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What is wwe doing with Tony Atlas? i believe he was having some money troubles and wwe decided to help him out. so they put him as mark henry's manager fair enough he did a good job but know they have got him doing a stupid laugh on the abraham washington show. i cant stand it anymore

Tell me what you think wwe could use tony for??

I put believe in bold so i cant get sued
Tony Atlas is incredibly lucky to be getting paid to do ANYTHING right now. He's too old to wrestle, he's worse on the mic than Matt Hardy, and he offers nothing else. They can't use him in anything. When they finally give up on the Abraham Washington show, as it isn't receiving any reaction from the crowd, Atlas will be either back to having no position in the company or he'll be given some backstage trainer role if he's really that desperate for cash.
Atlas was good as a manager for Mark Henry, and played his character well. But, I can't see the Abraham Washington Show lasting that long, therefore I don't know what's next for Atlas...

But, for now, he makes me laugh when he laughs, so he's doing his job well by entertaining.
Tony Atlas is great in his current role on Abe's show, he is one of the only things in wrestling today that makes me laugh each and every week. It is the perfect spot for him, the WWE, and Abe.

I don't see why there is any problem with him as he is now, he isn't involved in any major storylines or taking away time from any younger stars, but he is still be paid and entertaining us. Nothing wrong with Tony Atlas at the moment.
Tony Atlas should be happy as hell about his current role. What was he doing before, busy sucking up air time as Mark Henry's quasi-manager? Look, I'm sorry to break this to newer fans of the WWE, but Tony Atlas is not a legend. He's a nobody. The only reason the man is in the Hall of Fame or is thought of as a "legend" is because of The Rock's success, and the WWE trying to hype up how the Rock's father won the tag titles with Tony Atlas. Atlas was shit in the ring, always was. His role right now with Abraham Washington is probably the first time he has ever entertained me. That laugh is pure gold. I hope he stays in his current role, because it's the only one I can enjoy watching him in.
The Abraham Washington Show is the only reason Atlas has a job right now with the WWE. He wasn't great as a manager for Mark Henry and this is the only time he has been entertaining. This is the only thing that is keeping Atlas from being unemployed.
I like Tony's laugh on that show. That alone makes him deserving of the paycheck. He's too old to wrestle but him as a manager would be nice to see again.
Sorry about the pun in the title. Couldn't resist that one, but the principle's the same. Tony Atlas is best in a supporting role as someone who doesn't wrestle, but distracts and backs someone else up. My guess is that, when Abraham Washington actually starts to wrestle (that is if he's capable of this rather than just yammering on his "show") then Atlas will probably step in as his manager and do that supporting role he does so well, hopefully returning to the grumpy old guy that works so well as a trainer/manager.

If this doesn't work out, he could always team up with "Hacksaw" Duggan and form a tag-team called The Geriatrics. Just a thought.
Tony Atlas' laugh is awesome! He's a very entertaining part of the Abraham Washington Show, which is already entertaining to begin with. I didn't get why Tony Atlas didn't get traded to Raw with Mark Henry before, but now I get it. Although, I think Tony Atlas would have done a good job as a manager for the team of Mark Henry and M.V.P. But, nonetheless, Tony Atlas is atleast on-screen, entertaining, and getting a paycheck. As long as that is the case, I'm sure Tony Atlas is just fine.
If Washington ever wrestles, then Atlas could be his manager. I mean he's a pretty big guy and although he really couldn't wrestle anymore, he could sure lay someone out or make Washington's opponent think twice before getting in the ring.
Atlas is quite frankly lucky to be in a job, he hasn't done anything ever to really elevate himself, and I didn't really understand why they got possibly the only person in wrestling history to be worse on the mic than Mark Henry to be his manager. I find his current role irritating, but he's certainly made the Abraham Washington show more bearable as he has chemistry with Washington, unlike every single other member of the ECW roster, Tiffany and the audience.

If and when Washington makes it to the ring, Atlas will return to the role he played with Henry, but I'm not sure Washington will last that long to be perfectly honest with you.
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