Top 25 Music Entrances.

Final Form Snyper.

GOAT Human Being
25. Tatanka
24. Nation Of Domination
23. Gangrel
22. Ted Dibiase
21. Honky Tonk Man
20. Mr. Perfect
19. Mankind
18. Razor Ramon
17. Stone Cold Steve Austin
16. Jake Roberts
15. HHH
14. Ultimate Warrior
13. LOD
12. Kane
11. Bret Hart
10. Edge
09. DX
08. Undertaker
07. nWo
06. The Rock
05. Y2J
04. Rodey Piper
03. HBK
02. Mr. McMahon
01. Hulk Hogan

My edited list would have to be this:
25. Kane
24. New Age Outlaws
23. Rick Rude
22. Macho Man
21. Goldberg
20. Mr. Perfect
19. Mankind
18. The Brood
17. Chris Jericho
16. Jake Roberts
15. HHH
14. Macho Man
13. Razor Ramon
12. Stone Cold Steve Austin
11. Bret Hart
10. The Freebirds
09. DX
08. HBK
07. nWo
06. Ric Flair
05. The Rock
04. Ultimate Warrior
03. LOD
02. Hulk Hogan
01. Undertaker

Well do you agree with the WWE?

Not a horrible list but I think they really messed up on a few guys....Taker should be #1 and Mr. McMahon really has no buisness being on the list. LOD and the Freebirds should both be in the list of all time.
I don't know. Mr.McMahon has some pretty sweet entrance music. One that has never changed. He deserves to be on that list. But maybe not so high on it.
I wouldn't have had him in my list and didn't there are other honourable mentions like Rey Misterio or Raven in his ECW run but certainly not Vince McMahon.

If it wasn't a WWE poll he wouldn't have been mentioned.
Vince McMahons music is great. It suits him perfectly. I am not a fan of rap or similar music but Shane McMahons theme song is great aswell.
Actually RichardREVENGE your right there Shane's music was always getting good reactions from the crowds, he is a likeable guy I suppose. Should have had him in my list instead of Jake Roberts at number 16
He is very likeable, when SmackDown came earlier this year to Sydney, he made an appearance and when everyone heard "Here comes the money" there was a big reaction.
He really had all the makings to be a bonafide superstar. (sorry just finished playing Raw vs Smackdown 2006), he really could have been good, he is charasmatic, athletically gifted (ie: pulls off Shooting Star presses and Coast to coast still.) and a heart and determination to go far. (whether it was in business or in the ring).

It's good to see more Australians are coming onto Wrestlezone.....BTW the names Impactplayer or Rated Impact whichever one you want to use, if you still want to use Sex Offender then, I don't care but this wasn't the name i chose.... just so you don't think weird of me.
Yeah, I didn't think anyone would want the name Sex Offender. Why did they change your name? and what's with all the red reps? lol

Yeah, there are a few Australians on WrestleZone. Makes it hard though because with RAW, it's live for you guys but not for us and I have to avoid WrestleZone before we see RAW here so I don't know what happens.
I was a bad boy, creating multi accounts and flaming countless mods and admins. Man was I stupid fool back in the day I was, I have been in prison for a longtime, just rehabilitating to become a better person.....I am almost complete.
How long you been here for? Why did they change your name to that, it's a bit slack if you ask me.

Lets hope you complete this 'transformation' and become a great poster.
I've been here for about 6-8 months around that time, before hand I was known as either the Impactplayer or Snyper (why Snyper I don't know) but rules are rule and I broke them, so I do my time and wait to get out.
6-8 months? That is a long time.

True, rules are rules.

You can't just wait though, they won't let you out if you just wait you have to show and prove that you have changed. You should be fine.
Thats what i'm hoping on......I will be the first to admit that since leaving here for awhile and coming back that my posting capabilities have increased I'd have to say 500% (give or take 10%), wrestling and MMA are the things I want to post about but till then going to wait until an...

Impact has been made.
You've been in here for 14 months. We'll round it up to 18.

Have there been any other prisoners that stayed that long withou just giving up? I mea, if this guy's still around, I'd say he should be close to being free'ed. Just my opinion though.
The prison has been around for about 18 months. So he's the only one that keeps coming back. But he hasn't been online in a year, so it's hardly like he's been diligently posting.
I haven't been in he prison for 14 months I have been a member for about 14 months but have been in prison since march or something around that time.

I'll just wait till i get out and show the WZ'ers that my last time here was a mistake and this time I'll show them how I really was as a poster and a general human being.
Ah, if he wasn't actually around to post for a while, it could be longer before he gets out. I just hear his name alot and I figured he was still around. Oh well.
Exactly, I know that I have to post and remain active in here to get a shot in the outside forums. I know I might have burnt a bridge or two on the way, but showing that I would come back and post actively might change their opinion of me and my actions.
25.eddie gureero
24.brock lesnar
23.john cena(word life theme)
22.triple h(old theme)
20.kane(old theme)
17.matt hardy
16.ron killings
14.4 horseman
11.booker t
10.hulk hogan
8.triple h
7.shawn micheals
5.john cena(my time)
4.stone cold(his invasion theme glass shatters only with words)
3.kevin nash(tna theme)
2.5.randy orton voices(had to make a 2.5 considering i forgot about this one until i was almost done)
2.jeff hardy
1.the rock(gotta love when the music hits and everyone absolutly flips out)

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