Too much pressure on Tim Tebow?


Where it at doe?
As the title says. Tim Tebow is do amazing things with his team the Denver Broncos and recently beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in the first round of the NFL playoffs to let them advance to the second round, something nobody predicted at the start of the season. He took them on a 7-1 season which seemed impossible at the start of the season before ending up 7-4.

However does this phenom have too much pressure on his shoulders? He is already being looked at as some kind of god and the minute he stuffs up everyone will pounce on him. I am from Australia and he is already bigger than most of our sporting stars over here despite NFL having nothing even remotely related to Australia.

So does this kid have too much pressure on his shoulders? Do you think he will continue is run of amazement or do you think the pressure will get to his head?
He is currently a starting NFL quarterback and was a first round pick on top that so there is no way for him not to be under a lot of pressure and he certainly isn't under too much. The pressure placed on young quarterbacks is one of the things that can make or break them. A lot of the busts we see at the position are just guys who couldn't handle the pressure of trying to lead a franchise.

With Tebow, pressure is one of the things that he handles the best so he has a leg up on a lot of guys. The biggest concerns with him are just whether or not he has enough ability at this level to be a consistent, successful starting qb. He was very inconsistent this year for a lot of reasons. He is young, the talent around him is young, and he just isn't good enough at this point to go out there every week and have a good game. I'll admit he did better this year then I thought he would do but he still has a ways to go to show he can be consistently good on a weekly and yearly basis.

But to answer your question again, no he is not under too much pressure. He definitely gets a lot more media attention then most guys but a lot of it is positive and even when he does have the negative attention, his mental toughness is arguably his best asset so he is able to handle it.

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