Week of 11/22/10 - 11/28/10


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 22, 2010
Location: Amway Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler

It’s the final goodbye for Cena tonight I’d guess as it’s fallout time from Survivor Series. This should be interesting and to top it off we’re in TNA country in Orlando. They blew the city away at Mania in 08 so maybe they can do it again here. Let’s get to it.

We open with Nexus in the ring to nuclear heat. Barrett can barely talk. Cena is fired. Well that didn’t take long. Barrett says Cena was biased all last night and that wasn’t fair. He wants another match with Orton of course, but with a neutral referee. And there’s an E-Mail which agrees with Barrett that the ending wasn’t fair. Title match TONIGHT. Oh snap. Barrett says Cena can be here tonight and gets to say his final goodbye.

Cole confirms Cena tonight.

3 hour King of the Ring next week.

Back from a break and Cole grabs a mic. Tonight PUNK is on commentary! Ok this just got awesome. Apparently this is permanent. Oh hell yes!

King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Sheamus vs. R-Truth

Truth comes out to WHAT’S UP! Eve can’t dance. She just can’t. She looks great but she needs to just stand there and clap. Punk says if you get fired there’s no point in coming back to say goodbye. Punk says a kick is vintage as it sends Sheamus to the floor and we take a break. Back and Punk informs us that he is awesome at this. I agree.

The match is really rather boring but it’s getting some time. Granted I have my favorite wrestler as the new commentator so I’m a bit happy. Punk asks Lawler who he beat for the crown. At least he doesn’t say Elvis. Truth makes his comeback and that more or less ends his chances of winning this. Sheamus gets a freaking rollup for two. That doesn’t work so he kicks Truth’s head off instead. Big old High Cross ends this.

We get a clip from Mania with Cena on the day of his big match with Batista for the title. That arena does look cool. This is off Cena’s DVD if you didn’t get that. He says hi to some guys including Gene.

Laycool tries to get in the Raw entrance and looks DAMN good. Natalya is standing next to the guard and says she’s never seen them before.

Kozlov and Santino are upset about losing their title shot. Santino is depressed but we hear music. And Tamina is playing a ukulele and singing a song about him. She kisses him and he’s not sure how to handle it.

We cut to Orton who says it doesn’t matter who the referee is and guarantees that Barrett won’t leave with the title.

Jackson vs. Miz in a qualifying match. That could be interesting.

Del Rio vs. Show on Smackdown.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Ezekiel Jackson vs. The Miz

I’m intrigued by this one. And never mind as here’s Riley to replace him due to an anxiety attack.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Alex Riley vs. Ezekiel Jackson

If Riley wins then Miz is in the tournament, I think. Very smart booking here. More or less this is Riley’s punishment for the DUI. Take a guess how this ends.

Cena is here and talking to Truth and Eve. Santino, Yoshi and Gail come up to talk to him, apparently saying goodbye.

Here’s Cena to a BIG reaction. He says that since Orton is still champion he’s fired. Well he’s certainly blunt about things. Before he got this job he was living in his car and cleaning toilets apparently. There are a lot of things about Cena we don’t know and one of them is that he respects the company and everyone that has allowed him to be here, like Austin, HHH, HBK and Taker.

His ultimate goal was to be able to look those guys in the eye and say kid you’re alright. He talks about everything he’s missed like his niece being born and getting to be at his mom’s birthday in a few days in Massachusetts. He’s on the verge of tears here. As he’s leaving he wants the dueling chants one more time. Before that though he says make sure it’s all women and children saying Let’s Go Cena but every male over 18 says Cena Sucks. WOW that’s great.

He talks to Barrett and says to respect his fans because they’ll get him anywhere he wants to go. He even says that karma is a bitch (censored) and that it’ll come back to bite him. Apparently Billy Kidman is the producer for this segment as Cena acknowledges that he’s going to kill him for going so far over his time. He thanks the WWE Universe and leaves.

Without going to a break we look at the crowd and then go to the back where everyone applauds him. Orton comes up and they shake hands. Cena walks into the parking lot and Barrett comes up behind him and does You Can’t See Me, which literally Cena can’t see as we go to break.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Ted DiBiase vs. Daniel Bryan

No entrance for DiBiase. Brie Bella runs down to escort Bryan and then hangs out at ringside. Cole talks about Maryse’s shoes. DiBiase jumps him to start as more or less there’s no chance he’s winning here. Punk picks DiBiase to win the tournament. Spinebuster gets a weird looking cover for two but Bryan counters into the LeBell Lock for the relatively easy submission. No rating as this was really short.

Post match Nikki comes out and helps Bryan up. Yep they’re fighting over him. Bryan puts them together to have them hug. Ok then.

Natalya vs. Alicia Fox

Not sure if this is for the title but it doesn’t sound like it. It’s not like Alicia has a chance anyway. Punk thinks Alicia is hotter than the Bellas. Alicia pulls out a big clump of Nattie’s hair. Lawler calls her Natalie. Natalya does the delayed vertical with squats. Alicia reverses a bear hug (WTF?) but gets caught in the Sharpshooter for the easy tap out.

Melina slaps Morrison’s ass and he’s WAY too happy about that.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Tyson Kidd vs. John Morrison

Tyson has generic rock theme #87. Not a fan of that as #92 suits him better. Morrison gets a nice spin kick as Punk makes fun of him. This is far shorter than I was expecting as Morrison hits Starship Pain to win it and that’s about it. Well so much for any push for Kidd. Starship Pain hit him almost perfectly too.

The 8 SD guys in qualifying matches for the tournament are MVP, Rey Mysterio, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre.

Raw World Title: Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton

Nexus jumps Orton on the way to the ring and his knee is gone. He gets up and Harris kicks him in the knee again. The match hadn’t started yet as this was during Orton’s entrance and he came out first.

Back from a break and we’re on the announcers. And here’s Barrett on his own. I love that smirk. Cole gets an e-mail on his Blackberry as apparently the title match is continuing with Nexus barred from ringside. So we’re still going with this? I guess we are. Orton’s entrance starts again and there’s no Orton. Barrett shouts he forfeits. Ah there he is, limping BADLY.

There’s the bell as Orton is on one leg. This is legitimately exciting as I do not know what’s coming. Barrett goes straight for the knee and the fans scream for Orton. Orton gets the backbreaker out of nowhere but another shot to the knee sends Orton down. Wasteland hits….and Cena comes out of the crowd to break up the pin an FU Barrett. Damn it.

Nexus runs down to go after Cena and there’s three minutes left. Nexus is gone….and the match is still going! My heart is beating out of my chest here. Barrett and Orton are up and RKO hits to end Barrett.

IT’S MIZ, case in hand! HE CASHES IN but Orton is on his feet. GAME ON!

Raw World Title: The Miz vs. Randy Orton

Oh this is going to be good. BELL RINGS AND IT’S ON! Riley is with Miz. It’s 11pm so they have some time. Miz shoots for the knee but runs into forearms. Miz is all crouches over and finally gets the shot into the knee. Miz tries to wrap the leg around the post but is kicked off. Skull Crushing Finale is blocked and the elevated DDT is also. There’s a shot to the knee but Orton gets the powerslam.

This is awesome stuff here as the drama is just crazy. Orton sets for the RKO but Miz counters into the Finale! MIZ WINS!!!!!!! THAT REALLY JUST HAPPENED!!!

Sheamus b. R-Truth – High Cross
Ezekiel Jackson b. Alex Riley – Release Rock Bottom
Daniel Bryan b. Ted DiBiase – LeBell Lock
Natalya b. Alicia Fox – Sharpshooter
John Morrison b. Tyson Kidd – Starship Pain
Randy Orton b. Wade Barrett – RKO
The Miz b. Randy Orton – Skull Crushing Finale


Raw got a 3.3, up from last week. We have a 3 hour show next week so it’s hard to say what it’ll do.

Date: November 23, 2010
Location: Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews

We’re down to three now and the next week is the final one. The final three are Naomi, Kaitlyn and AJ and I’m not sure if anyone goes home tonight or not. Yeah that’s about all I’ve got here as we’re just killing time until the final show. A final thing: that song is freaking CATCHY. It plays on a loop while the show is about to start and I can’t get it out of my head. Let’s get to it.

Some female voiceover girl does the intro to the show and recaps Aksana being eliminated. That was a bit odd. And there’s that song again.

Cole’s opening line: Well folks two weeks before we end this thing. I’m Cole, he’s Josh, welcome to the resistance.

Striker brings out the rookies and we cue the song up one more time. Was there any reason to stop it for like 3 seconds? It’s like an old NES game. I want to curl up with AJ and exchange cheat codes.

We open with WWE Trivia. Ok this should be fun. 100 points in round one and 200 in round two. No immunity but someone goes home tonight. Round 1’s category is All Things NXT. Cole puts his feet up and is texting someone about pudding. Striker asks if he’s done talking yet. AJ has 200 and Naomi 100. I’m not going to bother listing the questions.

Josh is reading a book. Miz is mentioned and gets heat off just being mentioned. Oh yeah. We end the first round with AJ at 300 and Naomi at 100 with Kaitlyn in third at zero. All Things WWE for the second category. AJ isn’t sure where the first Mania was but gets it right after a delay from all three of them.

Cole and Josh are messing around on a DS. AJ is running away with this. Striker says the same words and hits on Kaitlyn. I can’t blame him as she’s in those shorts, a trucker hat and a cut off white shirt. In short, she looks amazing. The final question is who is The Game. AJ gets it right and wins 1300-100-0.

Kaitlyn vs. Nikki Bella next.

Nikki Bella vs. Kaitlyn

The Bellas are in their white shorts again so they look gorgeous. The fans get on Nikki as this is about as bad as you would expect it to be. Nikki gets a leg lock on Kaitlyn to waste some time. Kaitlyn’s shirt mostly comes off to reveal a very nice black bra. Nikki gets an X-Factor for the pin at about 3:40.

Recap of the Cena speech from last night which might rival Shawn’s farewell for promo of the year.

Naomi vs. AJ

This is going to be dominance isn’t it? Does Kelly actually do anything? Bah I knew I had seen that hold that AJ used before last week. It’s a modified Octopus. A producer tells Cole he talks too much. AJ gets a headscissors for two. The announcers talk about the producer line which is kind of funny.

This isn’t much of a match but AJ isn’t getting destroyed like I expected which is a good sign. They shake hands after awhile which is always cool for some reason. Big power move leg drop gets two for Naomi. Thanksgiving is Josh’s 30th birthday apparently. Enziguri gets two for Naomi. They hit the mat and AJ really loudly calls a spot as she goes for an armbar.

AJ gets a spinout DDT out of nowhere in a counter for two. That was pretty sweet. This is FAR better than I was expecting as AJ is getting to have her longest and definitely best match to date. Naomi kicks her head off for two. AJ gets the Octopus out of nowhere and Josh shouts the name about 15 times and Naomi actually taps to give AJ the clean win. I’m shocked after about 7:00 as I forgot to check the time again but it was around there.

There’s a sumo challenge up next. Oh dear.

Christmas is coming up and I wear a 2X if you want to hook me up with one of those Survivor Series shirts.

Here are the Rookies again, clad in sumo gear. Shame I can’t look at AJ’s 4 pack anymore. Kaitlyn falls down coming in. They’re in the fat suits if you were curious what I meant by sumo gear. There’s a small circle in the ring and it’s a mini tournament thing as AJ has a bye into the finals due to winning the trivia thing.

Kaitlyn actually beats Naomi and then has one of the dumbest looking things I’ve ever seen. They’re laying on the ground and can’t move anywhere because of the suits. FINALLY the officials stand them up. Striker references Abdullah, One Man Gang and Bundy which is accurate. AJ is out of the circle and they finally call it for Kaitlyn. This was abysmal. Well of course it was as we just got a very good match.

Ad for the WWE Championship book. That could be ok.

We do the Raw Rebound and my mind is still blown by it. The Chick Magnet is the WWE Champion. Let that sink in again. Something very important here: Orton had Miz at the end of the match and Miz countered to win. It wasn’t like Orton was never in this which makes Miz look much stronger.

AJ wants to go one on one with Kaitlyn next week. Kaitlyn wants the same. Naomi flat out says Kaitlyn can’t wrestle and it should be her vs. AJ. Be blunt next time hon.

Time for the elimination and to the shock of everyone AJ is gone. WHAT THE HELL??? She has DOMINATED in the past few weeks and won two straight matches but let’s get rid of her for the model or the chick that no one cares about in Naomi.

AJ won the WWE Trivia Challenge
Nikki Bella b. Kaitlyn – X-Factor
AJ b. Naomi – Octopus Hold
Kaitlyn won the Sumo Challenge
AJ was eliminated in 3rd place


Nash went on a rant on Miz on Twitter. Thanks for your input lowest drawing WWF Champion ever and killer of WCW (partially).


Date: November 25, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Don West, Mike Tenay
Episode Title: Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner

It’s Thanksgiving and Dixie is allegedly back tonight. Other than that there isn’t much going on here. We have two gimmick matches scheduled. Does that surprise anyone? Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the ending of Impact last week which is where Williams turned on Fourtune and Morgan won the right to pick the referee for the Final Resolution main event. Even money says it’s Anderson.

Immortal and Fourtune are having Thanksgiving dinner. Bischoff toasts them all and they all have a drink of what looks like water. Hogan keeps talking for no apparent reason. There’s a seat saved for Dixie and Immortal/Fourtune isn’t happy in the slightest.

In the arena Morgan is here, mostly rocking a suit. He says he should be champion and Hardy only is champion because of a mistake by a referee. Morgan says he needs someone that is tough and will kick ass and take names and all that jazz. Williams comes out for no apparent reason.

He runs down Fourtune and says he doesn’t like AJ and all that such and such. Ok so he’s running down Kaz. Uh make that Beer Money. Basic stuff here but it works for the most part. The fans don’t react to any of it but whatever. Williams offers to be the referee and Morgan says maybe. He has another ten days to pick the referee. Oh give me a break.

And here’s Fourtune to waste some more of our time. Flair is all pissed off and wants to charge the ring but Kaz stops him. 8 man tag tonight apparently. Oh and it’s elimination. Ok then.

We recap Dreamer and the whole EV thing. Dreamer vs. Rhyno in a street fight next.

Back at the Thanksgiving thing which is apparently backstage at the arena. Flair is iced again. Is this supposed to be entertaining still?

Tommy Dreamer vs. Rhyno

This is the LAST street fight which is named that uh….just because. Dreamer still has the bad wrist. Weapons are busted out and Dreamer is suplexed on the ramp. Dreamer is busted. Shoulder block from Rhyno hits the trash can wedged into the corner. Some metal thing crushes Rhyno’s head. Table is set up in the corner and since Rhyno sets it up…it’s never used. The Gore is countered by a cookie sheet and a rollup for the pin. Less than five minutes for a street fight. Nice job guys.

Dreamer says that he and Rhyno tried to entertain the fans and it’s all cool. He gets beaten up for his efforts and here’s RVD. Somehow we have a first blood match at the PPV with Rhyno and Van Dam. Sure why not. Why did Rhyno lose anyway? He’s supposed to be a killer and he lost to Tommy Dreamer by pinfall. What the hell?

Back with Morgan talking to Joe. He apparently wants him to be the referee too I guess. Joe turns it down. Williams says Joe is a mad man and he’s going to be on their team tonight. Wait was this about the referee thing or not?

The Beautiful People get on some chick for some reason. Flair comes up to them and wants them to be eye candy at the dinner party. They want who appears to be Mickie also but Tara and Madison come in. Yep it’s another brawl. Mickie accidently hits Angelina. Sarita comes in and beats up Angelina. Winter saves her by screaming a lot and saying Angelina is with her. Freaking do something with this already.

Back to the dinner as the two talking segments were all we had for the time between two commercials. It’s time for the guest of honor and it’s Jeff. He is apparently the sky, the water and earth but he’ll eat. Sure why not.

We show the brawl on ReAction with the Guns and Gen Me. It’s dark so you can’t tell who is who. Naturally in a brawl they go into the ring and use wrestling moves. The kicks and such I can accept. This is clipped multiple times and it’s still relatively long. The Guns hit Skull and Bones through a table. They tied up the other one in the corner without ropes it seems so he spits on them and they kick him in the face to end this. Not a match but just a brawl.

The Guns are talking about it and Alex doesn’t seem happy with it but Sabin does. It’s Full Metal Mayhem (TNA’s TLC match which I’m sure the timing of having it the same month at WWE’s TLC PPV is just a coincidence, much like their guest referee thing and their elimination match tonight) at the PPV. Mickie or someone runs up looking for Sarita.

Williams and Morgan want Pope to join them and Joe tonight. He says he has Abyss to deal with or whatever. Morgan says team up with them anyway because beating Abyss means nothing for the most part as there are too many people for one guy to fight alone.

Madison Rayne brings out Hebner for some reason. Apparently she was the person that yelled at the Guns a few minutes ago. She’s mad at Sarita and wants her here now. She’s hot as the mad brunette. Apparently this is a match. Both are in jeans.

Madison Rayne vs. Sarita

So they’re having a match when it should be a brawl. Got it. Mickie vs. Tara at the PPV in ANOTHER gimmick match, this time falls count anywhere. They’re in the same clothes more or less so I can barely tell them apart. Madison’s jeans are lighter and her stomach is showing. That helps a bit.

Sarita counters a submission attempt into a rollup for two. Sarita slips on a top rope armdrag attempt and a bad looking dropkick follows. They keep doing this mock Mexican dancing thing until Sarita just grabs Madison’s leg to trip her and roll her up for the pin. Two matches, less than ten minutes combined. I guess this is going to be your standard match at the PPV.

Jarrett is having an MMA match tonight. Oh just kill me now. He has some special DVD that we’re looking at after the break.

Back from another break (it’s 10:15 and we’ve had 9 minutes of wrestling) and Immortal and Fourtune say what they’re thankful for. Nothing you wouldn’t expect here.

The DVD Jarret had is of Jarrett showing a bunch of kids MMA stuff. A kid puts the ankle lock on him. Nice to see this: yes kids, here’s how to put submission holds on a kid. This is somehow less interesting than the rest of the show so far. Hogan is thankful for Dixie for some reason.

We get an MMA match next. And Jesse Neal is in it. Oh sweet merciful crap just end this damn show.

Jesse Neal vs. Jeff Jarrett

This is an MMA match officially but they call it a submission match. They’re in MMA gear here. I give up. To the shock of no one it becomes a wrestling match. Jarrett vs. Joe at the PPV in a submission match. Four matches announced, four gimmick matches. Neal gets out of an armbar and out of an ankle lock. And there goes the referee. Guitar shot to Neal and Jarrett locks on a rear naked choke as the referee gets up. Still didn’t crack five minutes.

Back from another break and Brother Ray is here to say that D-Von deserved what he got. He has a video package showing us how bad D-Von is. It’s proof that he’s the leader or something like that. It’s nothing but D-Von getting beaten up. He’s in what looks like a New Japan jacket. He has another video of himself beating people up. They’re going to talk face to face next week.

Dixie Carter gets here.

D’Angelo Dinero/Matt Morgan/Samoa Joe/Douglas Williams vs. AJ Styles/Kazarian/Beer Money

This started at 10:50 and we have the Dixie thing to go. If this makes it to the top of the hour I’ll be stunned. Pope and AJ start us off. Storm wrestles in his hat. Pope pins him relatively easily on some fluke. We take a break with Roode beating on Pope. No eliminations during the break which means this is going to last even longer. Kaz and AJ get two on Pope.

Morgan comes in to fight Kaz. And Morgan does nothing as Joe is brought in before he throws a punch. He beats up everyone and NOW we get….Williams. Is Morgan hurt or something? Kaz botches the hell out of what looked like a spinning DDT for two. Joe and Pope argue a lot. Rolling Chaos gets rid of Kaz. AJ vs. Williams now which is a dream match for some reason that I’m missing.

Off to Roode as I’m amazed this got past 11PM. Middle rope knee drop hits Williams for two. Joe and Pope tag Williams at the same time. And they go at it up by the announce table so it’s 2-2. Spinebuster gets rid of Williams and it’s 2-1. ReAction starts, meaning the biggest match we got in full on Impact was a Tommy Dreamer match.

The springboard 450 misses and Morgan destroys Roode for some fun. Chokeslam can’t hit on Roode after Morgan beats up both heels. Carbon Footprint is set for and here’s Hardy for the low blow to Morgan. There goes the referee, and yes, it’s a no contest. I fucking hate this company. I truly do.

Tommy Dreamer b. Rhyno – Rollup
Sarita b. Madison Rayne – Rollup
Jeff Jarrett b. Jesse Neal – Rear Naked Choke
Fourtune vs. Matt Morgan/D’Angelo Dinero/Samoa Joe/Douglas Williams went to a no contest


Date: November 26, 2010
Location: Veterans Memorial Arena, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Todd Grisham, Michael Cole, Matt Striker

Given what happened at Survivor Series I can’t imagine that we’ll see much other than Edge vs. Kane II set up for TLC. The focus of tonight is likely going to be on the King of the Ring matches which is where they should be. Things are looking good so far for the tournament so hopefully they set it up properly. The only announced match is Show vs. Del Rio and since I have Del Rio as my pick to win it I think you know who I have in that one. Let’s get to it.

Kane comes out to immediately open the show. With the red lights going, Kane talks about Edge stealing his papa. He appeals to the crowd about the torture that Bearer was put through last week. His promos have gotten so much better during his run that it’s insane. Kane talks about Edge breaking the law. The irony of that cracks me up.

He won’t press charges if Edge returns Paul (is he an overdue rental?) and if Edge does then won’t destroy him. Kane has feelings apparently and is a human being. He is NOT an animal. The champ says he loves all of the holidays, including Kwanza. That’s a very amusing image.

Edge’s music finally hits and the pop is HUGE. He comes out with the empty wheelchair just like at the PPV. Bearer is here tonight and all Kane has to do is ask. Kane screams again and Edge says to watch the attitude as apparently his daddy didn’t teach him manners. Kane asks more nicely and Edge says you didn’t use the magic word. We get a shout from the crowd of PLEASE which is rather funny.

Edge is toying with him here and it’s very funny stuff. “That was not a proper please at all.” The fans chant on your knees. Well these two were both dating/married to Lita so they have that in common I guess. Someone explain what the punchline was supposed to be there as I’m not sure myself. Edge leaves with the wheelchair after he determines that Kane didn’t mean any of that request.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Swagger has the Eagle with him and eagles are awesome. This is happening because Swagger made Kofi tap at Survivor Series. Nothing wrong with having a little reason like that to make a match more sensible. Striker goes over some major KOTR moments which is always kind of cool. I’m still trying to get used to them including the ones from the 80s.

LOUD let’s go Kofi chant. Kofi gets a sloppy rollup for two. Make that three of them, all for two. Why can’t he trade some of those twos in for three? There’s a tale of the tape on WWE.com between the Soaring Eagle and the Gobbledy Gooker. That could be hysterical.

Ankle lock almost goes on but Kofi avoids and hits a rotating cross body off the middle rope. This is a pretty nice back and forth match so far. Kofi goes for that spinning leapfrog of his but his leg lands on Swagger’s shoulder. Swagger goes for the leg and Oklahoma takes control.

Kofi, on the mat, grabs the bottom rope and backflips through the bottom and middle rope to take a break which we’ll do as well. Back with Kofi hitting a monkey flip but the Eagle trips him up and Swagger gets a boot to the head to take over again. They hit the mat where of course Swagger dominates.

The Eagle taunts Kofi. That’s funny as Kofi went to Boston College where the mascot is the Golden Eagle. Wouldn’t being made of metal make it hard to fly? Striker calls him Swags and Cole gets on him about saying a stupid nickname. Striker says he’s a friend. Cole says announcers have no friends. Striker: “Your friends are The Miz, Josh Matthews and a laptop.” That made me laugh.

Swagger sends him into the middle turnbuckle and they head to the floor. Swagger pulls him up by the wrist, which Striker says makes Kofi realize there’s a 6’6 260lb man pulling on him. Really he can tell the exact height and weight just like that? That’s rather impressive. He could make a killing as a carnival guesser with skills like those.

Kofi starts a comeback with kicks and punches. Swagger goes for a suplex but Kofi sends him into the bottom turnbuckle. Swagger lays on the ropes so Kofi hits the Boom Drop there. That was different. Kofi heads up and Swagger catches him in mid air and slams him in the corner to set up the Vader Bomb but it eats boots.

Pendulum Kick is caught in the ankle lock but Kofi is on the ropes. He uses a nice leverage move to swing Swagger into the post with his shoulder hitting. Trouble in Paradise connects and they mess up the pin a bit as Swagger is close to the ropes so Kofi has to raise his head for the cover which brings up his shoulder. It’s counted anyway but that’s minor I guess. Match ran almost 17:00 with 13:30 shown, assuming 3:30 for commercials.

Kane apologizes to Teddy for destroying his office last week. Teddy says he never knew his father but it didn’t hurt him. Edge pops up on a monitor and says he never knew his dad either. He lets off Bearer’s tape who goes on a huge rant ending with him shouting BASTARDS!

Back from a break and Kane is still looking for Bearer but only finds the wheelchair. Oh and there’s a sign that says GONE FISHIN.

Josh talks to Alberto who says that at Survivor Series he learned to never share the spotlight with people that aren’t his equals. Show isn’t his equal so tonight he’ll win and Monday he’ll be king.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Big Show vs. Alberto Del Rio

Alberto has the Rolls Royce out there tonight. This show is going by really fast. Show goes for a chokeslam off the top early but Alberto jumps to the floor to escape as we take a break. Back with Alberto not being able to do anything. He takes the big chop in the corner and is reeling.

Alberto gets a shot to the knee to take the big man down. A dropkick to the knee doesn’t drop him a second time though so he just drills Alberto. The running enziguri hits Show in the shoulder. Cross armbreaker doesn’t work as Show is just WAY too big.

Show sets for the punch but Alberto hits the floor. Show goes after him and the ring announcer distracts him for the count out, even though the referee stopped counting and started again without resetting. Match ran about 8:30 with 5:00 shown.

As Del Rio is leaving we hear Edge’s voice saying hey we’re up here. We cut to Bearer and Edge in a section near the back of the arena. Bearer screams some more and Kane comes out on the stage. Edge threatens to shove Bearer down the stairs. The tape comes off and Bearer screams about how much he hates the people here.

Kane says that this is all about getting another title shot for Edge so he’s got it. Edge offers to let Kane come up and join them so Edge says they’re going to the hot dog stand so Paul can be more comfortable. Kane goes through the crowd to get to them but only finds the wheelchair.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match: MVP vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre talks a lot of smack as we start. MVP gets a running knee to the back of the head for two. That sounded awesome. They hit the floor as this is an odd looking match. They’re going more like a street fight rather than wrestling and I’m not liking it that well. Drew works on the arm with some shots of it going into the post.

That’s definitely the focus of the match as Drew works over it the entire time. MVP gets a quick shot in to slow Drew down and then some basic stuff to keep on offense. He keeps selling the arm very well and falls backwards when Drew hits it.

In a nice ending, MVP goes into the corner and tries to jump in the air so he can jump over Drew using the ropes to launch himself (I can’t think of the term for it but it’s been done a ton before. MVP would go over Drew’s back and land behind him.) but his arm gives out and the Futureshock ends it at 5:45.

Swagger freaks out on the Eagle backstage while Horny is dressed like an Indian. Rosa brings him a big turkey but it’s burned. The Eagle walks past so Horny grabs a bow and arrow and shoots the bird off screen. Please let that end the “comedy” tonight.

Laycool comes out looking great as they complain about how bad their week has been. This is Michelle’s hometown apparently. And they’re kidding. Ok then.

Michelle McCool vs. Kelly Kelly

Can we get another match please? Rollup doesn’t get a count almost immediately as they’re going very fast out there. Michelle drapes her over the top rope and tries to get the Faithbreaker but Kelly hangs on. She gets a rollup out of nowhere to pin Michelle after just over a minute. No rating obviously.

Laycool beats down Kelly post match until Beth comes out to promptly destroy Michelle.

We recap Raw which still blows my mind. Awesome show.

King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

I look forward to watching Cody every week. I truly do. Does ANYONE nail their role like he does? Cody throws Striker the new Dashing Cody Rhodes t-shirt which comes complete with a mirror. Again, is anyone as perfect as he is in their role? Alberto comes out to watch this match and likely cost Rey something.

Cole hugs Alberto while Striker puts the shirt on. Alberto does commentary here and Rey starts off fast. Big swinging kick misses and Cody nearly has a heart attack from it. He hits the floor and needs his mirror. Rey doesn’t like that idea and goes back after him. Beautiful Disaster takes Rey down on the floor as we…don’t take a break. Sounded like we were going to but I guess not.

Alabama Slam gets two. Ah there’s the break. Back with Cody with an armbar and in solid control. Alberto is asked what he thinks of Cody and he won’t answer. Rey knocks him off the top and hits the Seated Senton and a cross body both for two. Cody can’t get Cross Rhodes and Rey gets a rollup for two.

Backslide gets two for Cody. There’s that big kick to the face by Rey which also gets two. He goes for the 619 but Alberto gets his attention. Del Rio gets a seated senton for his troubles. Back in the ring and Cody is knocked into the referee, allowing Del Rio to crotch Rey on the post. Cross Rhodes ends it immediately afterwards at 5:40 shown of 9:10 total.

With very little time left we cut to the back with Teddy as Kane comes in. He’s all mad and such and blames Teddy for it. Edge pops up on the monitor again (How does he do that???) and is in the parking lot with Bearer. He says Jacksonville, Florida over and over to get more and more cheap pops. Well Foley did say that only his good stuff got stolen.

Edge says Kane can come and get Paul. Kane leaves Teddy’s office and we cut to the parking lot. As he comes for him, a car rams into Bearer and….decapitates him? That’s not very PG. Ah it was just a stuffed dummy. Well how can you tell them apart? Edge is driving of course and has Bearer in the back seat, driving away as we go off the air.

Kofi Kingston b. Jack Swagger – Trouble in Paradise
Alberto Del Rio b. Big Show via countout
Drew McIntyre b. MVP – Futureshock DDT
Kelly Kelly b. Michelle McCool – Rollup
Cody Rhodes b. Rey Mysterio – Cross Rhodes


Nothing much today.


Very boring weekend indeed.

Quick Results

Sheamus b. R-Truth – High Cross
Ezekiel Jackson b. Alex Riley – Release Rock Bottom
Daniel Bryan b. Ted DiBiase – LeBell Lock
Natalya b. Alicia Fox – Sharpshooter
John Morrison b. Tyson Kidd – Starship Pain
Randy Orton b. Wade Barrett – RKO
The Miz b. Randy Orton – Skull Crushing Finale

AJ won the WWE Trivia Challenge
Nikki Bella b. Kaitlyn – X-Factor
AJ b. Naomi – Octopus Hold
Kaitlyn won the Sumo Challenge
AJ was eliminated in 3rd place

Tommy Dreamer b. Rhyno – Rollup
Sarita b. Madison Rayne – Rollup
Jeff Jarrett b. Jesse Neal – Rear Naked Choke
Fourtune vs. Matt Morgan/D’Angelo Dinero/Samoa Joe/Douglas Williams went to a no contest

Kofi Kingston b. Jack Swagger – Trouble in Paradise
Alberto Del Rio b. Big Show via countout
Drew McIntyre b. MVP – Futureshock DDT
Kelly Kelly b. Michelle McCool – Rollup
Cody Rhodes b. Rey Mysterio – Cross Rhodes

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