Vince, what's wrong with you??!!

That N Word

Actively evolving

According to the Main Site,WWE is actually planning to make Shane McMahon vs. Brock Lesnar happen at WrestleMania. Now while I don't want Brock facing Goldberg at Mania. I'm against him fighting Shane even more. This is not the Ruthless Aggression anymore. I see WWE might have Goldberg beat Lesnar by pinfall with the help of Shane and then have Goldberg put over Strowman and Shane get squashed by Brock at Mania.

Why not just have Brock Lesnar vs. Kevin Owens for the Universal Title at WrestleMania? Owens has been very vocal about wanting the Match and so has the "Universe" that the title was made for. Why not book it? Kevin Owens is the perfect person to get the "I was the first person to pin Brock Lesnar for the first time since May 2013" rub. It would not only legitimize him, but also the person who defeats Owens for the title. It also gives you a number of marquee matches for WrestleMania from the Raw brand. If you book...
(WWE Universal Championship) Kevin Owens (c) vs. Brock Lesnar- Puts Owens over. Maybe even have Balor return after the Match if he's clear and say he's cashing in his rematch clause right away and take his title back to end WrestleMania.

Seth Rollins vs. Triple H-
Puts Seth over.

(WWE United States Championship) Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe-
Puts Joe over and free Reigns back to the Main Event picture.

(Ladder Match) (WWE Womens Championship) Sasha Banks vs. Bayley
- First Ever Women's Ladder Match (On the Main Roster), Puts Bayley over.

That would be smart booking. But WWE is hellbent on turning an angle that has been forgotten, between a Commissioner of another brand against a Part-Timer from the other.
I agree. A Shane McMahon versus Brock Lesnar match is not something that I would like to see. I don't believe that there is any justification for the match, other than that Lesnar attacked Shane in a red haze. When it comes right down to it, there's absolutely no way that the WWE could make me believe that Shane is the man to beat Lesnar. And of they do plan to put Shane over Lesnar, then I'll be even more angry and disappointed. The rub for beating Lesnar should go to someone who really needs it or deserves it.

The reason that the Undertaker versus Shane McMahon worked, at least on some level, is because a Hell in a Cell match is a spot fest that worked to the advantage of McMahon. There is literally no such stipulation that exists that would make me feel as though Shane is a viable opponent for Lesnar. I am with you, OP, I think Vince has went utterly mental with this decision. There is a roster full of talent that could put on a better quality match and use the match and the result to their advantage. Shane doesn't need to be there and shouldn't even be considered.
Remember when Kane removed his mask and RVD was cast aside so Shane could try and take him down? I didn't get that, I don't get this. I'm fine with it happening on a nothing show, maybe even Survivor Series or the Rumble, but I'd want a match akin to Lesnar vs. Orton or Lesnar vs. Big Show from a few years ago.

It's all but guaranteed that Shane will not be humbled like Orton or Ambrose or even like the heelish, male McMahon'so of yesteryear. He'll go toe-to-toe and only just miss out on taking out The Beast.
Shane taking 13 suplexes, Dean taking 13 suplexes, Goldberg taking 13 suplexes.

There's no difference, Vince is trying desperately to steal fans back from UFC everytime he books Juice Lesnar. Really, We'll get the exact same match out of anybody, and the funny thing is, Shane doing his antics would be a bigger variable to the match than anything Brock brings to the table.

My thoughts, Vince keeps confusing his son and son in law in his dementia. Shane is a dozen time world champion, was the heart of Degeneration X, and has kids with Stephanie.
This is a ridiculous match. First off, I know we are supposed to suspend disbelief in wrestling, but Shane is a 40+ year old dude with no real history of competition. Being able to jump off a cage doesn't make you a wrestler. The only people who want to see Shane vs. Lesnar are people who's name is McMahon.

I think the man who should face Lesnar at Wrestlemania is Nakamura. Let him be Shane's Client. Shane in his corner. Heyman in Lesnar. In fact, I'd like to see Nakamura go over.

WWE's money in Lesnar is who they decide to have him put over. Nakamura would be a great choice. That would cement him as a bad ass and then he could move on to a championship program.
It's amazing how much they are wasting Brock. There are tons of current guys fans would love to see him wrestle, instead they put him against 50 year old part timers (if you can even call them that)
It's amazing how much they are wasting Brock. There are tons of current guys fans would love to see him wrestle, instead they put him against 50 year old part timers (if you can even call them that)

A match I wouldn't mind seeing at Mania is Brock v Bray Wyatt. Now hear me out!

They kind of teased this last year, by having the Wyatts eliminate Brock from the Rumble, but there was no follow-up?

What does Bray bring to the table? Mind games!

Have the Wyatts kidnap Paul Heyman. Have the Wyatts kidnap Sable (who they mention as Brock's wife).

Bray Wyatt's plan is to get into Brock's head, and expose his greatest fears.

He tries to break Brock phsycologically by taking away everything he holds dear.

Everytime Brock tries to attack Bray, Strowman and Rowan stop him. Even Brock can't beat three guys at once.

Bray says that Brock's greatest fear is losing. He breaks Brock down during the feud, and maybe have it that the mind games take a toll, and Brock actually seems broken.

This would build towards a match at Wrestlemania, where Brock would fight Bray Wyatt in a No-Holds-Barred Match. This allows Bray's henchman to attack Brock during the match. Brock would win, but it wouldn't be easy, and only after having everything thrown at him.

I think a storyline, where Brock's vulnerability is played on, would make a compelling tale, and something different for Brock.
I still believe that best case scenario is having Brock vs Shane at Survivor Series. Goldberg returns.

Brock and Goldberg facing two different opponents at the Rumble. That sells that 65,000 arena.

Brock vs Goldberg at Wrestlemania, because you know, it's WRESTLEMANIA.

So they're telling me that Goldberg will return in the next 4 weeks, get a 4 week buildup against Lesnar, have the Lesnar vs Goldberg match at freaking Survivor Series (not even the 65,000 Rumble or WM) and then Goldberg won't wrestle again on WWE?

Nah, I can't buy that, it's beyond stupid. Just for 2k17? I really can't buy that.

If the Rumble wasn't gonna be 65,000 people then I wouldn't have a problem with it, but, how will they sell the Rumble if Lesnar vs Goldberg happens at the 14,000 people Survivor Series?

Second best case scenario would be to have Lesnar vs Goldberg at the Rumble and then Lesnar and Goldberg facing two different opponents at WM, or Goldberg not wrestling at all at WM. But no Brock vs Shane ffs, give me this at Survivor Series if you want it so badly. But they seriously think Brock vs Shane is a draw?
When there were rumblings about this a while back when Shane took an F-5 from Lesnar, I was dead set against the idea of this match then and I'm even more so now.

I mean...c'mon....what the hell would be the point or even the draw of this match? To watch Lesnar beat up a decades long corporate executive who occasionally dabbles in wrestling? As has been mentioned, suspension of disbelief is one thing but not at such a preposterous level. Cena, Punk, Triple H, Taker, the Wyatt Family, the New Day & Orton have all failed to ultimately get the better of Lesnar; some of the very biggest names of my lifetime were unable to slay the beast, but we're supposed to buy into Vince's baby boy to save the kingdom? :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:

Off the top of my head, the only scenario of seeing a match between these two that is even remotely, and by remotely I mean Trump complimenting Rosie O'Donnell odds, feasible interesting would be if it lead to Lesnar basically gutting Shane in front of the world to set up a bout with Daniel Bryan at a later time with Shane being beaten up so badly that Bryan just can't take it. You know what the odds are of this happening? Probably even less than the Trump/O'Donnell thing I mentioned because WWE isn't going to risk Bryan getting hurt, especially given that he's retired because of the head trauma he suffered over the length of his career, as such a thing could led some degree of credence to the 50+ guys trying to sue WWE over concussion issues. To top all that off, it was revealed this week that Bryan & Brie Bella are expecting their first child, so that's another major factor that will probably even temper Bryan's well known passion to get back into the ring even if, by some miracle of miracles, WWE was even willing to consider letting it happen.

Shit....I'd rather see Goldberg vs. Lesnar than Shane vs. Lesnar and I wouldn't walk to the end of my driveway to see Goldberg.
I'm really not sure on Goldberg here. We're not talking about a guy who is still young and has been away for a few years. We're talking about a 49 year old who has been away for 12 years! Sorry, but a 50 year old wrestler can only be so intimidating.
I'm sorry if what i'm about to write will offended some of you guys on this board, but vince doesn't makes decision for you guys. He does what he does to get the casual fans that don'T watch raw and smackdown every week to tune in the the network to watch wrestlemania. The fact is, i don't want to see lesnar vs shane at wrestlemania, in fact, i would be just as happy if i didn'T see lesnar in a wwe ring again, but the guy still draw the casual fans to the network and so does shane so putting those 2 in the ring together at wrestlemania makes alot more sense then anybody else you could posibly dream of putting against him.

Let face it, lesnar still have a couple of years on his current deal and WWE won't make him lose until he leave the company and they will continue to make him look dominent even if they decide to have a match with goldberg. So instead of throwing a future superstar under the bus to get destroy by brock just for the sake of it like they did with Ambrose this year, why not just have lesnar destroy shane.
I am all okay for Shane Vs Brock.

Not that I am interested in it. I have no interest in it. But Brock squashing Shane wouldn't degrade Shane's credibility as he is a non wrestler. Brock annihilated Ambrose at Wrestlemania which was awful booking. Although I want to see Cesaro/Owens against Brock, I don't want them to get squashed like Ambrose.

Plus, All Lesnar matches are the same now, the opponents are just a medium of hyping the already over-rated beast.

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