Was WWE 2008 A Underrated Year?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think 2008 is a really underrated year as it is now forgotten because people only see 2008 as the year of the "PG Era" it had many great moments like the legit shocking Cena return at the Rumble which no one expected (Check the LD it blew up when Cena came back) Other shocking moments like CM Punk winning the RAW world title and HHH going to Smackdown at the draft.

2008 had really good fueds like Shawn Micheals vs Chris Jericho (which was very good) and Undertaker vs Edge to name a few. There was also a lot of really good matches as well that deserved match of the year for that year as well. It had a good mix for everyone like the kids and the adults. They had blood and language, then there was stuff like Cena for the kids.This is one of the main reasons why we didnt have PG SUX threads everywhere at this time.

But what i want to ask you do you think WWE 2008 was a underrated year for the WWE or does it get what it deserves?
I think it was a fairly underrated year yes. It had a solid year on PPV for WWE, several good feuds as you said and some fun and entertaining segments like Edge & Vickie's wedding on SD! and Saninto's promo about Santa/John Chena
I actually think 2008 was not actually underrated but just what it is. It was great becuase 2007 was horrible.....(Taker getting injured, Khali turning Champion, Cena getting Injured, Michaels getting injured, Vince turning ECW champ). Hopwever compared to other years and the beginning of PG era, 2008 was bad............so all in all 2008 was just allright
ABSOLUTELY! I say this because both the television shows and PPV shows were all really good. The Rumble was amazing, 'Mania was incredible, and everything just felt so consistent.
i think someone said it best..its cause 2007 was sooo badd..i mean most of the main roster was gone.. hhh the first half of 2007, hbk,cena,mysterio,orton,taker..also the terrible fued with lashley and vinnie mac....of course the death of benoit..it just transferred onto 2008...then with the pg era..that kinda made that year..pretty forgettable...
2008 is the year i started watching wrestling, so i think it was a great year. Loads of good fueds, lots of epic matches and imo, the best build to a title run ive ever seen (jeff hardy if noones guessed). so yes i think 2008 was very underrated.
I think 2008 is a really underrated year as it is now forgotten because people only see 2008 as the year of the "PG Era" it had many great moments like the legit shocking Cena return at the Rumble which no one expected (Check the LD it blew up when Cena came back) Other shocking moments like CM Punk winning the RAW world title and HHH going to Smackdown at the draft.

2008 had really good fueds like Shawn Micheals vs Chris Jericho (which was very good) and Undertaker vs Edge to name a few. There was also a lot of really good matches as well that deserved match of the year for that year as well. It had a good mix for everyone like the kids and the adults. They had blood and language, then there was stuff like Cena for the kids.This is one of the main reasons why we didnt have PG SUX threads everywhere at this time.

But what i want to ask you do you think WWE 2008 was a underrated year for the WWE or does it get what it deserves?
You forgot the mention the TV debut of Ted Dibiase...Jr. I just wanted to pass that along.

But that's all the WWE had going for 2008. The epic feud between HBK & Y2J. And the championship scramble match concept was just a rip off of the now-defunct HARDCORE championship match from Wrestlemania 2000.
I think that you can say this about most years now. With instantaneous criticism from the IWC, one would think that any given moment is the worst moment in the history of pro wrestling. Face it, we knock everything we don't like, and we rarely give credit to the good things in WWE/TNA. A lot of times, it takes us a few years to really look at a year for what it was - both good and bad.
Yes it was. We had a very underated feud no one seems to mention where Jeff Hardy took a 25 foot high leap on to the randy orton. We had Jericho and Michaels fued. We had the Undertaker and Edge fued when the Undertaker sent Edge to Hell at summerslam to end the fued. Ted Dibiase Jr. debuted. CM Punk won his first world title. Bigshow returned. Yep I would have to say 2008 a underrated year for WWE.
Its not underrated in my eyes.That year I will always remember the moment that Jeff Hardy(might I mention not on some PPV but RAW) took that leap on Randy Orton.That moment is to me the biggest in-ring moment in last 3 or 4 years in wrestling.Offcourse that was before his sterroid affair that made him miss wrestlemania but still...
2008 is what brought me back to wrestling. it is very underrated because my fav two moments were hardys swanton of death and randy winning at wrestlemania. if you ask me i was more surprised of randy winning at wm 24 than cena returning at royal rumble. anyways yes it was an underrated year but it was better than 09 IMO
God Yes!! Just like makstream said, 2008 was the year I started watching wwe, and I absolutely loved it!!! Tuning into SD every week, to see what happens. And I started watching it on the road to wrestlemania, which made it doubly awesome, because, they had limited ads and more ring time. Good storylines, good divas matches. Epic drafts, MORE CLEAN WINS, Amazing ppv matches. All in all an golden year, way better than the crap I am watching now...
I'd say that 2008 was an underrated year but mainly because it was one of those things where you don't know how good it is until it's gone. Many great things happened in 2008 in the WWE. The underrated Hardy/Orton feud, Cena's return at the Rumble, Wrestlemania 24, CM Punk giving Edge a taste of his own medicine with the MITB cash-in, the Jericho/Michaels feud, the Edge/Taker feud....

People look at the bad more often than the good, hence why these things aren't talked about as much anymore and why 2008 isn't viewed as the great year in WWE that it was. People like to complain about the PG rating or Adamle as GM.... but neither were anywhere near as bad as the guest hosts or most of the stupid booking that occurred a year later. 2008 is extremely underrated in my opinion because it was the best year in wrestling since the attitude era, although not all fans seem to see it that way.

However this could just be a case of nostalgic inflation, where people remember things as being slightly better in their memories than they actually were in real life.
It was definitely an underated year, I enjoyed it... ALOT, Michaels-Jericho, WM was good. Punk was good, DiBiase's TV debut, Jeff Hardy's swanton from 30 feet, heck, even Charlie haas' gimmick. 2008 was an extremely underrated year

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