Week of 1/24/11 - 1/30/11 (Friday - Sunday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Impact got a 1.3 and one of their highest audiences ever. That’s a good sign going into next week.

Date: January 28, 2011
Location: US Bank Arena, Cincinnati, Ohio
Commentators: Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, Matt Striker

It’s the final show before we hit the Rumble so I think I know what we’re going to be talking about. Tonight’s main event is Rated RKO facing Miz/Ziggler. Also I’d bet one a lot more from the Corre as on Monday the main focus was on Nexus so therefore the same thing needs to be done here. Ok so it’s not that bad but it does happen a good bit. Anyway, let’s get to it.

Oh and before I forget, I won’t be here next week for NXT or Smackdown. I’ll be back the following week for at least Smackdown and maybe NXT but I’m not sure. Have fun without me.

The opening is about Corre and their interaction with Teddy. A lot of this is about how Corre might have been the guys that did it. There’s a clock theme to it which doesn’t seem accurate by comparison to what I remember from last week, as in the timing is off from when it actually happened. We also see Gabriel beating Edge.

No theme song again. Instead we get to hear Vickie’s voice to open the show properly. Teddy can’t be here tonight so she’s in charge. She gets cut off by Orton’s music and the pop is still solid. I love these times where people go back and forth from show to show. Vickie cuts the music off with an EXCUSE ME. I guess she didn’t like what the voices had to say.

Randy says he doesn’t know Vickie very well, “so you’ll have to excuse me”, for what he’s going to do to her boyfriend later tonight. That was clever. Miz will have to excuse Orton for taking the WWE Championship from him as well. He puts his arm around Vickie and says by the way, nice hair. This is oddly funny for some reason. There is no excuse for Vickie though. Orton’s delivery here was some of his best in awhile and I was liking it.

Here comes Dolph to stand up for Vickie. Well at least he’s not standing up for WWE. Dolph demands respect for himself and Vickie because after Sunday he’ll be World Champion. Orton says around here you have to earn it, and there’s an RKO for Dolph. This is going to sound odd, but I think the blue on Smackdown agrees with Randy. His skin is so orange that the red on Raw makes him look weird. As odd as it sounds I’m being serious when I say that.

Laycool vs. Kaitlyn/Kelly Kelly

Striker sings Laycool’s song which is rather disturbing. The non-Flawless ones jump Laycool during their entrance and the beating is on in the aisle. Is this Kaitlyn’s non-NXT debut? She starts with Michelle and is clearly green. Layla distracts Kaitlyn though and Michelle kicks Kaitlyn’s head off to end this at 43 seconds. AWESOME kick and if that hadn’t ended it there was no way I would have believed it. The replay makes it look even better as that kick was spot on.

Drew McIntyre vs. JTG

Kelly hangs out at ringside for this one. Cole wants to know how she can criticize Drew for being aggressive when she jumped Laycool pre-match. That’s a totally fair question but we get no answer of course. That face pop for Drew is still slowly growing but it’s growing nonetheless. They start off kind of staring at each other until JTG goes after him, sending him to the floor.

Drew suddenly realizes he’s fighting a jobber and starts mauling him. Back into the ring and it’s all Drew who hits three neckbreakers in a row for two. Since that didn’t work he switches to hammering away in the corner with clotheslines. Drew even channels his inner John Cena and throws a decent dropkick for one. JTG gets some jobber offense in until Drew runs him over.

After some more pounding we hit the ground for more pounding. He adds in that modified crossface chickenwing that Sheamus has also been using recently. Must be a UK thing. Another neckbreaker attempt is countered into a backslide for two. JTG gets a bit of momentum going and tries another backslide. Drew casually rolls through it and grabs the Futureshock to end it at 4:35. That was a nice counter to end it.

Drew plays nice this week and leaves just as Kelly gets in the ring, apparently not seeing her or looking up as he leaves since the big screen shows her in the ring. She looks at him and seems uncertain.

We recap Cody vs. Rey last week where Cody got his nose broken. The point of this is that Cody exposed the knee brace that hit him in the face and caused his injury.

In the back Cody is interviewed and won’t turn to face the camera. Cody has it on good authority that Rey didn’t even want to win that match. He has a broken nose and will need extensive reconstructive surgery and is out of the Rumble. Cody says that it’s what you do that defines you and he’s going to keep swinging. He sounds like he’s almost crying. A kid told him he wasn’t dashing anymore, and the kid is right. He can’t talk anymore. This gave me flashes of the Elephant Man, which will make perfect sense if you’ve seen the movie.

Some overly happy interviewer talks to Edge. Edge says he doesn’t want to talk about the tag match but rather Corre. He even remembers all of their names, including DJ Gabriel. I never thought I’d hear that name again. The only thing he’s going to say about the tag match is he’s going to spear Ziggler.

Del Rio says hi to Tarver who is suddenly one of the more interesting mysteries. Why is he always standing around?

Here’s Alberto who has promised a Rumble exhibition. Even though he has very little chance to win the Rumble, they’re making me kind of believe it’s possible, which means they’re doing the right thing. Apparently he has 39 fighters from all over the world ready for an exhibition. Every 30 seconds another will come out, meaning this should take about 20 minutes.

The first guy is Seth Allen who according to Striker is a former Western States Heritage Champion. This is like a challenge mode on SvR or something. And he’s gone. Next up is Mike Stevens, a former Brass Knuckles Champion. They’re speeding up the clock here. He can’t get him out in thirty seconds so here’s Kane as a penalty. Alberto gets the corner enziguri but charges into a chokeslam position.

Kofi comes out as I guess the clock thing is still going on. Why did Kofi bring the belt with him? Either way he dumps both guys out and stands tall. The villains surround Kofi so Rey comes down to even the odds. You know, because it’s not like he would want a guy the caliber of the Intercontinental Champion to get beaten down two days before the Rumble or anything like that right? You know come to think of it, scratch that. As annoying as Rey can be, it’s nice to see a pure face once in awhile instead of someone that is a face when it suits them. Anyway, Vickie comes out to make the obvious tag match.

Kofi Kingston/Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio/Kane

Well you knew there would be a tag match somewhere since it’s Smackdown. Back from a break and there’s the bell. Kane and Kofi start us off which could be an interesting midcard feud. The power takes over and it’s off to Alberto. Off to Rey now as Kofi has taken over. Nice double teaming allows Kofi to get in a jumping elbow before he leaves. Rey looks different for some reason.

We start talking about Cody and Striker has sympathy for him. Josh of course is the voice of reason. Oh joy: it’s Rey vs. Kane. 619 is teased but Kane hits the floor instead. Back off to Kofi as Alberto gets in Kane’s face. The good guys get a baseball slide to send Alberto into Kane and then a dive and seated senton put Alberto and Kane down respectively.

Kofi sets for the cross body back in the ring but Alberto shoves him off. They double team Kofi even though I’m pretty sure Striker said Rey was the legal man. Kane drops a leg for two. Kofi tries to fight him off but runs into a side slam to take him down. Alberto is back in and they work on the back for awhile. Kane back in as the heels are tagging very fast.

Kane catches the foot of Kofi who has to now hop over to his corner. In something that felt anti-climactic in a weird way, Kingston is able to get the tag and here comes Rey with a seated senton off the top to Kane. That only gets two though so we reset a bit. Rey tries a springboard move but Kane kicks him in the face and to the floor. He also kicked us into a break.

Back with Alberto hitting a back elbow to Rey for two. Now we hit the chinlock and Rey is in trouble. Sunset flip by Del Rio is countered into that kick that Rey has been using recently to put both guys down. Del Rio doesn’t tag but beats on Rey come more. Kane back in as they’re tagging so often I don’t even notice it anymore. Granted that could mean I’m getting sucked into the match which is possible as this has been good.

Kane gets Rey up in a powerslam position but Rey is able to spin out into a DDT to send both guys down again. Tag on both sides and Kofi comes in with the springboard cross body. Del Rio gets a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two out of nowhere. He goes to tag but there’s no Kane due to a kick from Kofi a second earlier. Top rope cross body gets two as Kane saves.

Del Rio gets in Kane’s face, yelling at him in Spanish. The amusing thing is that Kane, being born in Spain, might have a better grasp of the language than Del Rio. Alberto shoves Kane, who responds in my favorite way: KICKING HIM IN THE FACE! Sorry that has to be caps. There’s something so awesome to me about kicking a guy in the face to end an argument. That could solve so many real world problems. Anyway the 619 sets up the Trouble in Paradise to end this long match at 12:23 shown of 15:53.

We get a clip from Raw of Edge vs. Miz which set up the tag match later.

Big Show comes out and seems to be in a good mood. He talks about how when you’re 7’0, 440lbs and a former WWE Champion, sometimes people want to use you to make a statement. Naturally he’s talking about the Corre and we get a clip of them beating him down. That did two things: made him angry and reminded him of what it’s going to be like in the Rumble. As he talks about never having won a Rumble, here they come.

The shirts aren’t working for me as they look like they’re in beauty pageants. Show asks if this is how it’s going to be, always 4-1. He challenges any of them one on one but seems to want Jackson the most. Slater comes in from behind and we have a bell and a referee!

Heath Slater vs. Big Show

Cole: “This shows you how much heart this kid Slater had.” Josh: “Or that he’s an idiot.” I love listening to those two. Slater goes for the knee but Show chops him down from his knee. Striker points out that all four members of Corre are from different continents. There’s a Captain Planet joke in there somewhere. Chokeslam ends it in about 1:15. Nothing to see here.

Show goes after the other members but Jackson takes him down with a single clothesline. The beatdown is on but the Smackdown locker room (read as JTG, Masters, Santino, Kozlov and Bryan. In other words, a jobber, a jobber to the stars, the tag champions that are more commonly associated with Raw, and a Raw champion.) comes out to clear the ring.

All About the Numbers and a rundown of the card eat up five minutes.

Rated RKO vs. The Miz/Dolph Ziggler

Miz is out first and wants to talk about…The Truman Doctrine? Yeah, he talks about a foreign policy doctrine from the late 40s. What does this have to do with anything? Nothing according to Miz. It doesn’t matter at all. It also doesn’t matter what Randy Orton does; the Miz is leaving the Rumble with the WWE Championship. Another decent Miz promo.

Orton vs. Ziggler to start us off. Basic back and forth until Orton takes over with a clothesline. He pauses to chase Miz though and Ziggler gets the advantage. Off to Edge who puts his head down and takes an X-Factor for two. Over to Miz who gets an assist from Riley to take over. Randy gets in a quick shot though and gets into RKO position! He stares down Miz…and we take a break?

Apparently there were technical difficulties and that wasn’t a scheduled break. That explains a lot. Either way, Ziggler pulled Randy out before it could hit. Back with Miz holding a chinlock on Orton. Randy tries to fight back but Miz gets a nice combination (has Orton in a reverse DDT position and drops his back down like a reverse Facecrusher before hitting a neckbreaker. Kind of like a modified Reality Check).

Corner clothesline is attempted but Orton lands one of his own. Off to Edge and Ziggler as we’re getting close to the ending it seems. Edge sets for the spear on Ziggler but Riley interferes so he has to settle for the Edge-O-Matic for two. Zig Zag is blocked and there’s the spear for the clean pin at 7:50 shown of 11:20.

Post match Vickie bans the spear and says that if he uses it on Sunday, Ziggler is champion. This earns Dolph three straight spears to end the show.

Laycool b. Kaitlyn/Kelly Kelly – Big Boot to Kaitlyn
Drew McIntyre b. JTG – Futureshock
Kofi Kingston/Rey Mysterio b. Alberto Del Rio/Kane – Trouble in Paradise to Del Rio
Big Show b. Heath Slater – Chokeslam
Rated RKO b. Dolph Ziggler/The Miz – Spear to Ziggler


Allegedly Booker T, Kevin Nash and Steve Austin will be in the Rumble. I’m not saying it’ll happen but I’ll believe it when I see them in the Rumble.


Royal Rumble 2011
Date: January 30, 2011
Location: TD Bank Garden Arena, Boston, Massachusetts
Commentators: Michael Cole, Matt Striker, Jerry Lawler

Well we’ve finally, and I do mean FINALLY arrived. This is the first 40 man Rumble and while I’m still not behind the idea it could be good I guess. There are only 4 matches tonight: the Rumble, a Divas match and the two world titles. It should be fun as WWE has been on a straight up roll recently. Let’s get to it.

Smackdown World Title: Dolph Ziggler vs. Edge

Well you can’t say they’re going easy to start. And Edge’s pyro doesn’t go off. Remember that the Spear is banned here and if Edge uses it then Ziggler loses the world title. Vickie comes out to do the intro and tries to start a Spear chant which is kind of funny. We get big match intros too which is always nice. Lawler: “Ziggler is just like Santa Claus. Everywhere he goes he takes that old bag with him.”

Damn Edge goes from winning the match to starting the show the next year. Quite a drop…yet he has a title here. I love logic or whatever you call it in wrestling. Striker is doing a great job of tossing softballs up for King to get good lines off of. Lawler has always been a guy that needs someone to set him up but once he gets a start he’s fine.

Edge controls a lot early on with some basic stuff. We hit the floor and it’s all Edge. Ziggler gets a kick to the side of Edge’s head as they come back in to get his first advantage. Off to a chinlock now as the LET’S GO EDGE chant gets going. Sunset flip is blocked for two. More chinlock and this time a longer version of it. Big elbow drop gets two.

Dolph gets a running charge to send Edge out to the floor and into the barricade. Back in that gets two. Hey look it’s a chinnlock! Edge fights up and a double cross body puts both guys down. Stinger Splash in the corner misses by Zigs. Ziggler gets that Downward Spiral into a Stunner for two. Edge counters the Fameasser into a sitout powerbomb for two.

Uncharacteristically for Edge he goes up top but Ziggler beats him to the punch. Cross body off the top is rolled through for a VERY close two by Ziggler. Dropkick gets two on Edge. Zig Zag is blocked and Edge busts out the Edgecator (modified Sharpshooter) for two. Edge misses a charge at the ropes and the Fameasser hits for two.

Big Boot puts Ziggler down and Edge sets for the Spear in the corner. Vickie like an idiot, yells at him to not do it. Ziggler wants the sleeper but gets caught in the Edgecution but Vickie grabs the referee. She and Edge get into it and Kelly of all people comes out to beat on Vickie. As Edge is watching the catfight a Zig Zag gets two and that more or less seals the ending here.

Dolph gets the sleeper and Edge is fading fast. Oh of course he fights it off. He manages to get a big jawbreaker out of it instead and down goes the referee. Vickie is down as well so there’s the Spear. Edge pulls an Eddie and lays down too. Cole: SOMEONE HAD TO SEE THAT! He’s totally right you know. Edge uses an Unprettier of all things to end it.

Mania is 63 days away! Naturally we have the Chamber in there which is going to take away a lot of that time.

We recap Miz vs. Orton which goes back to Miz cashing in. That’s still sweet and was perfectly done. DEMON CHILD!!! Also Miz beat the hell out of Orton on Raw.

Miz and Riley say Miz will win and insult Boston.

Raw World Title: Randy Orton vs. The Miz

Cole talks throughout the WHOLE entrance and then in the ring he says that this is a big match for Miz. Thanks for clearing up that defending the world title on PPV against one of the biggest stars of all time is a big match. Miz chant to start as it’s all Orton early on. Back in the ring as Orton stomps away and Lawler and Cole get into it as always. I’m still thinking that results in a Mania match which it should. Lawler deserves a match at Mania.

Orton beats him down in the corner and Cole says this is unfair to him. Nice flashback to Heenan in 92. Riley interferes and here comes the Champion. Orton fights back but misses a charge in the corner to give Miz the advantage back. The Miz is a Triple crown winner. Let that sink in for a bit. Ok he kind of is at least. Corner clothesline gets two. More beatdowns and a knee to the ribs get two.

Orton is able to get back in there with a kick and up the ropes we go. Superplex gets two as Cole talks about Riley. Elevated DDT is countered by a backdrop and we hit the floor again. Back in Miz gets two. Miz goes up and a double axe gets two. He throws on a chinlock as it’s all champion here. Back to the floor one more time and Orton eats the post.

He beats the count at 9 and the beating is on again but this time with Orton in control with the Thesz Press. Powerslam sets up the stomping. Orton sets for the powerbomb but Riley distracts him. Miz gets that backbreaker/neckbreaker combo he’s been using lately for two. Angle Slam hits so Miz wants to get the title and leave. Instead Orton kills him with a clothesline.

Since we’re looking at a split screen replay we miss what Miz hits to get two out of nowhere on Orton. Miz misses a kick and Orton grabs a rollup for two. Elevated (called Suspension by Striker which works also) gets two. He sets for the RKO and HERE THEY COME! It’s the New Nexus minus Punk who stare down Orton. As the referee is distracted Riley gets in and in an AWESOME spot, Orton picks up Riley and LAUNCHES him over the referee and onto Nexus. Riley was AIRBORNE! There’s the RKO but Punk runs in with a GTS and Miz retains! Cole jumps up and down like a little girl in celebration.

Cody Rhodes gives a prepared statement while we can’t see his face which is always funny.

Divas Title: Natalya vs. Laycool

Just before the match starts we get an E-Mail, making it a fatal fourway and he adds….Eve? Uh…ok. Oh and the GM makes fun of Cole and all the people that bitch about him. No tagging here of course. There isn’t much to say here as it’s an insane spot fest for the most part. Natalya gets the double Sharpshooter on Eve and Layla which is a great visual. Layla gets the neckbreaker on Natalya. There isn’t much to say here like AT ALL. Michelle kicks Layla, Eve wins the title with a moonsault. Natalya might have pinned Michelle at the same time.

Bellas/Gail/Bryan segment. It’s stupid as hell and the same thing from Monday but with the Bellas pretending to be nice with flowers.

Rumble By the Numbers.

Royal Rumble

Punk is #1 to the shock of no one, and to no one else’s shock, Corre has a member in at #2 but they all surround the ring. Punk gets beaten down by everyone until Nexus comes down for the save. Cole gets an E-Mail which says STOP IT! Everyone but Punk has to leave and only Punk is in at the moment. LOUD Punk chant and #2 is Bryan. The IWC just orgasmed loudly.

Bryan speeds things up and takes Punk down with some nice shots. It’s dueling chant time as Bryan hits the top rope dropkick. In at 3 is Gabriel. Gabriel beats Punk up with ease but misses the 450 and Bryan tosses Justin easily. The timing is absurd already as you expected it to. Number 4 is Zach Ryder. He gets both guys down in the corner and manages to get a Rough Ryder on Punk. Bryan throws him out with ease as I hope we’re not going the 95 route.

Regal is in at #5 and he cleans house which isn’t very dirty at this point. Lots of suplexes all around. Regal and Bryan slug it out with European uppercuts which surprisingly Bryan wins despite not being, you know, European. Bryan kicks both guys with ease and we get #6 in the form of Ted DiBiase. Backbreaker for Bryan and dropkicks to him and Regal. Down goes Punk to the following clothesline.

Bryan vs. Regal and DiBiase vs. Punk for awhile which gets us nowhere. Seventh is Morrison to a BIG pop. Springboard kick puts Regal down and Morrison cleans house, including with his eternal rival in Punk. C4 to Bryan. I had Morrison as a dark horse but methinks that’s out the window. He gets thrown by DiBiase but lands on the apron. Morrison gets launched to the railing and GRABS THE WALL like freaking Spiderman, climbs up to the apron, tightrope walks it to the steps and gets back in. Ladies and gentlemen, that is not going to be topped tonight.

Tatsu is #8 and he does nothing at all. Ninth is Husky Harris. Regal went out somewhere in there that I missed when I was dying from Morrison’s wall grab. Harris immediately gets in front of Punk for defense so Morrison and Bryan try to kill him. He’s 23 and the youngest person in this Rumble. That’s rather impressive. We get to ¼ of the way through this with Chavo.

Seven people in there now as Gabriel, Ryder and Regal have been eliminated so far. Three Amigos to DiBiase but Punk cuts him off. And never mind as he takes three of his own. Punk’s get broken up so it’s suplex time to Morrison. Here are some for Bryan as well. He must have done ten suplexes in like 30 seconds. This is kind of cool actually. FINALLY he gets the third in a row.

Number 11 is Mark Henry to clear out some dead weight. There go Chavo and Tatsu. Punk beats Henry down a bit as it’s time for JTG to be #12. This portion of the Rumble brought to you by not Michael Hayes. JTG, Henry, Punk, Harris, DiBiase, Morrison and Bryan in there at the moment. Hey I’ve actually got this up to date! Number 13 is Michael McGillicutty to give Punk some backup.

Punk tells him to HURT EVERYBODY. There goes JTG as we’re getting a bit cluttered here. Granted a lot of that is Henry and the midcard is well represented. Harris and McGillicutty put out DiBiase to make room for Masters at 14. Masterlock to Punk but he can’t get him out as McGillicutty makes the save. Bryan hammers on Masters as #15 is Otunga. That makes four members counting Punk in there at the moment.

Bryan is out almost immediately and Masters joins him soon. Nexus cleans house and gets Morrison out too. Over to Henry now and yep he’s gone too. Just Nexus left in the ring now. Tyler Reks is the sacrificial lamb at #16. How long can he be unknown for? There he goes of course. So are we just waiting on Cena now? I think that’s pretty clear. In at 17 is Kozlov who has history here.

Why not just wait on the floor and wait for like five people to get together to at least have even odds? Vladimir is out with ease. Punk gets all meditational on us and it’s Truth in as the Rumble is now legal. Striker agrees with the whole wait it out. This is a great way to run through some of the weaker guys though. Punk gets the corner clothesline and bulldog. In between, he looks at the camera and raises the roof shouting WHAT’S UP in a sarcastic voice. Funny stuff.

Truth is gone. And here’s trouble in the form of the Great Khali. He chops them all down and gets rid of Harris to break up this blockade. GET BETH PHOENIX STAT! Naturally in next is Mason Ryan (20). India vs. Wales goes to the darker skinned ones until Ryan gets him out. BOOKER FUCKING T IS NUMBER 21!!!!! FUCK YOU MAIN EVENT MAFIA!!!!! Epic pop for him too and Booker looks awesome.

Kicks all around and a Book End to McGillicutty. SPINAROONI! SPINAROONI! OH MY GOODNESS A SPINAROONI! Punk charges but Ryan makes the save. Booker is out but that was insanely awesome. My screen froze on Booker’s eyes bugging out. You knew it was coming. John Cena is in next and the fight is on. He takes everyone down with basic moves and there goes Ryan to a low bridge. Otunga and McGillicutty to a double clothesline and it’s down to Cena and Punk!

Cena charges into a corner elbow but Punk can’t get GTS. Double clothesline puts both men down ala Hogan and Warrior in 1990. Number 23 is…..it’s Hornswoggle. The look on Punk’s face is hilarious. More or less it says “no…..fucking….way.” Punk gets up and drills Horny but goes after Cena instead. FU TO PUNK AND HE’S OUT! Cena is left with Horny as #24 is Tyson Kidd. Headscissors to Kidd by Horny sets up an FU and there he goes. Ok no he doesn’t yet as Horny wants to do it. Horny gives him an FU and there goes Kidd.

Twenty fifth is Slater who takes a low blow from Horny and a super Stunner which actually looked pretty cool. Double You Can’t See Me. Tadpole Splash and there goes Slater. It’s Kofi Kingston at 26 and this could be awesome. Cool moment as they stare down and look at the Mania sign. I totally buy Kofi as a threat to Cena here which is a very good sign. Kofi beats on him a bit but it’s really a standoff. Swagger is 27th and takes down the weakened guys.

Vader Bomb to Cena and one for Kofi as well. And now….dude go for the damn midget already. Swagger goes after Horny but Kofi kills Jack with a cross body. Double Boom Drop as Horny is a bridge for Kofi to jump off of. 28 is SHEAMUS. Oh hell yes. This guy is a, and I will never ever say this again, a dark horse to win this. Sheamus cleans house and goes after Horny. Cena saves him AGAIN and it’s another Tadpole Splash coming. Never mind actually as Sheamus KICKS HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD to eliminate him.

Rey is #29. We have Kofi, Cena, Swagger, Sheamus and Rey in there at the moment. Trouble in Paradise to Sheamus but Swagger takes him down. Rey was on the corner and Swagger tries the running belly to belly. Rey ducks and knocks him to the apron and a 619 takes him out. Barrett is 30 as this is FLYING by. Wasteland to Kofi is blocked by a kick to the knee by Rey.

Cena vs. Barrett goes to Wade in the form of a Boss Man Slam. That could so be a finisher for someone. Maybe Ryan? The first #31 in history is Dolph Ziggler??? Oh shit man, that could be a shock. He hammers away on Sheamus as Barrett is in trouble. Dolph, Sheamus, Barrett, Kofi, Cena and Rey at the moment. Cena is in trouble and the crowd reacts BIG.

32 is DIESEL???? OH SHIT! The crowd pops HUGE. I can’t get used to hearing him called Diesel. Drew is 33rd. Nash looks kind of awesome in there. Drew and Sheamus hammer down Diesel who is all of a sudden getting a HUGE chant! Dude sign this guy up! 619 to Diesel which I can’t believe I just typed.

34th is….the Miz??? Oh wait it’s Riley. He slides in and Cena just drills him. Striker got cut off mid sentence in a laugh. Barrett puts Diesel out. ANOTHER big Diesel chant as he leaves. Miz sits in on commentary for a bit. Big Show is number 35 and it’s time to clear out some guys. Show and Diesel look at each other. Oh damn there’s some history there. The Celts jump Show as he comes in which doesn’t go well for the UK guys.

Miz sounds like he has a cold. There goes Ziggler at the hands of Show. I want to know who #40 is. 36 is Big Zeke. Uh oh. Show puts Drew out. Zeke puts Show down and OUT on his own! There are four entrants left. Who isn’t out here yet? Rey, Zeke, Cena, Kofi, Barrett and Sheamus at the moment. Santino is 37th and gets a solid pop. He goes right at Sheamus of all people. And now he goes for Zeke who growls at him.

Santino gets knocked to the floor under the bottom rope. Alberto is 38 and I completely forgot about him. Ricardo does the intro! No one else has gotten an intro but no one else is Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio takes his sweet time and isn’t in before Orton is 39th. ONE MORE TO GO! RKO to everyone and there goes Kofi. Sheamus is out too as is Drew. And then, it’s Cena vs. Orton. The crowd just went SILENT and in the awesome way I mean.

They stare it down with the Mania sign between them and there’s the clock. And it’s Kane. Uh, kind of anti-climactic but ok. So it’s Kane, Cena, Orton, Santino, Rey, Del Rio and I think that’s it. I likely left someone out though. Oh and Zeke and Barrett. Zeke beats up Kane with relative ease after Kane cleans some house. There goes Zeke. Ok now we’re down to Barrett, Kane, Cena, Orton, Rey and Del Rio. Kane is put out by Rey! Barrett puts out Rey! I LOVE YOU BARRETT!!!

Final four are Barrett, Orton, Cena and Del Rio. Cena and Del Rio are in trouble but both hang on. Randy and John (sounds weird calling it that) stare it down again to another hush. There they go with the punches. Both finishers miss as FU is broken up by Barrett for no apparent reason. Maybe he’s the new Corre member? Del Rio vs. Cena and Barrett vs. Orton at this point.

FU to Del Rio but here comes Riley again for no adequately explained reason. MIZ ELIMINATES CENA!!! LET THE INTERNET ERUPT!!! Damn it not Orton again. Is Santino still in? Orton busts out a bunch of his basic stuff and there goes Barrett! DEL RIO PUTS OUT ORTON TO FUCKING WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE!!! Wait Santino is back! COBRA!!! THEY WOULDN’T!!!!! Oh thank goodness Del Rio threw him out to officially end it.

Edge b. Dolph Ziggler – Killswitch
Miz b. Randy Orton – Pin after a GTS from CM Punk
Eve Torres b. Layla, Michelle McCool and Natalya – Moonsault to Layla
Alberto Del Rio won the 2011 Royal Rumble

Quick Results

Edge b. Drew McIntyre/Jack Swagger/Tyson Kidd – Edge last eliminated McIntyre to win
Alberto Del Rio/Sheamus b. John Morrison/Mark Henry – Cross Armbreaker to Henry
Natalya b. Melina – Sharpshooter
Maryse/Ted DiBiase/Alicia Fox b. Daniel Bryan/Bella Twins – Rollup to Nikki Bella
Michael McGillicutty/Husky Harris b. Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov – Downward Spiral to Marella
Wade Barrett vs. CM Punk went to a Double DQ when they both used too much profanity

Outthink the Fink Ended in a Four Way Tie
Ted DiBiase b. Daniel Bryan – Dream Street
Brodus Clay b. Johnny Curtis, Derrick Bateman and Byron Saxton – Tongan Death Grip Slam to Curtis

Angelina Love/Velvet Sky/Mickie James b. Tara/Madison Rayne/Sarita – Angelina last eliminated Sarita to win
Max Buck b. Amazing Red and Chris Sabin – Elevated DDT to Red
Mr. Anderson b. Matt Hardy – Cradle
Immortal b. Kurt Angle/Crimson – Stroke to Angle

Laycool b. Kaitlyn/Kelly Kelly – Big Boot to Kaitlyn
Drew McIntyre b. JTG – Futureshock
Kofi Kingston/Rey Mysterio b. Alberto Del Rio/Kane – Trouble in Paradise to Del Rio
Big Show b. Heath Slater – Chokeslam
Rated RKO b. Dolph Ziggler/The Miz – Spear to Ziggler

Royal Rumble 2011
Edge b. Dolph Ziggler – Killswitch
Miz b. Randy Orton – Pin after a GTS from CM Punk
Eve Torres b. Layla, Michelle McCool and Natalya – Moonsault to Layla
Alberto Del Rio won the 2011 Royal Rumble

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