Week of 10/19/2015 - 10/25/2015 (Monday - Wednesday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: October 19, 2015
Location: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas
Commentators: Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tonight is all about the Cell as we're getting a special panel of people who have been inside the Cell before. It's one of the first times that the main event has actually received any focus and they have their hands full with giving the match a good build on such short notice. Let's get to it.

We get right to the point with Steve Au.....oh wait never mind he's been canceled again. Actually scratch that scratching as he's on the show again. Austin does his poses on the ropes as his status for the show is changed another 394 times, leaving us with Austin actually appearing. JBL runs down his career stats, including saying that Vince has referred to Austin as the greatest draw in company history because NOTHING IN WWE CAN BE REAL. Right Rusev? Also, brilliant idea to have Austin come out first and not have him around later on when Monday Night Football kicks in to try to get some fans back.

Austin plugs the podcast with Lesnar tonight before bringing out the Undertaker to FINALLY hype up the match. JBL continues his nonsense by calling Undertaker the most iconic performer in sports entertainment history. He's not even the most iconic person from Texas in the arena right now.

Austin leaves and Undertaker promises that this Sunday he will make the gates of Hell look like the gates of Heaven. This brings out Heyman and Lesnar almost immediately and Heyman promises that Lesnar will gain his revenge this Sunday. Then Undertaker will know what it's like to die with a tainted legacy. It will be a legacy of dominance marred by the conqueror who took everything away from him.

Undertaker takes off the hat and robe while saying that if Lesnar takes everything from him, it means Undertaker can fight with nothing to lose. Brock comes straight to the ring but drops back off the apron. Well at least Heyman can relax. There better be more from this tonight because that's nowhere near enough to build up this match. Undertaker's nothing to lose line was good though.

John Cena/Dudley Boyz vs. New Day

Cena will officially have another US Open Challenge on Sunday. That piques my interest while also scaring me to death. I still have a bad feeling it might be Big Show and that's not good for anyone. Before the match, Woods thinks the New Day are all unicorns because they've brought magic back to the WWE.

Big E. gets in some cheap shots at the Dallas Cowboys before reminding Cena and the Dudleyz about the beating they too a few weeks ago used the brass. Kofi says they used the brass to kick their......Woods: “KOFI! PG SHOW!” Kofi: “So what? We're the New Day!” He finishes the line and Xavier gets in a comical gasp.

Bubba elbows Kofi in the head to start but it's quickly off to D-Von for a double team elbow as we take an early break. Back with Cena taking the rotating stomps in the corner, followed by a running downward spiral from Woods for two. Big E. gets two off a side slam (with bonus dancing) but Cena dropkicks him in the chest and makes the tag to D-Von. Everything breaks down and Cena dives on Big E., leaving Woods to roll D-Von up for the pin at 8:32.

Post match Woods takes an AA, followed by a superbomb through a table.

We get some breaking news: the Wyatt Family has attacked Randy Orton over the weekend, meaning he's out of the match on Sunday. No word on if this is legitimate or not but I haven't heard anything about a Wellness violation or an injury so I'm assuming storyline.

Ambrose is sick of this and says he's got business with Luke Harper and Braun Strowman tonight.

Nikki Bella/Alicia Fox vs. Naomi/Sasha Banks

Now pay attention here people. Watching a Bellas match, you too can find out how they empower women every second of every day. They talk about it in every interview and that makes it so right? Sasha and Alicia get things going and it's Banks getting two off a dropkick. It's off to Naomi for an a-may-a-a-a-a-a-zing dropkick (sweet goodness that doesn't get better without the music) and we take a break.

Back with Fox keeping Naomi from tagging out, followed by a double suplex (was that the empowering part? I for one could certainly feel women everywhere being stronger when a Bella did a basic wrestling move so it must have been). Naomi comes back with some kicks but Nikki hits a running dropkick to the ribs before bending over to choke Naomi on the ropes. A few more kicks are enough for Naomi to tag in Sasha for some knees to the face (empowerment down by two points).

It's quickly back to Naomi who rams Nikki into Alicia to set up a rollup for two. Nikki's spinebuster plants Naomi and the Rack Attack is enough for the pin at 8:47. Cole had to make sure to mention that it was a team win. Not that he mentions Alicia by name or anything but this certainly wasn't all about Nikki, like everything else in the division.

We recap Kane pinning Rollins last week. This has resulted in Corporate Kane being suspended. Of course the Authority could solve the obvious problem this creates by just saying KANE has been suspended but that would make too much sense. For the bosses of a global corporation, HHH and Stephanie are dumb sometimes.

Speaking of dumb things, breast cancer is dumb. I didn't know this until Stephanie told me so, meaning she's done has job for the night.

Here's Shawn Michaels, who stops for a bite of pizza on the way. Shawn talks about being in the Cell before and how nothing can prepare you for it. He's been in the Cell with the Undertaker before but there's another match on that night as Roman Reigns is finally finishing things with Bray Wyatt. However, this brings out Seth Rollins instead. Rollins asks why Shawn is out here when he was just supposed to introduce him.

Those were his instructions, but Shawn has been ignoring instructions for over twenty years now. Well save for all those years when he wasn't on TV but I get his point). Seth says those instructions came from HHH himself. Shawn needs to be talking about the man people have been calling Shawn Michaels Version II (John Morrison? Dolph Ziggler? Tyler Breeze? Shelton Benjamin even?). Michaels brings up that exact point: if he had a nickel for every time someone was going to be the second Shawn Michaels, he'd be a billionaire.

He never tried to be anyone else and just became the best ever on his own. Shawn mentions Kane but Rollins goes on a rant about how sick he is of Kane (since when did Rollins become the voice of the masses?) but there's no music to play him off. Shawn says the worst part about being the second version is no one plays your music. Besides, Seth has a match right now against Ryback. Version I's (not Matt Hardy as he's too busy trying to figure out how that injunction actually works) song plays him out.

Ryback vs. Seth Rollins

Non-title. Ryback charges right at him to start and no sells some of the champ's strikes. There's part of a Flair Flip in the corner and a big chop puts Seth down. They head outside with Ryback's ribs being driven into the barricade, followed by a Rollins suicide dive to send them into the announcers' table. Seth is smart enough to put on a bodyvice back inside Ryback is fine enough to throw Rollins onto his shoulder and spin him around into a powerslam (that was different), followed by a spinebuster. Rollins bails from the Meat Hook, kicks Ryback in the ribs, and hits a Pedigree for the pin at 4:04.

We look at Summer Rae costing Rusev a match on Smackdown and then getting turned down by Ziggler.

Dolph Ziggler/Cesaro/Neville vs. King Barrett/Sheamus/Rusev

Rusev beats Neville into the corner to start but Neville escapes and does his flips across the ring. Some kicks keep Rusev in enough trouble for a tag off to Cesaro, who tags Neville back in after just a few seconds. It's off to Sheamus to pound Neville down before Rusev comes for even more stomping. A big forearm sends Neville into the announcers' table and a staredown takes us to a break.

Back with Neville still taking a beating but he avoids a charge and tags in Cesaro for the running uppercuts. A high cross body gets two on Sheamus but a collision puts both guys down. Double tags bring in Ziggler and Barrett with Dolph cleaning house. The big elbow drop gets two but Rusev makes the save. Ziggler mostly hits a Fameasser on Barrett for two followed by a superkick for the same. Rusev kicks Cesaro the floor and Neville does the same to Rusev, setting up a HUGE flip dive to take both guys. Ziggler rolls Barrett up for two but it's a Brogue Kick from the floor to give Barrett the pin at 12:57.

Here's Flair for the third legends segment. He makes it quick by plugging Wrestlemania in Dallas next year and introduces Roman Reigns, who will team up with Ambrose to fight the Wyatts again. Roman gets to the ring but the Wyatts (including Erick Rowan but without Luke Harper, who was shown on the graphic earlier) are here in a hurry. Reigns gets two chairs this time and says one is for him and one is for Bray.

They get inside and sit in the chairs with Reigns talking about how Bray likes to kick people while they're down. He knows the monsters are coming for him in a minute but let's talk about this Sunday. When the monsters can't get in the Cell, Bray won't be able to get out. The fight is on but Roman has the chair to knock the monsters off the apron and send Bray to the floor. Ambrose runs out for backup and the Wyatts bail.

The Authority is in the back when Shawn comes in. They think Reigns and Ambrose shouldn't be in a 2-3 handicap match against the Wyatts tonight but Seth isn't available. Rollins doesn't like the idea of being protected so he'll go out there and it's time for a Shield reunion. WITH AN HOUR OF BUILDUP BECAUSE THIS COMPANY IS STUPID!

Brie Bella vs. Charlotte

Non-title. Charlotte starts with her rolling headscissor slams but stops to yell at Nikki. Back in and the Brie Mode knee has Charlotte in trouble and we hit a long chinlock on the champ. Brie does the YES Kicks because she doesn't know how to wrestle like a heel but thankfully Charlotte comes back and hits a quick spear and the Figure Eight for the submission at 5:34.

Renee Young comes up to accuse Paige of attacking Natalya last week. Paige thinks it might have been Summer Rae, Lana, Eve Torres, Kaitlyn, Trish Stratus or even Lita. Renee presses her on this so Paige says Renee is no Erin Andrews, nor is she as cute.

Kevin Owens vs. Mark Henry

Non-title. So Owens is here but having him interfere in Ryback's match earlier was asking too much. Owens mocks the Hook Em Horns sign and gets thrown to the floor. He's lucky he didn't get shot. Back in and Owens avoids a splash and gets two off a quick backsplash. Henry gets back up and shouts about being here fifteen years (it's been more like nineteen) and headbutts Kevin in the corner. Owens stops him with a superkick though and actually nails the Pop Up Powerbomb for the pin at 3:42.

Post match Ryback (LOSER!) chases Owens off but Henry throws Owens back in for a powerbomb (LOSER WHO DOESN'T SELL A RIB INJURY!).

Rollins assures us that this isn't a Shield reunion.

Long video on the history of Lesnar vs. Undertaker. Well their recent history as their first Cell match is ignored.

The Kickoff match has been changed to a rematch of the six man from earlier tonight.

Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose/Seth Rollins vs. Wyatt Family

It's Strowman/Rowan/Bray here. We get the big staredown to start with Rollins taking his time to stand beside Reigns and Ambrose. Rollins insists that he start and he gets Rowan right in his face. That means it's off to Reigns instead and Rowan gets beaten down in the corner. Off to Ambrose vs. Wyatt with Dean running Bray over and tagging back out to the champ. Bray kicks Seth in the ribs and we take a break. Back with Dean coming in to hammer on Strowman but the giant runs him over to regain control. Bray kicks him in the face and Erick's side slam gets two.

Cole brings up the horrible ending to Ambrose vs. Rollins inside the Cell last year as the announcers make sure to remind us that this is NOT a Shield reunion. Dean fights out of a chinlock and escapes a Sister Abigail attempt but Strowman pulls Reigns off the apron. Rollins is ready for the tag but he grabs his knee and drops to the floor before limping up the aisle. Reigns Superman Punches Rowan but it's Strowman with the standing choke. Roman is in trouble but Dean comes in with a kendo stick (after throwing chairs to the side) for the DQ at 14:12.

Reigns cleans house post match with a HUGE dive over the top and spears to Bray and Erick. The fans think this is awesome to end the show.

New Day b. John Cena/Dudley Boyz – Rollup to D-Von
Nikki Bella/Alicia Fox b. Naomi/Sasha Banks – Rack Attack to Naomi
Seth Rollins b. Ryback – Pedigree
Rusev/King Barrett/Sheamus b. Neville/Cesaro/Dolph Ziggler – Barrett pinned Ziggler after a Brogue Kick
Charlotte b. Brie Bella – Figure Eight
Kevin Owens b. Mark Henry – Pop Up Powerbomb
Wyatt Family b. Dean Ambrose/Seth Rollins/Roman Reigns via DQ when Ambrose used a kendo stick




Date: October 21, 2015
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Rich Brennan, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton

We're in the fun times for NXT now as they're a long way off from starting the build to the next Takeover so we might have another big card in the middle, meaning it's time for some fun TV. Apollo Crews is the new #1 contender to Finn Balor's NXT Title but tonight we've got a former TNA World Champion debuting. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the battle royal with Crews last eliminating Baron Corbin for the win. That was quite the star making performance but I still don't have much of a connection to him. That's the same thing I said about Finn Balor though and that turned out quite well.

Opening sequence.

Asuka vs. Billie Kay

Kay now has a full entrance so there seems to be some plans for her. We also get a quick inset promo from Kay where she says she's been around the world and has some long legs. So Stacy with an accent. Fans: “YOU KILLED DANA!” Billie's early cheap shot doesn't work but she grabs a nice delayed vertical suplex for two. She goes after Asuka's arm but Asuka comes right back with the rapid fire offense. A forearm just ticks Asuka off and there's a cross armbreaker on Kay. Fans: “ARMBAR!” Kay makes the ropes so Asuka gives her a German suplex, followed by the Asuka Lock for the submission at 3:27.

The announcers rave about Asuka.

Video on Baron Corbin.

Tyler Breeze says that Samoa Joe doesn't get to win the Dusty Classic and then just go on to be #1 contender. After last week, Breeze isn't #1 contender but Joe isn't either. If Joe has a problem with that, he can come find Breeze because Tyler would love to slice a few pieces of bacon off of Joe. In case you didn't get that, he's saying Joe is fat. I didn't know Tyler was a Steiner.

Colin Cassady/Enzo Amore vs. Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder

Cassady says if you come see them this Halloween, you're knocking on the wrong door. Dawson (are he and Wilder officially called the Mechanics or not? I know they're often called that but has that ever been used in NXT?) takes out Breeze's leg to start and we get into an old school Anderson series of tags as they work over the leg. Dawson grabs a leg lock and Enzo is in big trouble early on. Cass finally breaks it up with a kick to the head and Enzo grabs a small package to pin Dawson at 2:24.

Enzo and Colin take a beating post match.

Video on Rhyno.

Breast cancer is bad.

Eva Marie is still in Paris. The NXT fans probably don't understand French culture but she's got a present for us: herself.

Danny Burch vs. James Storm

The fans seem genuinely shocked by this one. The announcers actually mention Storm's cup of coffee in the dying days of WCW and treat him like a huge deal. Fans: “YOU BELONG HERE!” Storm looks the same as he did in NXT and is good here. Burch pounds him down in the corner and cranks on the neck, only to have Storm come back with some clotheslines and an enziguri in the corner.

A running neckbreaker (Storm: “GOODNIGHT!”) sets up a new move where he looks like he's loading up a White Noise but spins Burch around into something like a Russian legsweep for the pin at 1:52. Apparently it's called the Eight Second Ride. I've heard worse names and this was a good debut.

Storm does his catchphrase.

Apollo Crews vs. Finn Balor is in two weeks.

Video on Crews where he talks about growing up all over the world and watching wrestling with his dad. Ultimate Warrior got his attention and he thought he'd like to do it. Crews starts crying when he talks about convincing his mom to buy a toy belt they couldn't afford. Some clips from Evolve wraps up part one. This helped lay a groundwork for Crews and that's more than he's had so far.

Nia Jax is still here and is back next week.

Alexa Bliss vs. Peyton Royce

Bliss grabs a headlock to start and steps on Royce's back when Peyton drops to the mat. It's off to an armbar from Alexa as the announcers bicker like morons. The fans chant for Peyton so Alexa pounds her down and moonsaults into double knees to the ribs. The Sparkle Splash gives Alexa the pin at 3:15.

Post match Bliss says she was made to be Women's Champion.

Joe vs. Breeze next week.

Rhyno vs. Baron Corbin

They immediately brawl to start and fight to the floor for all of five seconds. Back in and Rhyno gets the better of it and punches him up against the ropes, sending Baron out to the floor for a breather. Rhyno follows him out but gets sent into the post as we take a break. Back with Baron slowly stomping away and putting on a chinlock to slow things down even more.

Rhyno fights up and they head outside again with Corbin being sent into the steps. Back in and a quick suplex gets two for Rhyno, followed by the spinebuster for the same. The Gore connects for a surprising two (good) and the fans want one more. Rhyno proves that listenting to the fans is a bad idea as he charges into the End of Days for the pin at 12:29.

Joe says desperation is a very funny thing. Tyler Breeze is the epitome of a desperate man but Joe knocked him out. Then he had the nerve to call Joe out. That desperation is going to get him hurt, so Tyler needs to put in his highlights and make sure his hair is nice and pretty, because Joe is coming for him. When is the last time you saw a show ending with a preview for next week like that? That's a nice old school change of pace.

Asuka b. Billie Kay – Asuka Lock
Colin Cassady/Enzo Amore b. Scott Dawson/Dash Wilder – Small package to Dawson
James Storm b. Danny Burch – Eight Second Ride
Alexa Bliss b. Peyton Royce – Sparkle Splash
Baron Corbin b. Rhyno – End of Days

Impact Wrestling
Date: October 21, 2015
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Josh Matthews, D'Angelo Dinero

It's week three of the World Title Series and that's really all there is to say. These matches don't have stories and it's too early to make many predictions. Tonight we'll probably start seeing some of the second matches for some of the people, but it's going to be a long time before any of the eight groups start to wrap up. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the events that set up the Series (which seems like a weekly thing) and last week's results.

The announcers recap things up to this point and preview tonight's matches.

Group Champions predict who will go on to the next round. We saw some of this last week so they're already repeating footage. Carter thinks his clone will advance along with him.

Group Champions: Austin Aries vs. Mr. Anderson

Feeling out process to start as Josh says that tonight's main event is Lashley vs. Anderson. Now I'm pretty sure he meant Ethan Carter III but I'm just an internet nerd who pays attention to the rules so I'm sure that it's just Ethan's aforementioned clone disguised as Anderson and not Josh not being able to read the sheet in front of him properly. We go split screen to hear more from Aries as he misses a missile dropkick back in the ring.

Anderson goes after the arm with some punches to the shoulder and a quickly broken armbar. Aries comes right back with a slingshot elbow (Pope: “Shades of Austin Starr.”) and the announcers discuss Ethan not knowing what independents are. A double cross body puts both guys down and we take a break. Back with Aries flipping over Anderson's back as we hit five minutes left.

Aries sends him to the floor for a suicide dive but Anderson comes back with the Regal Roll for two. Anderson tries another from the middle rope but gets slammed down, setting up the 450 for an even closer near fall. We see Thea getting nervous on the floor. This changes nothing whatsoever but she is in fact there. How very TNA of her.

A spinwheel kick of all things gets a near fall for Anderson and now the middle rope Regal Roll gets the same thing with less than two minutes to go. They fight over finishers for a bit until Aries connects with the discus forearm. The running dropkick staggers Anderson on the top and a super brainbuster kills Anderson dead for the pin at 14:02, eliminating Anderson from the competition.

Group Champions
Austin Aries – 4 points (1 match remaining)
Lashley – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Ethan Carter III – 1 point (2 matches remaining)
Mr. Anderson – 0 points (1 match remaining)

We'll see the Bound For Glory main event later. You knew this was coming sooner or later.

Video on the X-Division Title match at Bound For Glory.

Group X-Division: Tigre Uno vs. Mandrews

Tigre doesn't have the X-Division Title with him. Mandrews rides a skateboard to the ring while wearing his hat backwards. So he's a 90s kind of guy. Tigre quickly takes him down to start but they go to a standoff with Mandrews having to explain a fist bump to Uno. Mandrews takes him down and surfs on the champ's back, followed by a standing moonsault for no cover. Josh talks about how someone in the X-Division basically has no chance to ever be World Champion aside from Option C. Thanks for making it clear that the match I'm watching has almost no chance of mattering.

Tigre kicks him to the floor and scores with a baseball slide as Josh breaks down the math on Group Champions while getting in the phrase “playing spoiler” as many times as he can. Back in and Mandrews knocks him to the floor for a flip dive of his own but instead of following up he takes a lap around the ring high fiving fans. Back in Mandrews misses a shooting star and gets German suplexed into the corner. A quick corkscrew splash out of the corner (similar to Starship Pain) gives Tigre the pin at 6:42.

Group X-Division
Tigre Uno – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
DJZ – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Manik – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Mandrews – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Austin Aries says Thea's smile is all the extra motivation he needs.

Pope says you don't want a countout because you want a win. So do countout wins not get you three points? That's never been made clear.

Here's the main event from Bound For Glory 2015.

TNA World Title: Matt Hardy vs. Ethan Carter III vs. Drew Galloway

Carter is defending and Jeff Hardy, Carter's former employee, is guest referee. As usual, JB says Drew is standing when he's kneeling. Tyrus tries to cheat thirty seconds in and gets ejected. Matt and Drew take turns punching Ethan in the corner and a clothesline puts the champ on the floor. Drew goes after Matt with some forearms to the back and a big headbutt as Ethan comes back in.

Carter knocks Matt out to the floor and stops to yell at Jeff for no apparent reason. A cravate slows Drew down but they trade cross bodies to drop both guys. Everyone gets back in but Matt and Ethan are quickly on the floor, allowing Drew to hit a big flip dive and take Hardy out. It's table time but Drew picks Ethan up and hits a White Noise onto the steps for a big thud. Matt makes the save and puts Drew on top of Ethan (there's no count for no apparent reason) for a double stack moonsault.

Ethan runs Jeff over by mistake and walks into the Side Effect but there's no one to count. Carter is up first and puts Drew on the table at ringside, only to suplex Matt from the apron through Galloway in a big crash. Back in and a TKO gets two on Matt but Drew comes back in and tries to pull Matt off the top. Hardy headbutts him into the Tree of Woe but Ethan comes of to make it a superplex, only to have Drew do a sit up to add a German superplex in an impressive spot.

Matt and Drew slug it out so Ethan gives them both the 1%er at the same time for two each. The fans aren't even reacting to these near falls and Jeff has barely been a factor so far. Ethan realizes that Jeff needs to get involved so he shoves the referee and demands a DQ. It's No DQ though so Ethan grabs a chair, only to have Jeff take it away. Ethan slaps him again so Jeff lays Carter out with a Twisting Stunner. Drew adds a running boot and Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Drew for the pin and the title at 20:01.

The Hardy Family celebrates while Ethan goes to the back to yell at Dixie.

Now, that last half hour? None of it matters because the title was vacated less than two days later so forget all this.

Ethan says he's winning the title back for himself and he's going to be lethal against Lashley tonight. It's not over until he wins.

The announcers talk about Group Wild Card.

We get a thirty second clip of Jesse Godderz making Crimson tap out to the Adonis Lock. Yeah they're so strapped for material that they're airing old matches, but to be fair, it's probably better than watching the whole thing.

Group Future Four
Jesse Godderz – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Micah – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Eli Drake – 0 points (3 matches remaining)
Crimson – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Jesse gives us a top five list of reasons why he's going to win the World Title Series with #1 being “look at me.”

Clips of Micah vs. Eli Drake going to a double countout for 1 point apiece.

Group Future Four
Jesse Godderz – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Micah – 1 point (2 matches remaining)
Eli Drake – 1 point (2 matches remaining)
Crimson – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

The hosts do their swipe right/swipe left game for a few names.

Group X-Division: Manik vs. DJZ

The announcers cover the mask being back by saying Manik wants better peripheral vision. Manik works on the arm to start but gets armdragged down a few times. A nice dropkick knocks Manik down again but the announcers would rather talk about Shane Helms (the greatest cruiserweight of all time according to Josh and Pope).

Manik cranks back on the arm again and stomps away before rolling some suplexes. Josh calls Pope referring to a suplex as a souffle the stupidest thing he's ever heard in wrestling. I'd actually think that was calling your fans a bunch of internet nerds but what do I know. A quick backbreaker gets two for DJZ but he dives into two boots to the ribs. Manik misses a frog splash but comes right back with something like a GTS but with a kick instead of knee for the pin at 6:49.

Group X-Division
Tigre Uno – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
Manik – 3 points (2 matches remaining)
DJZ – 0 points (2 matches remaining)
Mandrews – 0 points (2 matches remaining)

Clip of Carter vs. Lashley from over the summer.

Group Champions: Lashley vs. Ethan Carter III

Carter hides in the corner and then on the floor for the first two minutes. Lashley finally gets his hands on him and scores with some running shoulders to the ribs. A clothesline puts Carter on the floor and we take a break. Back with Lashley following Carter to the floor, only to get clubbed in the back and sent into the steps.

Carter dives into a spinebuster on the floor but Tyrus posts Lashley to keep his boss in it. They get back inside but Carter sends Lashley right back to the floor for a slam from Tyrus. We're under five minutes to go as Carter puts on a camel clutch. That goes nowhere and they're both down again. An eye rake gets Carter out of a torture rack so Lashley powerslams him down and grabs a rear naked choke. Tyrus helps out again for the save and it's a Stinger Splash from Carter.

We've got two minutes to go as Lashley scores with a powerbomb, followed by the spear. Tyrus pulls Lashley to the floor though, giving Ethan time to kick out. This time Tyrus just gets in the ring but gets speared down, allowing Carter to grab a chair (just like he did over the summer). Lashley blocks it but gets kicked low, setting up the 1%er for the pin on Lashley at 15:40.

Group Champions
Austin Aries – 4 points (1 match remaining)
Ethan Carter III – 4 point (1 match remaining)
Lashley – 3 points (1 match remaining)
Mr. Anderson – 0 points (1 match remaining)

Austin Aries b. Mr. Anderson – Super brainbuster
Tigre Uno b. Mandrews – Corkscrew splash
Manik b. DJZ – Kick to the head
Ethan Carter III b. Lashley – 1%er

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