Tough Enough/Divas Search - Where are they now?


Dark Match Jobber
I just recently finished watching the newest season of Tough Enough over again and I was wondering what happened to a lot of the people that competed on both all seasons of TE and the Divas Search (a lot of hot girls vanished like JT lmao). Post here what you know. Should be a good discussion.
The last season of Tough Enough was compelling simply because Stone Cold Steve Austin fucking rules. Every wrestler on that show sucked, he made people care about them.
Tough Enough was a huge waste of time. Off the top of my head I can only think of 3 people that have gone on to be successful after appearing on it (Miz, Morrison and I am pretty sure Ryback).

There may be others but honestly did anyone give a crap? The winners were usually fired eventually anyway.
Miz and Ryback are the only current superstars from Tough Enough to be on the main roster at this point.

Layla is the only Diva Search contestant and Diva Search winner still on the main roster.

Morrison, The Boogeyman, Maven, one of the Spirit Squad and Daniel Puder were all on the main roster for a while before releasing.

Christy Hemme was a Diva Search winner who is now on TNA

Candice Michelle and Ashley Massaro were Diva Search contestants but got released.

Andy, the last winner from Tough Enough, was released from FCW for screwing up.

Ivelisse from the last Tough Enough is on TNA now.

That's pretty much everyone who was relevant that I could remember. Hope it helps.
I think Cameron might have been on Tough Enough, but she doesn't wrestle much so I'm not fully sure if that even counts haha.

Josh Mathews is the longest running person on the roster from the show, again thought he doesn't wrestle.

I think the one's who are in ring talent has been named already(well who's there still)

They are a few people who made it on the roster who just really didn't go anywhere at all.

Diva Search had more people come out of it on the main roster I think then TE but I could be wrong, and also the people from it had more success if I'm not mistaken also, but Layla is the last one left from it but Eve left not that long ago was a winner also.
In the end, these specials like Tough Enough and the Diva Search contest are nothing more than extras in kayfabe. A lot of the "eliminated" contestants still had a contract with the company afterwards; and many winners are outright gone and/or irrelevant.

I bet most of these TO/DS contestants have work elsewhere, whether it's another pro wrestling company or some half-assed television career.

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