What is wrestling really about?


Shawn Michaels ❤
To the average fan, what is wrestling really about? What should it be about? I’ve seen too many people lately who believe the whole point of watching wrestling is to work out who the biggest ‘draw’ is, i.e. who makes the most money for that company. It’s a thought which annoys me to say the least, something I hugely disagree with.

World Wrestling Entertainment, just like Total Nonstop Action, is a business. A business presumably run for McMahons profit. However, most things are. Every television show we watch is produced by a business, looking to make money. However only when discussing the WWE have I heard people discuss this to such an extent. When talking about Big Brother, people don’t say “Well it draws viewers so it must be good”, so why when we talk about wrestlers is that the sole reason they are good?

It seems today you aren’t ‘cool’ if your favourite wrestlers don’t somehow consist of Hulk Hogan, John Cena and Stone Cold Steve Austin. You don’t understand the business if you don’t like them, apparently. And if your favourite wrestlers involve the likes of Flair, Michaels and Benoit. Gosh you are the worst fan ever. Because everyone knows they didn’t draw and therefore are no where near as good as the first 3. Right?

What I have to say is, it’s the people who discuss ‘drawing’ constantly that don’t understand what the WWE is about. It’s sports entertainment. We’re here to watch and to be entertained. We’re here to cheer for who we love, boo who we hate and to love what we’re doing. Because what’s the point otherwise? The bottom line is, the business side should stay at just that. It should be for the businessmen to think about. I don’t work for McMahon, so I don’t care who draws the most.

As a fan, why should I? I watch to be entertained by my favourite wrestlers, and to get involved in the storylines. I watch knowing that I’m going to love that show. Knowing that HBK is going to put on a great match, and that Flair will always be an absolute legend. I love thinking about what Edge is going to do next as heel, what the RAW GM will do, what gimmick match will we see next? All things that affect me as a fan. I rarely look at the ratings just because I don’t care.

My point is, if you watch solely to see who draws the best, what kind of fun is that? You should at least get a job for Vince, that way you’re getting paid for ruining something which is meant as entertainment. I don’t think McMahon cares about what you think about his latest Champion. Because all I hear about Punk is that “he doesn’t draw”. Once again, who cares? McMahon? His accountant? WWE Creative? We don’t fit into that.
Becca, I agree whole-heartedly. I've argued with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named on mutiple - well, two - occasions about this, and I've taken almost that exact position. I don't watch Coronation Street and debate whether Ken deserves a spot on my favourite characters list because he outdraws Dev. Because that's basically what I see the WWE as. Coronation Street. Sure, you could argue that its made for artistic purposes, blah, blah, blah. In the same vein you could claim that 80% of WWE's employees aren't really there to make money. WWE is Coronation Street, just with staged fights.

Directly or indirectly, pretty much every damn thing in a business makes money. So it can be argued everything in a business is used to make money. Why, even jobbers enhance the higher talent. Did Christopher Nolan hire Heath Ledger because he's a draw or because he was the most accomplished actor? Well, he made money, so what does it matter?

People don't look at things from a fans point of view, they look at it from Vince's point of view. I mean, I understand if we're talking about why Colin Delaney isn't world champion, but if we're talking about what was the most enjoyable match at Vengeance was, it shouldn't come down to that level.
I don't think people complain if you say your favorite wrestlers are HBK and Flair. Especially on a message board like this. The complaint is that WWE doesn't care what we think about Cena because of his drawing power. No one here is going to chastise you for saying you dislike Cena because he is the man of four holds (none of them being armbar, thank the Lord).

You're right, WWE is a business, and in that vein, they will do what makes them money. To say that they totally disregard the IWC is a bit incrroect. Making CM Punk champion is proof of that. The internet is rife with praise of Punk. I don't like him, so maybe they're not listening to me. Jeff Hardy has been universally praised on the internet (with the exception of those who call him a spot monkey), and he was pushed. And they figured out that the IWC thinks Cena is portrayed as Superman, so they found a way to keep him in a semi-main event, which means they can use him to sell the PPV, without putting the belt around him. By keeping him around the belt, without necessarily giving it to him (like Big Show) he is seen as a draw. MVP, who is talented, is not considered a draw, but a talent, nonetheless, so he is given TV time without being on the PPV poster.

I do agree with the idea that people spend way too much time worrying about ratings. If you like the show, you like it, if you don't then, you don't. But just don't wait until you see the rating before making a decision. It's cool to get on here and rant about how much you hate CM Punk as champ, I do. But you marked the fuck out when he came out with the briefcase, I did.
WWE cares exactly about one thing and one thing only: their bottom line. If going to a PG rated style will line their pockets better than with the Attitude style, than that's what they will do.

Do I have to agree with it? No. Do I have to continue to support it, if I no longer like watching it? Again, the answer is no.

Sometimes people forget that no one is forcing them to watch programming that they don't like. There is a switch that will either change the station or turn it off altogether.

Now, to answer the original question. For me, wrestling or sports entertainment if you prefer, is simply a live action movie, or perhaps more accurately, a weekly serial. And to it's essence, it's escapism and it's just a way to kick back, relax and have some fun.

Remember, it's supposed to be fun, right?! :headscratch:
Pro wrestling, like all forms of sports and entertainment, is suppose to be about being an escape. An escape from the bullshit in our lives. When we use forms of entertainment and sports as our escape and they let us down (whether it'd be your favorite team, or favorite TV show, or a movie you've been looking forward to), you end up being extremely disappointed. The difference between pro wrestling and the rest of sports and other forms of entertainment is that there is no off-season for pro wrestling. Every sport has an off-season, every television show has an off-season and everyone's favorite actor/director/screenwriter or whomever it may concern all take time off between work. Whereas pro wrestling is there every single week. Four times a week, sometimes five when you include Saturday Night's Main Event or Pay-Per-View. So it's here all the time, and it's impossible for it to live up to people's expectations every single show. And when it doesn't, it makes people upset because they felt like they just wasted their time, and sometimes money, on garbage. Which in turn brings them to the internet to bitch about it. But what people need to realize is that the internet is an escape, too. I NEVER think about Wrestlezone or myspace or anything else about the net when I'm not on it, but writing this is currently the only thing on my mind. Nothing else matters at this moment, and that's how we're suppose to feel when we're watching pro wrestling. We’re suppose to get so sucked into the show that nothing in our lives matter. But, unfortunately, the majority of the time, WWE and TNA don't deliver on that small request. When they're garbage by someone's own personal standards, it pisses fans off and they just ignore it and go back to their boring lives.

All we as fans ask for is to help us escape from reality for a couple of hours. That's what pro wrestling is suppose to do for us. It isn't about ratings or any of that crap; it's about making our mind drift off into a Fantasy World for a little while. It's about making us anticipate the next week's show; giving us something to look forward to. But for most fans, both on the internet and in real life, pro wrestling programming isn't doing that for the time being.

As far as looking at it from a business perspective, we’re fans for Christ sake and we all know that WWE isn’t going out of business any time soon. Why do we give a fuck about the business side of things when there’s no competition and there’s no way WWE is on the verge of going out of business? That makes no sense, but there is a reason for it. For fans that dwell on that, again… it’s just another escape. Some people just love to argue, and acting like you know everything there is to know when it comes to the business side of things makes some people feel smart and that they’re winning some epic battle. I guarantee you that’s the ONLY reason why anyone is ever interested in ratings and other forms of sales. So they can say later that so and so is a bad champ because he doesn’t draw ratings. That so and so sucks because his or her t-shirt isn’t selling well. That is the only reason why people look at that shit. It’s another form of escape. Debating on the net is fun and something to get your mind off things. If that form of escape wasn't here, no one would care what kind of business WWE is doing. Some, would in fact, stop being fans period if there was no internet. I GUARANTEE you there are fans out there who only stay a fan because of forums and what not. Being a fan of pro wrestling and having an internet connection makes time fly when you're bored, doesn't it?

Bottom line is that pro wrestling is about a lot today. It's about being an escape. About having something to bitch about. About being able to argue on the internet during your spare time. It's about all that today, and there's nothing that will change it.
I don't think people complain if you say your favorite wrestlers are HBK and Flair. Especially on a message board like this. The complaint is that WWE doesn't care what we think about Cena because of his drawing power. No one here is going to chastise you for saying you dislike Cena because he is the man of four holds (none of them being armbar, thank the Lord).

You obviously haven't spent too much time on this forum. Saying something similar is like forum suicide.

You're right, WWE is a business, and in that vein, they will do what makes them money. To say that they totally disregard the IWC is a bit incrroect. Making CM Punk champion is proof of that. The internet is rife with praise of Punk. I don't like him, so maybe they're not listening to me. Jeff Hardy has been universally praised on the internet (with the exception of those who call him a spot monkey), and he was pushed. And they figured out that the IWC thinks Cena is portrayed as Superman, so they found a way to keep him in a semi-main event, which means they can use him to sell the PPV, without putting the belt around him. By keeping him around the belt, without necessarily giving it to him (like Big Show) he is seen as a draw. MVP, who is talented, is not considered a draw, but a talent, nonetheless, so he is given TV time without being on the PPV poster.

I never said they disregard the Internet. My post has nothing to do with the WWEs opinion of internet forums. My post is all about fans view of the wrestlers, based on nothing but how much they draw. I feel that ruins the essence of being a wrestling fan.
Is that really what ANYONE believes wrestling is about? I'm sure people talk on a wrestling forum about who is or isn't a draw, who has or hasn't been a draw, and debate about the inner workings of the business... but is that really the reason anyone watches wrestling? While people are watching the show does anyone actually think about whose drawing or not? I'm pretty sure people watch wrestling for the entertainment, or some other enjoyment they take out of the product.. that has nothing to do with them talking about drawing power on the internet. How they view or respond to wrestling while watching it versus being online are probably two different things.
Becca, you speak of wrestlers as being draws, and that being the reason they are elevated. This forum is different from others. If you would have gone on the online onslaught before it shut down, you would have seen Cena and Orton being attacked as worthless. They have limited movesets at best, and at worst, are terrible. They work slow, and Orton uses rest holds.

My point was that overall, the IWC villifies Cena and Orton, and the WWE doesn't care because they stay at the top of the card.

My point was that the WWE seems to be moving away from that mentality, and going with the IWC, or at least hardcaore fans of the business as a whole, and promoting the guys that the IWC loves, instead of who 14 year-old girls love.

Look at another message board. Cena and Orton and HHH are ridiculed constantly, but CM Punk and Shelton Benjamin are the recipients of giant slurps, and look who has belts (besides HHH who needs that belt for that show to work at the moment.)
Becca, you speak of wrestlers as being draws, and that being the reason they are elevated. This forum is different from others. If you would have gone on the online onslaught before it shut down, you would have seen Cena and Orton being attacked as worthless. They have limited movesets at best, and at worst, are terrible. They work slow, and Orton uses rest holds.

My point was that overall, the IWC villifies Cena and Orton, and the WWE doesn't care because they stay at the top of the card.

My point was that the WWE seems to be moving away from that mentality, and going with the IWC, or at least hardcaore fans of the business as a whole, and promoting the guys that the IWC loves, instead of who 14 year-old girls love.

Look at another message board. Cena and Orton and HHH are ridiculed constantly, but CM Punk and Shelton Benjamin are the recipients of giant slurps, and look who has belts (besides HHH who needs that belt for that show to work at the moment.)
This forum used to be like that to when I first got here. In fact, a lot of forums are like that. However, I notice that the longer I stay, the more people start realizing how silly it is to hold such views. Now, I don't know if I'M the reason necessarily (that would be quite an arrogant stretch, even for me), but I do know it happens. I've seen it happen on three separate forums I've been a part of, and see it happening on another forum I'm a part of right now.

HBK-aholic, great column (waits for someone to revive you from your heart attack). I think this column truly points out where Internet wrestling fans struggle to comprehend the very basic point of professional wrestling. However, I don't mean that in a good way. What I DO mean, however, is that it provides me a GREAT reason to post my own column, which I will do later today. I'll probably have people read yours first, and then read mine. Mine will be the answer you're looking for, as to why people are so intent on using drawing ability.

So, be on the lookout.
I have to agree with your column here, the casual fan doesnt care if their favourite wrestler doesnt draw, in fact most of them dont care if they are being used in what the IWC calls "bad angles" and this is because their favourite wrestler is on TV and winning matches, thats all they care about and I am willing to admit thats all I care about.

I am willing to admit that I am not a fan of Cena, Batista and HHH and I am sick of being told that I should like them because they draw big numbers (an exaggeration, but you get my point), they dont entertain me so I am not going to like them end of story. Nothing anyone can do or say will change that, I respect their popularity but I dont like them. I am sick of Cena's gimmick, I find Batista's lack of mic skills unable to compensate for his lack of in-ring skills (unlike The Rock, who wasnt a great wrestler, but so good on the mic I didnt care)

I wasnt a big fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin, in fact if anything I was getting seriously bored of his title runs and making Taker and HHH look stupid (thats right I said it) I didnt care that he draws big numbers I wasnt a fan of his.

I am very much in the minority of people in who I like and dislike, but even so I have the same mentality as the casual fan in the sense that I dont care who draws money and who doesnt, I am entertained by the product put out there and that is good enough for me.

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