What do you play games for???


King Of The Wasteland
Now we all have our reasons for playing games, whether it be to relax, kill some time, de stress yourself or escape from reality for a bit. So what makes you play games???

I usually play games kind of for the same reason I watch films, to see a good story play out (with my interactivity). I love games with a great story, heck if a game has a great story I can normally look past bad gameplay and bad graphics.

This is kind of why I haven't really bought into games like Call Of Duty to much, yes the gameplay and graphics are great but the storyline/s are generally shit and don't keep me interested.

There are times when I will just play a game to relax (Guitar Hero etc) but I usually like mine with some good storytelling
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There's a lot of reasons why I play games. I've always been a very devote gamer. I play it after work to relax. As well as after school. I play it to get away if I truly need it.

Gaming can be done in so many ways. And I can adapt to each and every one of them. If I need to relax I'll either enjoy some Xbox playing. Or I'll spend a little time in World of Warcraft or whatever I feel the need to take some time to enjoy.

As well as if I just need to put some time for myself and enjoy talking to some of my friends I can spend time in World of Warcraft or Battlefield / Call of Duty while on Teamspeak or Skype.

So there's really a lot of different ways that involves "why I'm playing games". And they're all different. And a lot of them can all be directed to one specific game.
It kills time and it amuses me. Pretty much as simple as that. Hell, sometimes it challenges me, and I like the sense of accomplishment you have from completing a game, or even a difficult level.
I enjoy playing video games because they help me relax, as I was a child I suffered from severe ADD, it made me feel relaxed. The feel once you complete a game is imense, I love it when I finish a game, it makes me feel slightly more accomplished.
Hell, they are also fun, when I am bored at home doing nothing, there is nothing better then kicking back and finishing a video game!
I love multiplayer games. I love the social aspect. In fact I only buy games that are multiplayer (the only exception- Heavy Rain). I don't mind playing one-player games, but I know that once I beat them I will most likely not pick them back up. So I have a collection of Call of Duty, Halo, football, wrestling, Heavy Rain, soccer, and Rock Band.
I mostly play games to relieve myself from any stress I obtain from the world around me, It helps me relax and focus on the game at hand rather than the troubles around me, Its distracts me from thinkin to much. But for the most part I play them for the sheer entertainment value.
It's the story for me too. Every one of my favourite games, Ocarina of Time, Knights of the Old Republic, the Mass Effect Series and more recently Heavy Rain, are games with great stories and great characters. There's nothing I love more than feeling an emotional connection to a character who is bringing me along on their journey. It just makes games more rewarding for me. While some films have great stories and characters too, I just don't think they compare to games. When you play a game, you play as that character. He becomes a part of you and you become a part of him and you stick together until the end. It's even better when games have multiple endings based on choices, cause then the emotional connection with the characters comes to the forefront of your games. You make the decisions based on what you want to happen to your characters.

But I can't say that's the only reason I play games. I live in a remote village, 7 miles from the nearest town. There's not much to do around here if you don't like playing sport or gardening. So I play games to pass the time, just for something fun when I'm bored, look through my library of games, pick out something I'm in the mood for, then play for an hour or two until it's time for me to do whatever I had planned for that day.

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