What are your dream WWE vs TNA matchups?

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I am Mr. Excitement

Occasional Pre-Show
I know there have probably been questions to if they would ever do a TNA vs WWE type angle. I personally think it would be genious to do this but I don't think TNA and WWE would agree to terms to do a storyline with the two companies. But hey, nothing wrong with dreaming right? Here are the matchups that I think could really have potential for good fueds/storylines.

Magnus vs Wade Barrett- There both similar and both pretty decent on the mic.

Kane vs Abyss/Joeseph Parks- Both have been the masked big men of there companies for awhile now and could produce a very good matchup if had the chance to work in the ring together.

Randy Orton vs Bobby Roode- I think that this build-up would be great with either man playing heel/face and would be an excellent match to watch.

Sheamus vs Matt Morgan- Think this match wouldn't sell? I would bet money that this would be a pretty damn good match and build-up. I'd have to say Matt Morgan should play the heel since Morgan is such a beast.

Cody Rhodes vs Kurt Angle- I know everyone is probably going to say Kurt Angle should face Swagger. Well, I never really got the big deal with that. Though it would be a good match-up being there both former All American wrestlers and would put on a wrestling clinic but I think Angle and Rhodes would work a good match together. With Cody playing the heel and Kurt being the face it would be a pretty decent match-up.

Big Show vs Samoa Joe- This just seems right pairing these two together. Big show playing the heel and against Joe. It would be a gaurunteed good match-up.

Dolph Ziggler vs Robbie E- For some reason I feel like these guys would work a good match. There both decent on the mic and both of them are good in ring workers. Problem is not sure who would play the heel/face in this one.

Daniel Bryan vs Christopher Daniels- This would be a show stealing type of match if these two were to ever work together. They're both good on the mic and both are excellent in-ring workers. I would say Daniels could play the heel in this one because D. Bryan is a pretty good face.

Kofi Kingston vs Kazarian- Just seems like a good mid-card type match with Kazarian playing the heel.

Miz vs James Storm- I think with Miz playing the heel in this it would be worth watching. Decent build-up and in ring work.

Bully Ray vs Ryback- This just seems like a decent type of match up to me. Bully has really improved on his mic skills since getting a singles run in TNA and could deff play the heel role in this match up.

Christian vs Jeff Hardy- For old times sake with Christian playing the heel role bring back some attitude era feeling to it, obviously without Edge and Matt Hardy. Maybe a tables match.

Jericho vs Aj Styles- Both great in-ring performers. Obviously the mic skills would go to Jericho. This would be a show stealer too. Good build-up and a great dream matchup.

Tensai vs Joey Ryan- What a match this would be. :lmao:

John Cena vs Sting- I would have put Taker instead of Cena but since Taker is falling apart I think this would be another good fued Sting could do. Old school vs new school, face vs face. I think it would be a very great match-up and build up as well.

CM Punk vs Austin Airies- Both great in ring workers. Both electric on the mic, they've worked together previously so they would work a good match. I think the build-up would be pretty good and the match being a must see show stealer.

These are my dream match-ups. Now give me your opinions and your dream match ups for a WWE vs TNA storyline/fued.
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