have my standards, manners, general etiquette. I've also experienced a tremendous amount of deceit and depravity in my life at a young age which has pretty much shaped me into who I am today. But, my life philosophy doesn't adhere to my negativity. Instead, my life philosophy is about going against the grain and being creative with whatever I do. I'm not one of those try-hard-to-be-different people. I just don't agree with people about what's to be expected of me.
1) Life's a bitch and then you die.

2) Unless you are born/fall into wealth, chances are your life is going to be a disappointment. Not that your life will be bad; what you may call a horrible life someone else might call a great one. This still doesn't change the fact that you'll more than likely find your life to be underwhelming.

3) We have dreams/imaginations for a reason; utilize these capabilities to the best of your abilities so you don't have to wholly endure the suckitude that is your life.

4) A thin line truly does exist between love and hate. Don't buy anyone's bullshit about having to take risks or you being too faint-hearted to experience another one's company and intimacy; they're only telling you this because they haven't been fucked over yet and/or they're the ones that only do the fucking-over (they'll come around to your state of mind at some point in their life...everyone gets fucked over eventually, be happy your time came sooner than later).

5) There is NEVER, EVER anything wrong with playing it safe.
You should also never get into the habit of sacrificing your happiness for someone elses. I'm sure that you'll tell yourself that it'll be fine, that maybe things will get better. Maybe they'll start caring as much as you do. But the truth is, it's probably not going to happen. Because people aren't going to do the same for you.

It might be the gallant thing to do, to put someone else before yourself, but in real life, you generally end up in a dark alley with your pants around your ankles and some caramel pie in your face. Or maybe thats just me.
Life is often very complicated and its because we make it so, we are intelligent beings, we are often forced to do a lot of think and forced to take a lot in. Think about it, whats life to a deer? sleep,shit,eat,don't get eaten and then reproduce, lol not much going on in the head. We all have our own views on life and how to tackle it, we all do things differently and many of us do things the same. The secret of life does not lie in some kind of divine epiphany or some ancient scroll. It all lies in the individual and their perspective on life. You make life what you want to make it, if you choice to let things get to you and eat you up from inside then that's all you. If your a free spirit that refuses to let things bring you down then again, that's all you. Its not wrong, nor is it right, there is no book on the secrets of life that will tell you everything you need to know in order to be happy,successful and fulfilled.

The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself,to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile

I constantly go back to this quote when ever something is beginning to get the better of me. It is to be the master of yourself and not let your emotions and personal tribulations be the master of you, it fails to work sometimes but its a work in progress. I don't have no secret agenda that I follow to sustain a happy life but that quote is a nice starting place for me at least, helps me set my foundations on which I can build from. But everybody is different,what applies to you necessarily won't apply to someone else. Simply, your in command of your life and you make it what you choose. Life is to short and complicated to sit around and squander all your time trying to decode it and its many mysteries. We'll, that's my advice anyway, take it for what its worth, which probably isn't much.
Life hmm.. Alright, here's what I think.

We're all walking the same road, and we're all fighting our own battles. Be nice.

But don't put others happiness before yourself.

In the end it's only you and you alone. Still, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have close relationships with others.

A simple quotation I always tell myself -

People change, Things go wrong.
Shit happens but life goes on.

Sometimes, you've got to be selfish. Know that!

I love the quotation -

Hope for the best and expect the worst.

Things may not turn out the way we'd like them to, and at times I ask myself "Why am I alive?"

But at the most memorable moments, I think "So is this why I'm alive?"

I don't really go wild and live for the moment or brood about all those things that get me down.

And another quotation I really like is

For everything you lose, you gain something else.
For everything you gain, you lose something else.
Its our outlook towards life, we can either regret or rejoice

It really is our outlook :)
Live life the way you want to live it. Everone is different, we all want and look for different things, and yet we all make mistakes. But if u live the way u want u can die happy. #2 u only live once!
My life is to simply live as positively as I can. A lot of people have things to compain about. A lot of people live in abject poverty or have serious things like disease, abuse and squalor to live in. What the Hell do I have to complain about?

I go out multiple times a week, I hold down a steady job and I have a lot of friends who I share my company with. For me, a positive attitude towards life isn't just what makes me what I am, it makes others around me think about their outlook on life. I mean, let me give you an example. Every day I go to work and I smile and greet my co-workers with the same positivity on a daily basis. No matter what problems I am having outside of work, I will always being a shining light of positivity when I am with other people. Many of those same people cannot understand why I am so happy and when I tell them that I have nothing to complain about, they will roll their eyes at me.

Now, I am not suggesting that other people do not have anything to complain about but when you look at it, most of the problems people face are trivial compared to others. When I hear people complaining about having a job that they need to work hard at, or not having enough money to go on a holiday this year, I sometimes want to rip their throats out. I mean, is that any reason to complain? Let's go to Africa and tell those people that you wont be going to Magaluf this year, shall we?

To me, complaining is going to get you nowhere and that is the only philosophy on life that I have. I live positively and try to be as positive around others as I can.
Because people that frown and that make other people frown are generally douchebags. Also, they get laid less. FACT.

Actually, females love assholes. Assholes get the most action, and the nice guys are always "friends". That's why you have to have both sides.

My idea on life is simple, be multiple people in multiple places. What I mean by that is, your normal self won't be good enough for every situation. You'll act different around your girl that you would around your homies. you'd act different in your neighborhood than you would on the job (atleast if you want to be successful). In todays world, in order to succeed to the fullest, you have to be "fake". I know it sounds bad but it's true.

I feel like i can be my real self around my dudes. We hang and do and talk about shit that I can't do and talk about anywhere else. When I go to work, I throw on my proper voice and pull my pants up and walk straight so that I can be respected by my boss. When I'm around my girl, I throw on my smooth nice guy role since she's already mine and I want to treat her right, but if I ever want to get a different new girl, I put on my rough and thuggin' role to get her. That's pretty much life. Look at everyone at your job or in life (other than asshole celebrities) that are successful, I bet they act different on the job than they do at home.
Life to me is a test simply. Now this is a religious view. God has put us here for us to test ourselves and see if we abide by what he categorises as sin and deed. Or good and bad for those who are slow. I truly believe that what your willing to do for others to bring them happiness is a true testament to a person with great character. Sacrifice is a major thing for me, what are you willing to give away to show that you are a person living under the influence of god.
Life is like a giant puzzle. All people, events, places, and things are connected together in the end somehow. There is a reason behind why everything happens due to an ultimate "bigger picture" when it all comes down to it. We are given the opportunity to meet the various people and/or animals in our lives out of a chance to make a difference in their lives. Even something as little as being nice to somebody who appears to be having a bad day can make a huge difference in their life at that particular moment, as it could lead to them being in the good mood they needed to be in later on that day for a fated encounter of their own.

There are an infinite number of potential outcomes and with each decision you make, you kill a potential future sealing it away into non-existence, or quite possibly another dimension that's identical to ours other than small details of decisions we have made. For example say you are walking outside and a guy is approaching you. What are you going to say to him? Are you going to say anything? There are an infinite number of things you could say to him and if you say nothing, then through that decision you effectively sealed away countless possible outcomes from the future that will now never happen. At least not in this world. A world that now, because of your choices, might never exist.

Did that make your head hurt a little? The bottom line is this.... do what you want to do, and be the best person that you can be. You can do anything that you set your mind to. That means you fulfilling your personal dreams is a potential future. However if you don't believe in yourself, then you set yourself up for an outcome you're not going to like. Believe in your dreams, do what you want to do, and be the best person that you can be. Everything is connected somehow due to an ultimate plan that is bigger than any of us. That's my philosophy on life.
Life is an ongoing cycle with trials and tribulations apart of Gods plan and when we die we may go to an afterlife and possibly be reincarnated.
Life for me is one simple thing. One goal after another, you have to have them or what is the point in living. You can't be afraid to do things or try them, because failure is an option. But failing when trying is better than not trying at all.

You have to make the moment your own, never take anything for granted. Even if you are young nothing will be here forever, yourself included.

Life is what you make of it, surround yourself with great people. You will most likey need help on the way, so try to find a great friend or a group of them.

Keep your friends like you would your family. Do for them, because who knows. You might need help some day.

Nobody knows what is around the corner. My best buddy died age 21 from Cancer but man he led a class life and had a blast always.

Its not the years in the life that matter, its the life in the years.
My philosophy on life basically resolves around three main things: to live for the moment, take everything day by day and be positive. There's no point panicking and stressing about stuff that’s days away. Enjoy yourself for that moment in time, and let faith take its course. Life in my opinion is a laid out destiny. You can't change what is meant to happen in your life. There's no point stressing about things that aren’t right around the corner. If needs be, set yourself goals for the future, but it can be no more than that. Taking everything day by day is similar to living for the moment. Live for the day your living, and don't live for the next day or the day after that, or the day after that. The last thing, to be positive basically just means to be positive in what you do. It ties in with my first two beliefs, as without positivity, the first two will essential fail. Being positive can put a different spin on every situation, and it usually benefits every time. No matter what happens be positive, knowing it will only get better. That is my life philosophy, live for the moment, take it day by day and be positive!
1) Love life. Why get depressed about things? Move on from them and focus on the good. Sometimes easier said than done, but often, it's good to look at everything you like instead of what you don't like.

2) Love people. That guy across the street hasn't done anything to hurt you yet, and he probably never will, so that makes him a potential friend.

3) Don't follow the rules just 'cause you think you should, but don't break them if it brings misfortune to others.

4) Be tolerant. Whatever you think about things, someone else completely disagrees with you. And that's fine.
My philosophy, make your main goal in life to be the best person you can be. By that I mean put being a genuine person before everything else. Make a positive difference in someone's day whether you just met them or youve been together for 50 years, put family and friends before work, when you have a problem get a solution, when someone needs help or just a good friend then be there for them. When I look at what ive done in school and at work that isnt what I judge myself or others on, I judge on what kind of person they are on the inside and you can be the richest man in the world if you put your stock in love for everyone. If you can live by that, no matter what you do you will be happy with your life and yourself in the end :)
With all the hype and speculation going on about the world possibly ending tommorow, I was thinking about life a little bit. I'm well aware that this is just another one of those crazy theories that surface every once and awhile, but I can't help but think about something. I was telling my brother about the doomsday theory of Saturday and we started laughing about the fact that, if it does take place at 6 p.m. tommorow, then he will be at work. His last moments of his life would be serving people food at a restaurant so that he can save up money to go to school, where he will then spend a few years learning crap that will then lead him to a miserable job that he will work at so he can make money until he dies.

The point of this is that people spend their entire lives working towards something in the future. It's always about next month or next year; never about right now or just enjoying things for what they are. What if you die tommorow and your whole life has been about something that is in the future? All you have to show for yourself is work and struggling. It is such a weird way for societies to behave. If your only promised today, why don't people focus on it more?

I'm not really going any where with this, so I'll leave it at that.
Be positive; live day to day. I don't like stress. In fact, for the most part, my life is stress free. If I have a huge job interview, a big test or something like that, I worry about that whenever the time comes. I don't really like worrying about the little things in life. While that may come back to bite me in the ass at times, I believe that could be the best way to live your life. Don't let that certain person keep getting to you. Leave your work at work. If you have a shit home life, leave it at home. I focus on now, not later, not tomorrow. I will always live life one day at a time. I have been trying to get my girlfriend to live like this but she doesn't change. She's someone who stresses about everything. Live one day at a time and be positive. It can't get any clearer than that.
Try to live as healthy and as productively as I can. Help others when I can. Stay out of trouble. Get the things I need to get done, done. Entertain myself and enjoy the smallest and biggest things. Pass on whatever I can. Educate myself and anyone else I can.

That's about it. Anything else feels like a waste of time. Worrying too much about myself, I find, leaves me feeling a sense of emptiness. Sometimes, you just have to step up and get it done.
Some of the aspects of my approach to life might sound corny and simplistic but I've found out that life is hard enough already without you making it all that more difficult for yourself.

When it comes to the way you treat other people, simply treat them the way you'd want to be treated. It's simple, it's easy to do and it works most of the time. If someone doesn't share that outlook on life that's fine but don't allow yourself to be bullied or made to feel less worthy. I think it was Teddy Roosevelt that said speak softly but carry a big stick. No matter what you might believe when it comes to the question of an afterlife, we're all pretty much stuck here for a while. Why not do the best we can and help each other out along the way?

There will be times when life kicks you right in the nuts. It can't all be roses but I've always thought the idea is to simply do the best that you can with what you've got. You might not always come out ahead in every situation, but you'll at least know that you did whatever you could and there's always something in that. If you wanna gripe about something or even just have yourself a good cry, then go right ahead. Nothing wrong with that when you've got something worth griping or shedding tears for. Doesn't make you weak, it simply means that you're human and we all need to throw ourselves a little pitty party now and then to keep things in perspective. But in the end, just drive on. Push on through it and do what you have to in order to come out as unscathed as you can on the other side.

I've always thought that you should always try to carry yourself with dignity & class. None of that has anything to do with money or the value of whatever clothing you might be wearing. Some of the classiest people I've ever come across or heard of barely ever had two pennies to rub together.

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