Victory Road: The Finals of the World X Cup Tournament


SmackDown! is MY Show
Featuring Team TNA, Team Japan, Team Mexico & Team International

So the finals of the World X Cup tourny will be an ultimate X match, and I expect we see the captains in the match and some others.I could really care less about this match as anyway you look at it Team TNA will win and Kaz will be the one to win this match. It is nice to see wrestler from different regions of tweh world compete in TNA, but there is no way that Team TNA will lose and no way in hell Kaz don't win this match as he is TNA new golden boy. Now I think this will be a very entertaining match, but Kaz will win and overall Team TNA will win the X Cup.
You seem to forget that just a couple of years ago Team Mexico won. So, yes, TNA can lose. Of course, it depends on what the writers have in their heads and what direction they wish to take the product. Basically, all this is to begin with is a chance for TNA to utilize some independent and/or top-ranked overseas talent that we would not otherwise see. Which is one of the things that ticks me off about the majority of fans around these boards who think that wrestling is a purely "American" phenominon(sp). TNA is seen in just as many countrys as WWE is. Naturally, they like to bring in some of that talent from time to time in order to get those overseas fans interested in watching their ppv's as well as their weekly programs.
Another Ultimate X match? Are they billing this as ''The Return'' they haven't done one in about 3 months so it is almost like a return. I feel that this match comes back more often than Rey Mysterio does from injury. This could possibly be the most overused gimmick since the cage. The cage match used to sell out shows, it used to be the end of a feud. Now it's just a regular match. I'm waiting for nex yeasr Destination X to be all Ultimate X.
Hopefully they will do the smart thing and have Team TNA lose and then one of the members can blame it on KAZ and then Kaz has a feud to go into, instead of just earning himself title shot after title shot from thrown together matches.
So the Ultimate X will be Kaz vs. Milano Collection AT vs. Shawn Daivari vs. ???(Mexico's captain)?I am not sure about this because I am not impressed by Daivari or Kaz that much so Milano and Mexico's captain will have to carry this match.But then again I haven't seen much of Daivari so I can't say much about him.Anyway this could be a real good match.It has potential.But of course Kaz wins as always.And the World X Cup Stipulation.Caotain of winning team gets a World Title shot.The result of the tourney.TNA wins.Typical.But a great match in the making I think.I can't wait to see it.
First off Milano Collection AT is amazing he put on a great match at the most recent JAPW show. Second Kaz and the spots he likes to pull fit perfectly into this match. Davari may or may not be able to adapt to an ultimate X structure, and as for mexico I hope it wasn't one of the two in the tag match from impact last week.

For a result I think Kaz will win it for TNA but if I was writing I have a good storyline:

Everyone is out and MCMG and Curryman come down to try and get Kaz awake to get the X. Instantly the Japanese tag team comes out and starts to brawl with MCMG and Kaz begins to climb. As he is almost there Curryman drags him down and hits him with something. Then in a stunning turn he gets Millano Collection AT up off the mat and he gets the X for the Japan win. Curry man reveals a Team Japan T-shirt and puts up Kaz for the Spice Rack but then decides to not to do it and puts him down. It looks like he is gonna leave the ring but turns back and hits the angels wings, and removes the mask to reveal whatever knows he is Chris Daniels. Then he cuts a promo how TNA should never have fired him and now that he is signed to a contract as Curryman he is going to make everyones life a living hell for the shit he has had to put through for the last few months as curryman.
I will probably start to go off topic with this so I am very sorry in advance for that. Well I think that the captain of Team Mexico should be Ultimo Guerrero (yes he was the masked luchadore last week) since he is the leader of Guerreros de la Atlantida down in Mexico. I think that should probably be left to Volador Jr. (who I believe is part of team Mexico with Averno) to compete in it or Rey Bucanero. I haven't really seen much of Averno to tell if he would be a suitable candidate for an ultimate x match (which I think Perro Aguayo Jr. would have been perfect for it or better yet Mistico).

They can have a stand in can't they? At least they did when Sabin competed against Garza and Williams. Of course Team Mexico will never have a leader like they did with Hector Garza. Although I don't know how well Ultimo Guerrero would do in a ultimate x match.

I really want Team Mexico to win this one even though I know they won once before. But they're team doesn't seem as strong as the one they had when they won. I really wish they would have been able to go to AAA as they seem to have a lot of wrestlers that are more suited for matches like this. It would have been awesome to see some of the members La Secta Del Mesias involved or Los Hell Brothers. I would have marked out soooo bad if Chessman would have been involved (especially if he would would have had La Secta as partners). Or having Real Fuerza Aérea in it would have been cool. There are just so many luchadores you could use for a match like this.

I was dissapointed to see Daivari was leader of Team International. Kind of funny to see Alex Koslov in Team International when he works for CMLL down in Mexico but with the Russian gimmick I can see why they put him there. I believe Team Mexico is going to win and am anxious to see the ultimate x match.
Announced Tonight of iMPACT!: The 3rd and 4th rounds will be at Victory Road. So this is infact a two part series.

Round 3: 12 Man Elimination Tag Team Match: More than likely it'll be the 3 lesser members, of each team, that'll allow the winning team to gain 3 points. Since Team International is still sitting on zero.. I assume they'll pick up the victory, tying Team Mexico with the first place position.

Round 4: Ultimate X: I fully foresee Kaz, and Daivari to be the two guys leading their teams in this match. I don't know who leads Team Mexico or Team Japan, because they haven't placed very much focus on explaining that to be honest. However it wouldn't/shouldn't matter, as the winner of this whole thing will either be Team T.N.A. with Kaz winning.. or Team International, with Daivari.
This match to me just doesn't have much appeal. Ultimate X has really lost some of it's aura to me as it's been done so much now. I agree with the people that predict Kaz winning this one, as it's fairly obvious that Mexico and Japan stand no shot at this. TNA and International are the fairly obvious picks to go down to the wire, as Mexico and Japan are almost there just to fill in spots. It's always an interesting concept, but overall its not really that impressive to me. It is sort of cool to see an international competition, but I'm not wild about the scoring system, or the near obviousness of who's going to come out on top.

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