What does Luke Harper being IC Champ mean for Bray Wyatt?


Iron Ist
I am very excited to see Luke Harper hold some gold in the WWE. I felt that he should have gotten a tag team title run when they feuded against the Uso twins.

I'm not really wondering where this is going to take him. I think it is a sign of good things to come. The IC and US title are important since the WWE title is on Brock Lesnar.

The question I ask is what does this mean for Bray Wyatt? Does this hurt him? Does this make him look bad? Does it mean anything at all?
I don't think it means anything for Bray Wyatt to tell you the truth. The WWE split them up, and unless it's a work and they aren't really apart, Harper is on his own and doing just fine without Wyatt holding him back.

Harper was always the standout of the group, wrestling wise anyway. His facial expressions are gold, and for a big guy he can really move in the ring. Wyatt on the other hand is far less superior to Harper when it comes to ring work, and I would even put Rowan ahead of him.

Harper and Rowan were the workhorses of the group, Wyatt was the mouthpiece, and his ring work showed why. He's much better on the mic. I'm glad to finally see Harper break out and do something and I hope it continues.
Wyatt has pretty much been exposed as a one dimensional guy who can talk a lot of rubbish in a way that enthrals youngsters, but never actually says anything of value. In ring he is pretty average and has pretty much peaked in terms of WWE career I would think. Only future I see for him now is a manager as his feud have exposed him as the weak link of his group in the ring and people are already fed up of his act.
Doesn't mean anything I don't think. Wyatt's character has never expressed any sort of desire to get the gold. He's only ever been involved in one title match if I remember correctly, and that was the main event eight man WWE championship match at MiTB where he wasn't really involved in any storyline at the time. His goal seems to be to spread his message, and go after certain people rather than chase the belts.

In all seriousness, I think this was a mistake. 'Bray Vs Ambrose' doesn't feel as relevant as what Bray's former minions are doing and fans don't seem to care. People can justify it by saying that 'they were never after the belt'- which isn't really true considering what was happening around MitB, but that's what wrestling is all about. Anyone who isn't around the title scene is mostly irrelevant when selling tickets.
Yeah, I don't think it means anything for Bray Wyatt. I don't know if he's even going to have any more connection with his two former country cousins....but whether he does or not, Luke's "win" last night has no bearing on Bray.

As it was, it seems awfully soon for the "team player" to have won individual gold, no? Has he even had a singles match before last night? Plus, there's no way last night's match even qualifies as an individual contest. In the real world, the referee would not even have rung the opening bell. After Dolph was disabled by the attack from outsiders, the ref forces him to fight? That's crazy.

Yes, I understand the principle involved is that the match hadn't officially started yet and the ref couldn't disqualify Luke Harper for outside interference on his behalf before it does, but the premise was still ludicrous. Wouldn't it form a dangerous precedent if you could have your buddies pound on your opponent before the bell rings and still have the match come off? Hell, we'd never see a clean contest again.

But the beneficiary of it all was Luke Harper, who is now a champion. If anything, the result goes to prove the relative worthlessness of the IC title.
It looked pretty bad to me for Wyatt to come out and ramble for a while with no mention of Harper after he had just won the IC belt which was a pretty hot commodity with Ziggler holding it... on his first televised match coming back. Harper didn't even need to cut a promo - dude has tremendous presence in the ring. I was a Wyatt fan earlier in the year but he seems like he is really spinning his wheels having few wins and appearing on Superstars or Main Event against Sin Cara a week or two ago. The crowd also seems not to really know how to react to him... he doesn't have much heat going against one of the top faces in the company. Hate to say it but it doesn't look good for Wyatt right now.
Doesn't mean/change anything for Wyatt in my opinion. A character like Wyatt doesn't need a title/many title runs to be relevant (like Kane back in the day). Having the IC title will be positive for both the title itself and Harper....should take them both in a different direction.
Doesn't mean anything at all for Bray Wyatt.

I'm sure he might use Harper winning the IC title in one of his promos to prove his healing powers but thats about it, there won't be any bearing on Bray's fortunes in terms of his booking or anything,lMO.

I'm stil holding faint hope that there is a blanket storyline being slow burned that will truly take shape after Mania 31 with subtle hints as the event comes closer.
Having the IC title will be positive for both the title itself and Harper....should take them both in a different direction.


You're kidding, right? For the past 6 months the Intercontinental Championship has been contested for by top talents and former World Champions, and now it's held by a nobody who can't wrestle, can't cut a promo, and has the charisma of roadkill. Yeah, BIG step up for the title.
*What does Luke Harper being IC Champ mean for Bray Wyatt?

More peaching and cat fights.

Not hating on Wyatt but he really should have not been somewhat buried by Cena
The problem is Bray's career seems stagnant and I don't see how a feud with Ambrose is going to help things. Harper did step up. He went from failing to get the Tag Team Champions to winning the IC Belt and now feeling important in regards to the story. Bray is doing the same shit he's been doing since at least early 2014. The only way he can get a pay-off is if he wins and corrupts Ambrose, which would promptly doom Ambrose to the midcard.

I'd rather Ambrose be a main eventer than Bray.
Is it just me or did every wyatt feud seem terrible, it's like his Career has frozen and won't be reaching full potential
I thought the Bryan-Wyatt feud was pretty good. Many see it as bad due to the backlash against Bryan seemingly turning heel, but at least the audience was into it. That's ultimately what mattered and WWE found a strong way to get out of that hole- if the plan had been to keep Bryan within the family.

Harper is a good wrestler. But I believe wrestlers should have more pronounced singles careers before getting the belts. Harper is known in the WWE as a tag team competitor. Can he carry a match on his own? I'm sure he can, but I'd rather him earn the belt instead of being gifted it. My issue with Sheamus being the U.S Champ was he didn't really win as much as Ambrose just lost.

I had the same issue with the idea of Reigns becoming the champion. He was an excellent part of the shield, but his singles matches tended to bore me. Yet WWE didn't really seem to think that far ahead. Instead, it was "Hey, he's the most over member of this highly popular group. Let's build him into the next big thing even though his style only works within the context of being part of a team".
I'm glad to see Luke Harper getting a proper push I think his wrestling work is excellent, Kind of reminds me of a modern day Bruiser Brody Ive been a fan of his for a while even back in his Brodie Lee days recently watched a couple of his matches against Cesaro from their indie days and thought matches were great, Would love to see them rekindle that feud in the WWE.
Harper is a good wrestler. But I believe wrestlers should have more pronounced singles careers before getting the belts. Harper is known in the WWE as a tag team competitor. Can he carry a match on his own? I'm sure he can, but I'd rather him earn the belt instead of being gifted it. My issue with Sheamus being the U.S Champ was he didn't really win as much as Ambrose just lost.

It is a surprise which I think WWE is warming up to - instead of the usual predictable shit. I thought Ziggler's run was cut short but it definitely surprised me and made me interested in what Harper is going to do next (could go a million ways). Sheamus was abysmal as US champ, it wasn't working... Mizdow was getting pops and Sheamus just seemed confused/working with the same one-dimensional gimmick which has lost its luster with fans. I remember the crowd faintly chanting "LET'S GO SHEAMUS!" / "SHEAMUS SUCKS!". He is due for a Heel turn. The random "FELLLAAAA!" is old, even though the guy puts on great matches he is cast as an Irish good guy cartoon character.
*What does Luke Harper being IC Champ mean for Bray Wyatt?

More peaching and cat fights.

Not hating on Wyatt but he really should have not been somewhat buried by Cena

Cena did more than anyone else could have to make Bray Wyatt look relevant. Bray just can't carry his end of the deal. That's why Harper has a belt now, and Bray is in a lose lose fight with Ambrose.
Harper and Rowan will eventually take over the "Big Guys" slots on the roster from Big Slow and Kane IMO. They both move incredibly well and Luke Harper has a completely different character under all that hair lol
I am very excited to see Luke Harper hold some gold in the WWE. I felt that he should have gotten a tag team title run when they feuded against the Uso twins.

I'm not really wondering where this is going to take him. I think it is a sign of good things to come. The IC and US title are important since the WWE title is on Brock Lesnar.

The question I ask is what does this mean for Bray Wyatt? Does this hurt him? Does this make him look bad? Does it mean anything at all?

It doesn't mean anything at all. Wyatt was the one that set him free. It wasn't like there was friction between the two. If anything I'm actually surprised Harper is even in the title picture, Wyatt Family doesn't seem like the type that cares about championships

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