What happens if Sting or Taker bombs tonight?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Don't think this has been posted anywhere, but i am asking myself, with all of the chatter about Sting vs Taker for next year's WM, what happens if one, or both of them, comes out tonight and stinks up the joint?

I want to first give props to taker because from the few pictures that have surfaced of him from Friday / Saturday, he looks to be in great shape, almost a 100% difference from last year. I know appearance itself does not mean how well he will work, i mean Hulk Hogan is still huge but he most likely would suck if put into the ring now (and understandable at 62 years old).

Sting i am not so sure about because he always wears those big jackets and shirts, which some posters say is to hide his gut.

What will the WWE do if both guys come out tonight and just can't go? I think it is fortunate that both guys are matched with good workers that can carry the match if it becomes evident that Sting/Taker have nothing left. I can see Wyatt controlling the match and allowing Taker to at least give the fans his signature spots, if he is able to.

Sting is probably truly in better hands as Triple H is a good worker, and by all accounts, they have practiced the match for weeks down at the WWE Performance Center in orlando. If Sting was sucking in the ring, you'd think we would know about it by now....thoughts?
You seen that Sting workout clip that's been circulating this week? The guy looks like a MACHINE. He's taking this match very seriously and will turn the clock back 20 years, I tell you. We know he can kick, punch, do a reverse DDT and a Stinger splash. Throw in some smoke and mirrors, and false finishes, and you have a match. We know Trips can still go just fine. I'm not worried at all.

To be honest I'm not worried about Undertaker either. There have been utter garbage reports every year since 2009 that he's done and just can't do it anymore (remember how he had cancer in 2011?), yet he continually comes back and turns in classics. Last year was the first time he's failed us, but the guy suffered a concussion early in the match. I think he did great considering he was out there seeing tweety birds for 20 minutes. This year, it'll be business as usual for 'Taker, and Wyatt's a damn good hand on pay-per-view.
I am not worried about Sting at all. Even with all the baggy clothing, he still looks to be in better shape than the past 10 years. As you said, this doesn't mean he will do well, but he also has Triple H to help him if he does start to flop.

The only way I would be worried about The Undertake is if something like last year happens and he gets injured half way through the match and has to rely on Bray. I love Bray Wyatt, but I don't think he would be ready to carry a main event match.
Well, neither guy bombed, that's for sure.

Undertaker was impressive as hell. He had only a small bowl of pasta on his gut, which was nothing like last year. The guy looked completely badass, as if he could chew nails in half.......and he can still move. Guys like 'Taker, Sting and Triple H will still know how to work a match when in their 80's (should they be foolish enough to try).

But 'Taker had a fine opponent in Bray Wyatt; fine in that despite how crude he appears, the guy knows how to work a match, sell for his opponent, and keep his enemy safe. When 'Taker took a back body drop, the whole mat shook and I wondered if they hadn't gone too far......but it was fine, 'Taker's weight was evenly distributed and he hit the canvas flat, probably causing no pain at all. Kudos to Bray for working smooth.

Sting and Triple H performed slowly and surely, reminiscent of the way pro wrestlers probably worked in the 1950's; each move approached and executed with precision to keep the old guys fresh while looking as if they were working hard. There were no missteps I could see....and was terrific that Sting can still go at age 56. Hopefully, he enjoyed it enough so that he wants to do it again.

Why in the world they had Sting lose to Triple H is beyond me. It's not as if Sting was serving as talent enhancement and had to put Trips over to further his career.

But Undertaker, Sting & Triple H were marvels last night. Looked great, fought great.

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