Top ten WORST wrestlers in WWE

1. Triple H - Mr. Politics himself. I used to be one of his biggest fans, but the more I learn about this guy the more I can't stand him. The only reason he's in the position he's in now is because he's married to Steph. HHH is not Taker or HBK, earn your spot, stop playing politics and maybe you'll be off my list.

2. Batista - The only reason he's a champion now is because he sucks up to HHH, who sucks up to Vince. No wrestling skills what so ever. A waste of air.

3. John Cena - Vinny Mac's pet!!! The next Hulkster OMFG you have to be kidding me!!!!! Has the mic skills to get over, but after that it's done for me

4. The Great Khali - A waste of space. If he's big, then he's Vince's guy. Get over yourself Vince, he's not the BIG SHOW!!!!!

5. Chris Masters - This guy could have made something of himself. When he was off the juice, he was still cut. When he was suspended the 1st time, he could have improved his skills and look at some old tapes of guys like Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect and Arn Anderson but decided to take the "Jim Helwig" route and look what happened..........he's suspended again!!!!!! Good job Chris.

6. Stinksky - Once again Uncle Vince ruining another career. He's could have been used more in ECW than BIG DADDY V. Instead of building him up in ECW the WWE decides to bring him up to RAW and do nothing with him. I haven't seen Stinksky since he wrestled Cena a while back. Good ridence.

7. Big Daddy V - Mable, Viserca whatever you wanna call him, he's been in the WWE longer than HHH and what has he done lately except win king of the ring against savio vega........are you kidding me?

8. The Boogeyman - he's just sloppy in the ring (i'm not talking about the worms ever!!!!) Who the hell decides they want to start wrestling in their mid 30s (Look up DDP!!!!!!!!)

9. Santino Morella - Hell just look at him!!!!! Hey Morella, your 15 min of fame is up go back to OVW.

10. Mark Henry - The only reason I say Mark Henry is because he's injury prone. A healthy Mary Henry is 50 times better than Batista.
It is kinda hard to pick the top ten worst wrestlers. First and foremost, WWE decides the motives of these guys. But I would have to pick the following people to be worthless everywhere:

1. The Great Kahli
-This man is so overrated. Just look at him, all he has is the size factor.

2. Hornswoggle
-Just another comedy relief. The whole bastard son storyline was Kennedy. This is just till Kennedy comes back. Hell, he is being used to kill the Cruiserweight Championship.

3. Big Daddy V
-Same as Kahli, all he has is the size.

4. Kevin Thorn
-I was never big on this man. I like the Mordicia storyline. He could of feuded with Eddie Guerroro (Lie, Cheat, Steal vs. Perfection Angel) or Undertaker (Light vs. Darkness)

5. The McAllisters
-I add them together because I hate it all.

6. Santino Morella
-He had his run but if anything, move him to OVW or SmackDown to get a new gimmick.

7. Mark Henry
-Another big man who purpose in life is to get injuried.

8. Batista
-Stiff wrestler who sucks on the mic. Fans love him because he just keeps his mouth shut and attacks the bad guys.

9. The Boogeyman
-Well, late start on wrestling career but needs to learn how to become one with the gimmick.

10. Chris Masters
-Steriods killed his career before it started. Potential main eventer.
1) The Great Khali - The Worst in a long while simply because he never moves, and just stands there when punches are thrown at him. He's done one move ever in his history that I have respected him for, and now, especially since he uses the vice grip, a talentless move he has nothing going for him. He should quit now, before he's really hated.

2) Santino Marella - It was a nice storyline when he first started up, and his maria storyline is..meh, for lack of a better term. He should go to OVW and learn how to wrestle.

3) The Miz - He has a tiny bit of potential in him, but he's just a guy for promo's. That is what WWE needs at the moment, and sending him to ECW was a good move, but he has little in ring talent.

4) Charlie Haas - Yes, he is an incredible wrestler, but in WWE he is the guy that is bringing Shelton benjamin(A HUGE star in the making) down. He has good in ring abilities, but doesn't deserve to be on RAW, he is a good actual wrestler, but WWE doesn't seem like his place. I'm just not a big fan of him.

5) Super Crazy - I respect his history, and like him as a wrestler and love his personality. But he has not been doing much firstly. And he has lost most of his abilities, he still has some fight left, but he doesn't look like even a mid carder, and doubt he ever will be.

6) Snitsky - Simply put? A smaller version of Kane with no history, no fans, and no abilities. He is a horrible RAW version of the legend Kane. He can't wrestle, and is a version of The Great Khali in ring.

7) Big Daddy V - The guy is disgusting. But... I respect him, and his entire hardcore career. He was a very talented big guy, but it all has seemed to slip away after his promo with lillian garcia.

8) Duece/Domino - Awesome personality for Smackdown, and have a bright future. But their 'in your face' style as Cole puts it is just not as up to par as it should be with the expectations of a high class tag team. The have potential, but will never be another Hardyz, Dudleys, or EnC.

9) Ric Flair - He is one of the best guys in the business, but he is washed up, and should have retired after Evolution when his WWE career hit it's peak. He is talented, and good.. for his age. Thats not saying much though.

10) Balls Mahoney - I respect the guy, but he, like foley, are fan favs because they will do what it takes to make the fans happy. An incredible and vital WWE quality, but on it's own.. Doesn't satisfy.
1- Khali: He is too bad. WWE like this guy just because he looks like a monster, but as a pro wrestler is a shit. Did you see Khali dancing in his Punjaby Celebration? OMGF.
2- Batista:Too Overrated. I hate Batista too much, he doenst know how to wrestle, doent know how to talk, he doesnt know how to sell moves, he doenst even know how to run in the ring.
3- Cena: How can Cena retain his title for 1 year, with the same amount of moves than my Lv. 5 Charmander? He really sucks, and 1 of the worst thing i've ever seen is him beating Chris Jericho.
4- Flair: Too overrated. He has beaten Carlito at the age of 60. Fuck!
5- Mysterio: 619 is one of the worst finishers in the wrestling, and he can do it to two guys when they are sleeping in the ropes.
6- The Sandman: Bring another beer to the wrestler who doenst know how to fight without his cane.
7- The Miz: The chickmagnet sucks. He will be better selling Coke or something.
8- Snitsky: Should i explain it?
9- Mark Henry: The strongest man in the world of toilets. He is a completly shit.
10- HHH: Most overrated guy in the earth. He manages to be the top guy in WWE, as a Heel and as a Face. But he doesnt wrestle as he should.

....Rey.....Mysterio.......bad.....wrestler? Are you serious? Wow, have you seen him in a bad match, besides the khali bullshit like a year ago. 619 the worst finisher? Go out and try it yourself. see i you can do it, or any of rey's moves, i guarentee you can't haha i mean cmon, if you dont like him, thats cool, but on a top 10 worst wrestler's list? Wtf is wrong with you.

1. John Cena - soooooo boring!!! I hate the way he talks. The way he walks. The way he wrestles. The way he has sold out his gimmick. Just a few years ao,when he was on Smackdown with B2 (Bull Buchanan) and used to rap his entrance music, he was quite interesting..... then, he became the marine.

2. John Cena's Dad - just because he is boring, and helped bring John Cena into the world.

3. Bobby Lashley - The guy has no gimmick. NO mic skills at all.

4. The Great Khali - Made people even want Batista to win back the gold - what more can i say.

5. Ric Flair - Give it up already

6. Snitsky - Buy a toothbrush. No wrestling ability... period.

These are my top 6, but to be honest, there is noone that i watch wrestling for thinking "Wow, i can't wait to see....". The ONLY reason i still watch is in the hope that someone like Y2J returns - someone who mixes mic skills AND wrestling ability.... coz at the moment noone in WWE has EITHER of these attributes!!!
I cant believe this thread really......why do so many people have Cena listed? For all the people who say Cenas a bad wrestler tell me the last time Cena put on a bad match barring his feud with Khali and his match with Snitsky (because not even Finlay or Regal could carry them 2 to a good match)
Like or not Cenas a pretty good wrestler now. Anyway my list of the top 10 worst....worst not my least favourite

1) Khali- I dont think I can say anything about him which hasnt been said already.

Ok, please tell me how many moe moves Cena has than Khali??? 2 or 3 at most. Took him 4 years to learn a new move (STFU) in the first place - which probably means he will learn another new move in 2009. And when i say moves, i don't mean lame punches - my 4 year olds punches look more realistic!!!!

I look at bad wrestlers as those who when I see them on screen causes me to turn the channel. All of the following do this, in no particular order

Boogeyman - the Papa Shango of this generation. It's a goofy gimmick and the fans deserve better than this garbage.

Sorry, but i loved Papa Shango - when he set the Warriors feet on fire, or made him foam at the mouth - AWESOME!!!!
bowds, I'm sorry to admit it, but it doesn't seem like you know what you are talking about at all. It's probably not the case, but classing John Cena's dad as a top ten worst wrestler? What the heck? Why would you even mention John Cena's dad? And the topic is TOP TEN WORST WRESTLERS, not top ten worst guys on the mic, so why did you put Bobby Lashley in that list? The greatest pure athlete WWE has to offer...actually, the greatest pure athlete the wrestling industry has to offer... Just by including Bobby Lashley, it shows that you don't know anything about WWE. But, that is just my opinion.
After reading all this garbage i've noticed that the posts are not who are the 10 worst wrestlers but rather each persons least favorite wrestlers. The worst wrestlers are ones that cannot put on a decent match ever. All these people that say cena, orton, lashley, hbk, ect. are in the bottom 10 are morons. I mean do you people watch the matches. Cena's match against both hbk and orton where 2 of the best in the last several years. The best non ppv match ive seen in a long time was lashley v benoit on the last draft special. Do i like cena no i am just as sick of him as everyone else but fact of the matter is he has kept the wwe afloat when everyone else was out of action.

Ok, i have to butt in again. Cena's amtches vs Orton and HBK were awesome... but i don't think that had anything to do with Cena. HK can get a god match out of anyone, and so can Orton if you give him the main event stage. In both bouts he was dominated, yet came out with a last minute win.....
Cena doesn't lose through most of his match to hide the fact that he can't wrestle. This is because he is the face and will win at the end. It's called "drama." The protagonist has to look hopeless, then in the end, he pulls it all together. Are any of you even old enough to remember the old Hulk Hogan matches?? He got his butt kicked the whole time. He'd have a few weak comebacks. Then, just when it looked like he was down and out, he'd get punched in the head really hard, then shake it off, open his eyes up really wide and start shaking....then he went crazy and dropped the big leg on his opponent and won.

Come to think of it, every Hulk Hogan match in the 80's was just like the movie "The Passion of the Christ." Through the whole movie, Jesus got his butt kicked, then at the very end, he came back. (Sorry if I spoiled it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.)
bowds, I'm sorry to admit it, but it doesn't seem like you know what you are talking about at all. It's probably not the case, but classing John Cena's dad as a top ten worst wrestler? What the heck? Why would you even mention John Cena's dad? And the topic is TOP TEN WORST WRESTLERS, not top ten worst guys on the mic, so why did you put Bobby Lashley in that list? The greatest pure athlete WWE has to offer...actually, the greatest pure athlete the wrestling industry has to offer... Just by including Bobby Lashley, it shows that you don't know anything about WWE. But, that is just my opinion.

As many people have said, my list is based on people who i would turn over when they come on (although i admit, that could be 90% of the roster). As for Cena's Dad - did he wrestle on Monday night??? Yes. So i think that counts. And since it is his fault that Cena has been Main eventing for 2 1/2 years - that puts him in my list!!! As for Lashley - the best wrestler in the business??? He couldn't hold a candle to Kurt Angle!!! And as far as i am aware, being a wrestler isn't just about wrestling ability - being good on the mic is just as good a quality...
* Amateur Wrestling

* Armed Forces Championship (2 times)
* CISM World Championship Silver Medalist in 2002
* Missouri Valley College National Championship in 1996, 1997, and 1998
* NAIA National Wrestling Championship in 1997 and 1998

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* PWI Rookie of the Year award in 2005
* PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year award in 2006
* PWI ranked him # 51 in the PWI 500 in 2006.

* World Wrestling Entertainment

* ECW World Championship (2 times)
* WWE United States Championship (1 time)
* First person to officially break the Masterlock.

He could hold a pretty damn bright candle to Kurt. Lashley is no where in the top ten worst in WWE, no where near that list. The only thing bringing him down is his lack of charisma, but that doesn't put you on the top ten worst.
* Amateur Wrestling

* Armed Forces Championship (2 times)
* CISM World Championship Silver Medalist in 2002
* Missouri Valley College National Championship in 1996, 1997, and 1998
* NAIA National Wrestling Championship in 1997 and 1998

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* PWI Rookie of the Year award in 2005
* PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year award in 2006
* PWI ranked him # 51 in the PWI 500 in 2006.

* World Wrestling Entertainment

* ECW World Championship (2 times)
* WWE United States Championship (1 time)
* First person to officially break the Masterlock.

He could hold a pretty damn bright candle to Kurt. Lashley is no where in the top ten worst in WWE, no where near that list. The only thing bringing him down is his lack of charisma, but that doesn't put you on the top ten worst.

Bobby Lashley's Dad, ladies and gentleman..... Anyway, no one asked you for your top ten - i'm sure there are people in your top 10 who i see as good wrestlers. As far as i'm concerned, being a good wrestler is about entertaining me - and Lashley entertains me as much as a funeral!!!! I don't car about his "credentials" - he is dull.
I've been waching WWE for 7 years. Its at the point where i know which wrestlers are gonna stick around and which ones aren't. Here's my top 10 worst of all time. If you wanna argue any of these, im dying to hear it.

1. John Cena
His only fanbase is children and pre-pubecent girls. The only reason he's been champion this long is because he sells a lot of merchandise and can waste 15 mins. of RAW with his mouth, which is great for mcmahon cuz that means he doesnt have to fill that time with a match.

2. Rob Conway
That guy had zero charisma. Got no reaction from the crowd. I Have no idea how he got hired in the first place.

3. Big Daddy V.
Since when does being grotesquely obese make you a good wrestler?

4. Snitksy
He doesnt have anything that kane or undertaker haven't already brought to the table. He's just another big guy.

5. Test
I admit, I was a fan of Test in his early days. I enjoyed the feud he had with HHH over Stephanie. Lately he hasn't done a damn thing to further his career. His little stint in TNA and his pro-steroid column on his myspace page proves he's not too bright either.

6. Vito
A good athlete and one of my favs from the old ECW. What was he thinking when he agreed to wear a dress? i dont think he'll ever recover from that.

7. Great Khali you're tall......what else can you do?

8. Garrison Cade
I bet most of you dont even remember who this guy is. And he was in WWE for 6 months. Point proven.

9. Cody Rhodes
Another example of how just being related to the business is enough to get you in. Ridiculous.

10. Hornswaggle
Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerreo, Taka Michenouku, and Billy Kidman are only a few of the legendary names the cruiserweight title has been associated with. And now this midget has earned the same respect? What a joke.
I'm just going to give atop five here

1. The Miz: Absolutely horrible. If you rated his matcheson a 5 start scale he wouldnt even get a little fragment of a star. I still don't understandwhy the WWE released aniel Puder instead of The Miz.

2. Umaga: Sure, they're trying hard topush this guy but honestly he cant wrestleworth a crap. The Samoan Spike is the worst move I have ever seen.

3. Matt Striker: Horrible Gimmick. He can't really wrestle.

4. Big Daddy V: Yea, he gives you a chuckle when he comes out to the ring. It's just a disgrace to see his fat oily body roll around the ring.I know i would want some extra cash to tangle with this pig.

5. Kane: BAck in the day Kane was a great wrestle with an awesome gimmick. Nowadays it is the complete opposite. Since he lost the mask he has never been the same.
8. Garrison Cade
I bet most of you dont even remember who this guy is. And he was in WWE for 6 months. Point proven.

Now as Garrison Cade he wasnt very good but now he Lance Cade and hes really excelled hes a solid performer and is defenitely not one of the top 10 worst

9. Cody Rhodes
Another example of how just being related to the business is enough to get you in. Ridiculous.

this is another one I disagree with Cody Rhodes has not been given a chance to show himself in a serious match when he does people will see how good of a wrestler he is. hes young give him time he could defenitely make a name for himself without the Rhodes name
WOW! How could anyone ever say Bobby Lashley, John Cena, or Jeff Hardy are bad? Are you kids smokin' or what? They're all great. In every way. I don't know why so many people hate John Cena. & Then Batista? He's also amazing. He can beat stupid Khali and pick thet fat kid up. So can Cena. Making them totally strong, sexy, studdly, and AMAZINGGGGGGGG! They're great. Don't hate :)
WOW! How could anyone ever say Bobby Lashley, John Cena, or Jeff Hardy are bad? Are you kids smokin' or what? They're all great. In every way. I don't know why so many people hate John Cena. & Then Batista? He's also amazing. He can beat stupid Khali and pick thet fat kid up. So can Cena. Making them totally strong, sexy, studdly, and AMAZINGGGGGGGG! They're great. Don't hate :)

The reason people hate Cana, Batista and Lashley so much is because there pushed beyond there capabilities. Personally I think Cena's ok. Nothing special. People wouldn't hate on him so much if he wasn't pushed so hard. Everybody loved him in 2003 and obviously he's improved greatley since then.

People dislike Lashley because he's in a position that he isn't ready for. He was incredibly popular when he made his debut. But since then he's been pushed far too hard. The fact is that he's just not ready for the spot he's in.

And people dislike Batista because he's shit. He's in his 40's. He hasn't got it now, so the chances of him getting it (unlike Lashley) are slim. He's lazy. Uncharismatic. Sure he looks like a champion, but he cant wrestle or entertain a crowd like a champion.
1.John Cena- he has held the title too long he has boring matches his gimmick is old

2.The great khali- cant wrestle cant do promos just in because of his size

3.king Booker- liked booker t but hate his current gimmick it just isnt him and i cant take him seriously as a title contender

4.Big Daddy V- cant wrestle just like khali

5.hornswoggle- ruined the cruieserweight division he is a joke get him off my television

6.Hacksaw- old and fat cant wrestle

7. undertaker- please retire while you have some dignity because your gimmick is old and repetitive, i mean how many times is this guy going to "die" and come back to life because he is the deadman

8.every diva- dont want to watch ****s run around i want to watch wrestling

9. deuce and domino- stupid gimmick

10. ECW superstars- thanks for spitting in the face of the real ECW stars of the past vince has ruined ecw
Now as Garrison Cade he wasnt very good but now he Lance Cade and hes really excelled hes a solid performer and is defenitely not one of the top 10 worst

this is another one I disagree with Cody Rhodes has not been given a chance to show himself in a serious match when he does people will see how good of a wrestler he is. hes young give him time he could defenitely make a name for himself without the Rhodes name

I see your point with him not really given a chance yet. but i just hate how having a famous last name gets you a contract. you'll see my point once mcmahon signs Nick Hogan. on the reality show, that stupid kid wanted to wreslte a whole match after just 1 day of training. c'mon, that's just common sense.
Ruckus i agree with your worst list but for a different reason, heres why

1. The Great Kahli
-This man is so overrated. Just look at him, all he has is the size factor

yeah and the chops of doom, damn funny character but man i wish they didnt tarnish the world championship with this guy carrying it

2. Hornswoggle
-Just another comedy relief. The whole bastard son storyline was Kennedy. This is just till Kennedy comes back. Hell, he is being used to kill the Cruiserweight Championship.

now this i agree with!

3. Big Daddy V
-Same as Kahli, all he has is the size.

and man boobs, damn if i wanted to see boobs like big daddy v's id watch play boy!

4. Kevin Thorn
-I was never big on this man. I like the Mordicia storyline. He could of feuded with Eddie Guerroro (Lie, Cheat, Steal vs. Perfection Angel) or Undertaker (Light vs. Darkness)

dude thorn is way better then that crappy morbaci gimmick, have you ever watched a wrestling match in your life???

5. The McAllisters
-I add them together because I hate it all.

again these guys are good if they have the chance to show off there skills, what does the wwe do with them, oh jobbers for higher anyone!

6. Santino Morella
-He had his run but if anything, move him to OVW or SmackDown to get a new gimmick. or better yet focus him in matches that show his in ring skills instead of crappy gimmick.

7. Mark Henry
-Another big man who purpose in life is to get injuried.

and injure others
8. Batista
-Stiff wrestler who sucks on the mic. Fans love him because he just keeps his mouth shut and attacks the bad guys

No they love him because he is a freak and can carry the brand he is the only strong main eventer on smackdown, he has good matches but is lazy and arrogant thats why he is the worst wrestler.

9. The Boogeyman
-Well, late start on wrestling career but needs to learn how to become one with the gimmick.

the gimmick is bad simple as, the guy cant wrestle, if it wasnt for booker he would of been fired!!!!!

10. Chris Masters
-Steriods killed his career before it started. Potential main eventer

Chris masters potential maineventer?, did i just wake up in bizarro world, All Chris had in his career is steroids, take that away then hes just another jobber!:dark2:

I just dont agree with alot of your comments on the worst wrestler lists, i think the reason why these guys are soo bad is because the wwe creative are sticking them in crappy gimmicks but with all i do agree that this top ten list is the worst
The reason people hate Cana, Batista and Lashley so much is because there pushed beyond there capabilities. Personally I think Cena's ok. Nothing special. People wouldn't hate on him so much if he wasn't pushed so hard. Everybody loved him in 2003 and obviously he's improved greatly since then.

People dislike Lashley because he's in a position that he isn't ready for. He was incredibly popular when he made his debut. But since then he's been pushed far too hard. The fact is that he's just not ready for the spot he's in.

And people dislike Batista because he's shit. He's in his 40's. He hasn't got it now, so the chances of him getting it (unlike Lashley) are slim. He's lazy. Uncharismatic. Sure he looks like a champion, but he cant wrestle or entertain a crowd like a champion.

GOD finally somebody agrees!

You forgot how Batista cant wrestle for crap, and how Cena is actually boring and has a fanbase made up of only children which isnt really credible for your WWE champion. Yes Cena was something back in the day but now hes a has been just like Batista. Bobby is really a mid carder who was extremely popular thanks to his okay ability but he wasnt even in the main event and got a title out of nowhere kinda spells out WWE experiment to see if ECW can make a main eventer!
Top Ten
1. Kahli- never really knows how to wrestle they use his size as an advantage but when it comes to wrestling he sucks
2. Umaga- bad gimmick
3.mark henry- has no skill
4. boogeyman- hasnt really wrestle a good match
5. Randy orton- they go way to far for him he is still learning , never wrestled a good match
6. satino marella- just isnt good
7. kane- doesnt play a big role in wwe since the lita/edge fued
8. big daddy v- fat turd cant wrestle
9. the miz- not a strong performer
10. MR. Kennedy...Kennedy- he may have put people out of action but in ring he is not that great. his gimmick only makes him look like a good wrestler

People have been saying about how john cena is only champ because kids like him but how come hhh isnt champ and lashely currently is not champ. HHH, Cena, HBK, Lashely are prob the best wrestler they have today because of lack of talent. when cena comes back except the title to be around his waist quick. b4 cenas injury i have to admit he had a crappy gimmick his fans dont really like how he had the title for so long, he should be a heel for at least 3 months when he gets back and then during those months being eyeing down thta title
1. The Great Khali- has absolutely no skill...he can't take a bump, he can't give out realistic looking moves, and he can't speak english, so he doesn't connect.

2. Big Daddy V- I think he owns the record for most coworkers injured.

3. Hacksaw Jim Duggan- at one point, Duggan was a decent wrestler. Unfortunately, that was 25 years ago.

4. Chris Masters- Has the look, but the comparisons to Lex Luger are fairly accurate...except Luger was a better wrestler, which is saying something horrible about Masters' skill.

5. Cody Rhodes- the kid has potential, but he is too raw, he needs more time to polish his offense so the moves he does have look real.

6. Deuce and Domino- old school style, but lacking the skill that most old school guys had. Also, a horrible gimmick.

7. Daivari- has never done a single thing in the ring to impress me. Also, has the stupid stereotypical gimmick of all Middle Eastern wrestlers.

8. Kevin Thorne- Bad gimmick...I haven't seen enough to judge fairly, or he would have been farther down the list, but he has not wrestled a decent match that I have seen.

9. Jeff Hardy- Has no gimmick, doesn't know how to tell a story in his matches. All he can do is high spots, like jumping off of stuff.

10. World's Greatest Tag Team- funny gimmick and name for a team that rarely wins. They are frustrating because they both have tons of skill, but they don't use it. They also do not understand ring psychology well, and that is not good considering they are technical wrestlers.
This is hard for me as I really don't like talking smack about anyone, so I'll just post anyone who really irritates me when they are on my TV........

John Cena-Liked his rapper heel gimmick. Wasn't (and still isn't) ready to hold the world title....

Batista-Stereotypical.....with 0 charisma. Still just a big meathead to me, as he was in Evolution

Khali- I actually enjoy his gimmick, but if the Big Show can wrestle a pretty darn good match, why can't this guy?

Santino- Corny gimmick...not believable. Although his stuff with Ron is pretty funny.

Ahhhh...........I'm kinda burned out on this already. I just dissagree with alot of WWE's creative decisions, and think that alot of the roster DOES have potential.

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