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Tyson Kidd in Miracle World

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
It's been three years since Tyson Kidd made his WWE debut. For some reason, it feels longer. Maybe it's just that Kidd's been such a non-presence, he's bent the laws of time and space. In WWE, Kidd's been one half of the tag team champions alongside DH Smith in The Hart Dynasty and, well, that's about it. Otherwise, he's spent more time on his back than Lindsay Lohan. Topical.

This past Friday night, this - essentially - happened:


Tyson had considerably more success than his Seth Efrikan tag team partner Justin Gabriel, upsetting Jack Swagger to earn a spot in the SmackDown Money in the Bank match.

Two things to note.

One, Tyson's hardly in distinguished company. He'll be sharing the match with Damien Sandow, who's been with the company a matter of weeks, Lord Tensai, the man who's supposedly been considered "a flop" since his redebut, Santino, whose standing is higher than many might think, and Christian. Fuck you, I love Christian.

Two, Tyson's likely - almost definitely - been drafted in to provide some high spots and then watch somebody else win, like John Morrison or Shelton Benjamin before him.

Stand still - I've grown bored so I'm going to throw some questions at your face and leave:

  1. Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match?
  2. Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey?
  3. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?
  4. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?
  5. Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars?
  6. Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair?

I'll inevitably return to yell at some of the respondents.
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  1. Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match? Yes, he's an exciting performer who will do the job of making the match that little bit more fun very well.
  2. Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey? No. There's not really a superior choice when your job is to jump off things and move fast. He did a fine job last year, you might as well let Tyson have a go too. There's also the whole thing where he was injured recently, so it might be smart to stay away from excessive risks for a while.
  3. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase? No, he's a jobber
  4. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title? See above
  5. Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars? Yes and no. Neither he nor his partner warrant much time on the real shows. They're not that over, they're not likely to draw any time soon and they're less charismatic than I am. However, if the decision is made to put the titles on one of the shows that matter, they'd always be good choices to be put in them because they're good at being enhancement tallent.
  6. Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair? Yes.

I'll inevitably return to yell at some of the respondents.

My response is in the quote.

My reaction to Kidd's inclusion is that it's good for him. He's well suited for the match and having guys who aren't going to win but want to enhance their standing by doing dumb shit on a big stage are a tradition for MITB matches. He won't win, he won't ascend the card but he'll make the match at least 100% more fun than it would be with Swagger in there over him.
I'm was very glad to see Kidd on Smackdown and am very much looking forward to seeing him on a large stage like MitB. He is a better choice then Gabriel because not only can he fly high and do some great tricks, but he is also an amazingly gifted technical wrestler and has charisma while inbetween the ropes. While I don't think, nor do I want him to, he will win the case or win a championship (see Jack Swagger) I think he is very deserving for a chance to have TV time, speak to the crowd, and most of all WRESTLE. As a fan of his after watching him through the Hart Dynasty and on Superstars and NXT, I can say he is a huge asset to the company and a great professional wrestler. He has all the tools, he simply needs to be given a forum to use them.

To anyone who says hes just a jobber, you can't get over if you're never allowed to speak or truly wrestle.

And yes I am glad he got rid of his old hair cut, he looks much better now
1. Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match?
He's obviously impressed the high-ups enough after his 8 billion matches with Michael McGillicutty; Kidd's an impressive performer that doesn't get enough airtime, so yes.

2. Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey?
Not especially, but like Remix said, it's always good to let someone else have a go. Even if it were Gabriel, or Kofi, or Bourne in the match instead of Kidd, they would've been booked to do the same thing.

3. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?
4. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?

I'll take these together, because they have the same answer, which is emphatically no. For a cruiserweight, he doesn't have the pure wrestling talent to get him over just on his ring abilities (a la Benoit or Mysterio), nor does he have that magnetic charisma that would take him all the way with the fans (z.B. Jericho). I like the kid (herp), but I just see him as a mid-carder ad vitam.

5. Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars?
Sure, he could convincingly go for the U.S. title, or just stick to the tag division but on Raw and Smackdown. His style makes him easy to pair up with others, which works in his favour. If Bourne ever returns, that's a team I'd like to see.

6. Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair?
Oh god yeah.

1}I think Tyson Kidd is vastly underrated as a performer. He has shown alot of potential to be higher on the card than he usually is. So, I'd say he's more than worthy of his spot in the MITB match. I doubt he'll actually win though. Maybe that'll increase his standing with the company and they'll at least put him in contention for the IC or tag titles.

2}Honestly, I've not been impressed with Justin Gabriel. He's just that, a spot monkey. Kidd can actually wrestle, so, that sets him apart from Gabriel.

3&4}Both yes. He's worthy, I just don't think WWE have built him up enough to where most casual fans would buy the notion of him winning. Maybe they can start this year and build him up by the point of winning next years.

5}Yes. Kidd should be main eventing superstars or having good single matches on RAW & Smackdown. Either way, WWE has been payin the guy why not use him? It couldn't possibly be as bad as some taking up TV time.

6}YES! I hated that attempt at a hairstyle[if you can call it that]. It's not as if he were going to bring in a new look with that.
Ok, I'm gna take a big step outside of the popular consensus and say "fuck you guys, I liked the stupid tuft of hair alá Ronaldo or Jonah Lumu (Is my european showing?).

Anyway, the topic at hand. I think he is, considering that this match appears to be made up of guys deserving a shot! His work on NXT and never-ender fued with McGillicutty have been phenominal, and a big part of making NXT the only satifactory WWE show of the year.

The guys gna be the monkey for sure, but he's a great monkey. And better yet, he has normal talent too! He can go. He even got a spot of his own back at the battle royal of christians return!! His wrestling style has character, even if apart from being a (not-)hart, the guy has little character himself! Ive been a fan of his ablity for a while and im glad hes getting a showcase.

Showcase, sure, but briefcase? He's not yet ready for the title... But i could have said the same about D-bry when he won the MITB. Unfortunatley, Tyson Kidd has a girly voice... But thats for another day! I mean... Looking at the line up... there is no clear winner? This one could easily have a swerve ending, like two huys pulling it down or something. I dont want tensai to win (though i'm glad to see him in something like this) and i dont want christian to win (Im happy where he is) so the idea of Tyson of Sandow winning is... possible? Theres clearly a lean towards 'unproven' talent here... I say why the hell not. I havent seen a weak Kidd match yet, i'd say give him a little importance!! But he's not winning the title.
1) Yes, Tyson is more than deserving of his spot in MITB. He'll be able to pull off big spots, he'll supply you with that moment where you think, "Tyson Kidd may win this thing!" and he has been a dedicated (seemingly) worker since when he first entered WWE

2) No, I like the choice of Kidd over Gabriel. We all know that if Gabriel enters, he'll do a 450 off the ladder and that will be his big spot. With Kidd, you are not sure what the WWE will be able to get out of him. And more than anything, I would rather see Kidd pushed to the midcard than someone like Gabriel, nothing against Gabriel, I would just like to see Kidd more

3 & 4) It's tough to say if Kidd is "worthy" or not of holding the briefcase/title (if Kidd does win MITB, he would not be the first to lose on a cash-in). I am not one to really judge his worthiness; however, I would not like to see it, at last this year. With what we've seen of Kidd, I simply just would not buy him as WHC. What I hope to get out of this match with Kidd is that he will perform incredibly well, and ultimately get pushed to the midcard and perhaps even a midcard title. And hell, who knows, after 2-3 years of great mid-card matches, maybe he'll ultimately get his WHC shot.

5) I feel like I've answered this at this point. YES! YES! YES!

6) I don't think I hated it as much as most seem to, but yes I am glad it's gone. Easier to take him seriously.
I think that Tyson is definatly worthy of a slot in the MITB match. He has a solid ability in the ring and can give some good spots during the match. I think Tysons time with the WWE has earned him the spot over Gabrial and would like to see WWE give him a decent chance to at least step out of the shadows and try and see if he can cultivate his charictor more. Does he deserve to win or hold the title , as much as I would like to say yes , honestly the answer is no . Not because he can't wrestle , but simply because he has been burried so deep in the card it wouldnt make sence to put the main strap on him without letting him cut his teeth with one of the lesser singles straps first. He deserves better then just jobber matches on superstars as he is a solid performer and can work the ring well. He does need to work the mike better before advancing to the top tier of the midcard which would mean WWE giving him a chance to speak once in a while to develop that aspect of his charictor. I am glad he grew out his hair though the little tuft he had did set him apart from the rest of the pack of the lower card and you knew who he was. I am glad to see WWE give him a chance to prove his worth and hopefully he will make the most of the oppertunity.
3. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?
4. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?

I'll take these together, because they have the same answer, which is emphatically no. For a cruiserweight, he doesn't have the pure wrestling talent to get him over just on his ring abilities (a la Benoit or Mysterio), nor does he have that magnetic charisma that would take him all the way with the fans (z.B. Jericho). I like the kid (herp), but I just see him as a mid-carder ad vitam.

What exactly does he not have in ring abilities that would put him with top stars? He's by far one of the most gifted talents in WWE and he isn't too small to be believable as the World champion, especially if guys like Punk, Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio, The Miz, and even Christian were able to hold the titles and be believable. Weight classes in wrestling mean absolutely jack shit.

As far as his charisma, well I'll give you that but we all know that anybody can fake charisma. I mean look at the man who trained Tyson in Bret Hart. He admits that he had no charisma on the mic and that he just "went through the motions" most of the time. He eventually did become a great mic worker but most of his success was the action he spilled into the ring.

In a way, Tyson's career could begin to mirror Bret's if WWE pulled the switch. I don't think that he'd win the Briefcase or even become world champion at this moment, but the chances are there. Hell if WWE built him up right, he could believably win the world title between now and Survivor Series. It all just depends on if WWE wants to give him the ride as World champion or not.
I don't think anybody wouldn't want to see Kidd win the MITB match, he's awesome in the ring and he hasn't been given a chance on the mic. I for one didn't think Daniel Bryan would have won it last year so anything could happen. I don't think Christian or Santino will win as they have the titles. Sandow hasn't been on tv long enough to be relevant on Raw (which he'll appear on if he wins). Kidd unfortunately is probably just in for some spots. So that leaves Tensail & I'm not a major fan of his, but I read officials were impressed with the Tensai/Sheamus match on Raw a couple of weeks back, so who know's a feud could be in the works unless they add other guys
  1. Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match?
  2. Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey?
  3. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?
  4. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?
  5. Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars?
  6. Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair?

Yes, he deserves his spot. The Hart Dynasty tag team was actually over with fans, and he did everything he could in that role. When they paired him with that blockhead Jackson Andrews he did a fine job on the microphone. His wrestling is solid, and it has a fresh style. I look forward to any match he's in.

Justin Gabriel did a great job at last year's event, but he's cooled off a lot with the crowd. For having such an impressive finisher, the crowd never seems that excited to see Gabriel come out. It's more exciting to see a new face in a match like that anyway, so Kidd was the better choice of the two.

Yes, I think Tyson Kidd is worthy of holding the briefcase. MITB is supposed to be unpredictable, allowing anyone to have a shot at the major titles if they can climb the ladder and get hold of the case. Even if he cashed in and didn't win, he'd benefit from the exposure. If he cashed in his contract for a full length match against CM Punk, took Punk to the limit but came up short, he'd become a midcard star.

I think it's too early for Kidd to hold the WWE or WHC title. A super short reign like Mysterio's or Ziggler's would not benefit him, I think he'd fall far down the card like Swagger did.

If it were up to me, I'd have Kidd in a midcard title pursuit. He'd be a better US Champion than Santino.

I didn't mind his tuft of hair, it was his "crown." He does look better without it.
Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match?

Yes, Tyson Kidd has been stuck on NXT and Superstars for literally over a year, consistently performing better than his opponent, consistently out-shining everybody surrounding him. Ever since his face turn he has been an enjoyable face to watch, they said he had issue while speaking, well he doesn't seem to have issues anymore because he cut a good promo on WWE.com this weekend hyping his participation in the Money in The Bank Ladder match. His effort and consistency are deserving of his spot in the match.

Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey?

I'm not so sure. Justin Gabriel only returned from an injury weeks ago, people aren't as familiar with him as they are Tyson Kidd, Kidd had a good showing in the Over the Limit Battle Royal, coming in third, I feel as though WWE have been teasing a push for awhile now and that this is the first step. Kidd has more potential than Gabriel, at least in my eyes.

Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?

I don't believe it is a briefcase this year, I've seen constant reminders that it is simply a contract, although I do hope that the contract is enclosed within this briefcase. Would he be worthy? Was Daniel Bryan worthy last year? Money in the Bank is a phenomenal way to push talent, because it adds an element of surprise to their character. When will they cash-in? How will they cash-in? Kidd may not be worthy, but he'd be an ideal candidate.

Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?

Couldn't judge. If he were to win the briefcase, as I alluded to above, it would add an entire different perspective to his character because he'd have that element of surprise. Remember before Tables, Ladder and Chairs last year how Bryan cashed in to defeat Henry, only to have the decision reversed? The ovation was enormous. Bryan wasn't a heavily featured Superstar up to that point. Kidd winning the briefcase could see him becoming worthy of holding the title over time, but remember, sometime somebody is going to fail their attempt to cash it in.

Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars?

Yes, although his team with Gabriel has serious potential if used well. Tyson had a great match with Michael McGillicutty on NXT, even his match with Swagger was pretty good for the time they had allocated. And when he beat Swagger, look at the reaction, was pretty big for someone who is usually featured in the lower card.

Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair?

He got rid of that months ago, but yeah, always looked pretty stupid. Guess he assumed it made him look unique, but alas, made him look like an idiot. Now however his hairstyle seems to be normal, yet he is pretty over. Kidd, he thought he had it all right, instead he had it all wrong, now he has it pretty right though.
so far he is the only interesting person in this match. at least he can do high flying maneuvers unlike some people! Kidd can do interesting things if he had the briefcase. if he doesnt win the mitb match, at least get the title off santino and put it on him!
I'm glad to see him in the match, of the other participants in it right now I see him or Tensei winning it, but the real winner will probably be added to the match on smackdown this week, I don't see them having a title holder win it so thats why im counting on christian or santino. Damon Sandow I just feel like they would be pulling the trigger way to fast although his gimmick would be perfect for holding a world title(He doesn't want to wrestle his challenger cause they are not worthy, and could get a good fan reaction out of that).

I don't think there has been enough build of tyson kidd to have him win this match just yet, could he win MITB could he be a world champion? Yes, He has good in-ring work and a unique finisher that if booked the right way who wouldn't fear a move called "the dungeon lock". Just needs to improve his mic skills.
so far he is the only interesting person in this match. at least he can do high flying maneuvers unlike some people! Kidd can do interesting things if he had the briefcase. if he doesnt win the mitb match, at least get the title off santino and put it on him!

Don't know if you know this, but that Christian guy, you know, blond hair, tanned, wears black tights with his logo on the side, holds the Intercontinental Championship, "Just Close Your Eyes," "Captain Charisma," he has his peeps, former two time World Heavyweight Champion, yeah him, you know him? Good, you should do.

He used to be in this tag team called Edge & Christian, and while in this tag team he kind of helped revolutionize the ladder match along with two other teams namely The Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Boys. Tyson Kidd may be the most high octane person in the match, but Christian has the most experience in ladder matches, has competed in over thirteen ladder matches between WWE and TNA and is by a mile the most interesting person in the match.

Just a small history lesson. Next week, Ken Shamrock: Where It All Went Wrong.
1.Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match?
DEFINATELY!!!! Kidd is GREAT and has improved alot this last year! He was the highlight of the pre-mania tag match!
2.Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey?
No. Just overall, NO! Gabriel is overrated and boring. Not to mention, even though Michael Cole messed up, Gabriel has been in MitB before, give someone else a chance.
3.Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?
Honestly, no. No one thinks he can win a world title, inside and out of WWE. And if he won but didnt win the world title he would be a fluke.
4.Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?
Tag, Ofcourse! US, definatley! IC, good chance! World title??? I can't see it. Especially not now!
5.Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars?
Easily the most solid mid carder in WWE beside maybe Kofi, but Kofi had his chance. He should be considered a solid mid carder but is on superstars because of the lack of depth in the roster and the space between top tier talent and the guys they work with and everyone else! It's ridiculous!
6.Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair?
YES! He looks like a legit superstar now. I'd like to see him win some midcard gold soon and get the position he deserves in WWE!
1. Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match?

Tyson Kidd is someone that's not had a whole helluva lot going for him in most of the three years he's been in WWE. I think the potential has been there, Kidd's often a lot of fun to watch inside the ring but he's never had any personality to speak of. In the years he's spent mostly relegated to Superstars and NXT, Kidd is someone that's garnered a bit of a following among fans that respect him for his in-ring ability. Does Kidd deserve the spot? I'd say no if he'd been given tons of opportunity to have big moments without being able to get over, but the truth is that he hasn't. MITB MIGHT, just MIGHT, be the beginning of something more substantial in the long run for Tyson Kidd. I still see him remaining as a team with Justin Gabriel for a while and that can be used as another platform for better things.

2. Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey?

Gabriel just returned from being sidelined for a while with an injury, so maybe WWE's not as anxious to put him in this sort of match. All in all, Gabriel has gotten far more exposure on Raw & SD!, due mostly to being part of Nexus, but his star power isn't any higher than Kidd's. Kidd's victory over Jack Swagger, a former World Heavyweight Champion, is probably bigger than anything Gabriel's done since coming to WWE, including three runs with, at the time, completely meaningless tag titles.

3. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?

Not right now. Not even remotely close, even by using the smallest microscopic fraction that you can think of. Right now, Kidd is pretty much a nobody that's spent most of his time in WWE as relatively irrelevant. The only way I'd accept Kidd as MITB winner if he won the WHC MITB match is if WWE spent the next year really, really really building Kidd into a star. Even then, if Kidd is unable to muster any degree of personality or charisma, then I don't think it'd matter in the long run. It's hard for fans to really invest in someone without some level of personality.

4. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?

See previous answer.

5. Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars?

I think Tyson Kidd has been above that for a while now. The guy can wrestle. He can do a lot of high flying stuff as well as more mat based stuff. The fact that he's a smaller guy is something that can't really be held against him when you consider the pushes of Bryan, Punk, Rhodes, Ziggler and a whole host of other guys in the 200-220 pound range.

6. Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair?

At least it made him stand out somewhat. He looked like a douche bag, most certainly, but even douche bags can stand out.
1. Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match?

Yes he does earn the spot. He is a very hard worker in the WWE. He deserves
every minute of it.

2. Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey?

Well it depends. I'm a huge fan of Kidd and Gabriel so I wouldn't mind if Gabriel being the other choice. Hey he could be in it they say that the world title money in the bank is going to be the biggest ever so maybe Gabriel could be in it.

3. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?

I would Mark the fuck out if Kidd wins Money in the Bank. But is he worthy? Yes.

4. Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?

He deserves the title if he wins it. But he really should be going after the US or IC title. I would give it another 5 years for him to be a world title contender. but if he wins the title I would mark out.

5. Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars?

By a little.

6. Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair?

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!
1. Yes and no... but more yes, his in ring ability is great just needs a little more character to the guy.
2. No he's been seen less than Kidd and has had a couple chances to shine, I think Kidd earned this match for his performance at the Fatal 4-way tag match. When honestly is the last time someone defined as a 'Jobber' made the crowd chant 'Holy Shit'.
3. Absolutely, in fact it'd be perfect for him. The MITB contracts shouldn't be considered a free title reign for guys that are already established, they should be used to boost people who are just missing that little something. Kidd is missing that little something to make him the next familar face on Raw or SmackDown (prolly SmackDown).
4. Does he deserve to hold the title off of a normal win, no I don't think he's there yet and fans aren't invested enough in him. However a MITB champion is a different story to me, and that I think he could deserve a month or 2 of reign. No matter who else gets added to this match Tyson Kidd is the Underdog, Santino is too, but being the underdog has been part of Santino's gimmick since Elimation Chamber, Kidd is actually the underdog as noone expects him to win.Who knows though, a promo here or there for Kidd and he could be the next guy everyone's cheering for to win, and look what that did for Santino not even winning EC.
5. In the words of Daniel Bryan: YES! YES! YES! All kidding aside yes, he is far over superstars in my opinion.
6. Again yes, the two things I've been saying he's needed to go anywhere was a little bit more character and to fix that damn haircut...he's half way there.
Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match?
Absolutely. Over the last several weeks Tyson has had a few moments where he's actually gotten to shine, the biggest in my opinion being at No Way Out in the tag team match. I'm sure they just threw him in here for some much-needed spots, but if that's going to give Kidd a shot to shine and possibly push himself up the card, then so be it.

Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey?
For my money? No. I don't connect with Gabriel. Nothing against him or his talent, I just don't connect with him. I like Tyson Kidd and always have probably just because he's a "Hart." None the less, I relate with him and every time he gets in the ring I am intrigued and if he keeps utilizing his minutes he's only going to get more entertaining to watch.

Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?
Here's where I'm going to say no. He's certainly not ready or over enough for something like that. He barely gets any time on TV and for him to win something as prestigious as the Money in the Bank would just be silly simply because not enough people care about him. Maybe next year, though.

Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?
Again, not yet. See the reasons above.

Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars?
No. Tag matches used to be the glue that held wrestling together until the mid 2000's. Back in the day some of the best guys came up in a tag team then advanced to the IC/singles level. The problem is the tag division has dropped off so far, but it looks like it might slowly be on the ascent. I think it would be a good way for Kidd to climb the ranks, so to speak, if the tag division is making a comeback.

Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair?
I wouldn't say I'm glad, but he's definitely much better off without it. It looked stupid, but for my money, good wrestling is good wrestling and he's a good wrestler.
[*]Do you think Tyson is deserving of his spot in the ladder match?;

Yes, Tyson Kidd is deserving of his spot in the ladder match.

[*]Would Justin Gabriel have been a better choice as the match's spot monkey?

Out of Kidd & Gabriel, Kidd was the better choice. However, I honestly feel that the match's spot monkey should've been Kofi Kingston (since he's pretty much doing nothing while Truth is injured), AND the lower card guy that miraculously got into the match should've been Alex Riley. But I'm happy for Kidd nonetheless.

[*]Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the briefcase?

Kidd is worthy to hold the briefcase.

[*]Would you consider Tyson worthy to hold the title?

No disrespect to Kidd, but I think giving Kidd the World Heavyweight Championship would hurt the credibility of the title. With the way the title is booked now, it'll be much harder to see Kidd as an "equal" to the WWE Champion. They'd essentially be admitting that the WHC is a glorified midcard title. If Kidd cashes in, he should lose.

[*]Is Tyson at least above tag matches on Superstars?

Is he above competing on Superstars? Yes. Is he above competing in tag matches? Yes and no. I don't see why being in a tag team means you can't go after Singles titles. Look at the Hardys, who had multiple singles titles during their run as a team. Or more recently, look back at Ziggler & Swagger. Both men were U.S. Champion and Ziggler was constantly chasing World Titles. Kidd should be able to have an on and off tag team partner and still chase after singles gold, especially since most singles wrestlers end up in tag matches anyway, Holla Holla.

[*]Are you as glad as I am that he got rid of that little tuft of hair?

NO. I actually liked his hair. AND I liked how he used to scream a lot during matches and he hardly does that either.
What exactly does he not have in ring abilities that would put him with top stars? He's by far one of the most gifted talents in WWE and he isn't too small to be believable as the World champion, especially if guys like Punk, Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio, The Miz, and even Christian were able to hold the titles and be believable. Weight classes in wrestling mean absolutely jack shit.

As far as his charisma, well I'll give you that but we all know that anybody can fake charisma. I mean look at the man who trained Tyson in Bret Hart. He admits that he had no charisma on the mic and that he just "went through the motions" most of the time. He eventually did become a great mic worker but most of his success was the action he spilled into the ring.

In a way, Tyson's career could begin to mirror Bret's if WWE pulled the switch. I don't think that he'd win the Briefcase or even become world champion at this moment, but the chances are there. Hell if WWE built him up right, he could believably win the world title between now and Survivor Series. It all just depends on if WWE wants to give him the ride as World champion or not.

What those five have in common that Kidd currently is devoid of is a character that fans can relate to; Kidd is essentially gimmickless. But so what? Plenty of superstars have achieved success without an outlandish character, but they have been the cream of the crop when it comes to technical performance. Kidd is good, don't get me wrong, but he's on par with many other mid-carders right now (Kofi, Gabriel, Bourne, Sin Cara) who can just as impressively do the high-flying routines that Kidd is known for. Kidd will have to up his game or develop into a more defined figure to break out of this huddle. I'm glad he's getting this chance to prove himself, but I don't expect him to turn into a world heavyweight championship contender overnight because of it. Keep it cooking a while longer.

And if Kidd's career were to mirror Bret's, well yeah sure that could happen, but as I point out by underlining what you said, he'd need the push from WWE, and that's because he doesn't have the inherent X factor to get himself over on his own. You know who Kidd reminds me of? Essa Rios. I really liked Essa Rios when he was around, despite mostly wrestling on Heat, Metal and Jakked, he put on some really impressive matches with his arsenal of aerial acrobatic skills (e.g. against Taka Michinoku at WM14, various matches with the Hardys, hell, he even has a win over Samoa Joe). However, poor Essa never had much going for him in the character department; I'm not even sure that he spoke English all that well. So he was never destined to be a big star, despite being damn good in the ring. Same could happen for Tyson.
Kidd's not going to win the briefcase or enter the world title scene anytime soon, but I believe he's about to get elevated. Evan Bourne has one foot out the door, Justin Gabriel is ice cold, Sin Cara is still a mystery... there's a HELP WANTED: SPOT MONKEY sign in the window right now, and it's Kidd's turn. Tyson pulls off a crowd-popping moment in just about every match he's in, so he's earned this chance. I can see him continuing this feud with Swagger going into MITB, and afterwards settling into a midcard spot. What happens after that depends on how much the crowd gets behind him.

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