undertaker's R.I.P. European Tour?


Occasional Pre-Show
You have probably all heared, there is a tour, of I believe Europe, which is Called R.I.P. Tour - Undertakers. Now I was wondering what its all about...

1. Could Undertaker be retiring, mabye someone will end his careeer so to speak, mabye they'll get elevated....in a manner of speaking...mabye he is retiring...

2. Mabye he is going on some sort of, path of destruction so to speak...

3. Mabye it will lead up to WM, where someone will finally end his Wrestlemania streak...I dont know...

But to be honest, there are a lot of things people can think about, when it come to the Undertaker R.I.P. Tour, So what do you think?
Ross addressed this, and stated that it has nothing to do with Taker retiring. He said it is just the name of a Tour, and I take him at his word on that. I think a mountain is being made out of a mole hill with the name of this tour, to be frank. When Taker is ready to retire, believe me, we'll hear about it.
It sounds like it's just a drawing technique.
Put Undertaker in the name and people will come to see Undertaker.

It's not like they need it though, European tours sell out anyway.
Again that is just the name of the tour. The Raw one is the 'DX Invasion' Tour so naturally WWE needed a name for the Smackdown one. 'Rest in Peace' is a perfect name for a tour associated with Undertaker but that is it, just a name. As has been stated, JR said it doesn't mean he's retiring...after all WWE would make a bigger fuss out of something as huge as 'Taker's retirement, they wouldn't expect people to just find out from hearsay associated with a tour.
Taker doesnt usually do houseshows I thought, due to his part time schedule.

Could be wrong though, but Taker is in the best shape of his life, even better in my eyes than when he debuted 20 years ago. He is still over and still pretty much one of the WWE's top draws.

So I dont think it would be a "retirement" tour
He's been at every SD! show here in Glasgow since 2006 (which makes 4), so evidently he does do houseshows :p

As JR said if it was a "retirement" tour, I'd imagine WWE would make a big song and dance about it. Instead of having Tony Chimel or Justin Roberts (I think that's his name) announce it before the final match/main event.

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