What if Punk does go after the IC title


The Winter Soldier
It seems as though on Monday CM Punk will be taking out the last (as we know of) Paul Heyman guy on his journey to getting revenge on Paul Heyman. This could possibly lead to him fighting Axel.... even fighting him for the IC title. I understand some people might see this as a down grade for Punk, but think about it... it could be an upgrade for the Intercontinental title. With someone like Punk going after or holding the Championship could bring some major prestige back to the IC title. What do you think? Could it be a rise for the title but a fall for Punk? SHould Punk try to take away what Axel values or should he just try to take him out and head after Heyman? If this does happen, hopefully they'll start working on the Divas division and the World title, possibly the US title. One could only hope.
Honestly, I think Punk has officially gotten to that part in his career where there is no such thing as a downgrade for CM Punk. Going after and winning the Intercontinental Championship does only good, and nothing bad, for Punk or for business.
Punk winning the IC strap would be the best thing for the company. It would allow him and Bryan to fight side by side, without being together, as the Corporation can try to get every title. Punk going on a long, and I mean long title reign with the IC strap only helps the title and the E.
I tend to disagree. While, I'm a fan of Punk having him go after the IC title would help its prestige, but Curtis Axel is in the middle of a really good run. Why take away when you can break down Punk this fall and utilize his ability to help Axel move up? At the same time Punk will get his retribution on Heyman before moving on to what we all hope leads to CM Punk winning the Royal Rumble. IF he wins the Rumble I would like to see him challenge The WWE Champion Randy Orton at WM. There's plenty of storyline there. Not only does Punk not fit what the McMahons view as a Face of the company type of guy, but it would hopefully allow Punk to exact revenge upon losing to Orton at WM 27.
I tend to disagree. While, I'm a fan of Punk having him go after the IC title would help its prestige, but Curtis Axel is in the middle of a really good run. Why take away when you can break down Punk this fall and utilize his ability to help Axel move up? At the same time Punk will get his retribution on Heyman before moving on to what we all hope leads to CM Punk winning the Royal Rumble. IF he wins the Rumble I would like to see him challenge The WWE Champion Randy Orton at WM. There's plenty of storyline there. Not only does Punk not fit what the McMahons view as a Face of the company type of guy, but it would hopefully allow Punk to exact revenge upon losing to Orton at WM 27.

A few months ago, Michael McGillucutty was barely on TV, and only used on Superstars and House Shows to put over other other low level talents like Zack Ryder and Alex Riley by giving them a "pity win" every now and then. Curtis Axel has ALREADY moved up, he's not ready or good enough to be moved up further...yet.

Axel is in a better spot than he was a few months ago. The Intercontinental Championship needs CM Punk more than Axel needs the belt.

With the majority of the focus being on building Daniel Bryan up as the new possible "face of the company", there's no room for Punk in the WWE Title picture. And the World Heavyweight Title would argue be a bigger step down for Punk than the IC belt would be; it would look like they're giving him a "consolation prize" to keep him busy.

WWE needs to clean up its title structure. The actual number of belts they have is fine, but the problem is that whom each belt is intended to be for is muddled. The people competing for the World Title clearly have less star power than those competing for the WWE Title, but kayfabe wise, we're supposed to believe that the World Champion is equal to the WWE Champion. With two World Titles, WWE is trying their to pass upper midcarders off as main eventers. The Intercontinental and United States Championships are supposed to both be " upper midcard" titles, but the IC belt is usually given to bigger names that WWE wants to highlight or keep relevant, while the U.S. Title, for the most part, is equivalent to the European Title or WCW Television Title, the belt for the low level guys to strive for.

The Intercontinental Title should be in the spot that the World Heavyweight Title is currently in. Punk could build the belt up to that point and make it prestigious again so that they won't need two World Titles anymore.

If Punk rebuilds the IC title, WWE can clean up its titles. Get rid of the WCW leftovers and replace them with new or revived WWE-created titles.

Punk can hold the title for a few months, raising its profile, and then when he does drop it, the person he loses it to will be put over huge. Beating CM Punk for the Intercontinental Championship will mean more than beating Kofi Kingston or The Miz for it.
There's no downside to Punk potentially winning the Intercontinental Championship. It would be a huge boost to a title that is ignored far too often, Curtis Axel has had a respectable first run as champion (although I still think they gave him the belt WAY too soon), and losing the title won't hurt him. Becoming a 2-Time Intercontinental Champion would be another accomplishment on Punk's resumè.

It's a great idea all around and there's no negatives to it.
I rarely approve of former world champions going for the minor titles. It almost always feels like a step sideways in the guys' careers. Also I have given up on the midcard titles regaining their relevance. Every now and then someone does pretty good with the belt, but before long some other guy drags the belt back into obscurity.

The WHC is the number 2 belt these days. A number 3 belt will never be really relevant, no matter who holds it (especially when there are two of them). Keep the belt in the lower midcard on the young up and comers where it belongs.
Eh, I'm not really sure about Punk going after the IC title. Punk really is at a point in his career where he's much bigger than the IC title and, frankly, Axel needs the title far more than Punk does. If Punk was to go after the title and win it, you'd have critics coming out of the woodwork saying that it's a massive step down for Punk and that Axel looks like chump for being the latest IC champ to be jobbed out to a main eventer. If Punk goes after the title and ultimately isn't successful, you'll quite probably have even more people saying how big of a step down it is for Punk not only feuding over the mid-card tittle, but how much he himself is devalued for not being able to win the title.

At the same time though, WWE is going to get criticized by some no matter which way they go or what they decide to do in just about any angle, match or feud that they set up. So being bitched out by internet fans would simply be business as usual. Punk going after the IC title could be interesting and could ultimately be really well done if WWE is ultimately able to make both guys come out looking like stars, which I think would be what's needed, in my opinion. Punk doesn't really need the IC title and the fact that he's said a couple of times on Raw that he wants to be WWE Champion MIGHT indicate that he probably won't be IC champ.
The IC title is irrelevant because it's not defended enough, CM Punk will not elevate that title. Nobody will until WWE has it defended every week, and at every PPV.

Punk should be chasing the WWE title
Only if he beats Honky Tonk Mans record. That is the only way Punk should hold it, and he could even defend the IC Title while feuding for the WWE title if he wanted.

I think him beating HTM's record is the only way Punk should win the title.
I think CM Punk should challenge axel for the title at night of champions and win it, but only to lose it on the next couple of weeks back to axel, setting up a match with CM Punk vs Paul Heyman at Battleground
Seeing the IC Title being contested on NXT the other day made me feel sick...such a prestigious title with a great history being held by people like Razor, Shawn, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude...now its being reduced to being defended on a second rate WWE show by Curtis Axel (Stupid name, Joe Hennig would be much better) and the confusingly bipolar and irritating Big E Langston...
Giving Punk a shot at the IC title would make sense as he could go after another Heyman guy so would work with the current storyline, and the IC title could be lifted to a more deserving status in the WWE also this takes Punk out of the WWE title picture allowing this Daniel Bryan/Corporate Faction feud to progress...all in all I think Punk going after and hopefully winning the IC title would be great for the company and would generate some great storylines
Here's a link for you morons who claim the IC Title is so prestigious:


I'm glad Tasty made that thread because some of you people are hilarious.

Punk does not need the IC Title and has very, very little chance at going after it. Remember when Orton feuded with Cody Rhodes while Rhodes was IC Champion? Did Orton go after the belt? No. He even won the feud. He was above a mid card belt, just as Punk is now.

You're lucky I wasted this many words on this. I just didn't feel like getting infracted.
Here's a link for you morons who claim the IC Title is so prestigious:


I'm glad Tasty made that thread because some of you people are hilarious.

Punk does not need the IC Title and has very, very little chance at going after it. Remember when Orton feuded with Cody Rhodes while Rhodes was IC Champion? Did Orton go after the belt? No. He even won the feud. He was above a mid card belt, just as Punk is now.

You're lucky I wasted this many words on this. I just didn't feel like getting infracted.

You think just because Punk has held world titles the IC title is beneath him, thats stupid...and as for that other thread the IC title is not a stepping stone to the World title but it is still a prestigious belt...some of the best matches have been IC title matches, Razor v Shawn WM 10 was a fantastic match... the IC title may be a secondary belt but it has still been contested in some fantastic bouts...so it is not beneath Punk, that is disrespectful to both the championship and to Punk...as a wrestler with admirable integrity he would be humbled to hold the same belt as many of wrestlings greats
I don't see it as a down grade for Punk. I actually see it more as an upgrade to the IC title. We all know that it has lost it's prestige over the years, so putting it on Punk would probably bring some back to it as well as making Curtis Axel relevant by a feud with Punk. I hope that WWE goes this route because I feel it would make good TV.
Nope. People assume that if you slap a midcard title on someone who's above it, the title somehow becomes uber-credible. That's really not the case, sometimes it can damage the title more than it helps. If John Cena won the U.S. title, it would completely be forgotten about, because John Cena has more important things to deal with. Same goes for CM Punk.

It's only a matter of time before Punk goes after the WWE title in some capacity. What are they supposed to do? Give Punk the IC title for a month, then have Axel win it back? Well, that's a victory that Axel is just not worth of, nor anyone else who's on the level of chasing the IC title.

Admittedly, at least then the title would be defended in some capacity. Instead, Axel is gonna get beaten by Punk for the next PPV or two, and he'll probably drop the title on a random episode of Raw or Smackdown to Kofi or someone.
Eh, I'm not really sure about Punk going after the IC title. Punk really is at a point in his career where he's much bigger than the IC title and, frankly, Axel needs the title far more than Punk does.


While matches between CM Punk and Curtis Axel would be great for the title, it wouldn't be that great for CM Punk. I agree with Jack-Hammer that he is above the belt now. If he is not going to challenge for the WWE Championship for a while then he should go after the World Heavyweight Championship. It could benefit Axel but it's a lose/lose situation for Punk. The importance that having a former WWE/World Champion holding the belt can bring it will not make up for how much of a demotion it would feel like for Punk. Axel should be facing other midcarders and being booked to be the most dominant of them all.

I won't complain if WWE does go that route. The matches would be fantastic. I just would rather see Punk going after a more important title. Having him as Intercontinental Champion or losing to make Axel look better is not the end of the world. I'm sure plenty would flock to these threads and complain about it if/when it happens. Whether it be about how Punk or Axel needed the win, so no matter who loses somebody is going to be posted negatively about. Some fans just cannot be pleased. Punk VS Axel for the Intercontinental Championship is a likely scenario given Punk's issues with Heyman though.
In my humble opinion, Punk challenging Axel for the title and losing would work out best for everybody involved. Being a former WWE Champion and current main event draw, Punk doesn't need the IC Title. He loses, moves on and wins his next feud. No harm done.

But for Curtis Axel, he would become the guy that CM Punk couldn't beat. Walking around with the Intercontinental Title and a successful defence against a top-tier superstar would make Axel seem like more of a threat.

If Punk won the title, Curtis Axel would likely become another lower-card wrestler that has an IC Title reign to his name. Punk is already one of the top 3 superstars in the company. No one would give a **** if he beat Axel.

But again, this is just my opinion. I don't understand the ins and outs of booking, and probably never will. Unlike all of you 'experts' :p
I do envision Punk and Axel working a program together that will most likely lead to a match at Night of Champions. However, I think most are looking at this the wrong way. It's not about Punk chasing the IC title. Rather it's about Punk getting to Heyman through Axel. Punk's stroy with Heyman is far from finished and with Lesnar gone, working with Axel is the logical next step. The big payoff here is to see Punk finally get his hands on Heyman. We got a small taste of it at SummerSlam but we have yet to see the payoff.

I fully expect some sort of DQ finish at Night of Champions so that Axel retains the title. If done right this story should help all parties involved. It will get Punk his ultimate revenge on Heyman, while keeping him occupied and away from the WWE Title scene so that Orton and Bryan can firmly establish their roles. It also will give Axel a good rub, and strengthen his character and skills moving forward.
The concept of Punk bringing more legitimacy to the IC crown is interesting. At times, it seems the last time the title was important was when Ultimate Warrior held it. Having CM Punk wearing the crown would surely bring the title increased exposure.

Still, as long as John Cena was the champion, I figured the plan was for Punk to win the WHC. That way, it would keep the two men apart as they tended to their own gardens.....and lead to a build-up for a title consolidation match between Cena and Punk. If done correctly, it would have been huge.

Now, with Cena out for a long time, the company might decide to have Punk go for the WWE Championship. At this time, Orton and Punk aren't at odds, but it still would be heel vs. face (although it's difficult to tell with those two, isn't it?) and it's hard to believe the two aren't going to meet somewhere down the line, especially with Cena out of the picture.

With Punk's degree of creative control, what would he say about being sent after the IC title, especially with both major belts ripe for the taking?

One thing for sure; the field is wide open for Punk.
I like it! CM Punk wins the IC title...and beats the Honky Tonk record. Then goes on to win the WWE title a la Warrior.

It would bring clout to the title once again, and make it worth keeping around. It would be a great storyline and tons of people could get involved. Whether he's heel or face it would totally work. All the way to CM Punk vs WWE Champ of the moment, which if anyone was a betting man, would be Cena by the time Punk surpasses HTMs record.
In reality Punk is not winning that IC title. Punk as IC champion does nothing beneficial for him at this stage in his career. He is one of the elite in wwe and needs to continue doing his big time things.

And why would you want to waste time trying to elevate the value of IC title now? Its not gonna work if the title is not being booked on TV regularly and defended consistently. Most of all is there even a midcard divsiion of wrestlers existed that wants to compete for the titles? The IC title has been shitted on for many years and a single feud aint gonna bring the "prestige" back easily.

Unify the IC with the US title. Get Rid of the so called world heavyweight championship. And then the IC title would be in positioned to bring its prestigious back.
So you're suggesting that CM Punk becomes a nobody and wins the IC title? No thanks. John Cena would never go after the IC title! it's a useless, worthless title that no one cares about, that's the harsh truth behind it all.

I think that CM Punk should feud with Heyman and Axel without the title on the line. CM Punk has already mentioned that he wants to be back in the title picture. I would say if we don't see CM Punk vs Axel at NOC, he will be added to the WWE title match at Night of Champions because you cannot leave your number 2 babyface off of the card. If times get desperate, you can always throw him in the World title picture with RVD and Del rio.
Last year, when Del Rio was routinely defeating Santino in non-title matches on Raw, I suggested it would be better to simply have Del Rio win the US title then go on to have his feud with Sheamus over the World title. Then he could go back to defending the US title, giving the title meaning, until they decided to put it on someone else.

I think, if done right, CM Punk winning the IC title would be great. It would certainly restore a huge amount of prestige to the belt while providing a credible reason for Punk to stay out of the WWE title picture while Orton and Bryan are feuding. As for taking the belt off Punk eventually, you could use guys like Christian or Kane(or others) to do it as they are links between the middle of the card and the top, credible enough to beat the top guys from time to time, but also beatable by the mid card. Or you could use the title switch to transition Punk from the title feud to whoever costs him the title.

I know some people like the lower titles and think of them as good things for the lower-card guys, but I believe the US title and the IC title have gotten pushed too far down the card. We've reached the point where guys will lose all their TV matches, then get a sudden push to one of those titles, only to go back to losing most of their TV matches as champion. I don't think showing the audience that championships mean nothing does any good for keeping casual fans coming back. I think logical booking would be more important in that case.
Triple H was the IC champion during the 2 man power trip (Even after his World title runs), and it was not seen as a downgrade for him what-so ever, infact it only made the IC title stronger, when someone took it off him (Jeff hardy I believe) it was seen as a huge upset, and monster push for Hardy. That is exactly what the title needs, because right now, it seems that it's just a hunk of gold they give to a mid carder when they want their storyline to have a bit more exposure.

This is good news.

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