Week of 10/26/2015 - 11/1/2015


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 26, 2015
Location: Valley View Casino, San Diego, California
Commentators: Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield, Byron Saxton

It's the night after Hell in a Cell and a few things have been wrapped up. Above all, we need a new #1 contender for Rollins after he beat Kane to retain the title last night. We also need a new Director of Operations/boss because where would we be without three bosses? On top of that, we also need to find out what happened to Undertaker after he was abducted by the Wyatts last night, which is likely setting up an elimination tag at Survivor Series. There are a lot of people missing due to injuries/time off so this could be interesting. Let's get to it.

The Authority gets us going and Stephanie talks about the legends that were made last night. Normally I would ask what she's talking about but I've been advised to not drive my blood pressure up that high ever again. She introduces “the man who is simply known as the man”, Seth Rollins. Seth is all happy and celebrates with the Authority, who says he proved them right as he ran over everyone they put in front of him. Stephanie is very relieved because their reputations were on the line. That line made me cringe but it's very clear that those reputations are the most important things in this company.

They're proud of Rollins and he has to hug them both. HHH talks about the problem of Rollins cleaning out the roster. Starting tonight, people have to prove themselves all over again, so tonight the winners from last night are going to compete in qualifying matches. Those winners will compete in a fatal four way for the right to be defeated by Seth Rollins.

Seth thinks that's best for business but here's Roman Reigns to interrupt. Reigns says this has been making him feel sick (amen brother) because Rollins doesn't belong in the WWE Hall of Fame. He's winning tonight and then taking that title. Believe that. Stephanie: “LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” Let's start with a game of SHUT UP STEPHANIE!

Roman Reigns vs. Kofi Kingston

Before the match, Big E. mocks Reigns' hair and fashion sense (it hasn't changed in three years!). Kofi says that New Day is putting the Dudleyz in the past, Woods in their hearts (“Let's throw up a unicorn horn right now!”) and Reigns on the ground. “Just call me Harry Potter because I'm about to make some magic!” Kofi starts fast but Reigns is ready for him and grabs a neckbreaker to send Kingston outside. JBL's hat gets knocked away and we take a break. Back with Reigns suplexing Kofi in as Big E. shouts various things.

One of the distractions work as Kofi gets in a shot from behind to take over. We hit a sleeper for a bit before a nice top rope ax handle keeps Reigns in trouble. For some reason Kofi goes to an armbar (you don't often see bad psychology from him like that) and Reigns slams him down with his old NXT finisher (similar to the Protobomb). The corner clotheslines have Kofi in trouble a missed top rope dive makes things even worse as Reigns grabs a rollup into a powerbomb for two. Big E. gets on the apron but eats a Superman Punch, setting up a spear to give Reigns the pin at 12:49.

Miz has an audience to watch him play WWE2K16.

Stills of Del Rio returning and winning the US Title last night.

The other qualifying matches are:

Neville vs. Alberto Del Rio
Big E. vs. Dolph Ziggler
Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro

Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro

Non-title. In an inset promo, Owens says the greatest moment in WWE hasn't happened yet because he hasn't been Intercontinental Champion and WWE World Champion at the same time yet. I love it when people who aren't going to be anywhere near the main event talk about wanting to be the World Champion. Even if it's not realistic, it sounds good. Cesaro grabs a few rollups to start before sending him face first into the apron. A big delayed vertical suplex gets two on Kevin and it's already back to the floor for a double clothesline. Both guys beat the count back in at nine and we take a break.

Back with Cesaro hitting the running uppercuts to send Owens outside to run, but Cesaro blasts him with another running uppercut. The cannonball off the apron puts Owens down again and a high cross body gets two. The Swing is countered into a DDT for two but Cesaro comes off the middle rope with a spinning uppercut. Sweet goodness that looked awesome. The referee tells Cesaro to get off the ropes, allowing Kevin to get in a superkick and the Pop Up Powerbomb for the pin at 10:23.

Paige is in the back on the phone when Becky and Charlotte come in. She tells them to hang on for a second because everyone is interested in her after she was on Conan. Becky and Charlotte aren't pleased but Paige promises she had nothing to do with attacking Natalya and it's a new version of her. They do the pinky swear and things are cool for now.

Team PCB vs. Team Bella

So yeah, this revolution is another way to go with rematch after rematch. Byron says this is about being the BTB: the brand to beat. I'm going to ignore how stupid that sounds and watch Paige armdrag Nikki for two to start. Nikki forearms Charlotte off the apron and brings in Alicia, who walks right into a double dropkick from Charlotte and Paige.

The fans want Becky but get Brie taking over on Charlotte by kicking her in the leg instead. The YES Kicks are broken up by a neckbreaker and it's finally off to Becky, who feels like she hasn't been in a match in forever. Everything breaks down and Nikki hits the forearm and Rack Attack for the pin on Becky at 5:27.

Post match Paige goes full heel and lays out Charlotte and Becky with Rampaiges before putting Charlotte in the PTO.

We see Lesnar vs. Undertaker inside the Cell. In WWE2K16 that is.

Now we get a stills package from the real match, including the post match attack by the Wyatts.

Zeb Colter quotes John Lennon's Imagine and talks about there being no countries. Starting tonight, he and Del Rio are the only citizens of a new country like MexAmerica (uh......). Del Rio says he isn't going to let an immigrant like Neville take away his chance to be WWE World Champion again.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Neville

Non-title again. Del Rio goes after the arm to start, sends Neville out to the floor, then cranks on another armbar back inside. You can't say he makes things too complicated. A quick headscissors sends Alberto to the floor and we take a break. Back with Del Rio's chinlock being broken but he settles for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Del Rio puts on the chinlock again as JBL actually mentions being managed by Colter early in his WWE run (when Colter was known as Uncle Zebekiah).

Neville fights up again and sends Alberto to the floor for a big flip dive. The running enziguri knocks Neville off the top rope but Neville counters the armbreaker into a rollup for two. Neville tries to go up top too fast though, allowing Del Rio to crotch him into the Tree of Woe, setting up the top rope double stomp. That always looks sick and it puts Neville away at 12:08.

Ryback/Dudley Boyz vs. King Barrett/Sheamus/Rusev

It's a big brawl to start until we get down to D-Von dropping a headbutt on Sheamus for two. Rusev comes in and pounds D-Von into the mat before bringing Barrett in for some kicks to the ribs. Sheamus gets another turn with the forearms to the back and a chinlock. The Irish Curse doesn't do much good as D-Von scores with a clothesline and makes the tag off to Ryback.

A BIG clothesline knocks Barrett off the apron and Bubba comes back in for a release Rock Bottom. All three of the good guys do FEED ME MORE and it's a triple Meathook. Barrett takes What's Up but a Sheamus distraction lets him roll D-Von up with a handful of tights for the pin at 6:13.

After another look at the ending of the show, Bray Wyatt is in the ring in his rocking chair. He talks about the twenty five years of the Undertaker and how scared people have been of him for all that time. Last night was war inside a Cell and the red horse of the apoclypse rode in. After promising to dance with Roman Reigns again later, Bray declares the demise of the Undertaker as his resurrection.

Right now Bray is feasting on the soul of the Undertaker but he needs more. He won't stop until there is nothing left of the Undertaker and Bray has ascended to his throne. Undertaker's soul is being destroyed bit by bit so Bray asks everyone here to bow their heads for a moment of silence. Is it that time of year again? Bray says rest in peace and here's Kane to interrupt.

Kane gets on the apron but the rest of the Wyatts show up. Strowman comes in for the showdown but Kane actually cleans house until just Bray is left. Kane goes for a chokeslam but there are too many Wyatts. The real beatdown is on and Bray looks to the stage for Undertaker. No one comes out though and Kane is carried away like Undertaker was last night.

Post break the Wyatts drag Kane off into the shadows as Bray sings.

Big E. vs. Dolph Ziggler

Well this should pick things up a bit. Before the match, here are Tyler Breeze and Summer Rae, complete with camera view on the Titantron. Ziggler is so distracted that he tries a cross body on a power guy. That's like lesson one of wrestling school. A dropkick works a bit better and Kofi tells Dolph to stop cheating. With Kofi proclaiming that the hips don't like, Big E. comes back with an abdominal stretch until Ziggler Cactus Clotheslines both of them out to the floor.

Back in and Big E. runs Ziggler over for two and we take a break. Back with Breeze and Summer eating popcorn behind their velvet ropes as Big E. is still in control. Ziggler finally slips out of a slam and grabs a sleeper but Big E. sends him hard into the corner. Back to the abdominal stretch for a big but Dolph makes his comeback to silence.

A hard catapult sends Dolph into the post but Big E. goes to steal some of Summer's beverage, allowing Ziggler to grab a Fameasser for two. Big E.'s Warrior Splash gets the same but Ziggler superkicks him back down. The running DDT is easily countered but Big E. misses a charge into the post, setting up the Zig Zag for the pin at 13:55.

The four way will be Reigns vs. Owens vs. Del Rio vs. Ziggler.

Ambrose reminds Reigns that he's been this close time after time. Tonight it's time for him to take it. Reigns says he's got this.

It's breast cancer time with a bunch of cancer survivors in the ring and a big chunk of the roster standing behind them. Titus O'Neil is actually doing the talking here as he goes over the basic idea of the campaign and leads the women in the Million Dollar Dance.

Miz is still playing the game, as Steve Austin for some reason. Miz wins and loads up the catchphrase but Austin's voice comes out. Austin himself shows up and Miz says Austin's catchphrases with a WWE2K16 theme. Austin might have been on screen for fifteen seconds and I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't filmed last week.

Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler

Rollins is on commentary and there's no Colter at ringside. It's a brawl to start with all four heading outside, only to have Owens take over on Reigns. Del Rio jumps off the barricade to take Ziggler out and the champions double team Reigns back inside. Reigns fights back and clotheslines Alberto to the floor, followed by the apron boot to Owens. Del Rio gets one as well but Ziggler kicks Reigns' head off as we take a break.

Back with Ziggler getting double teamed for a change but we get the obvious problem of who gets the pin. Del Rio gets the better of it and superkicks Owens to the floor, only to turn around and get laid out by Reigns. Ziggler comes back in for the staredown with Reigns, who Rollins points out has had a much longer rest than anyone else. The running DDT (you knew he was getting that in at some point tonight) gets two but Reigns gets the same off a Batista Bomb.

The Superman Punch connects but Del Rio knocks Reigns to the floor and steals the cover for two. I actually bought that for a second. Del Rio misses the corner enziguri and the Fameasser is good for two. You can hear Rollins having a blast with this on commentary. Reigns breaks up a Doomsday Device with a Superman Punch but Owens superkicks him down.

Del Rio and Ziggler both eat Cannonballs but Reigns adds an apron kick to Del Rio for good measure. It's Reigns vs. Owens and the fans REALLY like this one. Owens hits a superkick but the Pop Up Powerbomb is broken up by a Superman Punch and the spear gives Roman the title shot at 15:01.

Reigns and Rollins stare each other down to end the show.

Roman Reigns b. Kofi Kingston – Spear
Kevin Owens b. Cesaro – Pop Up Powerbomb
Team Bella b. Team PCB – Rack Attack to Lynch
Alberto Del Rio b. Neville – Top rope double stomp
Rusev/King Barrett/Sheamus b. Dudley Boyz/Ryback – Rollup with a handful of tights to D-Von
Dolph Ziggler b. Big E. – Zig Zag
Roman Reigns b. Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio and Kevin Owens – Spear to Owens


Rusev may have injured his shoulder at the Main Event tapings. The match was called off and there is no word on how long he might be out, if at all.


Date: October 28, 2015
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Byron Saxton, Corey Graves

Things are still picking up around here and we have what should be a good featured match tonight with Samoa Joe vs. Tyler Breeze. Tyler eliminated Joe from the battle royal a few weeks back and has been laughing at Joe for costing him a shot at the title. Other than that we also get part two of Apollo Crews' sitdown interview which should set up a good title match against NXT Champion Finn Balor next week.

Opening sequence.

Emma vs. Shazza

Two Australians here. Fans: “AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE! OY OY OY!” They stare at each other to start until Emma dropkicks her down against the ropes and stomps away. Dana: “BREAK HER!” After Emma has to kick out of a quick rollup we hit the neck crank on Shazza. Back up and Emma charges into some boots in the corner but Emma comes right back with the Emma Lock for the submission at 4:21.

We look back at James Storm's debut last week.

Storm quotes his old TNA to sum up his character and says he loved to hear the fans tell him he deserves to be here. If anyone has a problem with that, sorry about their luck.

Video on Finn Balor with fans talking about how cool he is and clips of his time in New Japan.

Tommaso Ciampa/Johnny Gargano vs. Jason Jordan/Chad Gable

The fans are behind Gable again and he starts with Ciampa. They fight over a test of strength with Gable not being able to break it with a monkey flip. The grip continues as they're on the mat for a string of near falls. Gable finally takes over with an armbar and the fans are eating this guy up. Jordan comes in (Fans: “THIS IS WRESTLING!”) but can't stop the tag off to Gargano who helps with some double team strikes to the face.

Gargano's front facelock doesn't go anywhere so Jordan picks him up and drives Johnny into the corner. It's back to Gable and the fans are right back at their chanting. Chad's armbreaker over the rope has Gargano in even more trouble but it's quickly back to Ciampa who has even worse luck. The fans think this is awesome and are even happier when Gargano slingshots in with a spear for two on Gable as we take a break.

Back with the fans wanting the Gable to be saved but Ciampa puts a knee into Chad's ribs. Ciampa and Gargano take turns on an abdominal stretch with Gargano adding a running dropkick to the back of the head. Gable finally comes back with a judo throw and makes the tag to Jordan for some dropkicks.

There go the straps (I didn't know we were in Memphis) and it's time for a bunch of suplexes (I didn't know Memphis was next to Pittsburgh). Everything breaks down and Gargano slingshots in with a DDT for two on Jordan. Jason slips out of a double suplex and brings in Chad for the Grand Amplitude for the pin on Ciampa at 14:53.

Bayley loves the fact that she's the Women's Champion and has no idea why Alexa Bliss has so many problems with her.

Eva Marie is in front of the Moulin Rouge. She's coming back very soon though. Sweet goodness they're embracing this one full boar.

Nia Jax vs. Kay Lee Ray

Nia throws her into the corner to start, rag dolls her a bit and puts her in a Canadian backbreaker. That's actually not the submission though and Ray rolls Jax up for two. Kay tries a springboard though and gets caught in a spinebuster. A big legdrop (with an even bigger smile) give Jax the pin at 2:38. That smile runs in the family.

Enzo Amore/Colin Cassady vs. Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder

Dawson and Wilder jump them during the entrance and crush Cassady's leg against the video board. I knew those things were going to get someone hurt someday. They work over the leg as Enzo is down and that's how Cass will be written off TV for a legitimate leg injury. No match.

Alexa Bliss challenges Bayley to find a team for a six person tag at some point in the future.

It's time for part two of the Apollo Crews video. He can't believe he's here and that he wrestled in front of 16,000 people in Brooklyn on his birthday. Crews' sister can't believe he's been this successful because she sees him as her little brother. The battle royal was another way for him to prove that he can hang with anyone in NXT and now he wants his chance at his friend's NXT Title.

Samoa Joe vs. Tyler Breeze

Breeze bails to the floor to start and the threat of a stomping keeps him on the floor. Back in and Tyler gets in a few shots to the back and poses on the ropes. That's enough for Joe and he hammers away in the corner to send Tyler back outside. A suicide dive crushes Breeze and takes us to a break. Back with Joe hammering away with the usual including the corner enziguri.

Tyler grabs a quick backstabber for one and a dropkick gets two. A chinlock doesn't get Breeze anywhere as Joe fights up with his variety of strikes and the backsplash for two. The Rock Bottom out of the corner sets up the Muscle Buster but Tyler escapes into a rollup for two more. Breeze nails a quick Supermodel Kick for two and both guys are down. It's time to slug it out with Breeze trying an O'Connor Roll, only to get flipped into the Koquina Clutch (Normally I would ask if he had ever watched a TNA match but that's a very stupid question.) for the tap out at 12:08.

Finn Balor is ready for Apollo Crews, who has beaten everyone he's fought. He hasn't fought Finn Balor though, and Crews isn't becoming champion next week.

Emma b. Shazza – Emma Lock
Jason Jordan/Chad Gable b. Tommaso Ciampa/Johnny Gargano – Grand Amplitude to Ciampa
Nix Jax b. Kay Lee Ray – Legdrop
Samoa Joe b. Tyler Breeze – Koquina Clutch

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 28, 2015
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Josh Matthews, D'Angelo Dinero

We're still in the early part of the World Title Series as we hit week #4. As much as I like the presentation as they treat this like a real sporting event, the lack of stories are making this hard for me to get into. There's no reason for these people to be fighting other than they have some similar characteristics or backgrounds and they've been scheduled against each other. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of last week's matches and see a preview of tonight's matches.

The announcers do the same things the opening video did.

Ethan Carter III brags about kicking out of Lashley's spear and promises to win the title.

Group Tag Team Specialists: Matt Hardy vs. Robbie E.

Feeling out process to start with Matt taking him into the corner for some right hands. Pope feels the need to explain why wins are important in this series and Josh talks about Robbie E. challenging Rob Gronkowski in a stupid idea that TNA never learns from. A corner clothesline puts Robbie on the floor but he comes back with a flip dive off the apron to put Matt in trouble.

Now Pope compares Robbie to Leif Cassady and Josh tries to convince me that Robbie might be World Champion, which continues to show the problem with this entire concept. Back in and the Side Effect from Matt and a middle rope clothesline from Robbie get two each but Matt picks it up with a big sitout powerbomb. The Twist of Fate is countered into the Boom Drop for a close two and that's it for Robbie's chance. Another Side Effect and another Twist of Fate give Matt the pin at 6:40.

Group Tag Team Specialists
Matt Hardy – 6 points (1 match remaining)
Robbie E. – 3 points (1 match remaining
Edwards – 0 points (2 matches remaining)
Richards – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Gail promises to fight Awesome Kong hard again tonight. Can they just show us the Bound For Glory match so I can save some time?

Matt says Robbie is tough and he was impressed.

Robbie says he doesn't feel like a loser because he earned some respect.

Back to Matt when Grado comes up to ask for a picture because he's a fan. Is this their best version of comedy these days?

Video on Drew Galloway.

Group UK: Grado vs. Drew Galloway

Speaking of wastes of time. The bell doesn't even ring for this match and Grado starts with a schoolboy trip for two. Drew throws him to the mat and starts chopping in the corner. Grado's comedy seems to get on Drew's nerves so he chops away and throws Grado again with a belly to belly for two.

Drew slaps him in the face and Grado comes back with some right hands and an elbow to the head. A Rock Bottom and Cannonball in the corner (called a flippy move by Pope) have Drew in trouble. Grado puts him in the Tree of Woe but Galloway sits up and grabs a German suplex, followed by the running boot (the Claymore according to Josh) for the pin at 4:39.

Group UK
Drew Galloway – 6 points (1 match remaining)
Rockstar Spud – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Bram – 0 points (2 matches remaining)
Grado – 0 points (1 match remaining)

Clip of Gail Kim beating Awesome Kong at some show in the past that isn't important enough to name.

We look back at the final destruction of the Revolution with Mahabali Shera pinning James Storm. Shera dances you know. They're talking about it on Twitter.

Group Wild Card: Aiden O'Shea vs. Crazzy Steve

Oh come on. I know I probably complain about this Series too much but I'm supposed to want to watch this? They circle each other for about a minute to start until O'Shea slugs him down. O'Shea shoves him into the corner and takes a boxing stance as Steve is down on the mat. They head outside with Aiden punching him in the jaw but then punches the steps and post by mistake. Back in and Steve bites his hand, only to have Aiden take his head off with a clothesline for the pin at 4:47.

Group Wild Card
Mahabali Shera – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Kenny King – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Aiden O'Shea – 3 points (1 match remaining)
Crazzy Steve – 0 points (1 match remaining)

Abyss says the only thing that soothes him is gold because he's a monster. He'll win and you can take that to the bank.

Package on Storm vs. Abyss.

More clips of an unknown Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong match.

Grado is confused after getting kicked in the head and doesn't remember anything since the end of the match.

The announcers recap Group UK.

Group TNA Originals: Abyss vs. James Storm

Before the match, Storm suggests Abyss turn around and leave so Storm can win by countout. Abyss says he's a monster and punches Storm in the face to get things going. A chokeslam doesn't work but Storm charges into a side slam. Back from an early break with Storm diving off the steps and having to escape a chokeslam attempt. Storm loads a chair into the corner but Abyss sends him face first into it instead.

Hebner lets it go and Abyss drops a splash for two. It's Janice time but it gets stuck in the turnbuckle like it does every single time, setting up Closing Time and a cowbell to the head for two. Storm goes up top and counters a superplex attempt into a powerbomb, followed by a top rope elbow for another near fall. Back up and Abyss no sells the Last Call and chokeslams Storm for two. With nothing else working, Storm spits beer into Abyss' face and hits two more Last Calls for the pin at 11:00.

Group TNA Originals
Bobby Roode – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Abyss – 3 points (1 match remaining)
James Storm – 3 points (1 match remaining
Eric Young – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Shera loves the World Title Series and thinks this is a cool opportunity to his family. He respects everyone else in the group and will do his talking in the ring. The upcoming India tour is a dream come true for him and he wants to return home with the World Title.

We preview next week with Shera vs. King, Brooke vs. Rayne and an interview with Jeff Hardy. A quick preview of the interview focuses on how happy he was to see Matt as World Champion.

Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young next week in another match we've seen way too many times.

Group X-Division: Tigre Uno vs. DJZ

Tigre takes him down by the arm to start as the announcers bicker over who is supposed to call play by play. DJZ sends the champ (no belt in sight here) into the corner for a running dropkick. We hit the chinlock on Tigre for a bit until he pops up and dropkicks DJZ outside. A corkscrew plancha connects for the champ (Josh: “Carpet defense!”) and they trade hurricanranas back inside. Tigre's split legged corkscrew moonsault misses and DJZ's tornado DDT is good for the pin at 6:43.

Group X-Division
Tigre Uno – 3 points (1 match remaining)
Manik – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
DJZ – 3 points (1 match remaining)
Mandrews – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Clips from Kim vs. Kong at Bound For Glory 2015.

Group Knockouts: Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong

In case you haven't seen this one enough yet. Gail goes after the arm to start but gets sent out to the floor. Pope thinks these two are like twins. Because they know each other so well you see. A big clothesline sends Gail outside again and we take a break. Back with Gail fighting out of a camel cutch and scoring with a jawbreaker before kicking away at the legs. Gail tries a Black Widow but opts to dropkick Kong to the floor and dive off the apron with a flying forearm. Back in and Gail's cross body is countered into a World's Strongest Slam for two we as have under five minutes to go (meaning their clock is way off this week). The chokeslam is countered into a DDT and a high cross body gets two for Gail.

Group Knockouts
Brooke – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Gail Kim – 3 points (1 match remaining)
Awesome Kong – 3 points (1 match remaining)
Madison Rayne – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Matt Hardy b. Robbie E. – Twist of Fate
Drew Galloway b. Grado – Claymore
Aiden O'Shea b. Crazzy Steve – Clothesline
James Storm b. Abyss – Last Call
DJZ b. Tigre Uno – Tornado DDT
Gail Kim b. Awesome Kong – Hurricanrana


Date: October 29, 2015
Location: Talking Stick Resort Arena, Phoenix, Arizona
Commentators: Jerry Lawler, Rich Brennan, Booker T.

We're coming off a good Raw and we now have a fresh #1 contender in Roman Reigns. The other big story however is Bray Wyatt kidnapping both the Undertaker and Kane in order to feast on their souls. It's pretty clear that this is leading to a Survivor Series match but the Brothers of Destruction need partners. Let's get to it.

We open with a narrated recap of the Wyatts' recent actions.

The Wyatts say the spirits that fueled the Brothers of Destruction now belong to him. To celebrate the fallen sons on the day of the dead, Bray issues a challenge to any three souls brave enough to face his monsters. Fitting for a Halloween show. Rowan says he was never allowed to dress us for Halloween because it was too sinful. Harper says evil is very real and these aren't costumes. Bray wishes his condolences to anyone who faces them and pulls out Kane's mask. He hands it to Strowman, who promises annihilation awaits. Run.

Opening sequence.

The arena is full of Halloween decorations to give it a more festive feeling.

Here's Reigns to open things up. Reigns has had one goal since he's been here and that is to be the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He's been knocked down a lot but he's dusted himself up and now he's back in the fight. The only man left in front of him is Seth Rollins but here's Kevin Owens to add himself to the mix. Owens says Reigns stole one from him on Monday. “YAY! YAY! EVERYBODY YAY! GO ROMAN!”

Monday wasn't Reigns overcoming the odds because it was just a fluke. Roman must know that he was a second away from being powerbombed and pinned. Believe that. Reigns thinks that sounds like an excuse because it was straight skill that beat Owens. Kevin can whine Owens whine, or he can come in here right now and fight Owens fight.

Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens

Non-title. A quick point before we get going: as Owens came out, Brennan said they were scheduled for a match tonight. I'm so glad they actually announced that for once instead of just having a spontaneous match. It helps the show feel realistic for a change and that always helps. Reigns shoulders him out to the floor to start and scores with a neckbreaker as we take an early break. Back with Reigns putting him on the floor again but getting sent into the barricade this time around.

Owens throws him with a fall away slam for two back inside but Reigns kicks him in the face for two. See? There are moves other than clotheslines. Owens one ups him with a superkick but Roman breaks up the Cannonball with a clothesline. The threat of the Superman Punch scares Owens to the floor but he escapes a Samoan drop. Roman breaks up the swinging fisherman's superplex (I miss that move) and Superman Punches Kevin to the floor. That's enough for Owens and it's a countout at 11:15.

Ambrose, describing himself as ruggedly handsome, tells Renee (in a green fairy costume) to ask if he's going to accept the Wyatts' challenge. Of course he is because he slays monsters. He'll be waiting to find out who is joining the ghostbusting monster squad but he'll fight alone if he has to. Dean leaves and a ghost comes up behind Renee. It's BOO Dallas, who promises to scare someone tonight.

Dudley Boyz vs. Ascension vs. Lucha Dragons vs. Sheamus/King Barrett

This is called Tag Team Terror which means fatal four way. New Day comes out on commentary and they now have unicorn horns. Kofi doesn't like the four teams not wearing costumes because it means it means they don't believe in magic. Big E.: “SHAME!” Kofi and Big E. join in on commentary as Kalisto headscissors Sheamus down. Bully and Barrett come in as New Day does their reporter voices.

The Dragons dropkick Ascension and the good guys clear the ring as we take a break. Back with Bubba yelling at New Day (Kofi: “THIS IS NOW THE HALLOWEEN SPIRIT!”) and D-Von elbowing Sheamus in the face for two. Kalisto comes in and is promptly stomped down by the pasty one (Big E.'s words), followed by a chinlock. Big E. thinks Sheamus is a carpenter because he's hitting Kalisto like a hammer. Kofi: “YOU SEE WHAT HE DID THERE??? YOU SEE WHAT HE DID THERE???”

Off to Viktor for a spinebuster on Kalisto as Big E. tells Brennan to take notes. Konnor goes shoulder first into the post and it's Sin Cara coming in off the hot tag. Cara's hurricanana gets two on Konnor but everything breaks down with the Dudleyz coming in to hold Sheamus and Barrett for a double What's Up. The Dragons get backdropped onto Ascension as Kofi and Big E. have completely taken over commentary with their nasal voices. A blind tag brings in Kalisto for a Slida Del Sol from the apron to pin Viktor at 10:32.

Lawler has an idea for a costume: write LIFE on a shirt and hand everyone lemons. Brennan: “Why not pennies?” Lawler: “You idiot.”

Ambrose can't figure out Cesaro's costume. Cesaro is in a suit and sunglasses but that's just how he normally dresses. He offers to be Dean's partner tonight but Dean insists that Cesaro swing them around so many times that their beards fly off. Cesaro: “You can be Jason Vorhees or something.” Dean: “I'll just be me.” They leave and BOO Dallas appears again.

We recap last week's MizTV with Tyler Breeze debuting to beat up Dolph Ziggler.

Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz

Trick or Treat street fight, meaning the ring is surrounded by Halloween decorations, including about twenty pumpkins around the apron. Lawler says Ziggler is dressed as Nikki Sixx. Miz kicks some pumpkins around to start but Ziggler holds onto the ropes to block a catapult. As Ziggler pulls himself back in, Miz finds a plastic sword. That's fine with Ziggler who has a kendo stick painted like candy corn.

The duel goes to Dolph and he shoves Miz's face into a bowl of apples and water. That's not enough as Ziggler puts a pumpkin over Miz's head and breaks it up with a superkick. Miz has had enough of these shenanigans and starts going after the knee with a stick shot. The leg is wrapped around the post and Miz crushes it with a chair. It's Figure Four time but Ziggler counters into a small package for the pin at 4:48.

Ziggler is down post match so here's Breeze to go after the knee with the kendo stick.

We recap Paige going full heel on Monday.

Paige vs. Natalya

Paige superkicks Natalya at the bell and slowly stomps her down in the corner. Natalya comes back with a quick suplex to put Paige on the floor but here's Team Bad to say Natalya has their attention. The distraction lets Paige grab a Rampaige for the pin at 2:16.

Post match Team Bad lays Natalya out. This includes Tamina becoming the fourth person tonight to use a superkick.

Breast cancer segment from Monday.

Ryback offers to be the third partner. Dean: “Yep, you'll do.”

Here are Del Rio and Colter with something to say. Colter calls Del Rio virtuous and is so proud to be one of the first citizens of MexAmerica. That title now represents MexAmerica and Del Rio promises to make it great by renaming it the MexAmerica Championship.

Alberto Del Rio vs. R-Truth

Non-title. Truth starts fast with the gordbuster but Alberto goes after the arm to take over. Del Rio goes up top and ties Truth in the Tree of Woe for the double stomp and the pin at 1:27. I like the move but there's a danger of it becoming like the 619 where there are only so many realistic ways to set it up.

BOO Dallas tries to scare Mark Henry and gets punched in the face. I guess that ends the joke.

Ryback/Dean Ambrose/Cesaro vs. Wyatt Family

Bray is the odd man out here. Ryback shoulders Harper down to start and Luke's shirt is torn. It's off to Strowman but Ryback goes right after him with right hands to stagger the monster. A suplex doesn't work so well but Braun easily suplexes him down. We take a break and come back with Harper getting two on Ryback off a slingshot hilo. Back to Rowan for the double fist head vice but Ryback fights up (because it was a lame hold) and grabs a quick spinebuster.

Ambrose gets the tag to give the fans something to cheer for. Dean sends Harper and Rowan to the floor for the big dive off the top but Rowan kicks him in the face (NOT a superkick for a change) for two. Dean fights up again and makes the tag off to Cesaro for your athletic freak of the night phase. Harper takes the running uppercuts and that reverse Angle Slam that needs a name.

There's the crossface from Cesaro as everyone else fights on the floor. A suicide dive knocks Strowman against the announcers' table and Ryback knocks him over for good measure. The crossface goes on Cesaro again but Rowan makes the save, only to get nailed by Dean. The superkick party continues with Harper kicking Dean's head off but walking into the springboard discus uppercut. Strowman gets up for a distraction though and the discus lariat ends Cesaro at 11:48.

Roman Reigns b. Kevin Owens via countout
Lucha Dragons b. Dudley Boyz, Ascension and King Barrett/Sheamus – Salida Del Sol to Viktor
Dolph Ziggler b. The Miz – Small package
Paige b. Natalya – Rampaige
Alberto Del Rio b. R-Truth – Top rope double stomp
Wyatt Family b. Cesaro/Ryback/Dean Ambrose – Discus lariat to Cesaro




Jerry Lawler and his girlfriend were in a car crash last night. Both are fine and the other driver was at fault.

Quick Results

Monday Night Raw
Roman Reigns b. Kofi Kingston – Spear
Kevin Owens b. Cesaro – Pop Up Powerbomb
Team Bella b. Team PCB – Rack Attack to Lynch
Alberto Del Rio b. Neville – Top rope double stomp
Rusev/King Barrett/Sheamus b. Dudley Boyz/Ryback – Rollup with a handful of tights to D-Von
Dolph Ziggler b. Big E. – Zig Zag
Roman Reigns b. Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio and Kevin Owens – Spear to Owens

Emma b. Shazza – Emma Lock
Jason Jordan/Chad Gable b. Tommaso Ciampa/Johnny Gargano – Grand Amplitude to Ciampa
Nix Jax b. Kay Lee Ray – Legdrop
Samoa Joe b. Tyler Breeze – Koquina Clutch

Impact Wrestling
Matt Hardy b. Robbie E. – Twist of Fate
Drew Galloway b. Grado – Claymore
Aiden O'Shea b. Crazzy Steve – Clothesline
James Storm b. Abyss – Last Call
DJZ b. Tigre Uno – Tornado DDT
Gail Kim b. Awesome Kong – Hurricanrana

Roman Reigns b. Kevin Owens via countout
Lucha Dragons b. Dudley Boyz, Ascension and King Barrett/Sheamus – Salida Del Sol to Viktor
Dolph Ziggler b. The Miz – Small package
Paige b. Natalya – Rampaige
Alberto Del Rio b. R-Truth – Top rope double stomp
Wyatt Family b. Cesaro/Ryback/Dean Ambrose – Discus lariat to Cesaro

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