Undertaker Vs Brock Lesner WM 27!


TNA X-Division Champion
Ok I am not sure this is in the right section, if it isn't then feel free to move it.

Well, I had no idea about this but perhaps a UFC reporter may have given away what WWE may be trying to pull together as a surprise WM fued, you see the confrontation between Brock and Taker here...
Then you can see the reporter asking Dana Whit about the confrontation here...
Dana insists they are joking but Taker says otherwise in the first video.

What do you all think of this, would you like to see these guys face one more time, they had one of the greatest hell in cell matches at No Mercy I believe in 03 so we know these guys can get it done. What are your opinions?
Quite possible, however it also could be that Undertaker has gone a bit too far and forgot that outside of WWE he is not really a man in a position to call out Brock Lesnar, especially at a UFC event.

There could be no doubt that Lesnar would absolutely break Taker in half in any real fight, saying "wanna do it?" to him and taunting him that way, unless its "scripted" and staged just makes Taker look like a idiot.

One thing to remember is that Taker was praising Lesnar before their "eye to eye" confrontation.

Unless this was staged it makes Taker look like a complete and utter tool

Not really a surprise that they had "issues" in WWE, as Taker is a major backstage politican and "leader" and has tons of pull. So when Vince pushed Brock that hard i bet Taker didnt like it much. Austin and Rock handled themselves much better at these events they just cheered for Brock and supported him, whereas Taker i think forgot that he was at UFC and now some WWE event where he can storm Vince's office and demand that Brock Lesnar be depushed and into the doghouse.
I wouldn't think its likely. Brock is a real athlete (loss aside) and MMA is his home now. He is going to come back from the fight tonight and learn and be stronger than ever. I expect his next battle will be a rematch with Shane Carwin. Brock is fighting the best of the best every fight, everyone looses... even BJ Penn and GSP.

However Dana did say he and Brock were 'having some issues' and he alluded to Brock taking some time off (He is going to have to with that cut anyway). I guess never say never but I think its just Taker and Brock messing around. Dana 'appeared' in on it and there is no way he is in on some shitty wrestling angle.
there is no way he is in on some shitty wrestling angle.

Why are you speaking about pro wrestling in such a way when your a member and posting on a wrestling forum?

Lesnar got demolished again, he got battered by Carwin some referees would of called the fight and gave it to Carwin in that first round. and now Valasques did exactly the same and this time the ref called it. His star is quickly fading, hes hardly a real athelete when no one in the MMA community respects his work.
Why are you speaking about pro wrestling in such a way when your a member and posting on a wrestling forum?

Lesnar got demolished again, he got battered by Carwin some referees would of called the fight and gave it to Carwin in that first round. and now Valasques did exactly the same and this time the ref called it. His star is quickly fading, hes hardly a real athelete when no one in the MMA community respects his work.

He is right tough, Dana White cares very little about WWE and Vince McMahon, its hard to believe he would be "in" on some wrestling angle, he dosent have to be, he isent friends with Vince and even has spoken out against WWE.

Regarding Brock, he still makes 800,000$ per PPV, win or lose. Becuase he is a massive draw in the UFC. And has several times said he does not belong in pro wrestling.

Lets not derail the topic: the only explanation for this little debacle is that Taker felt the need to taunt Lesnar when they looked each other in the eyes, and in turn made himself look bad becuase he is involved in a "fake" sport, calling out a former Heavyweight Champion.

As ive said, Rock and Austin did this better, they simply cheered Brock and gave him a pat on the back, whereas Taker lost his cool and forgot that this wasent WWE where he has a huge pull backstage.
i dont really know but i would love to see that....anyway i dont feel that taker got out of place here, just cuz hes a wrestler in a ufc event doesnt mean he could forget where hes at...

and just cuz lesnar is a real fighter doesnt mean he can beat taker, did u see how taker looked down at him
There is no way this is a work, unless Undertaker is getting a massive gimmick change. He was completely out of character and WWE would never ackowledge that interview on-screen, unless they were giving him a gimmick change.
Even if you are all right and brock would "kill" him, i really don't think taker is scared of em. Taker is a big guy and tough as nails. didn't catch what brock said or the look he gave em, but taker is a man and if he felt disrespected(as he was giving brock props) then him saying "you wanna do this?" is just his mentality.

Also i think in a UFC match brock would win, in a wrestling match it could go either way(kayfab or not) but in a bar/street fight taker would kill him. even at his age.

u wanna make taker sound like a crybaby who runs to vince when things go bad? say it to his face in a dark alley when he knows he aint gonna get in trouble.......u wont
Even if you are all right and brock would "kill" him, i really don't think taker is scared of em. Taker is a big guy and tough as nails. didn't catch what brock said or the look he gave em, but taker is a man and if he felt disrespected(as he was giving brock props) then him saying "you wanna do this?" is just his mentality.

Also i think in a UFC match brock would win, in a wrestling match it could go either way(kayfab or not) but in a bar/street fight taker would kill him. even at his age.

u wanna make taker sound like a crybaby who runs to vince when things go bad? say it to his face in a dark alley when he knows he aint gonna get in trouble.......u wont

You couldnt be more wrong if you tried, Taker is no fighter despite what WWE wants you to believe. "Its still real to me damnit". applies here, try to be less of a WWE fanboy and more of a "lets look at this realitically".

Even a middleweight UFC fighter would wipe the floor with Mark Calloway regardless of the fight, Taker can barely move today in a "fake" sport let alone in a real one. This is what happens when you start sniffing paint, your mind goes to waste.

Taker said what he said cause he knew he was "safe", had Lesnar kicked his ass right then and there he would get arrested for assaulting a elderly man.
First of all Dana White wasn't "in" . Those were 2 separate segments, and in Dana's video he said he knew nothing about Taker's comments - so it's not like he's "in" any angle. Especially since the interview wasn't even conducted by the UCF staff. 2nd Yeah, Taker being out of character would not be use in WWE television but would be enough to get the IWC interested in WWE (those who are giving up on the current talentless roster) and give people a HUGE reason to order WM. Now, I don't think it was planned from the WWE or Taker, cause no one knew Brock would lose, so why would WWE plan an angle with the UFC champion...but I do think it could work out.

Current problems:
1) Brock thinks he "Draws" a much bigger percentage of $$$ in PPV buys than what he is paid. Granted he's well paid.

2) With Brock being defeated, he probably won't make as much in his next fight. And if he loses that next fight, even less $$$ the the one after.

3) Lesnar likes big money, so if by March he doesn't think he's being paid "enough", I'm sure Vince can write a HUGE check just to have him at Mania. Knowing Vince he would do it just to "get one over" Dana.

So I think it's possible, but yet not likely...I know it wasn't planned but
depending on Brock's success in the next few months it could or could not happen....hard to tell especially since we don't know how long of a break is Brock taking after last nite.

Bottom line:

How much $ will Brock be drawing for the UFC around March Vs. How much does Vince think Brock will draw for Wrestlemania

Amount of money Dana is willing to pay him Vs Amount of money Vince is willing to pay him.
My friend made an interesting point on this. Hes not a wrestling fan and when I mentioned this happening and the reaction the wrestling sites had gave it - being maybe a setup to a wrestling match, his response was "its a wrestling site and they are use to everything being setup, when things dont go to plan it has to be setup".

Chance are this was just abit of a person issue and Brock was staring him down as he walked towards 'Taker doing his interview, to which he responded to. "You wanna do this" as in.. you really wanna air our private matters on camera? Taker was probaly a big fan of Brock and too see him slowly throwing his mma career away has to be frustrating.
daletango is right. I personally think that, while Brock was not seen on camera, he was being a goof like flipping the bird to the Deadman, which pissed 'Taker off.

Now, while isn't a work, don't discount Undertaker's strength, Nada. This guy's life has been filled with years of conditioning, and until now, we have never seen an out of shape Undertaker.

I have heard stories of Undertaker kicking butt in real life. For Undertaker to call out Lesnar, I am sure he feels confident in himself, and confidence is major.

So let's put this together: a confident 6' 10'', 298 lbs physically in shape man with years of conditioning and a record of taking names in real life.....

that doesn't sound like someone I would discredit.

Remember that things like being a 'real athlete' and being 'under 40' don't matter when a 6'10" 298 lbs man...is crushing a beer pitcher across your head!
if vince did have an idea of making brock vs taker at wrestlemaina take this in to consideration, tonights ppv is in brocks home town so to have brock get involved and cost the undertaker the title would set up a solid wrestlmaina angle
Those dudes are like best friends. It was nothing personal. Let me ask you guys this, what the fuck ever happened to Undertaker not wanting to break Kayfabe? Lol. Anyways, Undertaker is a great striker in the WWE. His fighting style, and stance alone could tell you that. But Brock is a Fighter. He's been trained in this and he's quick and strong and powerful. Undertaker no doubt would land some good ass punches, but he's getting a little old and his knees aren't what they use to be. Brock puts him in an leg bar or grape vine his leg could snap, guess what, no more wrestling. If this was going to happen, I could see it being an inter-promotional thing. Brock comes to WWE and sets up a fight kinda like Floyd Mayweather did. The match would obviously be scripted. But neither men would want to look weak. Undertaker has got the skills, but Brock would beat him first round TKO.
This is somewhat similar to the whole "turn John Cena Heel" bull crap. why the fuck would you fix something thats not broke..meaning why would Dana white let Brock LEsnar go to WWE for even one fight where he knows hell make more money in the long run? and you guys seem to forget the last time BRock was in the WWE..umm MAdison Square Garden Wrestlemania...he stunk up the joint why risk getting that agian? Of course taker and Brock dont like each other thats been known for years..taker respects him but doesnt like him.that stare down was the real deal holyfeild.Wrestling fans..stop reading into everything that a wrestler does.they can have a life outside of the job. taker was just there..its cali its a big fight alot of stars were there for it. taker was ther.they happen to have a stare down. stop over-complicating things wrestling fans
Wow...so ridiculous I just need to comment.

Until last night's Dana White interview it was never mentioned on any IWC site that Brock was being considered for 'Mania. In a time when the IWC has leaked reports that are usually 50% bs speculation or 50% inside true info, I would've expected that this would be leaked weeks ago. So that Vince is trying for Taker-Lesnar WM, IMO is utter crap.

Secondly, no one actually KNOWS why taker said what he said. They either were friends at one point and not anymore, or still friends who are currently beefing with one another, still friends who decided lets f with the douche with the camera (he goes to the WWE guys every PPV)...who knows.

So the comment "...you wanna do this?" could mean ANYTHING. Do you wanna train the way I suggested, do you wanna still go to that afterparty, do you wanna leave your job to fake fight me @Mania, do you wanna devil's three-way Michelle tomorrow...no one knows.

I think the dude with the mic, heard Taker's comment & followed up with questions that didn't get answered. He then went to Dana and made up the Wrestlemania thing to get a comment. If it works to his advantage in today's internet world...he'd be the one with the scoop, even if it turned out false the next day. He maybe didn't do it maliciously...but I think the first person to specualte Lesnar/Taker was the interviewer.
I think it's pretty stupid that anyone here is going to act like they know what was going on between two people we don't know from a 2 second exchange of eye contact and a few words. Who the hell said Brock "likes big money" on the first page of this thread? Pretty sure he quit the WWE because he didn't even care about all the cars and houses he was able to afford. The guy doesn't even have a cell phone or internet at his compound. I'm not trying to act like I know him either, just going by what I saw on the UFC PrimeTime shows where they showed him getting ready for this fight. He has one nice truck now and otherwise drives typical cars. He seems very down to Earth and I bet the guy has enough money for the rest of his life anyway.

I have no idea what was going on last night. Do I really think it was a work? No. But I can understand why people might think that. I have no idea what the issue might be between Taker and Lesnar. One thing's for sure, Taker is NOT looking to get into a real fight with Brock lol. You think Taker isn't aware of his age and condition? We all are, so I'm sure he is too. Taker said himself during the interview segment that he would have loved to get into MMA if it was this popular 20 years ago, but it's a little too late for him now.

I do not think Brock will come back to pro wrestling. At least not yet. Maybe if he gets whooped a few more times he will, but I hope that doesn't happen. I don't understand the hate for him in UFC. I hope he gets a chance to redeem himself. I think he simply got too comfortable last night when he got the upper hand quickly, landing some decent knees and punches on Cain. He probably thought he had it in the bag. I certainly breathed a sigh of relief and thought it was clear that Lesnar had it under control. Then Cain popped right back up and turned the tables. That knee that Lesnar took to the head was huge. At that point it has nothing to do with being a good fighter or not. Anyone taking a knee to the skull from another heavyweight is going to go down dazed. Lesnar still showed he was protecting himself for a while after that but eventually he stopped guarding and the ref stopped it. Some even say Brock verbally submitted to end the fight. Who knows. I think he was definitely psyched out from how bad he was bleeding.
You have to believe that if taker had been saying something that brock considered offensive in any way, brock would have broken taker there and then, he has the ability to do it before security could even touch him. I think taker may have been asking him about doing something involving WWE but that isn't necessarily WM, it could just be guest hosting. I think the only reason that it looked so intense is because brock had just lost and he is a bit of a cry-baby bitch when he doesn't get his way so he wasn't in the mood to talk to taker properly. I think in reality the guys are on good terms if you notice how taker was plugging brock before the contact and he's obviously going to say that it's personal because if it is or isn't a WWE thing, your still not going to want some douche reporter to know about it. Yeah i think taker was just asking brock about making an appearence in the WWE cos vince knows how good that would look, one of his guys who turned out so well coming back to the place that made him, and brock wasn't in the mood to talk about it, I think thats all it was.
Unlike the rest of you. I'm just going to look at the this being a match at Wrestlemania possiblilties.

If WWE wanted a big match for Taker at Mania, this would be it. Lesnar is one of the most reconized men in MMA today. It would get WWE some attention and would put alot of hype on Taker's Mania match.

Is it going to happen. I'm going to go with no. I just don't see Lesnar wanting to go near the WWE anytime soon. He's only just getting his name away from being associated with pro wrestling. I don't think he is going to rush back anytime soon.
If I remember correctly wasn't Shane McMahon having meetings with Dana White a while back. Could there be something that was in the works if Brock had lost the fight. He is taking time off and was never mentioned how long. Also with this probably being Takers last Wrestlemania it would be a huge thing to have these two to go at it. Also it would be huge for Taker to defeat a true fighter like Brock before he retires. The writers for the WWE have not figured out who the Taker will fight and could this be why. Just remember that Shane McMahon has had meetings with Dana White not to long ago. One last thing when Taker made that comment could it have been to see if Brock will do Wrestlemania. This kind of match up would make all parties involved a fairly nice payday.This is just speculation on my part because I don't know, but we should wait and see what happens in the coming months. Anything is possible.
Dana White cares very little about WWE and Vince McMahon, its hard to believe he would be "in" on some wrestling angle, he dosent have to be, he isent friends with Vince and even has spoken out against WWE..

This could not possibly be further from the truth. Dana White IS friend's with the McMahon family, is also friends with many former and current WWE wrestlers, he has huge amount of respect for WWE and what WWE wrestler's do, and even in this interview he praises and shows respect towards The Undertaker.

No, I'm not saying that do to his friendship with a lot of people in WWE personally that he would be involved in a WWE "angle" because he is a business man and for that reason alone it would never happen. Kind of like how on a personal level, the McMahon's and the Jarrett's are very very close, yet on a business level when Jarrett's started TNA - they couldn't possibly be further away.

I have heard before that Undertaker and Brock Lesnar have legitimate heat, stemming from Lesnar leaving WWE to join the NFL. From our point of view, we can't blame Lesnar and when he joined UFC his star obviously burned brighter than ever. But, The Undertaker is an old school guy and when he left WWE after they built him up so high - I am assuming to The Undertaker that was a huge sign of disrespect to the business he knows and loves. Maybe its more than that, The Undertaker did say "its personal" and if it was a WWE angle, he would have alluded to that. He didn't, so people should stop thinking it is.

Who knows, maybe this will get lots of press and WWE and Brock will make it happen for the $$$ but as of now - its nothing but some personal business between The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar.

Oh yeah, and to the person who thinks any UFC fighter could "kill the Undertaker easily", next time you go to a WWE event, volunteer to be hit by Undertaker as hard as he can. From what we know, everyone says The Undertaker is legit tough as nails. Obviously he is older and wouldn't ever be able to compete in an MMA sanctioned fight but if The Undertaker was to legitimately hit someone as hard as he can, no doubt they would get KTFO. People have to stop pretending that a MMA fight = real life, no rules, spontaneous fight. And no, this isn't me saying that The Undertaker could kick Brock's ass "in a real fight" but I'm just saying The Undertaker is way way way tougher and stronger than people seem to give him credit for.

I don't see Brock doing a 1 off for WWE after how much of a legal battle it was for him to get out of his contract and fight in the UFC. Vince says "never say never" so I'll just say "Highly Unlikely".

My question is will there be any heat on Taker for giving a UFC interview? When JR was shown on camera at a recent one there was rumored heat and his voice was taken off the RAW intro. will Taker have any repercussions?
I'm not saying this was set up, but I don't see any reason why Dana White and Vince McMahon wouldn't get together for a ppv. This match could get a lot of UFC fans to watch mania and ideally for Vince turn them into a WWE fan. As for White, I'm sure he wouldn't ignore the opportunity to share in mania's profits and get some publicity from WWE. Again I'm not saying it was set up, but it's not that crazy of an idea.

One other thing to consider: Maybe it wasn't an angle, but now all parties involved see dollar signs and will turn it into one.
Although I do believe Brock will go wherever the money is, I doubt that he will agree to come back for one night at Wrestlemania just to lose to the Undertaker and then go back to UFC. I dont really know what that confrontation was, but it wasnt an angle.
I think people are reading way too much into this interaction. Brock Lesnar walked by, looked at the Undertaker, Taker very briefly talked a little trash, and that was it. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't see Brock Lesnar anywhere near a professional wrestling ring, whether it be WWE or TNA, anytime soon. Maybe if his career in UFC were coming to an end he may consider it, but he's not going to compromise any integrity he has in the world of MMA by appearing in the surreal world of WWE. He is having somewhat of a hard time being taken seriously in the first place, or at least he was at first until he established himself as a force, even with last night's loss. He's not going to undermine the progress he has made by returning to professional wrestling, not even for one night and one big pay cheque.

Would Brock Lesnar return for one night against the Undertaker only to lose? Doubtful, even in kayfabe world. Would WWE have Lesnar, who turned his back on Vince and the business at the peak of his popularity, abruptly and in poor form against Goldberg, be the one to end the streak? Even more doubtful. Sorry guys, not happening.

This was just Taker being Taker, exploiting an opportunity to generate a little discussion and speculation , playing the fans and the IWC. I doubt Lesnar knew anything of it or even cared; I cannot imagine after just losing his UFC title, Lesnar was in much of a mood for a kayfabe interaction with the Deadman. And there'll be no repercussions for Taker from Vince of the WWE. Taker did nothing wrong here. He didn't really break kayfabe or break character and hell, it was a little face time for the WWE for the fans of the UFC. Nothing wrong with this.

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