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Week of 7/23/2012 - 7/29/2012 (Thursday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Velvet Sky is officially gone from TNA.

Impact Wrestling
Date: July 26, 2012
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

After last week's Aces and 8's show, it should be interesting to see what the retaliation is tonight. We'll have a ton of BFG Series matches I'm sure, plus some other stuff if they have time. That's the one issue with the Series: it takes up SO much time on every show that there isn't much room for anything else. The good thing is that the matches aren't bad so it's not like it's torture. Let's get to it.

We open with the usual recap from last week.

Tonight it's Storm vs. Styles and Ray vs. Angle. Also Chavo debuts.

Here's Sting to open things up. Dixie has named him the interim GM until Hogan is back, so his first act is to call out Aces and 8's, even though he's alone. Instead he gets Aries, who says if Aces and 8's jumps anyone, he'll jump on them. Here's Angle who was beaten down last week by Aces and 8's as well. He says they tried to cost him a world title shot so he wants them too.

Now cue Roode who says he isn't here with them but he's here announce that he knows who is behind Aces and 8's. The mic goes out so Angle gives Roode his own mic. It's someone who has been in the world title picture for a year and is jealous of both Roode and Angle: the Cowboy James Storm. Storm charges out and jumps Roode. Tehy brawl into the ring while the other three guys let it go. Angle finally breaks it up and Roode leaves. Roode says the truth hurts and we go to a break.

People talk about Chavo debuting tonight.

Post break Roode yells about it being Storm. He takes his bags and leaves as Jason Hervey is apparently the interviewer.

Madison Rayne/Gail Kim vs. Mickie James/Tara

It's been too long since Mickie has been on my TV. Next week these four are in a fourway for the #1 contender shot. Tara and Gail start with a fight over arm control. Off to Mickie for a low dropkick that gets two. There's the Thesz Press to Gail and it's off to Madison who looks GREAT in that blue number.

Madison does little of note and it's off to Tara to clean house. She hits the spinning side slam for two and it's off to Mickie. The good chicks hit a cool double rolling mat slam into a double half crab. Gail tries a double dropkick and gets caught in the same hold. Madison is with Earl Hebner though and Mickie rolls Madison up for the pin at 3:51. But Madison gets the win instead. Yep this is the angle they're giving the Knockouts now. They made a point to show that Mickie's shoulder was off the mat.

Sting tells Aries to make some cuts to the X-Division. You know, right after they were introduced a few weeks ago.

Sam Shaw says he loves this business.

More people talk about Chavo. Ray: “Didn't I tell you never to bother me when I'm on my Twitter machine?”

Gut Check: Sam Shaw vs. Douglas Williams

Shaw is a smaller guy and a high flier. There are people with signs that say 87, which means Joey Ryan. Shaw controls the early stuff here but there's a camera on the crowd so you know something is coming. Shaw hits an Orton backbreaker and goes up top. Some people come out as Shaw is slammed off the top rope. Here's Ryan who hits security and runs. Apparently he hit Snow. Williams kills Shaw with a clothesline and pounds away before hitting Rolling Chaos for the pin at 2:38. Ryan was the bigger focus here but Shaw looked better than any Gut Check guy so far as far as almost winning. The judging is tonight.

Aries is with the X guys and they all do the reality show stuff, saying they should get the X Title shot. Ion comes in and brags a bit before leaving. Aries cuts Rashad Cameron. I think this is just about who gets the title match and that these guys aren't fired or anything like that. We have King, Darsow and Dutt left as contenders.

More Chavo stuff. This is some of the biggest hype I've seen in a long time.

Here's Chavo in a suit. He says he's humbled to be here because the Guerrero Family has conquered everything. They've been champions everywhere they've been except for here in TNA. He says timing is everything and people need to remember this time and date. It's Guerrero Time. Good debut speech.

Chavo wraps it up but Kid Kash and Gunner come out. Kash lists off all of Chavo's family members who have been wrestlers. He wants to know where Chavo's uncle Hector is and suggests that Hector is too drunk. Chavo jumps them and gets beaten down until Hernandez makes the save.

Angle asks Storm if he's involved with Aces and 8's. Storm says he doesn't because if he had a problem with someone, he'd take it up with them. Storm says he has their backs tonight if Aces and 8's attack. Angle leaves and Storm has a look on his face that says...nothing of note actually.

The Gut Check judges talk in the back and Snow is ticked off about Ryan.

We get a recap of last week's AJ/Clair/Daniels drama.

Bound For Glory Series Standings:

Samoa Joe 47
James Storm 43
Mr. Anderson 30
Jeff Hardy 28
Kurt Angle 27
Christopher Daniels 26
Rob Van Dam 21
Magnus 14
AJ Styles 14
D'Angel Dinero 7
Bully Ray 7
Robbie E 5

Bound For Glory Series: AJ Styles vs. James Storm

Feeling out process to start as Clair is watching from the crowd. Storm gets control with the form of a chinlock and a kind of mat slam for one. A backdrop sets up another chinlock but AJ pops up again. The drop down/kick gets two and AJ sends Storm face first into the buckle. A suplex puts Storm down and it's back to the chinlock. Storm makes his comeback with some clotheslines and a forearm for two. Another suplex gets two for Storm.

AJ sends him into the corner but misses a splash/forearm. Storm puts him on the top rope with AJ's back to the ring. Styles tries to escape but gets caught in the Eye of the Storm for two. Storm goes to the middle rope but his tornado DDT is countered into a release northern lights suplex into the corner for two. Springboard forearm gets two. Styles Clash is countered into an Alabama Slam for two. Storm rams Styles' face into the apron for another two. AJ kicks him in the head out of nowhere and hits the Pele....and here are Aces and 8's for the beatdown at about 11:00. They didn't touch Storm.

Gut Check time. Shaw says he's got what it takes, Snow says he didn't get to see what Shaw did tonight but he wants to stick it to Ryan and say yes, but he has to say no due to a lack of evidence. Pritchard says yes. Shaw cuts a promo and sucks up to Taz because he wants to work with the best. Taz says yes, meaning we won't be seeing Shaw for a few months if the pattern holds.

Back to Aries and the X guys. Aries: “Dutt: Himalayan American, King: African American. Darsow: Wasn't your dad Russian?” Darsow: “Just a sympathizer.” Darsow says he's flashy but Aries says he's cut because Darsow isn't ready. Aries: “Tell your dad hello and that his repo business is doing great.”

X-Division Title: Zema Ion vs. Kenny King

Dutt doesn't get it because of his shoulder. Ion pauses for some hairspray and things speed up. King dropkicks him down and hits a flying shoulder attack in the corner. Springboard crossbody gets two and it's time for some punches. Ion sends him to the floor and hits a flip dive to take over. A missile dropkick puts King down and hooks a crossface chickenwing. Ion has a busted lip or mouth. A sunset flip out of the corner gets two for King but he walks into a modified backbreaker for two for Ion.

King clotheslines him down again and hits an atomic drop followed by a spin kick to the head for two. Overhead high cradle suplex puts Ion down but he keeps coming for some reason. Ion kicks him to the floor and hits a corkscrew plancha to take Ion down again. King loads up a springboard...and Bobby Roode trips him up and posts him, allowing Ion to hit a moonsault for the pin to retain at 6:14.

My guess is that Roode did that because Aries picked King. Aries runs out and jumps Roode.

Ray says he respects Angle but he's beating him tonight.

Ion/Roode vs. Aries/King next week.

Bound For Glory Series: Bully Ray vs. Kurt Angle

Feeling out process to start with the Angle Slam and Big Boot both missing. Ray tries to use power but gets caught in the ankle lock as a result. He makes the rope and it's off to the arm for Kurt. Ray hits a SICK piledriver for two as we take a break. Back with Ray working on the neck some more, only for Angle to come back and hit a belly to belly for two. Ray hits the Bully Bomb for two of his own and it's time for Rolling Germans.

There's the ankle lock but Ray rolls through to escape. They slug it out and Ray hits a Rock Bottom for two. Ray misses a big boot and the Angle Slam gets two. Moonsault misses but Angle breaks up the Bubba Cutter. Big boot gets two and Ray is frustrated. Ray misses a charge and the Angle Slam gets the pin at 11:54.

Post match here are Aces and 8's on Angle but AJ, Aries, Sting and eventually Storm come out to clear the ring. Angle still thinks Storm was behind it. Next week: Angle vs. Storm.

Gail Kim/Madison Rayne b. Mickie James/Tara – Rollup to James
Douglas Williams b. Sam Shaw – Rolling Chaos Theory
AJ Styles vs. James Storm went to a no contest when Aces and 8's interfered
Zema Ion b. Kenny King – Moonsault
Kurt Angle b. Bully Ray – Angle Slam


Date: July 27, 2012
Location: Sprint Center, Kansas City, Missouri
Commentators: Booker T, Michael Cole, Josh Matthews

With Raw 1000 over now we can actually start building towards Summerslam and we'll begin that with finding a new #1 contender. There's a fourway tonight and the winner gets Sheamus at the PPV. Other than that it's hard to say what we'll get tonight as things will have to be reset from MITB but we had a throwaway show last week. Hopefully things pick up from last week. Let's get to it.

We open with a long video about Raw 1000, which I believe is the same one from NXT.

Do You Know Your Enemy? Mine is the distance to my nearest movie theater.

Here's Miz to open the show. Miz says he's the new face of the IC Title and he'd love to thank every one of Christian's fans, because they voted for him to defend the belt on Monday. He gets ready to say his catchphrase and here's Christian. Christian says he's using his rematch clause tonight so here we go.

Intercontinental Title: Christian vs. The Miz

Miz hits a quick slam and punches away in the corner. Christian sends him to the apron but charges into a shoulder to the ribs. Miz gets knocked to the floor and a baseball slide takes him out. Back in and the champ punches Christian right back down and hits the corner clothesline. Top rope double ax gets two and we hit the chinlock. Christian fights out of it quickly and hits a flapjack, causing Miz to roll to the apron. For the second time though Christian charges at Miz on the apron and again it goes badly for him as Miz backdrops Christian to the floor.

We take a break and come back with Miz still in control but Christian fires off some right hands. A cradle gets two for Christian but the Reality Check gets two for Miz. Another corner clothesline runs into a boot to the face from Christian. He loads up what was probably the frog splash but Miz gets up before Christian can jump. They fight on the top with Miz getting knocked down, but the splash hits knees for two.

Christian comes back again by knocking Miz backwards and hitting a missile dropkick from the middle rope. Christian makes his comeback and slams Miz's back into the top rope. A cross body gets two as does the reverse DDT. The sunset flip out of the corner is countered by Miz but a big kick to the face misses as well and Christian rolls him up for two.

A middle rope back elbow puts Miz down but the Killswitch is countered into the short DDT for two. Miz goes up but gets slammed off the middle rope. Christian sets for the spear but Miz bails. Back in and both finishers are countered but Miz pokes Christian in the eye and rolls him up to retain at 10:38 shown of 14:08. He had some tights in the rollup too.

Ryback vs. Jinder Mahal

Mahal gets in some shots but runs into a big boot to the chest. Ryback suplexes him to the apron but Mahal gets a knee to the head of Ryback to take over. A jumping knee to the head actually gets one as Mahal is in control. Mahal works on the back with knees and an elbow followed by the camel clutch. Ryback will have none of that though and hits the Over the Shoulder Boulder Holder to escape. A spinebuster puts Mahal down but he ducks the clothesline. Mahal bails and takes the countout loss at 2:45. Nice to see them give Ryback something that isn't just a 90 second squash.

We watch the end of Raw, and now it's time to TOUT IT OUT BABY!

Bryan is in the back and looking sad when Sheamus comes in with a present. Sheamus lists off everything that happened to Bryan on Raw but Bryan yells about AJ not being done with him and about Rock being gone for six months and how no one cares about Charlie Sheen. Sheamus hands him the gift and says it was for Bryan's wedding night and leaves. Bryan complains about the wrapping job and opens the gift. He slams it down and leaves. The camera shows us that it was a book with a picture of Sheamus kicking Bryan at Mania. The title: How to Last More Than 18 Seconds.

Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes

Non-title. Feeling out process for the first minute or so. Sheamus has a big black eye. A big shot to the chest puts Cody down for two and they fight over arm control. A tilt-a-whirl backbreaker puts Cody down for another two. Cody escapes the ten forearms in the ropes but after a chase, Cody gets caught in them anyway while standing in the ring. They both go to the apron and Sheamus is sent into the post. That gets a 9 count on the floor...and here's Ziggler.

We take a break and come back with Cody working on the arm that went into the post. A dropkick gets two on Sheamus and a running knee to the head gets the same. Cody tries a full nelson which is quickly broken up. A dropkick to the knee slows Sheamus down but he puts Cody down with a backdrop.

Sheamus hits a knee lift and powerslam but a charge into the corner misses. Cody misses a moonsault press off the top and the Irish Curse gets two. Sheamus gets sent to the floor to give Cody a breather. Back in the Disaster Kick gets two but an attempt at a second one is caught in mid air into White Noise. Brogue Kick ends this at 9:38 shown of 13:08.

Ziggler thinks about cashing in but backs away. Chris Jericho runs out and throws Ziggler in and Dolph gets a Brogue Kick. His head looked like the mannequin on Conan. Jericho is wearing a Ziggler shirt for some reason. Sheamus leaves and Jericho hits a Codebreaker on Ziggler.

Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro

No entrance for Cesaro. Cesaro immediately takes him to the mat and smacks Santino in the head. Gutwrench suplex puts Santino down and it's off to a chinlock. Santino makes his comeback with the usual stuff and he survives an Aksana distraction. The Cobra is countered into a hot shot and the Neutralizer gets the pin at 2:07. Basically a squash.

We get the HHH/Stephanie/Heyman segment from Monday. I'm still impressed by Stephanie in that dress.

Yoshi Tatsu vs. Damien Sandow

Sandow attacks immediately and sends Tatsu to the floor. Back in and a Russian legsweep puts Tatsu down followed by some elbows. Sandow fires off the knees to the chest and the neckbreaker gets the pin at 1:16.

Sandow says that he is the martyr of everyone that was glad he got beat up on Monday. It didn't air on this video I'm watching but apparently HHH came out and Pedigreed him. That may have just been for the live crowd.

Kane vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio

Winner gets the shot at Sheamus at Summerslam. Kane and Del Rio are sent to the floor. Bryan hits the suicide shove on Kane an\d Rey hits the seated senton on Del Rio. Back in and it's Rey vs. Bryan with Rey being taken off the top so Bryan can take over. Kane is sent into the steps as Bryan fires away the kicks to Rey. Rey takes Bryan down and loads up 619, but Del Rio breaks it up because why would you want one of the four people in the match to take a finishing move?

Kane comes back in and takes down Del Rio before hitting the top rope clothesline on Bryan for no cover. The smaller guys escape the double chokeslam but they can't escape a double suplex. Everyone is down as we take a break. Back with Del Rio stomping down Bryan in the corner. Bryan comes back and fires off kicks of his own in the opposite corner but Del Rio kicks him in the arm to break the momentum.

The cross armbreaker goes on but Mysterio breaks it up. Kane comes back in and cleans house, getting two off a clothesline to Rey. He charges into some boots from Rey in the corner but Rey counters a powerslam into a DDT to put both guys down. Del Rio comes back in and beats them both down before focusing solely on Kane. A Backstabber gets two as Bryan is back in with kicks. There's the LeBell Lock on Del Rio but Kane makes the save.

Bryan is sent to the floor and Del Rio hits a Codebreaker on the arm. That gets two as does the chokeslam with Rey making the save. Bryan sends Kane into the crowd, leaving Del Rio and Rey in the ring. A kick to the head gets two for Rey but Bryan breaks up the 619. Rey hits a 12 2 18 on Bryan and Del Rio and the top rope splash gets two on Bryan. Ricardo pulls Rey to the floor and Del Rio steals the pin on Bryan at 9:45 shown of 13:15.

The Miz b. Christian – Rollup
Ryback b. Jinder Mahal via countout
Sheamus b. Cody Rhodes – Brogue Kick
Antonio Cesaro b. Santino Marella – Gotch Style Neutralizer
Damien Sandow b. Yoshi Tatsu – Double Arm Neckbreaker
Alberto Del Rio b. Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio and Kane – Del Rio pinned Bryan after a splash from Mysterio




Orton's suspension has officially ended.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Sheamus/Sin Cara/Rey Mysterio b. Chris Jericho/Dolph Ziggler/Alberto Del Rio – Brogue Kick to Jericho
Brodus Clay b. Jack Swagger – Splash
The Miz b. Christian – Skull Crushing Finale
Lita b. Heath Slater – Moonsault
John Cena b. CM Punk via DQ when Big Show interfered

Michael McGillicutty/Johnny Curtis b. Derrick Bateman/Bo Dallas – Falcon's Arrow to Bateman
Antonio Cesaro b. Alex Riley – Gotch Style Neutralizer
Sofia Cortez b. Natalya via countout
The Ascension b. Dante Dash/Garrett Dylan – Downcash to Dash
Drew McIntyre b. Seth Rollins – Futureshock

Impact Wrestling
Gail Kim/Madison Rayne b. Mickie James/Tara – Rollup to James
Douglas Williams b. Sam Shaw – Rolling Chaos Theory
AJ Styles vs. James Storm went to a no contest when Aces and 8's interfered
Zema Ion b. Kenny King – Moonsault
Kurt Angle b. Bully Ray – Angle Slam

The Miz b. Christian – Rollup
Ryback b. Jinder Mahal via countout
Sheamus b. Cody Rhodes – Brogue Kick
Antonio Cesaro b. Santino Marella – Gotch Style Neutralizer
Damien Sandow b. Yoshi Tatsu – Double Arm Neckbreaker
Alberto Del Rio b. Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio and Kane – Del Rio pinned Bryan after a splash from Mysterio

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