Wade Barrett - Who Puts Him Over?


HBK for life
As we all know, wade barrett is most likely going to win his first world title this year in 2012, and my question for you is...

Who do you think will put over Wade Barrett?

I think that it will be either randy orton or sheamus. I see it being sheamus from a view that he will most likely be champion at the time, and randy orton would be from more of a storyline view, which i hope doesnt happen
Sheamus, I see him winning at mania holding the title for a few months till maybe MITB pr whenever Barrett's fit to return off of a monster push. The Sheamus/Barrett thing has always had potential and theyve had some pretty good physical matches but I think this fued would really elevate Barrett whilst helping to make Sheamus first WHC reign interesting. I see him dropping the title to Wade, losing the rematch and then Barrett entering a championship fued with Orton.
I hate to be the one to break this to yeah, but I don't think Wade Barrett is going to be winning a world title, or at least in this year. His dislocated arm is going to keep him out of action for a long time and whenever he finds his way back to the ring, he is going to need to bring back some lost steam. Wade Barrett was a mid-card heel, at best. And seeing after John Cena couldn't get him over as World Championship material, it is going to take Wade Barrett a long time to be considered a main-event heel.
I hate to be the one to break this to yeah, but I don't think Wade Barrett is going to be winning a world title, or at least in this year. His dislocated arm is going to keep him out of action for a long time and whenever he finds his way back to the ring, he is going to need to bring back some lost steam. Wade Barrett was a mid-card heel, at best. And seeing after John Cena couldn't get him over as World Championship material, it is going to take Wade Barrett a long time to be considered a main-event heel.

You have to realize something. Barrett was still just a rookie at that time. Since then, Barrett has gone through the mid cad to upper mid card to main eventer. He has road the path and is ready. There is no doubt that Barrett will win a title and likely soon after he returns.

As for the question, I hate to go with the majority but It will likely be Randy Orton or Sheamus. Both make sense, Orton will renew the rivalry and Sheamus as an established champion will make for a great fued.

Ill throw in a wild card in a long shot and say a face Miz?I see him going over to SD in the draft and possibly having a face turn. Maybe Miz puts Wade over.
My 3 main picks, 2 of which seem obvious (yours)
Sheamus and RKO. Sheamus, they obviously had a Barret Sheamus feud building around RR and I could of seen it evolve past Mania, and Randy, obviously had a story going that could've used the title.

My 3rd pick, is Daniel Bryan
This could be a way to turn Barret face when he comes back from his arm injury, I know he's an amazing heel, but I see him playing a face for some reason. These 2 have history from the Nexus and I could totally see Bryan attacking Barret out of nowhere as repercussions for when they "kicked" him out of the Nexus way back when. I love when they give a nod to previous relations like this (it actually makes me a little sad there's no Nexus interaction at all anymore)

Randy would be the biggest payoff most likely, since Randy is the biggest of those stars,
Sheamus is kind of blah, they have that international feud going between them, but I don't think this would be that interesting of a feud for some reason.
My main hope would be for he to come streight back as soon as possible and cut a promo showing his intentions of taking the championship from Seamus "but I have some personal buisness to take care of first" calls out The Big Show yells at him for being to big clumsy and his plain lack of abillity in the ring caused him to miss 'Mania. This sets up a brief feud to bring Barrett back in he should confidently, convincingly and cleanly DESTROY the Big Show at a PPV, then on the smackdowns after that he should keep taking on goliaths like Jackson, Kahli and Mark Henry cleanly beating them all and after each match call out Seasmus, pick at him, wind him up with that Barett smarm, say that he is making the great white look like a tadpole and other crappy metaphores before whoever is GM has to take notice and then at the next big 4 event that is when he should win the title, this would then lead to a back and forth exchange between the two for a while that can only be good for both Seamus and Barett.
I hate to be the one to break this to yeah, but I don't think Wade Barrett is going to be winning a world title, or at least in this year. His dislocated arm is going to keep him out of action for a long time and whenever he finds his way back to the ring, he is going to need to bring back some lost steam. Wade Barrett was a mid-card heel, at best. And seeing after John Cena couldn't get him over as World Championship material, it is going to take Wade Barrett a long time to be considered a main-event heel.

I hate to say it because I like Barrett, but you're right. Barrett won't win the tile this year, his injury has seen to that, I can see him being a champ in 2013, I'd guess that Orton will be the one to eventually out him over as a champ. They're going to be a long term feud if ever I saw one, expect Barrett to be a perpetual thorn in ortons side.
I hate to be the one to break this to yeah, but I don't think Wade Barrett is going to be winning a world title, or at least in this year. His dislocated arm is going to keep him out of action for a long time and whenever he finds his way back to the ring, he is going to need to bring back some lost steam.

I would agree. For one thing, it's a serious injury and I remember watching him writhing on the floor after it happened, seemingly angry as well as hurt. At the time, I wondered how much this was going to cost him in terms of his new-found push, which really seemed to be going places.

Wade's character is as heel as heel can be. Someday, I presume he'll turn good because everyone eventually does, but for the foreseeable future, I can't even envision him as a face. He projects a nasty, dominating personality and an air of arrogance that makes you believe he really kicks puppies and shoves grandmothers out of his way.

This was his time. He had finally shed the Nexus and Corre stuff and was succeeding like crazy on his own. Then, the injury.

When Wade comes back, they're going to start from the beginning. He's going to have to work his way up to main event status. Then, whomever is champion at that time will engage in a series of matches with Wade. If the script calls for Wade to win the title, then whomever the good guy champ is at that point will lie down for Wade, no matter who it is. But it's definitely possible he'll get to the top of the card, yet never win the big one. The day of reckoning is now too far away to make predictions.
According to a story on PWInsider.com, word going around is that WWE officials are hoping Barrett will be back in action by July so that he'll be prominently featured for the SummerSlam ppv.

The initial plan, allegedly, was that Barrett would win the MITB match at WrestleMania XXVIII and then go onto challenge CM Punk for the WWE Championship. As of right now, there's talks of having an MITB match at SummerSlam in order for Barrett to win it and go on to feud with CM Punk for the WWE Championship heading into the fall months.

Of course, if this all turns out to be legit, it all depends upon whether or not Wade Barrett is able to make it back in time. If not, then these plans could be moved further back into later this year or the WWE might move on to someone else. I'm also confused as to what this scenario would mean for the MITB ppv. An MITB match at SummerSlam would indicate that there's not going to be an MITB ppv this year yet, last I heard, MITB was scheduled to take place in July.

Punk vs. Barrett could be a lot of fun I think. They have a good mesh of styles and Barrett's style reminds me a lot of the stiff looking, physical style of Sheamus.
Unfortunately right now its all speculation and heresay as none of us know when Barrett is coming back, so any plans they have for him now could change very soon.

When he does make it back it sounds like they want him to have a title run so I think logically it comes down to CM Punk or Sheamus.

My guess is CM Punk will be the one that Barrett will be feuding with for the title which will probably give him a mini title run before one of the big faces beats him for it.

I'm going with Punk because I don't think the powers that be will want Sheamus to have a long and dominant title run, they seem to be setting him up for one so I don't think he will be losing the title any time soon. Punk has been champ for a while now, will probably hold it for a little while longer so I think in all likelihood Punk will be the one to drop the belt to Barrett. I'm sure they were hoping for Barrett and Sheamus to be champs right after Mania for their European tour so you you never know.

Either way I'm going with Punk being the one to give the title to Barrett, Barrett's about due for a title run and with Punk's feud with Jericho (which could possibly go on for awhile) they may do something with Barrett to intertwine with that feud since Jericho did mentor Barrett. Also its better for Barrett's future if he goes over Punk instead of Sheamus.
I am anothet one who doesnt feel Barrett will or should win the world Championship this year. I just dont see anything special about the guy. His character is stale and boring the typical brit who thinks he is tougher and better than everyone else. Its old and he just doesnt pull it off or do it for me. He is essentially the same guy he was when he started Nexus and it doesnt seem like he has developed what so ever in terms of personailty. His in ring work is mediocore at best nothing to write home about not very entertaining to watch. The only reaction I get when I see him is great I have to suffer through a Wade Barrett match now. I don't hate him I dont like him he just does nothing for me either way. He mine as well not even be there.
Seriously? People on this forum will go on about how bland (albeit talented) midcarders like Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler should be given World Title runs, but an original, believable and entertaining guy like Wade Barrett shouldn't? That's a load.

As for who should put him over when it comes time for Barrett to win the big one, I think it would have to be one of the current big 3, Cena, Punk, or Orton. I think Wade Barrett is the only current heel who has what it takes to be the top bad guy, and those three are the guys who can put him there.
Sheamus...Because IMO He'll beat Bryan at Mania so unless he loses it in 5 weeks he'll be holding the WHC also a feud between them makes sense because look it would be Ireland vs England that could raise popularity in the U.K. also they really both are the potential futures of WWE and so why not test there in ring chem on SD where its a lesser show and if it works could raise ratings if not people are less likely to remember it and finally IMO Sheamus will stay over with the fans if he loses a few matches and puts Barret over as a decent heel especially if he (Barret) gets some dirty wins over Sheamus.
The Big Show would be the logical choice, as he was the one who put Wade on the shelf in the first place.

Wade could never be a monster heel, but he definitely has the look of someone who could do some damage; dropping a few Wastelands on Show could demonstrate that.

His slow, steady push on Smackdown has been both believable and entertaining, without getting too dull too quickly, but he shouldn't rush back to the top when he returns. Wade should remain in the upper-mid-card, for now.
I think Barret could have a hell of a feud with Sheamus. I believe that these two could put on some good old fashioned brawls. Maybe like a next generation Regal/Finlay feud.
It should probably be Sheamus. They have really good chemistry and considering the history of Ireland and Britain, it would probably make for an interesting feud so long as there aren't USA chants whenever they're on screen.

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