TV Tapings

Carpathian Florist

Pre-Show Stalwart
I've noticed that people seem to mention the fact that TNA tape their shows ahead of time hurts the product because the results will leak, therefore ruining the mystery/intrigue around the product. I can confess I am guilty of this, having read the spoilers on this site sometimes I can't be bothered watching the actual show because I don't feel I am really missing anything. I'm not sure if this matters in the long run, seeing as I am English and the focus really seems to be on the American ratings, but I guess that isn't the point. My question is this:

Is there any reason why iMPACT must be taped on a specific day? For instance if it airs on a Thursday, why can't they tape it Thursday afternoon?

Although there would still be plenty of time for leaks/spoilers to get out, I'd imagine this would cut down the amount of people who would miss the show because they've read online what happens and this would reduce the gossip going around between people who don't read the online spoilers. If the spollers are out a couple days ahead of time, there's always someone who might be working alongside someone who will go;
"oh *so and so* lost in a horrible match against *this* guy due to *some lame form of booking."
Or something like that, there's many possibilities of how information may spread prior to the show airing.

I don't know much about the production side of wrestling, specifically in the case of TNA, so maybe there is something I am missing here?
Because iMPACT! is often heavily edited, and they shoot much more than just the two hours for iMPACT! at the TV tapings which means the editing teams actually need time to get the product read for broadcast.

TNA doesn't have an editing team the size of the WWE's so turning out the show on a weekly basis the day of the airing would be much more difficult for them, not to mention it still wouldn't stop fans like you from reading the spoilers, nor would it make much sense seeing as they may as well go live in that case.
You're the type of fan who reads spoilers. You said it yourself, IDR's not trying to insult you, he meant fans who read spoilers.

Ok yes I admit I read the spoilers, it just seemed to be a derogatory phrasing is all. Spoilers are a bit of neccessity to me because I don't have easy access to the channels that show wrestling and the effort involved to view it is excessive, hence spoilers helping me to figure out whether that effort is worth it.
If I have misunderstood the point, then I apologise.
I wasn't berating you, I was simply denoting you are the type of fan who reads spoilers and allows the advanced knowledge they bring to potentially persuade you not to watch a program, which is why I said that even if the show was in fact taped and edited in the same day, it still wouldn't stop fans like you from potentially still not watching the program, despite the fact the spoilers haven't been out for days. Fans of spoilers look for them intentionally.
I still wouldn't consider myself a fan of spoilers, when access to iMPACT was easy (ie: 90% of 2008) I watched regularly and never read spoilers. It was simpler during the Monday Night Wars when someone could be handed a VHS tape to record such things, but in this modern age it's all digital recordings on these "box" things, which is just beyond my knowledge in all honesty.

You said that they tape a lot more than 2 hours of iMPACT, which is heavily edited. Does this mean that extra matches are taped and they decide which should be aired or do they edit down matches? Say a bout shown on TV lasts 10 minutes, is it possible it was actually 15 minutes live? or am I missing the point here entirely?
I read the spoilers constantly and not once did it stop me from watching and enjoying the actual show. I still want to see the matches, I still want to see the promos and all of that.

As far as the TV taping thing goes, I think someone nailed it. TNA doesn't have a huge video editing team so it takes some time. It's normal for a small company, don't blame them.

However, TNA did Live shows during the Monday Nights Suicide and they didn't seem bad at all to me, production wise.
well let's put it this way. they film 8 hours of impact every month in the two days following a PPV. they film the shows on the monday and tuesday following because they can have everyone in orlando for the 3/4 days surrounding and following the PPV and it's easier on the talent. after the shows are taped they get the week days off and can be at home with families. then the friday saturday and sundays(i think) they go to certain areas and do house shows. just cuts down on the ammount of travel for the wrestlers and the production teams.

they don't film the matches in the order they are going to be used. most matches are usually longer than they appear on tv. if an entrance like the beautiful peoples is messed up the reset and film it again. if a botch is made during the match they will either redo the spot or just cut it from the thursday airing.

i usually look at spoilers to but it has more to do with not having time to watch yet if there is any way that i'm able to watch impact as it airs i'll still watch it even though i know the outcomes.
Spoilers never really meant much to me. Mainly because I tend to forget if there is a taping or what happened. Like when they would tape a whole month in a few days? Yeah, I am gonna remember that, alright.

I think it would help the show if they taped a few hours before the show. It would feel more like a delay instead of a taped show.
well let's put it this way. they film 8 hours of impact every month in the two days following a PPV. they film the shows on the monday and tuesday following because they can have everyone in orlando for the 3/4 days surrounding and following the PPV and it's easier on the talent.

Ah I see, I never realised they did this. I thought they taped one show per week and then broadcast it later on. The whole taping scenario makes a lot more sense to me now, thankyou. That throws a lot more light on the scheduling that makes TNA preferable to WWE as well, which previously I always took to mean the top talent weren't required at house shows.
IDR pretty much summed it all is HEAVILY edited and it does take time to put a good show together with the recordings you get and sometimes you miss out some good pieces...

If your going to argue about iMPACT...You might aswell make a similar thread on the Smackdown section, unlucky for them there are sometimes errors that they have to edit out, e.g. if kane botched a chokeslam, he would go and do it again and they wouldn't show the botched one on tv...tapings can be a good thing sometimes, it is those people who want to rein it for themselves when they decide to read spoilers!!
If your going to argue about iMPACT...You might aswell make a similar thread on the Smackdown section

The intent of this wasn't really to argue about it, I was more curious as to why they taped it and then showed it later, which as you said IDR summed up pretty well. The only reason I didn't relate it to Smackdown is, as I said, I've seen posters on here before use the spoilers as one of many reasons why TNA isn't drawing as much of an audience as it would like.
There's nobody holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read spoilers. I admit that there are times I'm tempted to read spoilers, but I don't and I'm glad that I don't. Knowing what's going to happen already can legitimately decimate whatever interest I might have in the airing of a particular episode.

Even if you do read spoilers and the show doesn't sound like much on paper, that doesn't mean that it is. When a critic reviews a movie, they'll tell what they like or don't like, but they don't adequately express what might actually be going on during the film. Spoilers, at least to some slight degree, are like that for me because they don't accurately convey what goes on. A spoiler might say something along the lines of "Jeff Hardy defeats Desmond Wolfe" and that's it. It might be one helluva match and that's something that a spoiler might not be able to accurately get across.
There's nobody holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read spoilers.

The point of this wasn't really to complain about the fact I read spoilers, all I really wanted to know was why it was taped on one day and then shown a few days later. Personally I do not enjoy the whole "socialising" thing that much, so arranging to go round someone's to watch TNA (which I cannot watch at home) to me is a hassle. That is why I read spoilers. Once again, the only reason why I included the bit about spoilers is because I've seen people on this forum mention it as a reason people are not watching iMPACT. That is all....

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